Hey user, look what i got

>hey user, look what i got

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Other urls found in this thread:


Drop those stupid rocks and get back to the bed.

I'll take the one on the right, she a cute

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how did you even locate them
how did you find all those corrupted gems when the Crystal Gems have been hunting them forever now

do you have sensing abilities that were just never explored in the show and left it to the fans to figure it out?

Attached: Earthlings_trim4.webm (960x540, 1.86M)

Little did you know that all your fighting and attempts to avenge Pink were in vain

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>thought I saw Infinity Stones at first
Someone should draw her as Thanos with the Gauntlet.
Jasper is the kind of character who totally would do an evil snap.

You know, I forgot about the show for a while. Not dropped, merely forgotten. I was going to come back but then I found out it took less than a season for the big bad to get redeemed.

>Summer of Steven was two and a half years ago

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>You were a product of war, killed many, and gets undeserved suffering

Attached: jasper_5.jpg (1200x750, 235K)

Attached: jaspers_4.jpg (2048x1448, 591K)

The CGs have mostly ignored corrupted gems since homeworld invaded

They returned to their birthplace often

>hey user, look what i got

Jasper definitely deserved to suffer

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For being a loyal soldier and doing what she was literally made to do because her Diamond was an immature dumbass?

yeah no lol I dont think so. Jasper is easily the most tragic character in the series.

Dumb authoritarian

You are swine, and like your kin will perish in the swill you relish in.

Yeah I bet you jerk off to fantasies about killing people every night you freak

Can someone edit this to make her hold condoms?

>born from trashy Earth kindergarten to fight as canon fodder in a rigged war > has to immediately fight for her life and prove herself to set herself apart from her defective sisters > devotes her life and loyalty to a diamond that needlessly manipulates and secretly fights against her > loses her purpose and everything she loves when PD fakes her murder and abandons her > home planet becomes labeled as a disgrace to homeworld > has to leave home planet and get separated from other earth gems while homeworld tells her they're all failures she should be ashamed of and brainwashes her with other toxic ideologies that destroy her self esteem > develops self worth issues from living under a stigma and the pressure of having to constantly prove herself as a perfect soldier just to make up for her own failures and origins > grieves for thousands of years and tries to face her demons by coming back to earth to avenge the diamond she still devotes her loyalty to and doesn't know is also the same person she hates for ruining her life > gets raped and stockholm syndrome'd as her first fusion experience > gets fusion AIDS as her second > corrupts while believing she's worthless and deserves to suffer for things that were out of her control > still doesn't know that everything she ever believed and fought for is a lie > now also has permanent corruption scars that will make it even harder for her to ever accept self and always remind her of all the mistakes that lead to them
REMINDER that Jasper is a misguided victim to Pink Diamond, Homeworld, and Malachite and she deserves only HUGS and HAPPINESS.

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And you are a cuck supporting destroying an entire planet and killing billions to feed a war machine

Cucks like you caused middle east war, cucks like you almost caused nuclear doomsday.

But yes cuck don't question your superiors, follow their orders, die a painful slow death in the middle of a pointless war while your city burn so they can get richer.

I'm looking for the edit of her holding two censored dicks but I can't find it.

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See, you're talking from the perspective of your home. Of course you would take a stance against having YOUR home destroyed.

From third party's perspective, pink diamond is at fault for mismanaging her resources. I could argue that other diamonds share the blame since they decided not to take away pink's control the moment she started throwing fits.

It wasn't cucks that caused war in the middle east, or 'nam or what ever third world proxy place you would choose. But rather the need to exert influence in the region.

Sadly you can't see any of that because you decide to ignore the big picture for "muh war machine making money" screaming. Not even choosing different politicians would help because it's not the power that corrupts, but rather it attracts easily corruptible. I bet you would agree to the same terms if someone presented you with a bag of money.

Now lets take a different perspective. Say you're the aggressor. Would you like it if one of your troops defected and caused you enough damage to stop your entire operation? Same goes if you're the one getting attacked. Would you like it when your comrades constantly sell themselves out just so it would be easier for them to live under a regime?

There are never two sides in a conflict. Neither anything is just white or black, like your sense of politics.

Reminder that Pink Diamond is a bitch for betraying all the gems loyal to her by lying to all of them and leading them into a war against each other that ended with all of them getting either slaughtered, corrupted, or abandoned and left to rot on homeworld

>t. Pink Diamond

To call herself out Pink Diamond would have to have realized the extent of damage her actions caused and would cause to everyone outside of the ones that got corrupted, including Pearl, Bismuth, Jasper, Steven, etc., but she didn't even realize the diamonds cared about her and would become enraged by her death, so I doubt she did

Jasper, those are brain-damaged people in a medically induced coma. Please put them down.

I wish we got longer arc of Jasper building her Gem army and defeating the heroes through 1 man guerrilla warfare time and time again.

Oh hey sexy

Thanks for coming back to poppa. See you in the sixth!

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their tiny horns are so cute, i hope steven invites them all into his harem


Full of horns, you say?

Steven’s horny harem. Man up, make it happen.

Jasper's horns are cute! CUTE!

Shota x lady oni doujinshi are the most patrician.

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Got any title recommendations?

Oh shit son, are those some beyblades?

>Welcome to the Demi Human medical center
Or something to that effect.

Would you drink a glass of Jasper's quartz milk, Yea Forums?

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Yes. Last year around Thanksgiving, I specifically wrote a greentext about Jasper lactating and Peridot drinking from her boobs.

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come here bb let daddy fuck it all better

Steven and Jasper will be inseparable after he tells her the truth about Pink Diamond

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I can only imagine that would make her want to kill him even more. Pink tried to have Jasper killed on the day she was born.

