Why did Disney hate raccoons last year? (Incredibles 2, WIR2, GOTG?)
Anybody got some Yea Forums raccoons to share?
Why did Disney hate raccoons last year? (Incredibles 2, WIR2, GOTG?)
Anybody got some Yea Forums raccoons to share?
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The only one that matters.
>only one that matters
>looks part monkey
This was a horrible show, but since Toronto is infested with Raccoons, having one around was kinda clever.
Raccoons have been getting a lot of traction these days, you think people will start trying to domesticate them or are they just awful trash pandas?
Jesus fuck, I love her so much.
raccoons are fluffy fat friendly critters who love the night and people probably forgot how dangerous rabies is.
so yeah i can see why people are liking raccoons more now. opossums too but they don't get rabies so they're actually likable.
Based Raccoon Thread
People are finding Raccoons and Possums cute nowadays, so I'm just waiting for Skunks' Turn.
I know Squirrels are becoming house pets lately. My aunt and a neighbor of mine both have pet squirrels. I can see Raccoons becoming house pets one day for sure
T. SmittyG.
I havent met a raccoon that wasnt a piece of shit
You know what to do.
Show it my one and zeros?
There was a very prominent animated picture starring a coon. It's a strong contender for Best Animated Feature in the Oscars.
how much of a fuckup he will be?
>still no Carmelita
Already ruined.
raccoons are filthy little shits and deserve all the foul treatment they get
>getting mad at a wild animal for behaving like a wild animal
yikes, did your family get raped by a raccoon or something?
get off your high horse you self righteous fuck. i bet you don't swat flies, kill roaches or exterminate rats either.
She will NOT be allowed to be sexy. Come on, political correctness demands unsexy.
>raccoons are filthy little shits and deserve all the foul treatment they get
So are cats and humans are such retards that they worship those vermin animals and consider them the Number 2 pet across all of humanity. And cats are more likely to infect others with rabies than even dogs.
Imagine getting this angry over CARTOON raccoons.
who says I don’t? the difference is I don’t rage about them on the internet like you, autist.
imagine buying into cartoon raccoon propaganda.
This. Raccoons will also literally wash your stuff if they get the chance.
Don't let their cute looks fool you!
The Tanuki is the racoon's Japanese Cousin, so I will leave this here.
Why they hide the fact she'll never show up?
More like a mutant coati
I’d watch a Mr. Raccoon cartoon tbqh.
I recetly starts to hate the raccoon in Milo show.
She was a good FOTM.
Anyone have that one storyboard drawing of Pocahontas?
Just thought I share something I drew a while back
Never even played this game but this snaggletoothed soda addict is so goddamn cute.
I fucking wish Smitty drew her again
OMG, the creepy porn of her getting soda shot in her pussy
she is very thirsty
feel good about yourself.
i think he does
That's hilarious
Can you provide sauce with that pasta, user?
mods, it was just a coon drinking soda
Amazing, thanks
Actually Tanuki are canids
Hate? Meeko was treated well in WIR2 and that raccoon in Incredibles 2 gave a very good account of himself considering he was up against All The Powers Baby.
Fuck that guy for making me fap to fucking Peggle of all things.
user she need her soda pop
is it soda,pop or soda pop, or coke
Raccoons are pretty unfriendly as a whole. You can domesticate them, but there isn't much to gain besides a trash rat for a pet. They're cute but they're also pretty mean, and they carry disease to boot.
>This thread
> no one mentioned Bright Heart Raccoon
why do you keep spamming this furry OC that has nothing to do with Yea Forums?
cry more bitch
>trash rat
They aren’t rodents FFS