I cried, bros.
I cried, bros
Other urls found in this thread:
The movie was great but it felt so small in comparison to the previous two
And that's a good thing. I think the scale of 2 hurt it more than it helped. Felt much less focused than this one.
We all did user
We all did
Tuffnut stole the show
Every line of his was great
is this screencap actually from a scene in the film or is it just promotional
It was in one of the trailers
Promotional. Scene never happens, but
hiccup definitely has a beard
It was quite good, any complaints I have are nitpicks.
the twins remain the best
Aw, they made Hiccup gay? WTF?
Personally I thought the buildup to the Astrid x pig ship really payed off.
Watched it in Australia on 3rd Jan.
They said he'd be back, what happened?
>Hiccup learns he isn’t a failure without Toothless
>like in the first movie when Toothless was captured and he had to save him
>or in the second movie when Toothless gets hypnotized and he has to go save him
Lol yeah it's tuffnut
He was pretty gay the entire movie
You take that back. He was just helping his bro lock things up. Get that gay shit outta here
Yeah I didn't get that angle. Especially when Astrid and the villain both literally said it. Like where are they getting this from? He's been doing fine.
He slapped hiccups butt like twice
Straight dudes do this in real life. It's really nothing sexual. It's more a show if comradery than anything. Look at football players.
>when ruffnut said why the long face
Biggest issue I had
villain dudes acid spitting dragons just dying felt so wrong, they were being controlled against their will and I feel robbed that they were never freed of that, and that they never got revenge by killing villain dude
The issue I have is that they already spoiled the ending to this movie like 5 years ago in youtube.com
It's never meant to be a surprise. It's talking about a foregone conclusion. Were you also upset that Shakespeare tells you how Romeo and Juliet ends in the prologue?
Yeah, that's kinda shitty story telling.
>kinda shitty story telling
Not really.
There's more than one kind of story
It came out??
Yep, finally
Came out in most of the countries outside USA nearly month ago.
It was fucking gorgeous.
The animation, the characters, what a perfect finale.
Eh, 1 wasn't much bigger than this, and I'm not sure that the big scope helped 2 (my biggest complain was how much was spent on setting up stuff, which left many characters behind).
This one is more character focused, which is what I needed.
The first movie is masterpiece.
The second movie is underwhelming especially Hiccup's father died worthlessly and the villain really sucks.
The third is better than the second because it has a very nice ending though it is still not comparable to the first.
>tfw when Yea Forums banned my ip range, so I can't share Astrid pics anymore
I had some rare stuff, what a shame.
Is Astrid a code word for "Toothless getting creamed?" Because otherwise I don't care.
I feels so sad, it's finally over.
Script changed
of course they'd fell for the beanbeard. Or course
Same here user
It was.. ok i guess.
This. John Powell knocked it out of the park for the most part again. And everything looked photorealistic as shit.
>when they symbolized the end of their relationship with the reverse of this shot
It was a good movie but the bright fury romance stuff felt like big filler. The villain also needed more characterization, they could have done something really neat with the concept of him being the inverse of Hiccup.
The ending made up for it though.
>End of the Film had the OST playing a upgraded version of Coming Back Around and finished identically to the first film
I wasn't ready bros
I completely agree. The moment he said that they were being controlled by their own poison, I was waiting for the moment in the final battle where their collars get dislodged and the venom dragons return to their senses and turn on the villain. It was really the only kind of karmic death that made sense for him.
It's pure speculation but I'm going to guess that was the original plan, but executives protested on the grounds it would be too graphic or scary for the kiddy winks. The fact that it ended with Hiccup letting the dude fall to his death by taking off his leg just felt like a real cop out because there wasn't really any set up to that.
>When they did it again all those years later to show the bond was never broken
>Ruffnut and Fish legs
Oh baby
They really should’ve gotten rid of Greemo in a better way
I'd imagine it's code for "Astrid getting fucked by pigs/degraded in some way."
>They took the time to explain that Greemo is actually controlling his dragons with their own poison
While it didn’t really go anywhere with it, I’m glad they mentioned it
There, there.
Yes it was that bad, but it's OK it can't hurt you now
Considering 2 was an absolute shitfest that doesn't look good
Phobs art finally realized.
>humans should live with humans
>dragons should live with dragons
>get married folks
>for heaven's sake just get married and reproduce
DreamWorks, you absolute madmen.
It's like poetry
>To that point, The Hidden World has already grossed over $181 million internationally from 49 markets, of which it debuted at #1 in 40 of them and delivered the largest openings in the series in 39 of those markets. This weekend it will add nine additional international markets to go along with its domestic release, including Russia and Spain, with debuts in China (3/1) and Japan (8/23) still to come.
>Japan (8/23)
I feel a lot of the morals and themes here were forced as fuck. The whole "you're nothing without your dragon", the whole "the hidden world is wild dragons and we can't live with them even though we've been taming wild dragons the whole damn time", the whole separating the two just for emotional punch then immediately reuniting them for a happy ending scene.
Can we discuss something that bugged me since the movie came out
They got to the Island on Dragons and it was really fucking high up, how the FUCK Do they get down once they let them go?
They built elevators, you can see them in the end when they show the wedding scene.
Jesus fucking Christ now that's how you do a prologue or epilogue. Jesus. Who wrote this? Who directed this voice actor?
Why must every promise either be a disappointment or a very sterile "it sufficed".
So you never rewatch movies?
Japan always gets animated movies super late.
Is this even out ?
It's more than that. The release schedule of this movie was made on drugs. It's like they intentionally wanted it to be released everywhere before they brought it to their biggest markets. It's like financial suicide.
Australia 01/03/19
New Zealand 01/03/19
Indonesia 01/09/19
Lebanon 01/10/19
United Arab Emirates 01/10/19
Mongolia 01/11/19
Norway 01/11/19
Brazil 01/17/19
Colombia 01/17/19
Netherlands 01/17/19
Pakistan 01/18/19
Egypt 01/23/19
Chile 01/24/19
Paraguay 01/24/19
Finland 01/25/19
Turkey 01/25/19
Belgium 01/30/19
South Korea 01/30/19
Argentina 01/31/19
Bolivia 01/31/19
Croatia 01/31/19
Denmark 01/31/19
Hong Kong 01/31/19
Italy 01/31/19
Malaysia 01/31/19
Peru 01/31/19
Singapore 01/31/19
Slovenia 01/31/19
Switzerland 01/31/19
Thailand 01/31/19
Uruguay 01/31/19
Bulgaria 02/01/19
Mexico 02/01/19
Romania 02/01/19
South Africa 02/01/19
Taiwan 02/01/19
United Kingdom 02/01/19
Venezuela 02/01/19
France 02/06/19
Trinidad & Tobago 02/06/19
Germany 02/07/19
Austria 02/08/19
Vietnam 02/08/19
Slovakia 02/14/19
Ecuador 02/15/19
Poland 02/15/19
Czech Republic 02/21/19
Sweden 02/22/19
>It's like financial suicide.