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Am I the only one really annoyed that she has horns now? Its stupid that the 'cure' didnt really fully work. a whole series of episodes leading up to this point, and ultimately its an 8/10 fix that doesnt get everything right
shit seems dumb

>being too dense to extract simple symbolism

Getting corrupted isn’t exactly a cakewalk, don’t you think?

seemed to work out just fine for more than half of the corrupted gems

dont make shit up to justify your headcanon. if its not in the show, its not in the show

All of the post-corrupted gems could be messed up still for all we know. I don’t know what you mean by that, nor how it’s “dumb” how this once thought to be impossible to cure ailment can only be 98% fixed.

I think she'll be able to see him as his own person, and I hope she does get angry at PD, but I'm expecting her to be conflicted between her anger and her loyalty and won't ever be able to outright bring herself to hate her. Her respect for Steven should grow from him reaching out to her and clearing up the lies she's been basing her life around, as well as all the other mistakes Pink Diamond left behind. I imagine she will feel lost after finding out she's never had a real purpose and will continue to struggle with feelings of worthlessness, protecting Steven and Earth as well as the other Earth quartzes can become her new reason to live, based on her own love for them rather than because of anything involving PD.

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She was ultimately pretty pointless, wasn’t she? You could take her out of the show and ultimately nothing would have changed

>made the return/jailbreak the show's best season finale
>earthlings is another one of the show's best episodes
>brought threats and stakes from seasons one to three
>gave more relevance to the corrupted gem plot line
>helped steven mature and didn't give in to his talk no jutsu like everyone else
>gave lapis and amethyst the only worthwhile development they got
>helped explore interesting concepts involving fusion and unhealthy relationships
>served as an example of a loyal homeworld gem damaged by rose quartz's actions and the homeworld system
>is the show's one good antagonist
>will have the best redemption arc
Sure, Jan

The jasper vs amethyst arc is my favorite stretch of episodes and the middle of the series would be pretty empty without it. Plus she's one of the more complicated and interesting characters when compared to other members of the cast, and is the one who kicked off the whole pink diamond mystery that lasted until a single pale rose.

shes just some meme dyke, its true

Yeah I dunno... Kinda annoys me too. Like what the fuck. What else do they need?

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Down Syndrome?

None of the show would have worked without her. You could take Peridot or Lapis out though since they have no relevance to Rose or Pink Diamond unlike Jasper and were relegated to a barn while Jasper made the plot move forward.

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Are you more annoyed by the corruption scars for design related reasons or story related reason? Design wise, for Jasper at least, I think the horns are pretty cool looking, it's not that big of a change and they just make her slightly more monster-girl or oni-ish. Story wise, I'm glad there will always be a reference to one of the biggest challenges Steven faced in the show, the scars are a visual reminder of what Jasper and the other now healed gems went through, and it opens up avenues for the writers to use the semihealed gems to talk more about mental illness or whatever else they wanted corruption to represent.

Oh boo hoo. That happened to everyone, not just jasper.
Doesn't change the fact that she did awful things and felt no remorse for them. She deserves everything she got and does not deserve redemption.

It just seems kinda cruel. We already saw Nephrite uncorrupted for a few seconds in Diamond Days, and she didn't have anything wrong with her.

It looks retarded.

I think the design for Nephrite we saw was still partially corrupted, all the other gems that got healed kept traits from their corrupted forms too

>>will have the best redemption arc
user, hope is destructive

Oh my god, that is revolting! How disgusting!

Do you still have it?

The shows over dude.

Not confirmed dude.

Sugar said Jasper's gem placement is supposed to represent the nose chakra, which is tied to a heightened level of sensing things.

Did the ones who had corruption longest lose their eyes entirely? They didn't show them, and the only one confirmed to still have eyes is Jasper who was corrupted for about a month.

>jasper is for poil not homeworld trio threesome
5/10 reference

It got a decent reception on /sug/ when I posted it there. It should be noted that I wrote this in response to another greentext with a similar premise I saw there that was badly-written. I thought the idea was intriguing so I wanted to put a new spin on it with more natural prose and dialogue.

All of the others still have leftovers from their corruptions, such as the beetle gems still having the antennae, and that poor fuck tourmaline who now looks like some morbid monstrosity instead of anything close to resembling an actual gem form. For fucks sake just look at this poor bitch. What can she do now?

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>peridot was the key to confronting the cluster
>peridot was the one who poofed jasper

Attached: nah ah ah.gif (1280x761, 619K)

>Jasper is a more important character than Peridot because she said "Pink Diamond" half a second before she succumbed to her aids

Attached: f2b.png (1280x720, 189K)

Thank you, kind user. That was delightful.

It still has at least one more season

>heightened level of sensing things
Yet she couldn't sense when her diamond was literally in her hands

Thank you user. I've been thinking of writing a follow-up involving Pearl.

Not that user, but I’d be so down for that if you do.

Only the Beta quartzes were made specifically for PD's fake war and forced to fight on the wrong side of it from birth. Not all gems were close enough to PD, or involved enough in the war, or as attached to Earth as Jasper was to be as heavily affected by PD's actions. Most HW gems did not have to struggle with coming from a terrible kindergarten, then losing their diamond, colony, and purpose or having their home planet branded as a mistake while living in a society that conditions everyone to believe failures who don't fit into the mold don't deserve to live. Most HW gems were also not subject to the shameful stigma placed on the earth gems or the crazy expectations to be the strongest perfect soldier that made Jasper as self loathing and obsessed with proving herself as she is

She only acted antagonistically towards Steven because she thought he was Rose, and her only goal was to get revenge on Rose for killing PD and starting the war that fucked her and her colony over (and only by personally coming to Earth to kick Rose's ass, which is much more honorable than say... nuking every gem on the planet and creating the cluster like the diamonds did). That wouldn't have even been the case if she wasn't misguided from PD lying to her since the very beginning of her life, and Rose DID turn out to be a huge bitch that caused needless widescale suffering, so I don't think Jasper really did anything that could be considered more terrible than any of the shitty things the other main characters have done

The true ones to blame for Jasper's behavior are PD and the other diamonds who either used and manipulated her or brainwashed their ideologies into her

She did nothing to deserve having her suffering being piled on with getting fucked up in an abusive forced fusion for months or getting her mind and body destroyed by corruption, especially when characters who've done far worse than her face no consequences for their actions. She deserves HUGS and HAPPINESS

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This.. It takes balls to make permanent changes, people always want that, bit now they complain.

