Is it really as good as people say it is?

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You're going to get a lot of people who say no and that it's overrated but I like it. Has ups and downs but it's cute and wholesome. Nothing groundbreaking but you'd like it if you enjoy the idea of Clark having a family.

user good is a matter of opinion, so form your own after reading it. I liked it personally. I would give anything to return to those days instead of the living hell Bendis has given us

It's sweet and comfy and wholesome for a while that was enough but it had a hard time hitting serious plot beats or darker moments like the Apokalips arc and M Black.

You know, it truly is a wonder that Tomasi hasn't left DC seeing as they keep screwing his plans for runs.

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this is a troll post right, his superman run was running on fume after the reborn crossover, felt like the book had no direction after the senpai moved to Metropolis.

Well, I didn't read his Superman run. All I know is that he has a history with getting runs canceled due to editorial.
-Nightwing: Canceled because Dick was taking over as Batman.
-Superman and Super Sons: Got the boot to make way for Bendis.
If they kick him off Detective Comics because the rumors that Bruce is dying again are true, he might just snap this time.

New Super-Man >Superman = Super Sons > Supergirl > Action Comics > Superwoman

So is Tomasi getting an omni or what?

I read a little bit of it. I enjoyed it and liked the focus on Clark as a father.

It was ok until the stupid shit with Mxyzptlk and the merging of the two Supermans

There’s 5-10 good issues in there. For a 40~ issue run that’s pretty dismal

Its terrible. No plot, no characterisation, but it's full of forced comfy moments, so people ate it up. Tomasi is a worse writer than both Bendis and Jurgens.

This is a troll post right?

It's amazing best Superman in over a decade.

People enjoyed it so contrarians shitpost incessantly and cassfag details threads being a delusional nutcase.

>portlandfag samefags the thread to oblivion per usual.

best superman run this decade. clark raising jon to be a good kid and a good superhero makes for great, wholesome character moments. it still has a good amount of cape-style action and setpieces, as well. tomasi and gleason strike a really nice balance between family dynamic and traditional superhero stories. sometimes, though, it goes more one way than the other, and it's not as solid during these 2-3 issue intervals between the better arcs.

I agree. It was a bit different but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I wouldn't say it's genius or anything but it was a solid Superman comic.

Great stuff. Not groundbreaking as other anons have said, but the family dynamic in the book was well written and wholesome as fuck. I’m still pissed that they kicked Tomasi off of the book in favor of Bendis.

I hope so. It would definitely fit with the run being ~45 issues including the super sons of Tomorrow shit

it was really boring, he was basically a babysitter for a loaf of wonderbread


It's liked by redditors and people like Damifag . Make that of what you will.

just regular old Tomasi,
take what you want from the family dynamic, the other parts are just muh

>It's liked by redditors and people like Damifag . Make that of what you will.
Cassfag and his Bendis fetish.

Yeah, fuck you, Bendis. Conne's going gay isn't he?

Most likely because Bendis is garbage. Naomi is already supremely annoying and comes off as Riri 2: and Tim Drake and Conner are Shit.

>Cassfag and his Bendis fetish.
Why doesn't this surprise me?
He's gonna turn the whole Earth and League Black and gay too?

What's with Cassfag and his huge boner for Black kids and Bendis ?

It's not even good.

>t really as good as people say it is
it is.
and Nobody cares about Kon.
Bendis's numbers isn't that good at all.
Young Justice and Superman is not in top 20 units sold.

>'s not even good.
Fuck off, cassfag.

I agree with this 100% Cassfag is Cancer.

Easily the best Supes run in at least 10 years.

Don't forget they killed Damian in the middle of his B&R run.

I won’t say it’s overrated and on the whole it’s good, but it would be disingenuous not to say there was a big lull and drop off after the third arc that never quite recovered