>Is looking to be the best debuting film of the series in America
It doesn't matter nearly as much as you think
We'll see once the actual numbers start rolling in, but I'm certain it did nothing to help. Just look at this thread, look at the Yea Forums threads, there is enough confusion about the release date. It's bad enough when people don't know when it's coming out, but even worse when word of mouth can't build up because by the time one place releases the other already moved on.
Please answer me these I haven't seen it yet
>Do Hiccup and Astrid finally fug
>Are the dragons really gone forever
>Did the cartoons ever fucking matter toward the movies
His old Alpha was in the movie though
>Multiple times
>Nope, not even a cameo or reference
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Not really. The Gift short is referenced but that's it.
Now Hiccup needs to conquer Scandinavia n plunder kingdoms from other movies
>not even a cameo or reference
But they reference the Gift and Hiccup mentions he's fought multiple men like the villain
vague references to other dragon hunters like the bad guy
So about the ending: are Hiccup and Toothless like reunited now, or was this just one trip to confirm to his kids (one of which will become chief one day) that dragons are real and it's the village's responsibility to protect them?
The latter but it's more just to let them know that one day the Dragons could very well return so that if they do it doesn't just devolve back to Vikings and Dragons fighting
It hurt. It was still a happy ending I guess, but God I felt so sad anyway.
Clearly shows that the Dragons live in peace until they can reemerge and chill with humanity
I also really liked the Villain until his motivational reveal and the 3rd Act
>ywn get to just live your life with your dragon soul mate without the rest of the world fucking it up for you
Still haven't found my Astrid yet bros
Where is this audio from?
I still haven't found my Toothless.
There's this girl that looks exactly like her but with brown hair at my school. I made her blush the first time I talked to her, but have acted kinda like a tard ever since so
College is kinda weird
I enjoyed it overall but throughout the film I felt really ticked off about the characters and their personalities. I know that Hiccup's dragon troop is mostly about their personalities but even during stressful and tense scenes couldn't they just square up a bit instead of using the same dumb character traits literally everytime they're on screen. Just seemed like the other members beside Astrid and Hiccup were jokes and not human
I will break Hiccup.
you're wrong. The movie is full of references. At the top of my head : the "milady" thing
>ywn mount your dragon for a quick flight before work with your qt3.14 nord gf at sunrise.
why live
Do we see any of the characters other than Hiccup and Astrid grown up?
Honestly, the biggest problem is that it had to be a kid's movie. When Hiccup had the bad guy cornered in his own home, holding him at swordpoint then he should have just stabbed the fucker. That would have solved all his problems and they wouldn't have had to leave Berk.
The problem I have with this in the movie is that nothing leading up to dragons disappearing. Maybe New Berk is close enough to the hidden world that dragons don't give a fuck, but its been what 8 years minimum? There should still be some dragon stuff left over, also there should be dragons all over the east along with that trapper army. Fuck Hiccup for revolutionizing his village with dragons then letting go off all that progress.
Berk is about the last place where Dragon's haven't been hunted down. That's why is so overpopulated.
Does anyone have a bunch of cute toothless pictures
Yeah, but I can't post them.
>While it didn’t really go anywhere with it, I’m glad they mentioned it
It actually had 2 uses with the story
1. his dragons can't be controlled by the alpha
2. he can instantly brainwash any dragon (he does so with the lightfury)
I went yesterday night and there were far, far more empty seats and the audience was mostly children who I have to assume didn't see the first film because they were sub 5 years of age
meaning either their parents were interested more than the current 13-25 aged people the film was targeted at
the parents just wanted to get out and this was the only family film that wasn't the lego movie people also didn't want to see
Drakengard 2 in a nutshell
FUCKING Drakengard
Angelus and Caim didn't deserve this shit
>>ywn mount your dragon for a quick fuck before work
Had some typos there, fixed that for you
At least they were the best part of 2 as Caim just kicked the shit out of the lameass protag and everyone who got in his way until he peaced out of that shit world with his waifu
get out
what the monologue? It's the opening of the first book
>tfw no Viking gf or dragon companion
Why live
Why would you even want a Viking gf when you can have a dragon?
>The boogaloo first encounter with Grimo
Ruse behind a ruse my boy
>The flashback of Hiccup’s dad with tears in his eye before wiping it away after seeing him
Fuck that got me
>Ruffnut has mold in her hair
That’s disgusting
Yet fitting
When did Toothless get so smart? There were times when it seemed like he had human level intelligence, it was weird.
I mean in the books the dragons could straight up talk n shit, but I'm not sure what levels of conflict with what's been established in the MOVIES 3 raises as i haven't seen it
He was always smart, being around hiccup made him even more so
I honestly felt like it was really bad
It feels like they made Hiccup grossly incompetent and let the bad guy (whose name I honestly can't remember) do whatever he wants with impunity.
Hiccup didn't learn anything. The extent of demonstrating his competence without Toothless was literally using the flight suit.
The little "hero loses faith but regains confidence before the climax with a pep talk" just felt so fucking cliche too.
I was incredibly disappointed.
It felt like all they had planned for this one was "dragons leave, big sad" and phoned in the first 90 minutes of the film.
It legitimately felt like they started with the idea that "Hiccup and Toothless need to separate, maybe forever" and just tried to take the quickest, easiest way possible to that end result.
I liked it but the biggest problem was the 3rd act pacing.
>Oh no they took the dragons! let's stop the bad guy!
>okay we stopped him in record time and now lets immediately set free every single dragon we have all at the same time without any genuine farewells so we can be stuck on this new island without any way of getting off.
They should of at least spent an extra night cooling off from the climax so we can have time to actually feel sad when the dragons leave.
Same feeling. What makes it even worse is that in the end it didn't even feel like the dragons had any good reason to leave, other than Toothless who just wanted to be dragon emperah of the Hidden World with his new waifu. Even if you buy into the weak humans will always hunt dragons so dragons must leave to be safe excuse, New Berk was basically at the edge of the known world, basically a stone's toss away from the entrance too. Not a single person would bother them there, hell the villain who was actively tracking them needed someone to lead him to them.
I will say, there was never any moment that really Wow'd me, it looked quite nice, but compared to how many moments in 2 that were breathtaking, no scene really lasted with me in this one.
Which isnt saying 2 is perfect, it has its problems, but I just feel like it had more moments that made me want to go back and watch it again.
And like, they have so much more ability to fight an enemy WITH THE DRAGONS by their side
This. HTTYD2 isn't the best at times but when it's good it's REALLY good.
The movie had no flight scene that'd really make you go wow. In both 1 and 2 they had scenes that were dedicated fully to the sheer joy of flying, building them up over several moments, showing speed, agility, showing off the scenery and their animation abilities. Here the only true flying scene was Toothelss catching up with the Light Fury, but while it was a fine romantic scene, as a flying scene it was wholly unimpressive. Even more so since it was Toothless' first solo flight since the first movie's intro.
Guess there was the chase at the end, but that's not the greatest example either since it never really lasted more than a consecutive 15-20 seconds at a time as it kept switching back to the ship battle.