All previously corrupted gems are still damaged as far as we can tell. Why would the Centis be the only ones completely healed?

Poor tastes. Mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Look at this fucking alien life form. Badass, damaged alien warrior. She better be in the movie.

But, Lapis touching her like that can only put a bad taste in your mouth. Safety distance, people

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>all these mental gymnastics
She did awful things and liked doing them. She deserved what she got.

I wanna draw this Blue Jasper. Do you think she has a singular eye, like Saphhire?

CN said it wasnt on any future schedules and nothing was being worked on currently.
After the movie that's it.

I love this gem so fucking much

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She's a soldier, she's obviously going to be awful to the opposing side. The Diamonds are far worse.

The diamonds showed resentment. Jasper never did. Jasper delighted in everything she did and more.

Jasper is a worse person than the diamonds, simple as. No amount of mental gymnastics can get around that.


Lmao stfu Lapishitfag, Jasper was a better villain than the Diamonds, as they committed all their irredeemable sins off-screen and were talked out of their thousand-uear old views in 11 minutes unlike Jasper who was an actual believable antagonist, despite this the Diamonds are still worse people by a large margin for having a shit ton of crimes on their head before actually making an appearance

*She did nothing that could be considered more awful than any of the awful things the main characters have done and been forgiven for and nothing that can even compare to things rose and the diamonds have done without facing consequences for, she is a victim to Pink Diamond, Homeworld, and Malachite who's loyalty and misguided attempt at seeking justice towards the person she thought ruined her life and killed someone she loved was not worthy of punishment by fusion rape and corruption, and she deserves only hugs and happiness.

>Jasper is a worse person than the diamonds
hundreds of worlds made barren and almost lifeless because of the diamonds. simple math proves you wrong. go back to 3rd grade

All of the other healed corrupted jaspers faces were covered with hair, I think it was just to make them easier to draw. If they don't still have horns for eyes I think they'd have two just like every other quartz we've seen.

>s6 is already leaking

Attached: Season_6_ Recovery.png (499x371, 260K)

Are Jaspers simply best gem?

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Think that Blue-Jasper would be more softer in general?


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For the most part Jasper is more muscular than the other Quartzes we've seen in the show, (and perhaps a bit taller) so probably

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Where did they say that? I've seen a few things in podcasts and interviews that seem to hint at another season, but I'm having trouble finding what you're talking about.

I'm gonna. Draw her like a slightly muscular Rose. That good?

Rebecca mentioned season 6 nonchalantly in a brazilian Q&A, in the podcasts they'e talked about stuff that haven't happened yet like an episode involving Amethyst's backstory, Aivi said Garnet was getting a new song, there's been hints at a Jasper redemption arc for a while, and all the storyboarders are still working even though the storyboards for the movie were finished a while ago

I should have mentioned that I'm not this guy.

What I was getting at is there's no official confirmation for season 6 by CN yet but the crewniverse makes it obvious that it's being worked on

I love her, please do.

>that shit eating smug grin jasper at the bottom
What a stupendously crazy bitch. I love her.

Roleplaying is against the rules OP.

That has to be fake.

They may be in production, but networks can cancel anything and keep episodes from airing if they see reason to.

Well, obviously. They didn't air SU (even reruns) for like a solid 6 months until Diamond Days.

cartoon network improved the security on their servers so screenshot leaks aren't a thing anymore

We'll see about that desu

mine's better :^)

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Why do you guys like her?

Because she's the best character in the show duh

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>i will tickle my enemies
>to death
but no nice artwork

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I apologize for the delay, I have procrastination issues.
I don't really know what her outfit is, so I improvised.

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Very cute user. I just noticed that she looks kind of naked in the shot

Peach Hero by Yuuki Ray
Ko Samurai no Oni Seibatsu by Amagaeru
Oni or Shot by Sugi G

If she's a Quartz the way I figure she'd be dressed similar to Jasper or the Amethysts, but since she's a Rebellious Gem she might've altered her outfit.

I'll draw one up and post it tomorrow.

oh lawd

Based and orangepilled

I like it too. The wall of roses, the vines tangling around her legs and cutting through her skin, the subtle hints of malachite and corruption, there's so much beautifully drawn detail in all of it and the lighting gives it a really cool and creepy aesthetic. That was one of the better art pieces made for the Jasper fanzine, the creator managed to get one to Rebecca recently via their CN connections and said she loved it

THIS is my personal favorite piece from that zine

Attached: 1481239520352.png (1280x1745, 2.4M)

Why is this a common goddamn theme? This is the third time I've seen such material, and I am quite certain that each was developed independently from the other.

SU is truly only watched by breeders.

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Only if she looks at me like that

If that were true you'd have seen it a lot more than three times.

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>Anonymous 02/23/19(Sat)05:40:57 No.106
she's just perfect user

>giraffe was 3 years ago

it hurts.

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>I understood that reference.jpg

I want to suck on Jasper's big fat toes.

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This is pathetic

what is that referencing

an older thing that artist drew when corruption porn was all the rage

can you show me

It’s highly NSFW. Look up rolld6toporn.

I love this, why i love this?

I haven't watched since she mutated. Did she come back in a new episode?

Snowflake looks like a buffy saphire.

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She really doesn't.

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That's Ocean Jasper. This is Snowflake

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The final episode.

She can be a deep-ocean explorer gem?

Holy fuck, that’s a cool idea. Sea monsters and creatures won’t care that she’s ugly.

Jasper is SHITTIN’ lucky for keeping her eyeballs and nose. Unlike the other quartzes, or still looking like a gruesome sight like Watermelon Tourmaline.

6 foot sapphires that predict “I am about to punch you in the face”

>Jasper fanzine

and now flashbacks to the original one by Mel Skunk who took thousands of dollars for a Jasperzine that never happened. She spent the money on Steam games and enamel pins instead.

