Could Busiek save Marvel again? what character/team needs his quality and experience?
What is his secret Marvel project?
>what character/team needs his quality and experience?
*Most* of them, at this point, senpai.
I'd love for him to take over either the X-Men or Avengers; but I don't think either of those is going to happen.
Doctor strange he basically says it guys
Marvel sucks.
Busiek and Alan Davis on X-Men would be a dream come true
Not Strange, it was just a word.
What are the odds that Kang will be involved in some capacity?
does Immortus or Rama-Tut count as being Kang?
Kang is his favorite Avengers villain, but Ultron is the second one... maybe it's about Pymtron, that would be kino.
DC is the one needing saving.
If anyone needs Busiek it’s DC. They have made their whole universe edgy and grimdark and PSTD. They need a light in the darkness.
Oh man, can't wait for another Busiek story to help with my insomnia.
Kang causes a Flashpoint, entire universe is rebooted into the 80s.
Did he ever finish that Batman elseworlds story
>putting resists on your Twitter handle
Great.. as if Marvel couldn't get any worse..
At least they don’t have Bendis or King.
>very cool and entertaining
No, it’s not and with any luck it will never be that.
Avengers Forever 2: The Foreverning
I would buy a sequel. I love that book.
the only secret stuff atm is either Thanos in the Eternals or in a standalone cosmic project given how well received and known by normies he is now they absolutely don't want him dead and are dragging Josh Brolin Jlaw style
It'll be a OGN or a mini. I doubt his health will allow him to write a run at this point.
Except for Astro City, his best work has been minis. His longer runs for Marvel have been decent to mediocre.
The only things marvel needs is to finally undo OMD(hopefully in progress) and to fix some of their horrible Superheroine design choices(ones I consider realistically fixable;She-hulk needs to go back to how she was pre-civil war II(smart and sexy),Jessica needs her classic Spider woman costume, Psylocke needs to her iconic look back(Asian and blue leotard) and in general stop being prudes.)
They also need to put out some decent books.
I can not disagree with any of these points.
I betting they are going to put him on Black Panther.
The niggers only rule has pretty much stiffled Black Panther, especially given the fact that the only thing they have Panther-wise, to shill back issue-wise besides the Priest run, are the 70s era stuff by white guys.
Putting Busiek on Black Panther would get white people to buy it and give the book the much needed nerd cred to get hardcore fans to buy BP's book in droves.
And Busiek would probably be the type of person to tease Avengers fans into buying it by way of using his BP run to fix all of the damaged Avengers that Marvel has irrevocably broke since he left the title.
British Betsy would work if they gave her the Silvestri armor back.
Also, giving us a proper Australian era roster X-Book, since it's the only nostalgia era Marvel's yet to tap into yet
Busiek on X-Men would be a disaster given that he's a Jean fangirl who never forgave Claremont for replacing the old X-Men/killing Jean off.
1. Busiek is a huge fucking Beast apologist, so Scott would still get shitted on big time and never live down what he did as Rightclops
2. Scott would never get with Emma again and he'd probably triple down on Emma being evil to kill the ship (going so far as probably retconning that she brainwashed Scott to be her boyfriend)
3. He's gone all in on the SJW/anti-comicsgate shit, so no fucking way will he undo the Bendis character assassination of Bobby turning him into a faggot.
4. He'll probably purge Warren of his Archangel powers again, making him boring/worthless plain Angel again.
Everyone is missing the obvious project: Marvels 2.
Marvel's reprinting the original Marvels mini-series this spring and Marvel's been bugging Busiek for decades to do a follow up.
And Marvel has been paying Alex Ross huge money, presumably because they want him on retainer for when Busiek finally agrees to write it.
Furthermore, a Marvels sequel is one of the few big ticket projects Marvel can churn out for their big anniversary year. Not to mention give them another major evergreen trade to sell, as Marvels has been one of their most consistent selling trades.
>Implying he won't retcon everything but the original X-Men
this is Kurt "Wagner on a rope gets my dick" Busiek after all
I'm hoping its moon knight
not because I like this guy's writing, I dont even know him
I just want more moon knight/more active moon knight threads
Sounds like the plausible thing.
Busiek is one of the best writers in the industry... but for some reason he isn't as popular as Moore, Miller, Morrison, Ennis, etc.
>Marvels 2
Did yall muggas forget about Eye of the Camera? Not only was it mediocre at best but it pretty definitively closed the Marvels book. A spinoff is possible I guess but it's hardly what I'd call strange and would likely just be retreading the same ground that Marvels and Eye of the Camera already covered, since I really can't see Busiek wanting to write at length about anything after the bronze age (which itself already seemed to be testing him).
>triple down on Emma being evil to kill the ship (going so far as probably retconning that she brainwashed Scott to be her boyfriend)
Anyone else want to see that, just to watch the outrage it would cause?
No, he didn't
>lel busiek made me mad on twitter so i'll claim he's a bad writer XD
Your dumb act
What does he resist? Finishing Batman: Creature of the Night?
Is batman creature of the night #4 ever releasing?
Marvels 3, wherein Immortus whisks Phil away just before he dies to take him on a trip through all of marvel history, from the ancient past when the Celestials first arrived to one of the many far flung futures, and then brings Phil back to the moment of his death.
Hopefully he's in charge of bringing back the Stars Comics imprint, which means he'll be writing the new Heathcliff ongoing. He's one of the few writers that I would trust with it besides Gallagher, since he knows and appreciates Heathcliff lore.
those are all good things
Seriously I need it
>implying his Avengers run isn’t one of the GOAT Marvel runs
Damn, so brave. That is a very dangerous position, hope he's alright!
he already did Avengers
I asked Benjamin Dewey about Autumnlands last year and he basically said he's stuck waiting for Busiek to write more scripts.
So glad Busiek found the time to do more work-for-hire shit in the interim. Really shows his commitment to the book.
He never "saved Marvel" in the first place, you literal faggot.
That's probably because with Image, you don't get paid on your creator-owned book until the book is published.
Should be the X men, It is what Disney need now
>wanting Busiek, a man who despises all non-silver age X-men, to write the X-men
We only just got rid of the O5, user.