Valkas masked reveal on Cloudjumper is one of my favorite scenes
The scene where Stoick finds Valka fucking gets me every time
this entire fucking movie
Just post them on plus4chan /pco/.
if it was made in japan you could blame Abe for it
Toothless was very fucking visually upset when he saved Hiccup and Astrid out of the Hidden world
He found the one place he wanted, be treated like King and Queen with the Brightfury but then realized the other dragons wouldn’t allow humans here even with his influence
Must have really fucking sucked for that period of time afterwards
Spielberg didn't liked him
Oh, look. The only dragons anyone cares about are the furies. What a surprise.
>Hey, why the long face
>It’s bigger than mine
>Stop upstaging me you tall mother fucker, can’t you see I’m number 2
>Fuck off, can’t you see I’m trying to fuck Hiccups mom
Still disappointed my boy Boneknapper never got any attention beyond the cartoon
Man fuck all of you
Gobber taking a shine to grump seemed a bit out of the blue.
You're probably right, I didn't care for 2 much, and I haven't seen 3 yet
I thought Astrid getting sold into sex slavery was a bit much
Sorry man, but 3 was just super standard, it was fine but not as good as it could have been, it was simply acceptable.
I can’t believe Fishlegs killed Ruffnut with his betrayal and Tuffnut let it happen
Oh well, the beard game is more important, fuck his sister
It wasn't that Spielberg didn't liked him.
Spielberg suggested that they shouldn't use him because they wanted to redeem him and old Steve thought that it would feel rushed if they tried to shoe horn him in with a redemption plot, on top of everything else going on.
>The trailers theme song made it feel like it was composed for Toothless and the Brighfury’s love
>>>>>>>>it was actually composed for the credits showing Toothless and Hiccups moments together in all 3 movies before their separation
Shut the fuck up, I’m not crying
I really didn't get why they did expand outwards as they brought in more and more dragons/population grew.
>a single crossbow fells a full grown, armor plated dragon
I know they wanted to make the villian look badass, but come on.
I'm going to get a lot of backlash, but i thought this movie was awful.
I'm not sure how OP "cried" when the entire movie was "let him go be by himself x100!" It made the parting scene less impactful imo. The humour was really forced and toothless is somehow both alpha over all dragons but incompetent with the female. I also hated the shoehorned bioluminescent scene every movie with creatures shoves in our faces now.
The villain's dragons had way too much going on and the only character i thought was fun was the obnoxious viking girl.
The first one seemed like it was great for audiences of all ages, the second was decent but this one felt like it was only for children.
Sorry i'm being a bummer bros. Just couldn't do it this time and walked out when the children were being revealed.
It was a tranq dart
Forgot to mention this
The villain wasn't nearly as complex as the last movie and his ideas were kind of gay too. Also every time he took his hood off i was expecting him to reveal something else, but it was always just his weird hair. lol
I couldnt take his flying ship seriously
it was a fucking drone
I don't understand how people say the Incredibles 2 was fucking great but think this wasn't
Your opinion is fair
The movie is weak in some parts but I feel it was built more as a final send off rather than a major event which is where I personally enjoyed it
The villain’s encounters could’ve definitely been better.
His first encounter with the bait and switch was probably their best interaction with his
The movie as a stand-alone was good, not bad at all but nothing’s spectacular
And that’s okay because it wasn’t meant to be a stand-alone, it was meant to be the final movie on the trilogy finishing everything off albeit with a villain who could do better but was still good
A lot better than the sequels that pull bullshit out of Nowhere, this movie was enjoyable especially the character interractions
I just think its a shame that after 3 movies, the secondary cast never really seemed to evolve beyond comedy, idiot sidekicks.
It was a petpeeve of mine in the first movie.
Like I get that they wanted to make Astrid and Hiccup the competent/smart duo of the group, but it seemed unneccesary to dumb down the other four to do so? No one else seems to act as dumb and silly as they do.
Agreed, there are far too many of them which makes the movie have a much more goofy tone overall.
I have to admit, i liked Astrid standing up for Hiccup despite her own beliefs at the gathering when he explains his plans. Probably one of the more heartfelt better parts of the movie.
It’s only a personality thing
It’s been shown that they are all still really good at combat
The thing you have to remember is that they are all still good at combat and dragon training after 1 and 2
At this point they are just fleshing our their personalities
Tuffnut pretending to be the fucking romance counselor was great
The entire "combat" scenes are low-impact visual gags with humour.
I thought the foreshadowing with the small toad-like dragons would have a bigger payoff in the movie as well, but it was just for a pretty dumb gimmick.
Neither was, but at least this one had something meaningful going on, despite the execution.
Saw the movie again on its third week out in theaters, this time with my sis.
Theater was still pretty full compared to that opening weekend.
Meanwhile, they reduced the number of screenings of Lego 2 to one screening per day on its second week after the premiere.
May not be the four you're mentioning, but I also thought Valka and Eret were massively wasted in this one.
Far too many side characters, there is no way any of them could have been expanded upon in this film without singularly taking up screen time being singled out in stories
So they were going to give him the Alvin treatment? I mean, Alvin was rushed and they had episodes to set his turn.
Doing that with Drago on the movie would've been too much.
I do think there would've been some potential to have Drago and Grimmel work together on screen, rather than rely on the warlords.
But I guess they needed the power imbalance for Grimmel to take over.
>Were you also upset that Shakespeare tells you how Romeo and Juliet ends in the prologue?
Shakespeare is the king of shitty writing, so yeah.
Did this movie go through development hell or something? I could swear I read the people in charge saying years ago that it would deal with the extinction of dragons or something, which clearly didn't end up being the case, not to mention the numerous delays.
Felt like they should've recast Astrid and Hiccup for that last scene, even though it's probably been less than ten years.
You must be new here
Not the extinction of the dragons, their disappearance, which this movie did address.
Although the dialog implies Berk and the archipielago are the last safeheavens of dragons, with their numbers dwindling elsewhere.
That's why Grimmel's got so much of a boner for Toothless. The last nightfury, after he hadn't seen one in god knows how many years.
I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's good enough. My only concern is this is where the more creative and risky side of Dreamworks ends now that they're under new command from Universal. Judging by how fast they were eager to hand the next Shrek film to Illumination, I'm concerned that grander and more heartfelt projects like this one will fall to the side while more mediocre and comedic projects take their place. Of course this is pure speculation and not all these comedic projects are bad. Dreamworks of course gained a lot of prominence through such projects like Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda and I've enjoyed most of those. Hell, I even liked Boss Baby. But I'm not feeling too keen on the future of the company. It's weird because I can't really base my suspicions on too much but that's how I feel. Also HTTYD2 was shit and 1 is a genuine masterpiece
This is a clip from the audiobook for the first book thats like ten fucking years old.
The Gift short is the greatest thing that's ever come out of this entire franchise INCLUDING the first movie.
I was obsessed with the first movie and followed the second movie's production religiously but I was so disappointed by it that I didn't pay attention at all to the third. I actually forgot it was out already.
What is the plot of this movie? I dont care about spoilers. I'm reading through this thread and it sounds incoherent.