At least that second one got made.


Oh yeah, well check these out.

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there is a source written on the image

>took thousands of dollars for a Jasperzine that never happened.
holy shit really? i heard it never happened, didn't know it was a grand theft fandom

Yep! It was Tiger Bomb/Jasperzine. Shit sucked. Aside from stolen money, lots of good art wasted too but at least most of the artists eventually just posted their stuff online.

The Tiger Zine that got made/finished was actually because of the original one being a scam in the end. The person that made Tiger Zine was like "huh well that's shitty" and put a legit one out.

Or a Padparadscha type where they’re already on the floor.

>8 badges in kanto
>gary has 10

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Next time someone tries to say the show is 'canceled' without confirmation, I'm showing them this. It's pretty much always canceled, doesn't mean anything.

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I want to ______ Jasper

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I kind of want these Jaspers to cuck Fatsper now
Like have Lapis casually fuse with them and having fun and Steven using his PD position to tell her she has no right to be upset over their happiness

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>introduce my parents to

Let’s agree to disagree.

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I've never watched this show but the idea of that corruption thing being a STD that they can't help but spread in their corrupted state really does it for me.

I knew that fucker was a cheater

She looks strongfat in the show desu
Fanart is another thing because fetishes

>cum on the horns and gem of

She varies, The Return she was beefy, Jailbreak she was slim, Alone at Sea she was slim, Gem Hunt she was beefy, Crack the Whip was a mixture, Earthlings was beefy, CYM was beefy

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What if she cums from the horns

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Shoot ropes like a lasso.

She just never stopped searching until she found them.

A Jasper never stops, remember....

>it took less than a season for the big bad to get redeemed

Considerably less, in fact.

Meh. Skinny should be taller than Jasper. Thin as a rail, a beanpole, but taller.

I love big bad girls who get their comeuppance. Especially if they're not all bad.

Jasper is taller, their exit holes were next to each other and Jaspers was way more masssive

Listen fuckers, oni jasper is cute

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I'm still not over it. The horns somehow managed to make me love her even more than I already did.

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>their exit holes were next to each other

I don't know if Amy was pointing at that particular hole.
It's annoyed me for ages, this.

Attached: Skinny is either short or tall.jpg (768x868, 191K)

I think Skinny is taller than the other Quartzes, but Jasper is a bit taller than Skinny or the same height as her since she also seems taller than average, Peridot does say she's tall too.

Attached: big girl.png (2014x1330, 2.86M)

The people behind this show out-weeb themselves time and time again.

Jasper just had the worst headache of her life, came to from unconsciousness, and is now being sexually assaulted.

...Those are tears.

this made me feel existential dread

>Doesn't change the fact that she did awful things
name them

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this show is so fucking gay

Who killed Connie?

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>gets turn of the century gory flash animation flashbacks.
Frog in a blender anyone?

Little bitch done in by baddest bitch.

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Connie should be trained by Jasper to become a master in hand to hand combat!

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More of a hamster in a microwave guy myself.

Jasper absolutely blown the fuck out

Her chest to waist to hip ratio is way too fit to be strongfat by any fucking stretch of the imagination, unless you're retarded.

>one note mustache twirling bad guy with one sentence of backstory added at the last moment
>good villain
jasperfags have very low standards

I'd like to think that quartzes have a high enough body fat percentage to give them the hourglass figures they have but not high enough where they could be called chubby. They're not ripped, more in the middle of fit and thicc

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Yea Forums here, this is strongfat

Attached: 457ef-15431232133690-800.jpg (800x450, 46K)

Thanks, Yea Forums. This is a rare figure type. You mostly just see fat out in the world, but you can tell there’s more going on here.

This is not Jasper, it’s closer to Topaz.

topaz has not a figure, but a fridge-ure

The artist behind both instances of Jasper butt cracks and all the other nice art in the last half of Gem Hunt, Colin Howard, is no longer a storyboarder or character designer on Steven Universe and has been working on The Owl House for the past year

Attached: gem hunt.png (1176x652, 347K)

Why the fuck do SU's storyboarders walk so often??

I heard the CN workers get their pay limited after a certain amount of time employed. Or something vaguely like that.

It was only after season five that a lot of the original boarders started leaving, probably because the show's production was put on hold for a few months after Change Your Mind was completed. It's possible that at some point it was intended to work as a series finale and the crew didn't know if CN would greenlight more seasons. Any new ones that left since the crew came off of hiatus were only brought in to work on the movie.

I think you're confusing him for someone else. The hasn't been no mention of The Owl House on Colin's twitter for the last two years.

You're right, Colin's twitter says he's been working at Channel Frederator. I got him mixed up with Chris Pianka.

rape a dog that at one point was her sister and sure a lot of thigs she did she had to do because of pd´s bullshit but she crossed the line several times in her own accord

the ocean jasper can't be her sister since it wasn't from earth

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>and does not deserve redemption.
You can apply that to quite a few characters in SU.

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Amy looks so cute and fuckable there, I want to bend her over the table.

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ok but she still raped a dog that at one point was a person or gem or whatever and everything else i said still stands

That Amethyst is drawn TOO cute and small for fucking, this one is much more fuck friendly

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>tfw about to get raped by your loving authority figure pretending to be your hated enemy

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The biggest missed opportunity with Jasper was not having her be able to shoot laser beams out of her helmet. It's shape was perfect for opening up an revealing a cannon barrel. A headcannon, so to say.

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sure, but she probably wouldn't have become desperate enough to rape a dog to beat smoky quartz if lapis hadn't raped her and someone had tried telling her that steven wasn't rose quartz

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>We don’t need bras where we’re going.

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Suns out guns out horns out tits out

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Tumblr what are you doing here?

