Most boring avengers run?

Most boring avengers run?

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has Carol, so is instantly more interesting than any runs without Carol.

>trolling outside of Yea Forums

That's not Hickman's endless "one was life and the other was death" drivel

This and Waid's that went literally nowhere due to event tie-ins.

Bendis' Age of Heroes runs for New Avengers and Mighty Avengers.

Let's be honest, the last good Avengers run was the Busiek one.


Geoff Johns.

Yes, Geoff Johns wrote The Avengers, it was right before Bendis.

Agreed. Half the time I find myself struggling to get through the issue. Aaron tries to make his Avengers seem like the end all be all but it’s just so boring and the characterization of like half the team so shit

I liked Johns' run. Red Zone was a great arc with sexy Coipel art. He fixed Hank and Janet and he was prepared to fix Wanda and Vizh.

Aparrently Jen actually briefly got fixed at the end of Tamaki's run or something so this thing is responsible for her still being fucked up.

Feels like writing them like they were the Justice League.

Avengers Mountain is a really stupid, yet original idea.

I feel like there's this one raging carolfag who keeps trying to push her

not a fan of Aaron writing she-hulk,
Aaron's recent arcs have been improving but the whole Final Host is just bad
Ewing and Zub can do better on a main Avenger book

The one that was only minorities and women.

Hickman and Aaron are both bad writers that peaked 10 years ago so they produce bad comics, wow what a fucking shock.

No Road Home is the real Avengers book.

Slott's Mighty Avengers was pretty good. I enjoyed Hank's further descent into madness and the Hercules stuff.

Is there a full list of Avengers books?
Because we have to have gone through at least seven different versions of the book at this point. I know there's vanilla Avengers, New Avengers, All-New Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, and All-New All-Different Avengers. What else is there?

I feel like it's a joke or an user trying to bait you.

Aaron only used She-Hulk because Ewing got dibs on Banner and Aaron threw a big sad tantrum.
BrucexThor was going to be a ship.

Red Zone was the last good Avengers story

>Most boring avengers run?
i didn't make it through the first 2 issues, so i don't know

>Slott's Mighty Avengers was pretty good.
The absolute fucking state of Yea Forums holy shit.

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Yea Forums also said the same thing about Slott's F4 run.

That was an overall great run but damn did that ending suck and feel rushed. Just another day of everyone shitting on Hank just to disband the team.

Plus he was setting up The Zodiac which of course nobody did anything with.

Waid/Ewing/Zub's No Surrender & No Road Home feel like actual Avengers books, where there's a good balance between the action and interpersonal relationships, the stakes feel high and there's a clear continuity because the ones writing it actually give a fuck.

Jason Aaron can only do one thing: stakes, continuity and characterization be damned. He's really trying hard to retcon whole swathes of history and bulldozing through continuity with his cynical view of the mysterious side of the Marvel universe. It just doesn't work for me. Hickman gets a lot of flack around here for his Doom and whatnot, but I remember the arc with the Builders and frankly, that stuff had weight. "God's vomit" doesn't.

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>really stupid but original idea

Congratulations, you've just described 80% of Aaron's Marvel output (the other 20% is stupid but derivative)

The current two issues of vampire stuff has been overpowered OCs tearing up the known MU on a par with Loeb's Red Hulk, but has at least been solid mindless fun (on a par with Loeb's Red Hulk) and not ZZZZZZ Celestials like the first 6(?) part arc

That's Cates too, although there's a better phrase to encapsulate his stories:
>Can't decide whether this is genius or absolutely stupid

I'll give you that, the Vampire arc has been more interesting, even more so than all the stuff about the Winter Guard, specially when it seemed to go nowhere beyond, what? Setting up the Namor rebellion at the seas? The pivoting of the Squadron Supreme, directed by an evil Coulson? Eh.

I don't know about most boring but certainly some of the worst characterization I've seen.

A machine gun that fires 100 wooden stakes per minute.
I understand comics are founded on cheese however there are some cheeses that stink, Aaron's is one prime example.

>because slott wrote a shitty spider-man, that means everything he wrote is shitty
You're an embarrassment.

Camen to say this. The second volume of New Avengers is literally nothing happens: the series

I stopped reading after issue 9 or so. Is Aaron still butchering Jen and Robbie's characters?

Also, No Road Home is a way better series.

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Is Robbie still written OOC as a loud-mouthed Spider-Man wannabe?

it's been getting better outside the first arc

Slott Avengers was just bad. He wrote countless bad comics.

The Black Monday Murders is one of the best comics coming out currently

Tell us what was specifically bad about it.

Nah it's pretty good chump.

no one is saying he hasn't written back comics, but his Mighty Avengers was probably his best run.

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>and he was prepared to fix Wanda and Vizh.

It's a pity Johns didn't stay longer to finish that job. Busiek's refusal to do so is the biggest mark against his run, and ultimately resulted in modern writers' refusal to fix them as well.

To each his own, buddy. Red Zone was a lot of fun.

>West Coast Avengers
>Solo Avengers
>Avengers Unplugged
>Avengers: United They Stand
>New Avengers
>Young Avengers
>Avengers: The Initiative
>Mighty Avengers
>Dark Avengers
>Ultimate Avengers
>Secret Avengers
>Pet Avengers
>Avengers Academy
>Avengers 1959
>Avengers Arena
>Avengers World
>Avengers Assemble
>Uncanny Avengers
>Avengers AI
>All-New All-Different Avengers
>US Avengers
>Occupy Avengers

I think that covers everything except miniseries.

What about A-Force?

There had to be something I didn't remember, that also didn't show up on a search for "Avengers", didn't there?

And there's also the Ultimates.

maybe Geoff Jones's run.

what are some good avengers runs? most of the marvel stuff I read is cosmic so I'm not too familiar with the avengers beside what bleeds into other books.

I can't really say since I've mostly read modern Marvel, but as of the most modern stuff, I think New Avengers/US Avengers and Ultimates were great, so was Captain America and the Mighty Avengers and Uncanny Avengers.
As far as older stuff goes, I've heard good things about Stern and Buziek's runs.

Tutti Frutti Avengers