I never said anything about Incredibles 2, which was also just standard
Oh my God, yes, I'm so sick of Hiccups voice never changing
>Still haven't found my Astrid yet bros
Work on your snorts
I fucking love in-control, calculated villains. This dude was the best
I think recasting would have been a bit much, but they could at least have asked the actors to alter their voices a bit.
>They should of at least spent an extra night cooling off from the climax so we can have time to actually feel sad when the dragons leave.
No shit. That extra 5 minutes couldn't have been that expensive.
Post pictures of Astrid in a flower crown. I need it.
Story 1>3>2
Visuals 2>3>1
I'm surprised everyone here liked it so much. It was really disappointing to me. The whole thing meandered on the worst plot points and none of the resolutions made sense. [spoilers]The dragons leaving in particular felt like they were doing it just to match the books, not because it made sense in universe. Every problem they ran into by having dragons were immediately resolved. There was no reason that any of the dragons other than Toothless needed to leave.[/spoiler]
Snotlout is behind this post.
3 had better visuals
>ywn ride Stormfly by day and Hiccup by night
It did not.
I think this movie left a bad taste in my mouth for the same reason Wreck It Ralph 2 did. It took a story where the whole triumph was how the characters balance each others' flaws, make each other stronger, and are better together and twist it into "actually, it was an unhealthy codependent relationship and they need to learn to let go!"
It feels forced and unsatisfying all around. They should have just stuck with the 'world is not ready for dragons and humans to live together' angle and not mucked around with the Hiccup and Toothless relationship. It ruined the whole beauty of them both being crippled at the end of the first movie and yet together, they're whole.
I agree. I used to think that DreamWorks was the only animation studio that could come close to rivaling Disney/Pixar a decade or so ago. But now they're probably fucked and going to go the Illumination route (assuming they aren't completely absorbed into Illumination years from now).
Also, I liked 2.
Three has objectively better visuals.
I felt that the movie was pretty rushed. Like I know what they went through but I never got to feel that any time has past. Like from this one scene to the next with no breaks. It would be okay if it was an action movie but it isn't an action movie. So, yeah.
They were fine, but at no point particularly breathtaking, it was just like
>wow nice sand physics
And that's it
The hidden world was better than anything in two.
The characters were detailed as fuck, woth better skin and hair shaders, the lighting was better with gorgeous night scenes and sunsets with rich palettes and contrast.
It is objectively superior to two.
Illumination is only competitive to Disney/Pixar in box office by advertising the cute creatures like minions to attract kids' parents to pay the money in theatre, but their quality of story writing are mostly shit and boring after DM1. I don't see illumination have any ambition to make a real good film to challenge an award.
At least Sony Animation Studios did Spider Verse to dethrone Disney/Pixar's domination in those years.
Yes, they look fine, things are pretty, and improved.
But that's expected, it's the third movie things naturally improved, my problem is nothing new is done with them, nothing wowed me like it did in 2.
It felt like they only did what was expected, nothing was ever pushed to go beyond.
I love Hiccup!
I think they're both gorgeous, obviously the animation in 3 is more advanced so certain things (hair, armor, physics, weather, etc) will look better than they did in 2, but the cinematography and animation in the series has always been excellent.
I give a slight edge to 2 however, because there's a whole variety of different visuals, colors, and settings in the scenes. The vibrancy of Berk, the lovely morning Hiccup spends with Valka that segues into a warm honey-toned evening, the overcast during the battle of the Alphas, the dark gray with the burning fire during Stoick's funeral, and so on. There's a lot more visual variety going on there. Compared to three where I just remember a lot of orange scenes, with some green on the new island, and of course the Hidden World, which, to its credit, is absolutely stunning. It could be I have a greater familiarity with 2, but while 3 certainly had improved technology for its visuals, it all tended to blur together to me
The caldera entrance scene was really breathtaking too imo
You mean the entrance to the dragon world? It was okay, just sorta blurred all together to me, wasnt exactly breathtaking, I loved the see through dragon eggs though
Definite unfamiliarity.
you have the colors of berj, greens in the forest, sandy beaches, night scenes in the moonlight and dark interiors illuminated by fire, the hidden world with its rich visuals that blow Valka's sanctuary out the water.
Beautiful sunsets towards the end.
The amazing nightfury flight that starts on bright blue skies, transitions to a dark storm with lightning effects, moves to dark with beautiful auroras.
The visual variety of three is amazing.
They even flex their snow muscles while Hiccup and Grimmel fight.
Only watched the 1st, through Netflix back in 2010 and can barely Remember anything about it.
Imagine being autistic enough to cry over this
Why is he so perfect?
Does anyone have a good quality shot of Toothless smiling at Hiccup after he gives advice on how to dance?
I mean smiling at the Light Fury
Light Fury is for Hiccup
Why can't I kill Hiccup in front of Astrid using a phaser from Star Trek? I would live in the Federation
2 is so overrated it hurts
>think Incredibles 2 succeed ass
>Yea Forums loves it
>Same with wreck it Ralph
>Lose hope in animation. Like maybe I'm growing out of this shit
>finally find an current animated movie I love
>Yea Forums hates it
What gives, guys?
One of my favorite parts of the movie was the fact they introduced like zero important new characters aside from Grimmel, so they could give the ones we already have a lot more focus than the last movie. Tuffnut being a shitty wingman was hilarious, and so was Ruffnut acting like a hot bitch in front of Grimmel. Even Snotlout with his weird milf fetish.
Animation quality and textures and shit, yes, but I think the second movie has way more interesting cinematography and tons more memorable shots by comparison. There's like one scene I remember being really cool, and it's when Hiccup and Astrid first drop down into the caldera in complete darkness, when the camera turns and reveals the water is bioluminescent. The second movie had tons more amazingly well made shots, like everything in pic related (especially the last shot, god it's fucking gorgeous).
I'm assuming Roger Deakins still worked on 3, but I felt like he really brought his A game in 2.
Ruff was on fire while captured. Also, thry finally gave me rufflegs (rufflout fans, which became the majority since 2, are now on suicide watch).
Yea Forums has shit taste
I didnt like his mom retcon on the second movie.
Why did you cry, user?
Here's another one
My childhood just ended.
I remember watching the first one when I was ten. I just watched this one on my 19th birthday and it was like I was saying goodbye to my old friends. It's some bitch shit, but I love it. It's the perfect send-off.
Alright, final one, sorry for the dump.
This is maybe my favorite shot in the movie btw
There were plenty of scenes like these in 3. We just can't webm them yet.
I mean they needed to pair two of them and it’s seems they made their decision in the tv series
This. Also, the palette in those shots is dull as shit.
Dunno. The shows hinted at maybe something with Heather, but there was such a small chance of that ever happening due to how little they bother to connect the side branch.
I'm super fine with this outcome because I shipped that since 1.
Probably, yeah, I've only seen it once so I'm sure I'll find more excellent shots when I rewatch it, but as is I still remembered more shots from the first two movies after the first watch than this one.
That guy is fucking Fishlegs killed Ruffnut by accident while fucking, l mean that kind of weight on top of such skinny girl
I actually agree with you on all 3 points.