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You punny little shit

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but the lapis thing is her own fault she forced lapis to fuse in the first place and the consequence was lapis raping her back and with the fight against smoky quartz she clearly would have done that anyways the same way she did with lapis against the cg

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>he doesn't want to fuck something this cute

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What a dumb low-test question. It's like you don't even want to get your pelvis shattered by a buff amazon warrior woman in the mood for snu-snu

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jasper didn't force lapis to fuse, she asked lapis for help beating the crystal gems and lapis agreed so she could take advantage of the opportunity to use jasper as a punching bag to take all her shit out on. the next time jasper and lapis confronted each other jasper didn't try forcing lapis to fuse either, she was begging and desperate to go back to malachite because lapis trapped her in the fusion for so long that she made her addicted to it.

force fusing with the corrupted gem was definitely jasper's fault, just saying she wouldn't have become messed up and desperate enough to do that if it weren't for what happened to her with malachite and she wasn't still under the impression that steven was rose, she was in the middle of getting beaten up by smoky quartz and on the verge of a mental breakdown at that point.

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Faggot trying to take sanctify his gay dream.

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Solid post.

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Scale in SU is easily as bad as in Transformers.

Still. Skinny will always be the Blanko of Quartzes to me.

>she did awful things

I don't think you understand. Her ethical frame is completely alien. For her, 'good' is 'being the best Quartz I can be in service of my Diamond'. That's it. Every normal gem is defined by their purpose and her purpose is being a warrior. To the Gempire, deviation from this - like discovering a different moral code based on experience - is perversion.

So... the more they look like children, the more you want to fuck them?


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"Jasper...! You can destroy White Diamond! She has foreseen this. It is your purpose.
Join me, and together we can rule the universe as Diamond and Quartz!"

Rose's second answer throws it. Let's see...

There. Tell me this is not better.

Attached: Conversation on a battle field.png (635x1605, 1.76M)

I guess you thought it'd feel more balanced if Jasper's three different claims were met with three of Rose's rather than just two? "I am" does a hold a little more weight to it. This comic would be cooler if we knew for certain that Jasper faced off against Rose during the war, but based off of what she said in The Return I don't think she did.


Otherwise Rose would have bubbled her.

Which reminds me we still don't know what's in the treasure chest inside Lion.

So wait, didn't Rose ever try to convince Jasper to join the rebel cause? I feel like this is something that should have happened but never did for unclear reasons. If Rose had revealed to her in private that she IS her diamond, wouldn't that have done the trick? Jasper's whole attitude is undying loyalty to Pink whether she's right or wrong, so it seems like she could have easily been swayed to join the CG's when the rebellion first started.

Attached: Shawt the fuck up Mordee.png (361x356, 120K)

>still don't know what's in the treasure chest inside Lion.
Ah, there could be a game changer in there

>Steven opens the chest
>It's a pink diamond in a bubble


I think it's unlikely that Jasper ever met Pink/Rose, at any point. Maybe if Rose actually knew Jasper she would have done something, but I sincerely doubt that was the case. Jasper came out of the ground fighting and definitely SAW Rose, maybe even fought with her, but I doubt they got to you know, sit down and talk about their motivations or anything.

I don't know if it was loyalty so much as an innate love for fighting.
I would say Pinky would have gone out of her way to be as unpleasant and cold to her gems as possible - as suggested by what Garnet said about her in 'your mother and mine' - to push them to rebel.

It's kind of heartbreaking to me since I liked to picture Pink as basically kind-hearted with a critical moral blind spot - like she loved her gems, but just didn't consider organic beings importanr, kind of how we view fungus or lichen; it's life, but honestly, do we go out of our way to spare them?
So she'd treat Jasper with the kindness you show a particularly brave, smart and loyal dog, while Jasper would feel both reverence and a fierce desire to protect her powerful but somewhat naive Diamond. But now I don't even know whether Pinky was even around anymore when Jasper was created.

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Maybe it was a "Another time, Highlander!!" deal.

Son of a bitch was so ahead of the game he went to Johto and won two badges of their Pokemon league.

I hope Jasper gets big time development in S6, she was my favorite SU villain

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>mfw the fanart of jasper's arc is better than what the show gave us.

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>The gentle forces, they will surely vanquish
>at last – I hear this as a sincere whispering;
>if I kept silent, all light would be darkening;
>all warmth in me would certainly extinguish.

>The powers that enslave love will be overcome;
>they will extrude all evils successively;
>the great salvation may begin then surely,
>if the hearts' attentive listening is well done.

>We'll hear the rustling in all tenderness,
>like we do hear in small shells the great sea.
>Love is the meaning of the life on planets:

>life of men, and animals nothing can oppress
>rising to her. This is the certain knowledge:
>Perfect Love always transcends entirely.

-Henriëtte Roland Holst-v.d. Schalk

This is true of anything.

>The lower row is empty
What a fucking loser, no wonder why your Blastoise lose to a badly trained Charizard

Attached: 638.png (1280x720, 573K)

Why does Sugar constantly do this bullshit thing by making things 'canon' without it ever being established or even hinted at in the actual media

because she is lazy and would rather waste episodes on filler than utilize them to flesh out her world and characters better and knows fans will praise her for being a brilliant writer regardless

>I can tell Steven is Rose just by looking at him
>I can't tell Steven and Rose are Pink Diamond


She realized Steven was Rose by seeing his/her shield. PD had a different shield apparently.

Jasper is still loyal to Pink Diamond more than anything thousands of years after her death, she doesn't seem to care that much about Yellow Diamond and will go against her orders just to avenge her original diamond, she implies her only reason for even serving Yellow Diamond was to feel like less of a failure after losing Pink, so yes, I think she would have joined the Crystal Gems without question if she knew Rose was Pink Diamond or Pink Diamond had asked her to, especially since she was young and probably not as hardened by homeworld conditioning back then. When it comes to the Beta Kindergarten, we're told that the gems had to fight from the second they emerged, which means Crystal Gems were attacking them before Rose or Pink Diamond ever would have had the chance to talk to them. Whether or not Pink had a hand in making the kindergarten, the Betas were made with the purpose of fighting the crystal gems for her and turning the tide in the war, but it seems more like Pink let them live out a lie and lead her crystal gem army into battle against them without trying as hard as she could have to convert them, meaning she set Jasper and the others up for failure out of carelessness or to further the believability of her war.

