Why are Superfags so handsome, fit and good-natured?

Why are Superfags so handsome, fit and good-natured?

Attached: tiinaksuj7i21.png (720x872, 716K)

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because they are not you

Superman inspires people to be better?

Attached: every life is redeemable.jpg (1332x2048, 660K)

That is literaly a picture of me, retard.

I can imagine Bendis and Didio seething over this image.

You started this thread to felate yourself then? I guess you can add "humble" to that list in the OP

god, this is too wholesome

Unless you are DC artist Jorge Jimenez, this ain't you.

Reading All Star during my stay in a mental hospital really did help me beat depression, no lie

Attached: Anon Feel.jpg (618x800, 78K)

Does Superman have any villains that decided to dedicate their life to ending his because he interrupted their suicide attempt?

well hello handsome...

not gonna lie OP if you didnt have a partner (im assuming your in a happy relationship and that child is your son) i'd date you.


OP could be jorge. I could still have a chance!!!

>..except for Brainiac, Zod, Doomsday. Fuck those guys.Yeah that's right you heard me say fuck, not like anyone would believe you.

That's the spirit, user

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Goddamn he and Clay Mann are so hot

>Clark swears in front of Bruce
>"Clark, did-did you just swear?"
>"No one will ever believe you, Bruce."

Attached: super happy.jpg (697x502, 63K)

Jimenez makes for a good Supes, holyfuck.

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>Every life is redeemable

What about Hitler, supes?

What about Hitler???

Attached: Jimenezsupes05.jpg (1600x1060, 915K)

It’s the best way to find a boyfriend

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Any tips on losing fat?

Attached: Jimenezsupes07.jpg (1599x732, 144K)

still doesn't fit in good-natured then

not him but go to a nutritionist to get a diet, and do cardio

Superfags are absolutely not good-natured; Henry Cavill said he did not want to be falsely accused of rape!

Low carbs high protein. Or you could just fast for several days. Anything that puts your body into ketosis.

I’m happy that you got through your dark time.

Attached: C5BDEA83-C724-4171-9CCA-158E24FE4D91.jpg (600x553, 26K)

because they aren't you

Don't listen to these dumbasses .
Count your calories and make sure that you eat below your TDEE. You can calculate your TDEE approximately on any online calculator.

Don't eat anything you didn't measure and prepare yourself and do cardio

yes, photoshop

>Is a Mexican
>Handsome, fit and good-natured
Yea Forumsmblr needs to leave


If that’s the case then: OP! Learn some fucking body proportions. Half the time your shit looks like a smear cell.

Jealous Pajeet.

Hitler did nothing wrong so doesn’t need to be redeemed

>Yea Forumsmblr
You're still trying to push this huh? Pretty cool!