Yea Forums is Yea Forums at this rate
Hiccup's Russian voice >>>>>>>>> Hiccup's English voice
So what happened in the movie? Don't have the money at the moment to go see anything
I just saw it, there really weren't, there were good scenes for sure, but nothing like what 2 had
Hiccup becomes a dragon hoarder. Dragon hunter shows up. Hiccup wants to find the original home of dragons because there are not enough dragons left here and he needs moar. All of Berk go with him because the island is now a shitheap anyway and leaving it to rot is easier than cleaning up. Toothless meets female. Toothless can't fug female because he is a cripple. Toothless gets new tail fin and fucks off to fug. Hiccup goes searching for him, finds ancestral home of dragons. Dragons say fuck off human. Toothless rescues him but he is angry because now he can't fug. Dragon hunter attacks. Dragon hunter dies. Hiccup learns a valuable lesson and settles down with Astrid. Toothless returns to ancestral home of the dragons to fug. And so do the other dragons because the script says so. Everyone fugs. There were dragons when I was a boy. Babbies and dragon babbies meet. The end.
>why are you doing this?
>because... when i was a child, i DID IT
Because dreamworks movies have ridiculously intelligent sidekick animals for mostly unjustifiable reasons.
its been a common complaint of mine with them
This movie felt like it had no stakes other than "people want to hurt dragons" which has literally been the case since the first movie.
I didnt think any of the jokes were funny, and i could have done without all those padded mating scenes.
am i just bitter? i almost fell asleep i was so bored
user, I feel like you are missing something important.
>Scientific research shows that without a trace of doubt humans are the superior race. There is statistical proof that dragons are thieves and murderers. History showed us time and again that those who believe in co-existence are fools and genocide is the only right course of action.
This speech was so bad it looped back and became good.
the reveal of dragos bewilderbeast wasnt a "wow" to you?
It's like a perfect bowl of oatmeal, its objectively well made, and doesnt leave a bad taste in your mouth, but you aint gonna remember it
a bunch of meaningless crap leads up to the dragons leaving :(((((((( its so sad when toothless and hiccup say goodbye ))))))))':
but then nvm timeskip and theyre chilling again
omg did you cry too?
i meant specifically the night fury hateboner that he had
I watched this a few hours ago and I already forgot the villain's name. Bit dumb to have a master dragon killer and not at least have him kill a single dragon onscreen.
Oh yes, that was quite the revelation.
2 didn't have shit
No. It's just a big fucking dragon
>Bit dumb to have a master dragon killer and not at least have him kill a single dragon onscreen.
Actually he did. I'd post a camrip webm but I'm too lazy atm.
If you mean the big dragon in his first scene then it was hit with his regular tranq dart.
Oh. Well, that's what I get for watching shitty blurry camrips.
You dont honestly believe that do you
It was really overrated.
I'm not saying it's the best movie, it's a fucking mess, but had more memorable moments than 3 had
Yes, but it's perfect for pink guys inhaling at enemies and making it later.
It didn't
Prove it
>"instead of proving that it did, I'm going to ask you to prove that it didn't"
Now you
You didn't like the cloud scene with the Light Fury?
Past puberty I don't think your voice changes that much into adulthood.
I actually hadn't considered this while watching, but you're right on the mark. We all knew where the movie was going to end, but I think most everyone thought it was going to be more reluctant, and based on circumstances out of the duo's control.
The 'its better for us' theme really doesn't mesh well with the previous two movies, and feels shoved in for the sake of Deblois' insistence on a 'coming of age' story.
Why do all 3 movies have the same villain, who wants to put all the dragons in cages? They all do the same thing
"oh hey a creepy smooth toothless is doing the thing that toothless did"
not particularly. There was also way too much mating footage. got real tiring
I wish we had a villain that just straight up killed dragons, no more trapping, just extermination
First movie? :\
It wasnt bad but it just didn't impress me, I liked the part where they were reflected in each others eyes
Stoic wanted to kill'em all sure, but also put some in cages to train against. And to capture Toothless to lead them to the other dragons, which is another thing the other 2 antagonists have in common.
I think Dean's biggest problem is that he seemed way too committed to the "There were dragons when I was a boy" line and didn't want to give it up, even though it hurt the story. The movies barely have anything to do with the books in the first place, I don't know why he wanted to keep that line so bad.
It felt pretty shitty seeing how Toothless was so ready to ditch Hiccup at the first sign of finding some light furry pussy. Toothless and Hiccup not being together feels wrong. What if at the end of Toy Story 3, Buzz said "Sorry Woody, I'm actually not a toy, and I'm leaving now" and just fucked off?
I get the message of you can't hold on to the ones you love forever or whatever, but the idea of Hiccup being co-dependent on Toothless felt forced and came out of nowhere, especially after the first two movies made a point to emphasize that they weren't, that Hiccup could be a good chief on his own, that he was capable of overcoming shit without Toothless. They worked amazingly together of course, but they weren't reliant on each other.
It’s children’s movie user...if you are unsatisfied by how unrealistic the narrative is there are plenty of more “adult” books
But they don’t have pretty moving pictures so you’ll have to hang in there
Ruffnut was dtf Grimmel and that's a fact
Usually the hero's journey ends with the hero finding a balance between his home and the realm he sets out to explore. Or between the two competing forces in the story, not complete separation between the two realms. So this ending felt strange to me.
They openly killed the giant alpha dragon in the second AND Stoick.
There was a viking funeral and everything.
Kung Fu Panda 2 had panda genocide.
You act like children cant handle a villain who is legitimate threat or any sensitive subject matter.
Dragons living with Vikings was a retarded idea
There entire scene where toothless and the light fury discover the hidden world was fantastic
As was any shot where it showed the migration of dragons
It didn't feel earned, this villain wasnt enough of a legitimate threat to justify separating dragons from Vikings, he was on the same level as Drago.
Books were better, fuck you.
>tfw you will never get book Alvin
>tfw you will never get book Fishlegs
>tfw you will never get Camacazi
The entrance to the hidden world was nice I'll give you that, but the rest wasnt as impressive.
The migration wasnt really impressive either, just dragons flying through clear skies, nothing else to it
>same level as drago
drago killed the most impressive/unkillable dragon introduced in any of the movies and then killed stoick.
this guy did jackshit except have failed keikaku moments
Wreck It Ralph 2
Hes implied to be this big dragon killer who wiped out all nightfurys. I'll give it to you though, Drago did manage to kill a giant alpha, but they're a lot the same.
>legendary dragon catcher/killer
>uses dragons as tools and to kill/capture other dragons
>uses a controlled alpha against dragons
They should have just had him mercilessly kill dragons, have some actual stakes
Would it turn out better if Chris Sanders was still on board?
rank them
is it a satisfying ending? if I loved the first two would I like it? Is it oscar worthy?
Yeah, the last half hour of the second one went full retard with the two giant dragons, not because they introduced them and had them fight, but because they didn't really do anything with the fight and everything going on around it to make it engaging.
Clearly you are not a digimon fan.
its satisfying enough as an ending but really unearned and poorly executed
1 > 3 > 2
It's an amazing ending. Yea Forumsmrades are insane.