If she had a shield at all.

Her shield was apparently the one Pink Steven had.

That would explain it.


I don't think she's ever said anything about chakras or Jasper having heightened senses. She did say that Jasper's gem placement is supposed to reflect her hard-nosed personality on one of the podcast episodes.

So the real take-away is that Jasper probably would have sided with the CG's and all this conflict could have been avoided, but the writers didn't think of that asinine "PD = Rose" twist until later on so it retroactively makes lots of plot holes appear.

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I think PD didn't even have to start a war in the first place, the Diamonds listened and changed their ways for fucking Steven, I don't believe they would have not done the same with Pink after a while

I like big women.

It's evident that Pink Diamond and her actions are supposed to be more morally grey so I wouldn't call it a plot hole, it will be dumb if it's left unaddressed whenever they get to telling Jasper the truth though.

Steven made them listen after 5000 years of believing their little sister was dead and getting BTFO'd at every turn when it came to Earth.
They were numb from time and time again discovering they could be wrong.

Back then? When they just knew it was impossible for them to be wrong? They would have sighed and sadly smiled and picked her up and taken her back to Homeworldm to learn for a few more hundred years before letting her have another go at a colony.

By comparison, a rebellious gem is something so anathema, so terrifying, it gave them pause.

Or so Pinky reasoned, and who would know better than her?

>the writers didn't think of that asinine "PD = Rose" twist until later on

Nope. It was virtually the basis of the whole show.


What is dumb is to think this could have been avoided. Of course it could not. Planets are for colonizing. The only way to avoid this was to manouver the Diamonds into a position where colonization would cost more than it would ever benefit the Gempire.

I would have preferred it if Pink had faked her death as a final act of desperation, to shock the Diamonds so much they would just abandon Earth in horror and hope they wouldn't resort to just destroying the planet outright - but her cause was hopeless, so this was her only recourse. The survival of Earth was her priority, in the end, nothing else mattered.

She seemed more flippant about it, almost like it was an exciting game. But maybe that was really the only way to do it. Who was that superhero again? Someone asked him "Is this all a game to you?" and he replied "If I took all of this seriously, I would go insane". Something like that.

Pinky was absolutely unsuited for authority. Everything we have seen from her supports this. And now, she had to take responsibility because for the first time in her existence she finally saw something truly worthwhile.

And still there are little cunts on this board who attack her for not getting everything right.

Attached: Old.jpg (939x729, 83K)

The point of the twist was to tear down the glorified perception of rose that had been getting built up through the protagonist's rose tinted perspective of her to reveal that she was actually a very manipulative and irresponsible character that hurt everyone around her and made a lot of bad choices. Character flaws that caused her to do things like leave Bismuth in a bubble forever to keep her secret safe, and use her power over Pearl to damn her with a command that traumatized her and left her incapable of telling anyone the truth or moving on from the war, or betraying and abandoning gems that were made for her and would have done anything for her, or leaving her son to clean up after her mess alone aren't plot holes but Rose isn't supposed to be seen as a good person for doing that stuff either. The war may not have been pointless but the way Rose went about it with lies on top of lies and betrayal caused a lot of pointless suffering.

How old is that screenshot?

You can see that the date on the document says 2013 but Ian posted it on his twitter shortly after ASPR aired

that outline makes it sound like the other diamonds knew rose=pink and disowned her, which honestly makes a hell of a lot more sense as a writing decision

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why would Pink have a shield?
the Diamonds never get into combat, and thusly never develop a gem weapon. no one knew Pink had her own gem weapon. the shield Steven's gem made just looked like a basic version of the regular shield, with no personality/person attached to it it comes out as sort of like a beta version.

I don't know but White Diamond recognized that shield as Pink's.

since she knew Rose=Pink she knew she had a shield
it's pretty confusing trying to figure out the timeline with this though, when exactly did she learn that Rose=Pink? she was obviously not surprised at all or needed any sort of explanation from Yellow/Blue in her debut appearance about the Pink situation. the fact she didn't show up at The Trial sort of implies she knew by then at least. did she know all along? so what exactly was she thinking when she nuked the planet?

I think White knew what she was doing since the gems on Earth didn't shatter like Yellow and Blue thought they would.

Attached: InsideTheLockedChestOfRoseQuartz.png (512x512, 107K)


i do what i can


so is this show over with and concluded? it wasn't renewed right so a final movie and then that's it?

There hasn't been an official announcement for season six but it's in production, there's no way to tell if there will be anything after that and the movie

Wait a sec...

Is that Orangekisses?
I though she'd sworn off SU.

Greg/Jaspers when?

Deeply kiss


There's a theory that our Pearl works as a two way camera. She's been accidentally spying on Pink/Rose/Steven for White this entire time.

She didn't swear off Jasper. Nobody can swear off Jasper.

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God I love OK's Jasper.
I wanna do all sorts of lewd shit with her.

Really wish she'd draw more of her

She has a Patreon.
Just saying.

Where's all that art gonna go when the site inevitably fails or they go full tumblr and ban all tiddy?

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Cute, but as you see the idea was not hatched to tear down Rose Quartz; it was there from the start,

The command to Pearl was there to make clear that Pink Diamond truly was dead. She wanted Pearl to be free. And White Diamond's comment made clear that the way she behaves is not normal for a Pearl.

>The war may not have been pointless but the way Rose went about it with lies on top of lies and betrayal caused a lot of pointless suffering.

You really want to shit on her, huh?

>that outline makes it sound like the other diamonds knew rose=pink

Not really what I get from the phrase 'disguised'.

Ever since she was introduced, really.

