When both Captain Marvels are casted just right

When both Captain Marvels are casted just right

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Levi is pretty handsome.

Why was a video of Brie Larson talking shit of the white men erased from this thread?

>Brie is a huge cunt just like Carol is

Based Kevin Feige, the man always knows what he's doing.

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She is strong, user. Everyone knows a strong woman is always a bitch.

Left: Political Marvel
Right: Wholesome DC

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Christ I can't wait for the Yea Forums meltdown when Captain Marvel annihilates the box office like Black Panther. Serves you garbage right for ruining this board.

>Left: Political Marvel
>Right: Wholesome DC

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Maighread Scott might not be perfect but I'd choose her every time over Hope Larson

Still nowhere near as frequent or in your face as it is in Marvel.

I don’t understand how it became so socially acceptable to be openly racist towards white people. I hope this isn’t a permanent thing.

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It'll burn out eventually. Especially after the jussie thing, people will eventually realize how silly it is.


Tessa is "racist"
brie isn't
take your mind off politics and learn the difference

This too. End already

>they don't realize that film reviewers are mostly kikes

> I don't want to work with whites and men
> I want the work to be inclusive
Is there some new form of English that I haven't heard of?

It's called being part of the regressive left, where you can fight "racism" with racism

>it wasn't made for him
it wasn't made for anyone hence why it bombed.


Wrong. Kara, by virtue of her home nation no longer existing and the only remaining governmental authority attempting to kill her, counts as a refugee, not an illegal alien.

John Cena was supposed to be Captain Marvel.

what is this? why is black adam part of the shazam gang?

They're not racist, though.


>It wasn't made for him.

Again with that shit lol also... "inclusive" but they exclude white men.

>mfw hiding my Mary Marvel Boner in the theater when she shows up.

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Re-boot, pre-evil would be my guess

No he wasn't, stop reading clickbait

Black Adam isn't in the picture.

Flight-capable superheroines wearing miniskirts experience this every time they land vertically. So they're probably in the mindset of swimmers or gymnasts. It's gotta be acceptable in-universe

yes he is, are you blind?

Tessa is so fucking ugly

>it's so hard being a pretty white blonde girl, like, you don't even know.

she is
They could have casted a better looking black actress come on dudes.

Explain the difference.

I mean, sure, it A Wrinkle In Time wasn't made for the "white dude", but it was made for the christian, vaguely libertarian guy with the muslim authoritarian parallel being the bad guy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not essentially the same thing?

To be clear, I never actually saw the movie. I only ever read the movie so I could be speaking on something radically different.

It would be hilarious if she was up for a part, but was turned down in favor of a white male.

From the left, Eugene, Mary, Billy, Darla, Freddie, and Pedro.

It has a pretty clear individualist Christian moral, but the bad guy is essentially Communism.

>black girl

Eh. Different time, different name. The ideals that the bad guy represents are the same.

>hating attractive blonde women
this writing is so bad

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tessa is fine looking,
her problem is she's fucking robotic and wooden.

also Westworld sucked ass from the second half of season 1 onwards.

seriously that show was at its best when it was sort of playing with "how nonlinear narratives work" and being a mixup of genre fiction (Westerns) and "studio/production-dramedy".

Is Eugene related to Ryan since they share the same last names?
Or is it just one of those similar asian surnames that are just ubiquitous?.

Tessa can't act for shit, she must have a very good agent to be casted all around the industry

I can't tell if this is low effort bait or not, and I fucking HATE THAT.

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okay Mr "Comic Reader" lady, explain to me why Captain Marvel and all the rest of the characters look like teenage versions of the kids, when Captain Marvel is a completely different individual?

>Shazam is so fucking unremarkable it doesn't even get articles.
>have to pull stuff from the actor's instagram

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>it wasn't made for him
there is a long list of movies not made for "old white dudes" that are still successful because they actually bothered to make the movie good.

Disney owns many more news sites than WB. Not a reflection on the quality of either of these two films I think

Nigga what are you even talking about? I'm upset because I couldn't tell if user/you(?) were actually upset about a black girl being a part of a casts of 5 other heroes. That has nothing to do with the appearances of the others.

To try and answer your question though, the wizard Shazam's power has inconsistent attributes to age and appearance relative to power granted. This is why CM Jr. is basically just himself in a costume, because he was given enough power to bounce back from death at the hands of Captain Nazi, versus Captain Marvel, who is the wizard Shazam's champion and heir to his title, thus making him the most powerful, and by extension, a bigger, older Billy. In the New 52/Flashpoint timeline, the Shazam family can combine their power to create Captain Thunder, which is basically Captain Marvel but not really, and that already gives us an indication for why Billy may be older than the others when he transforms. Just like in his original incarnations, he's the most powerful of the family, and the unofficial leader, because, well, he's Billy Batson, of course he's going to be the leader. By the previously given logic, if he's the most powerful, he'll also be the oldest in appearance. This is also supported by the fact that Captain Thunder resembles Shazam as opposed to an amalgam of all of their physical attributes. With this said however, this isn't a concrete theory, as Pedro Peña is clearly depicted as an adult rather than a "teen", so maybe the real answer of the day is that the transformation reflects the roles that they'll need to accomplish respectively. He was the one gifted the strength of Herc in Flashpoint after all.

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Choi is a common korean surname

he don't know

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>i didn't think so but I'm glad you said it
What kind of tense but sterile environment are they working in?

>I'm glad you said that
KEK. Makes me wonder why he had to cast her then. And they have no problem depicting Hulk, Thor, Cap with outrageous comic proportions. Come on Feigester

I think it will burn out among minorities faster than it burns out among self flagellating white people. Working with black people is a far more laid back experience than working with outspokenly 'progressive' whites, its like walking on eggshells.

That's like fighting hunger with starvation. This is why normal people ignore them. They're just angry morons

Going by the current series, everyone turns into a roughly 20-something version of themselves except for Darla. Billy and Pedro look the oldest because they're super fucking swole and in Pedro's case is bearded.

You're only relevant if you're protesting something. Some day there will be nothing more to protest, nothing more to achieve in social progress. I'll be either dead or old by then, thank fuck.


There will always be more to protest because many of the same ideals they champion are contradictory to each other.

AKA fair working rights and open borders for everyone

Does this bitch realise she's white too? So fucking annoying.

Thing is, it's mostly white knighting white people being the most openly vocal about it. Typically when you have articles like this they are written by or quoting a blond white girl or fat bearded white guy almost every single time.

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cheers for answer

DC is putting out Heroes in Crisis and Marvel us putting out Moon Girl. Let’s try not to generalize m8

What’s funnier is that I don’t recall the black director ever making any comments remotely similar to Brie regarding her movie. You could say Brie was speaking over a black woman and her work rather than letting her work speak for itself.

>these people don’t know the difference between Black Adam and Asian adopted brother Marvel guy
>these are the people you argue with about comics on a regular basis

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It's classic Yea Forums

i didn't know that there is now a team of shazams, how cute, the one in black is a favorite based on his cute nerdy appearance

Both of them are more powerful than 99.99% of white men in this world

I want to have sex with both of them. I'm not even gay

>Supergirl is an illegal alien

5 falsest words ever

it'll only escalate as white countries become less white. This is a natural result of forcing different demographics to inhabit the same space. It's always worked like that, even among different enough ethnicities or tribes of the same race.

>tessa is fine looking,
Ugly face and no tiddies, we've seen her naked in Westworld ....

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