Eh, 1> 2 = 3
2 and 3 have their own set of problems but they both have enough reason for me to go back and watch, they're pretty equal in that regard, but 1 is the most solid.
You'll probably enjoy it well enough, it's up to you how the ending sits with you.
I dont see it winning any Oscars.
>is it a satisfying ending?
Could have been worse. We all knew the destination, and that part was good, but the journey did not do that well to prepare the way for it.
>if I loved the first two would I like it?
Probably. I loved the first two, and was mildly disappointed in the third, but still went to see it twice.
>Is it oscar worthy?
Nah, sadly not. 1 and 2 both had a better shot at it.
damn I really want to see it beating toy story 4
i'll just be over here waiting for the ruffnut fanart/porn. for as gross and annoying as she is, she's fucking cute when she gets older
Probably will go to Frozen 2
1 > 3 >> 2
2 only had the major Stoic Death that was only felt because of 1. 3 wa far more tightly written.
>why didn’t the mom contact Stoic and Hiccup despite being around
>how come Drago was able to control a giant Alpha Dragon? Did he wrestle it to submission?
>what is up with that finale being just giant Kaiju fights?
She said that she felt they would be safer without her around, when she refused to kill dragons, and her own fears that they would never change held her back, she thought Hiccup would be safer in Stoicks care than hers, which is why it's a shock that Hiccup is a lot like her.
Will I like this one if Ithought the second one was really disappointing?
You'll probably like it fine
If more people here prefer 3 over 2 then why dosen't it have a chance at the oscars?
2 had a messy story and a meh villain, 3s story is more solid but the villain is still meh, it's good but nothing remarkable, I felt like they played it a little too safe with 3.
3's villain had more charisma and was more memorable. I barely remember WHAAAAAAAAUG!`
I cant even remember 3s name
Didn't really hit me very hard, didn't get invested in it. 1st one is the best in my opinion and while 2 wasn't as good it at least had the emotional moments of Stoick's death and him and Hiccup's mom getting back together. Dragons disappeared yeah but it didn't feel real, they instantly time skip it and Hiccup is chilling back with Toothless and their kids are there. Played it too safe, dragons should have gotten fucked up by Hiccup's choices, they talked about greedy humans but that should have clearly been Hiccup who desperately wanted to keep the dragons around.
Ultimately I felt both 2 and 3 were limited by their PG rating, they could have told a more mature story and had the characters be more mature than what they were. HTTYD 1 came out in 2010, that's fucking 9 years ago. They people who watched it and cared about it then are mid teens or adults by this point.
>Cloudjumper has to leave Valka after some 20+ years of living together
>Both of them are completely fine with this
>finding a new home took 1 scene, and everyone's okay with it almost immediately
>releasing their dragons took 1 scene and everyone's okay with it almost immediately
Depends on what disapointed you from 2, I guess.
I personally find this movie has a much better handle of the cast.
alot of films that play it safe win oscars. I guess my question is are you satisfied with the ending? could it be better?
on a scale of 1-10, 10 been return of the jedi and 1 been mass effect 3 how is this as an ending?
I had my Toothless when the first movie came out. It's a big reason why the franchise means so much to me today.
It's a shame she didn't make it to HtTYD 3.
It's a good ending in writing.
The execution and pacing is the main problem, and the villain
What is this?
I didn't!
Toothless didn't need an love interest.
>it's another "Hiccup thinks he can talk his way out of the problem and ends up making things worse" episode
he actually had some sort of backup plan this time, he's getting better
>yfw they end up sterile due to the crossbreeding and Toothless is still the last of his kind despite all their efforts
Theres no need for a depressing twist like that, toothless's fate is already depressing enough, he's the last nightfury, inevitably one day his genes will be breed out
I thought they were the same species, but sexually dimorphic, why are their kids blended?
>"We don't deserve you...as pets....yet"
Light Furys are an entirely different dragon, you see two more in the dragon world
>2 didn't have shit
That's literally what Grimo was supposed to be
And sadly he's reduced to the same bad man caging dragons and almost killing toothless
Confess your sins to my beard
I want to do things to Toothless.
The artbook for 2 is so goddamn good
Did the show ever amount to anything? Specifically with that one old faggot sheep guy who pretends to be a good guy but then talks sinister in the presence of the bad guy
It really is
the show had pretty much no bearing on 3, no
>le 56% dragon
>Snotlout wants to fuck Hiccups mom
>Toothless wants to fuck the Brightfury
>Gobber wants Hiccup and Astrid to fuck already
>Fishlegs and Ruffnut are going to fuck
I think the movie is trying to tell us something
>fuck it
he looks like mysterious mr enter
anyone else think they made snotlout look like fat gerard way or am I just weird?
this, people that watched it with me didnt catch it
What did he mean by this?
Meh. I went and saw it last night and I feel like I'm already forgetting about it. Every conflict felt contrived and I really couldn't care less. I liked the villain, but in the greater picture they have defeated worse; he seemed small fry in comparison, and at the end of the day, the villain ended up getting what he wanted in a roundabout way.
Yes, it had it's sad moments, but I don't even see the point in making the movie other than to say "Show's over, lads."
idk i liked his screaming. it made him seem really feral and overpowering which is kind of the point all things considered
Shit looked photorealistic. Like I feel like they found real actual dragons and filmed then flying across the sky.
I thought the second one was disappointing and I loved this one
Yes the dragons were sent back, But why did the dragons leave their ancestral home in the first place?
anyone else wondering how alpha became like a global position (even though there were 2 alphas in play in httyd 2)?
doesn't make any sense that toothless would be alpha of dragons he hadn't even met yet
It has more to do with the actual species being alpha due to legend and whatever lore they wrote.
they said (in school of dragons, I think) that most/all species of dragons have an alpha state, which logically means any dragon could be the alpha
also remember most of the dragons didn't really follow toothless until he took the title of alpha from its previous holder
logically speaking there was no reason for the hidden world dragons to need toothless: they didn't need his protection, and they shouldn't have needed his leadership
basically the only solid reason for him leaving is to go hang out with some light fury thot and ditch his best friend
did anyone notice the black alpha from the 2nd movie in the hidden world?
Yeah, I'm happy he's doing okay
point taken
He's here. Any more light furies.
It seems a bit unlikely that all the dragon just migrated over to the Hidden World Paradise. Unless they want use to believe Drago/new guy wiped out the populations elsewhere.
This is so cute
Fuck man, that scene
Not a bad quality cam
Shinzy Abe called in a favor
It's the last Kryptonian thing all over again
Holy shit they’re like tuxedo cats, that’s so fucking cute.
Pretty sure that was from a commercial
Damn, Hiccup looking fine as shit.
Like that part with Yujiro begging Baki to fuck his girlfriend already.
Valka was a shitty mom.
She was aware, why do you think she never went back
This one is most beautiful, the cast more engaging, and the ending felt just right.
I agree that Grimmel doesn't live up to his potential, but he is still a far more engaging character than Drago.
There weren't two Alphas.
Drago's bewilderbeast took the title when it killed Valka's.
Toothless became Alpha when it stood up to the grey bewilderbeast.
That is exactly what is happening.