>gem fusion and cybertron combining is compatible

If the twist wasn't meant to tear down a false idolized image of Rose Quartz then it wouldn't have been handled how it was, it was held back for so long because the writers needed a lot of time to believably build up that false idolized image of a flawless selfless gem messiah and the heroic crystal gem rebellion so that it would be surprising when it was revealed the true nature of Rose's character was extremely flawed and the war was actually a horribly destructive disaster built on Rose leading both sides into fighting against each other and using, manipulating, and betraying everyone devoted to her while she was at it

Pink's final command pretty much did the opposite of freeing Pearl by making it so Pearl could never escape her slave programming, Pink didn't even bother to lift it off of her before she peaced out, she did it because she was more interested in freeing herself from her identity of Pink Diamond and all the unwanted responsibility attached to it than she was in freeing Pearl, and that was just one of the many times she hurt someone close to her by acting selfishly or carelessly due to her struggle with empathy

>you really want to shit on her, huh?
No, it's not like I'm saying she's evil or as bad as the other diamonds, I just agree with what Rebecca has said about her being a morally grey fuck up and think she did worse than make a few mistakes. You're right that the twist is the basis of the show, the story and pretty much all the conflicts and turmoil every character faces are centered around the good and bad of Pink's actions, so it's not a plot hole that some characters were hurt by Pink in ways that could have been avoidable like the other user was suggesting, but she isn't meant to be some selfless character who made all the right choices either. Steven is meant to be better than Pink because he has a level of empathy and responsibility that she didn't and is willing to help fix all the damage she left behind her

>the true nature of Rose's character was extremely flawed and the war was actually a horribly destructive disaster built on Rose leading both sides into fighting against each other and using, manipulating, and betraying everyone devoted to her while she was at it

Why is your headcanon so negative?

>she isn't meant to be some selfless character who made all the right choices either.

I never said she was. But your assessment is totally negative - seemingly suggesting she gave up everything she had, everythiing she was, for a lark, and didnt give a shit about anyone else.

>Steven is meant to be better than Pink because he has a level of empathy and responsibility that she didn't and is willing to help fix all the damage she left behind her

Yeah. It's not like he started from a far better position. And had his mom do all the dirty work for him.

Greg can’t handle it.

If that's not what the war was, or at least started out as, then what was it? If Rose wasn't using, manipulating, and betraying everyone then I doubt so many gems involved would have thrown their lives away knowing they were fighting for and against the same person. If she hadn't imprisoned bismuth, or forced pearl to keep her secrets and toyed with her love, or abandoned the gems that were made on earth for her and she had responsibility over, or left Steven and the others without fixing the remainders of her mess or telling them the truth, then I would overlook her selfishness and see her as a better person.

Yeah, my opinions of her actions are negative because of the amount of people she hurt or got killed. I like her as a character and can see the reasons for her behaviour but I don't see some of the things she did as excusable, and if Rebecca can go as far to call her a terrible person then I don't think a lot of the things she did are intended to be excusable.

She's a crazy person tho

What should she have done, according to you? What would have been morally acceptable choices?
Given that all of Earth was at stake, she could not afford a single mistake and her resources were absolutely inadequate, should the Diamond authority decide to really throw 'big money' at the problem? And, of course, given that she had absolutely no experience, because such experience did not exist, and she had no education for it, because such education also did not exist?
That nobody could help her because nobody knew more about the issue?
What, mr.Sun Tzu, should she have done?

>and using, manipulating, and betraying everyone devoted to her while she was at it
Pink was too stupid to mastermind anything, she just did it for le lols.

>Connie becomes addicted to Jasper's Quartzmilk too
That's hot.

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After the series, Jasper forms an interstellar delivery company with Peridot, Lapis and Jamie the Mailman.

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It’s all on Twitter already

That's good!

>jamie is fry, jasper is leela, peridot is farnsworth, lapis is bender
>tfw good news, everyone!

Attached: 1470271468902.gif (640x360, 179K)

wow, an objectively wrong opinion!

anyone have any more of this sorta old/original concept and backstory pictures? I seem to recall somewhere there was a picture of a hand written backstory that got 'leaked' but I cant remember what was actually in it. I'm curious if it was bullshit or not now

Why so many gem threads lately?

>impling there is not a perfectly good leela standin already

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Jasper is hot, can kill people, and doesn't afraid of anything. Peetle-phrite is too precious for soiling her hands with the enemy's blood.

>Centipeetle as Amy

>Jasper thread still up

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I was actually thinking of this show.

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>imprisoned bismuth, or forced pearl to keep her secrets and toyed with her love, or abandoned the gems that were made on earth for her and she had responsibility over, or left Steven and the others without fixing the remainders of her mess or telling them the truth
are the main things she shouldn't have done because they were completely avoidable, she had endless time after the war to come clean free of risk and lift the gag off Pearl but she chose not to which ended up causing everyone problems. If those rose quartzes in the zoo are real and were bubbled by her, then putting them all in danger by using their cut as her disguise and imprisoning them all to avoid suspicion would also have been selfish, and she shouldn't have just abandoned them and left them at the mercy of the other diamonds.

If she felt like there was no other way to go about the rebellion than with her convoluted plan of living a double life between two identities, lying to everyone, and making all her gems fight against each other then she should have prioritized getting more of her Pink loyal gems to follow her as Rose instead of allowing a lot of them to get shattered or shatter any Crystal Gems and then return to being slaves to the other diamonds after the war was over. Sacrificing so many lives to keep up her disguise was counter productive if she was only doing it because she thought it was impossible to lead her rebellion for freedom from homeworld as Pink, but I think her reason for wanting to escape that identity was a bit more selfish and she didn't have to start the rebellion off with as much lying and secretly fighting against her own gems as she did. The other diamonds might have made her feel like shit but it should have been common sense that they'd be pissed about her getting killed by a rebel if they had been sending their own gems to Earth to assist her in the war, so trying something with less chances of backfiring on everyone would have been smarter.

And saved.

Waterlogged, again.

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I really wonder why Jasper is my favorite gem. Is it because she is a warrior, strong or big?