She knows. She even admits to Astrid a lot of Hiccup's problems are because she left them.
>the cast more engaging
I feel like most were there for jokes or just there for exposition
As long as she knows it. Everything is fine.
In the books dragons are smarter than people.
I think the movie was fantastic, but I watched the first two over the weekend and... somehow I feel little bit disappointed.
The first movie was comfy viking movie.
The second wasn't, and that was okay because it was more of heroic fantasy. Valka, Hiccup, Drogo (and astrid at the start) reminded me a lot from original books that are full of great heroes and villains, and whole movie felt like a story from old norse sagas. Yes it had plenty of problems, but I rewatched it several times since it came out, and I always get chills at some scenes. The itchy armpit scene, meeting the valka, valka's reveal, drogo's reveal, the re union, the battle, the funeral.
The third movie was weird mix of these two. At the start it feels more like the first movie, but then they leave berk and the adventure bits mix with comfy bits and the tone is just a mess. idk, maybe I have to rewatch it again.
The ending was absolute KINO. I only wish the wedding would be longer.
Third movie made me think of growing up, and about what I've gained and lost. Things are changing so rapidly and so irrevocably with my group of friends and our lives, and watching HTTYD 3 made me feel the same way.
The hardest part about growing up is letting go.
I saw it and I'm not sure what to think. It felt very rushed and the villain was very lackluster. I don't know if I just got too hyped or something. What am I missing?
The ending was definitely kino though. I kept thinking one of them was gonna die.
These look like Flight Rising dragons.
I feel like they played it way too safe
They aren't going to ruin this by making a fourth one, right?
Was toothless mad at Hiccup or the other dragons?
Post cute Astrid art that doesn't need a spoiler
Dunno if mad is the right word. His expression is not one of anger, mostly dissapointment.
And he was probably mad at both (he snaps at several dragons in the hidden world to keep them away from Hiccup and Astrid).
I found a shitty screencap of her cleavage, but I can't post pictures on Yea Forums anymore.
>Hiccup attacks raider ships
>Hiccup rescues one to many dragons
>Dragon Hunter killer wants to kill Toothless
>Dragon Hunter sends female to distract Toothless
>Hiccup moves village to keep it safe from invaders
>Hiccup tries to find Dragon Utopia
>Dragon Hunter attacks
>Girl twin gets kidnapped and leads villain to new home
>Dragon Hunter kidnaps Toothless and Female Toothless
>Dragon Hunter dies, Toothless survives
>Butterfree scene
>Hiccup grows beard and reunites with Toothless one last time?
>everybody do the dinosaur
There was one thing really weird to me. Why did the universal logo play before the dreamworks logo? I felt like I was in the wrong theater.
But wouldn't they eventually start running out of resources and start competing for food and space before migrating elsewhere and starting their own colonies like before?
We'll find out in the next movie
DreamWorks got bought by illumination I think
Also what did everyone think of the soundtrack?
The soundtrack when that entered the hidden world was fucking great
>the secondary cast never really seemed to evolve beyond comedy, idiot sidekicks.
HAH GOOD FUCK THEM. If it's one thing I hate it's seeing "redeemed" loser sidekicks. Hiccup was bad enough in the first movie and even in the second and third movies. I still cannot stand his voice and I'd KILL for a different English voice actor.
Gobber and Stoic weren't as bad as the 4 retarded kids, but they were boring just like Hiccup's mother.
The cast should have been non-retard Hiccup, Astrid + The Night Fury.
Fucking Top Notch
>slightly glance down through the comments
>When Toothless has a third date and a girlfriend and you don't even have one date or girlfriend. He has a lot to teach to us.
Why did they try to show Stoic liking Dragons and wanting Dragon Utopia when he wanted to kill them all?
John Powell is a fucking genius, I still can't believe the soundtrack for 2 wasn't even nominated for an Oscar
Did 1 get nominated or win anything?
It was nominated for both best animated movie and best original score, didn't win either
What won instead of this masterpiece?
Toy Story 3 for animated movie, Social Network for score
>Toy Story 3 for animated movie
Disney snubs again
>Social Network for score
>tfw you will never watch Alvin get incinerated on his descent into the heavens
Also nice job not mentioning book Snotlout retard.
Movies were still good though
It didn't hit me as much as the previous films on my first viewing. But during my second viewing, and listening to the individual tracks, its just as good.
I think the movie itself just didn't have as many moments where the music could come forward like the previous two. The leaving Berk montage bit could have been the new "See You Tomorrow" if it had more time and cut out the villain stuff.
Actually is bought by Universal, but Universal owns illumination, so I'm not optimistic that Dreamworks can avoid being "illuminationalized" to make the boring shits for kids.
>"illuminationalized" to make the boring shits for kids.
Panda and Dragons are over now, so that'll come faster than you think.
Don't forget that Shrek 5 is going to be released later this year.
Best movie so far
defo wasn't as good as 1, maybe close to 2 (maybe?)
probably has the best reason why, there just wasn't any standout scene/score pairing in the films (except maybe at the very end)
1 had forbidden friendship, test flight, and maybe vs red death, 2 had for the dancing and the dreaming and stoick's ship, but nothing except the last few minutes of 3 worked like those moments did
It was fine, but definitely not on the same level as the first two. The Hidden World is fucking amazing, but that's the only real standout track imo. I like the new "dragon date" theme, but it just doesn't compare to the other leitmotifs in the series.
Toothless Found is best music
the fucking moment that starts at like 1:27 and then the whole rest of the song still fucking gets me, man
This OST makes me slightly mad at how quickly they separate at the end of 3, after all they've lived together they couldn't have a longer goodbye scene that did it justice?
is this concept art?
No but it's good, right?
Please post more fanarts!
Is there no good fanart of Astrid that contains no pigs?
I can't find any song named "dragon date"
Third date is probably what he meant.
Though I do agree, giving footballers as an example of no gay is a wrong move m8
>you will never see Furious going apeshit and setting entire islands on fire
>you will never see Snotlout taking Dragonmark and dying for hiccup
>you will never see Deadly Shadow in action
>you will never see heroes like Hotshot, Flashburn and Valhallarama fighting in epic battles
Is it just me or was the lightfury weirdly sexual
>When she implied she had to take a shit
Just finished Race to the Edge. Pretty good, not a classic by any means but keeps you coming back for the most part.
Why did they feel the need for a scrappy doo? They used him sparingly at least.
Is the series watchable and have voices that sound similar to the movie VAs?
Race to the Edge(seasons 3-8) are very watchable. Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk your mileage may very. They learned a lot and the Netflix money shows when they switched over.
>They learned a lot
What do you mean?
Writing and animation gets better. They didn't really know what kind of show they wanted but eventually the crew finds something to focus in on and it comes into it's own.
It also methodically bridges the gap between the first two movies in a somewhat satisfying manner.
Was this established in the TV show? Because I feel as if it was barely mentioned in the movies
The movies show a HUGE group of hunters user.
I think it's also the first time they showed a map of the world.
By the end if the show dragon hunting is pretty widespread and self sustaining even without centralized leadership. The dragon riders and their allies had made great strides protecting certain regions and species but it's still just several villages versus a world of who gives a shit.
Hiccup and Astrid are both their original actors, and the rest of the cast I wouldn't know, but if not, they're very convincing- except for Stoic, unfortunately.
>Literal autism
Here he goes again , talking about le epic character development
>httyd 4
>toothless's tail breaks
>it's up to his kids to find hiccup to repair the tail
>they go on a whacky adventures filled with shenanigans
>also on the other side hiccup has a deadly disease where freshly moulted dragon scales are the cure or something
>so his kids go off to find the hidden world again
>One of the viking statues got replaced with a dragon statue
>remember that the original got crushed by the previous alpha bewilderbeast
Clever little detail
She was so perfect
Hiccup, Astrid, Tuffnut and Fishlegs use the same voice actors across all series.
Ruffnut and Snotlout get switched to sound-alikes unless it's a special episode (like Boneknapper or Gift).
The rest of the cast is different voices.
Tuffnut probably will keep his new voice actor in any new project that shows up (there's a new series aimed at kids that's not canonical to the movies coming).
>httyd 4
You shut your mouth
Barf's a boy, user.
Why was she so beautiful
>enjoyed watching seasons 3-8 on netflix
>try watching the initial cartoon network episodes
>it's boring as fuck
Should I bother finishing it?
What's wrong with Seasons 1-3
I like how they keep the dragon hunter from 2 as Hiccup's advicer, dude probably was the only competent guy appart from Hiccup
I'm several episodes in and besides some lack luster cgi the whole thing feels simplistic and confined. They're just fucking around Berk doing routine shit and focusing too much on Hiccup. The world building and fleshed out ensemble of characters were the high point of Race to the Edge.
Does the cgi get better?
That second pic looks almost theatrical level
My bad, that's the second movie
Will she be the next generation's Nala?
The moral of the story is different people should live apart, also you should have lots of babies. Is this an alt-right message movie?
is there a good camrip or korean rip yet?
now remove all dragons. they are just normal boring vikings. im not watching the third movie.
still, im glad that he got best wife.
She was my childhood Nala moment when I went to go see it this past Saturday. Muh dick
Vikings aren't cool user
I was kinda hoping that dagur would shave that beard of his
I hate how it looks
I thought he did in the series finale.
Hopefully never, we don't the astrid curse to happen to another character
That's what I was thinking during that scene. Hiccup had no problem killing the Red Death in the first film, may as well go full circle and have him kill a guy.
At the very least, gobber or his mom could've killed him.
I can buy him mimicking Hiccup for a mating dance but understanding the nuances of a hostage situation is where I draw the line.
>understanding the nuances of a hostage situation is where I draw the line.
Wait, what?
Dumb Nigga couldn't even recognize his old friend. He wasn't smart in any other depiction.
Was TJ Miller still voicing him? He sounded way different
I like Hiccup and Astrid a lot more than most other animated couples. It's simple, straightforward, and genuinely cute.
>despite making up 13% of the population Night Furies are responsible for 60% of all crime
1 > 2 > 3
Can't beat the pacing and story in 1. The animation hasnt aged well but that's it's only real flaw imo.
2 had its problems but 3 had a lot of those problems magnified. Rushed ending, half ass developed villain, pacing problems out the wazoo. The only reason this got as much as buzz as it did is cause of the ending, and even then it just shits on the first two endings.
>too dark to camouflage with the clouds during the day.
>too bright to camouflage with the shadows at night.
These dragons would be completely fucked hunting outside the hidden world.
they can turn invisible
I ship them so hard as well.
>>too dark to camouflage with the clouds during the day.
there aren't many animals that are colored to match the daytime sky for camouflage, usually it's just dark/black
night furies can probably swim and hunt underwater, and the dark top white underbelly pair would do well in that environment
There's another page where she coughs up the fish head for him right?
Eh, I'd be fine with a 4th at this point. 3 shit all over the ending of 1 and 2, it's only fair.
Grimmel has Toothless and Light Fury in chains and muzzled. The other dragons come to help and nearly attack Grimmel but he points a giant crossbow bolt at Light Fury and makes a comment about how Toothless wont risk her life and have the dragons attack, and Toothless uses his alpha powers to call them off.
What would the fourths ending be?
Meant to reply to Miller is black listed. He basically lost his mind and called in a fake bomb threat to a train his ex gf was on and got arrested.
Dunno, but the sad "dragons have to leave" ending didnt mesh with the endings of the ANY of the film. Berk is apparently one of the last places where dragons live and now all the antagonists (the only people who know where New Berk is and the only people we know of with dragon armies) are dead and their dragons are free.
I could buy Toothless leaving to be with his mate and all the freed dragons following but every dragon seems forced.
Honestly, the whole ending seemed forced. If the director wanted to push the tearjerker angle, they should've killed Hiccup as saved the light fury so she could save toothless . This would've made more sense as to why Toothless wouldn't return after years, and why he had a reason to leave. The other dragon hunters weren't dead, just the main bad guy, but the threat was diminished. There was no reason to leave the new island, especially since the island itself was isolated and they could've moved to a new land again if they needed to. The whole movie could've been avoided if Hiccup just killed him when he had the chance, or had someone else do it for him. I think Sanders leaving was the biggest blow to the movie.
if I recall correctly the warlords got sealed into a metal cage on a burning ship. Is there anything to suggest they survived?
I don't remember
iirc the cage wasn't sealed completely, it kinda drifted away from the cage that barred it shut before the scene transitioned
not conclusive, but they didn't really make a hard case either way (not really saying much because we don't even know if grimmel actually died)
I've read that the idea's been tossed around but one director said he didn't want to keep it going, wrapping up the whole coming of age thing. He wasn't against the idea of spinoff films.
They redubbed all of Tuffnut's lines.
What’s the Astrid curse?
A new series is in development, but it has no ties to the movies.
It seems to be an entirely new take more in line with the books.
They might have the current cast appear, but its a new continuity.
Someone commissions so much specific disgusting porn of a character that no one can talk about that character or make fanart of that character anymore. oink
Dragons with pop culture references, toned down vikings/flying scenes, pop songs, and celebrity voice casting? Sign me up
>A new series is in development, but it has no ties to the movies.
Rate my spinoff idea; How To Train You Gryphon set in British Isles and mainland Europe with Saxons, Gauls or Celts.
That's a cute birb
It'll probably still feature dragons
I just want Toothless content to never end, I have too much admiration for that character. There is something about that mix of powerlevel/cute/rarity that makes him too unique. I don't like the reductive "pet" marketing around him but I can understand it. I'm ok with porn when done well (narse)
>I just want Toothless content to never end
what he said, if toothless was designed like any of the other stereotypical dragons of the series httyd probably wouldn't even have had a sequel
I want a toothless plush
I want something like a nendoroid for toothless
Think more like an adventure/sol series with a kid protagonist and talking dragons.
Be glad you don't know.
IIRC astrid's America Ferrera said she think they already fucked before second movie.
RIP thread
Kek I remember when people were scared thinking that either toothles or hiccup will die.
Imagine Toothless dying, how emotionally hardcore that would be