What does your heart tell you? What does the fox say?

She makes me feel funny things.

I'm interested in seeing how Jasper acts in calmer scenarios around people she trusts, in the dove short some of her quartz goofiness shined through her usual tough mask.
What if all the years she's spent being a lonely repressed tightass has made her super socially awkward?

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Peridot and Lapis don’t exactly have great social skills. This is more than plausible, the goofy part being different than those other two.

We know she has a huge flair for drama. I'll bet she's the type that strikes action poses and does a ninja run whenever others aren't looking. Maybe even narrates her own story in her head.

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Jasper is a big weeb who probably would own tiger pajamas.

I want to kiss Jasper.

>Maybe even narrates her own story in her head.
I 100% believe she was doing this the whole time she was trying to build her army of corrupted gems, narrating to herself about how she was going to rise from defeat and finally overcome Rose's rebels.

It makes sense that the corruption leaves a trace even when cured, like scars. Design wise though it reminds me of disgusting deviantart fursonas and I hate that.

I want to hold hands with Jasper.

Because SU is more or less over. Another season is planned and a movie may be in the works, but the major "conflict" with the Diamond Authority is resolved.

Sounds more red blooded ‘Murican to me.

Blue board, people.

More like hold her big finger

>or big?
and vulnerable

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They consider her a "gay dream", basically their fans are faggots.

>lots of relatable depth to her insecurities and behavior and motivations
>stays brave, strong, determined, and loyal despite the suffering she's faced
>has the willpower to never give up despite the challenge and odds against her, she feels like she will never be good enough and thus is always actively trying to make up for her failures
>proactive and goal oriented which makes her engaging to watch
>heavily flawed but sympathetic
>deliciously tragic backstory and character development full of loss and loneliness and self loathing and an inability to move on from the past
>interesting personal struggles and internal conflict + unhealthy self destructive ways of dealing with them that i want to see her learn to overcome
>has always given me Guts/Asuka/Revvy/Vegeta vibes
Or at least that's why she is my favorite, so far I think she's just been written better than a lot of other characters in the show, especially the other antagonists. Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose are probably the only other gem characters I can say I find very interesting or well written.

As for her waifu qualities, I love that she is a super strong amazon warrior (now with an oni horn bonus) who is secretly so vulnerable and desperate to be accepted or have companionship, how that mean streak and veneer of independence she uses to hide all the self worth issues and despair that torment her create such contrast between who she really is and what she desperately strives to be. I'd like to think that some tlc and therapy would go a long way in healing the wounds of her heart, she has only ever experienced bad and damaging relationships and is due for her first healthy one. If you earned her love she could be as devoted and willing to die fighting for you as she is towards Pink Diamond.

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when the fuck are they going to give her a new cape

Pls someone post that audio of Jasper discovering sex.

This one?
>no one told her yet


>10 badges
>one of them is the futaba leaf japs give to young drivers
cheating bastard

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Why the fuck should Pearl have her gag lifted?


And Bismuth. Should she have popped her after Corruption Day?

...I would have to say 'yes'.
Or maybe not.
If Bismuth was prepared to shatter gems before, she would definitely have tried to 'put them out of their misery'. Maybe not! But how could Rose be sure? What if it came down to choosing between letting Bismuth shatter corrupted gems, getting shattered by her, shattering her herself or poofing and bubbling her again?
What would you have done?

'completely avoidable', my hairy white ass.

>abandoned the gems that were made on earth for her and she had responsibility over

Abandoned them by dying, you mean? Abandoned who, in what way? There was nothing more she could do. The Crystal Gems could deal with such gem monsters as remained (and I have to say, if this many were still left after 5000 years, how many were there to begin with?) without her, and she could not heal the corrupted ones; and as far as she was aware, the Gempire had abandoned Earth forever.

So what more could she do at this point?



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"Young" You can't start driving till 18 in Japan.

>HUMAN! I...I want to do that thing with you again...that thing that your species do...

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Waste our lives away shitposting on the internet?

The fact that Zuke drew this turns me off

What's it like, her living in your head rent-free?

"You'll have to be more specific"

>She describes it in detail, in an adorably clumsy fashion that makes clear she still has so much to learn

Every gem is autistic in their own unique way.

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It's almost as if they are not social mammals, but some kind of weird aliens.

How sex with gems feels like?

peetle has a hardened battle commander and will snap pearl's neck next season

eat cheetos and lick the powder off our fingers?

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Greg is the only living expert...


...Unless Rose was a bigger slut than we knew and had a different guy every year until she met the Cherry Man.

Who is the artist of these.

(@gram_quartz): twitter.com/gram_quartz

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You and I both know full well that’s the case.

Rose story confirms that she got into other romantic relationships.

Tempted to learn drawing SU characters and do a comic of Jasper coming to fuck shit up and getting instant loss mating pressed by Greg

By all means, give into temptation

Please share the comic on /sug/ if you ever get around to drawing it

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One of the main themes of the show is how people are never perfect but that their flaws don't make them worthless. Pork chops and hot dogs. It would be undermining that point to just go and completely remove all signs of the gem corruption. People and relationships are complicated. You can hurt someone and apologize and fix things, but that doesn't get rid of the fact that pain happened and that they changed/grew from that.

My gf would have to write it since she watches the show. Anything that should be included?

Jasper admiring Greg for being powerful enough to kill Rose Quartz should be what leads to the fucking, or Jasper finding out that her beloved diamond was Rose Quartz all along and letting Greg have his way with her because she wants to understand why Pink gave up her life for his dick.

Could the other gems confirm that goofy, loveable Greg has Earth's biggest cock?

Of course, they've probably all had a taste of it, Jasper might even go down on Greg just because she wants to be the best at everything and prove she can fuck him better than any of them.

Yes, but how many? Once a year? Once a decade? Once a century? Once every thousand years?

It wasn't his cock, you idiots, otherwise she'd have given birth to an elephant calf, or maybe a little whale!

She falling for his calm and chill attitude would be interesting.