I wish I had an infinite supply of weed!

I wish I had an infinite supply of weed!

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You think your fish are magical, it's pretty clear you already have an infinite supply.

Weed is against Da Rules, Timmy.

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Good news! Our backyard is overgrown with thistledown! Start picking, Timmy!

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Wouldn’t be surprised. Have you read this fucking thing? fairlyoddparents.fandom.com/wiki/Da_Rules

This is exactly what would happen.

>45.A godchild cannot wish away awful/potentially fatal diseases, such as cancer.

Holy fuck

there's always the magic muffin

i wish that everybody who dies goes to hell

Fairy OddParents, but it's Death Note.

Timmy gets the book or Light gets the fairies?

Hell, Michigan is now overcrowded with ghosts

Sounds like a Norm wish.

I don't remember that episode

How has this not been posted yet?

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*fart noise*

>Light gets the fairies
>tries to kill criminals without breaking Da Rules
>whenever he manages to Da Rules get updated to close whatever loophole he found
>has to come up with increasingly convoluted ways to kill criminals
I'd watch it

Counterpoint: Imagine Crocker investigating a serial killer and having his first name of "Denzel" conveniently censored against a protagonist who is too stupid to accurately plan anything.

Cosmo, Wanda
I wish I didn't have *Koff" Cancer
>Sorry sport, that's against Da Rules



Weed probably isn't against Da Rulez, but counterfeit is.

God yes.
I haven't had a nice fat joint in like 10 years. God I miss my daily huge joint before bed, I slept like a baby.

Ok timmy, one infinite supply of seed coming right up!

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Formerly Chuck's.

>not even fairies can cure cancer
Cancer is too op please debuff

If he was wishing on Norm or Solo-Cosmo, absolutely. Wanda-overseen wishes are get wished to intention, but Timmy's intention sucks.

Think at least half of those were just added willy nilly by vandals.

For fuck's sake, WHY?

>Why yes, I ship Timmy with Tootie, how did you know?

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She's the only girl his age on the show consistently?

I wish Vicky had an hourglass figure K cups and an /ss/ fetish.


Did he really deserve Fairy Godparents Yea Forums?

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before they retconned his parents into well meaning parents yeah

No. My house was way smaller and me and my mom lived with her parents for a while after my father turned out to be an abusive drug addict.


This show was great at one point, right? I wasn't hallucinating?

Weed? I thought you said: Sneed!

Why didn't Tootie or Chester get Fairy Godparents? They were way more miserable than Timmy.

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>I wish I had a healty copy of my body without any counciousness.
>I wish to transfer my counciousness to my body copy
>I wish to keep my old cancer ridden body hidden in a cryo chamber, you never know when you will have to fake your death or something

They don't realize they are miserable. Timmy feels bad for himself.

Tootie sharing fairies would have been lit.
Not sure how Chester would fit in however.

>Magic cannot be used on invisible teachers, sleeping clowns, French new wave filmmakers, and those who wear clear glasses as a fashion statement
this one is legit though.

Chester seems to be pretty chill with his life, has a Dad that loves him and probably doesn't want more as long as he has his Papa.
As for Tootie, she can't keep her mouth shut, which would result in her loosing her fairies

Did you ever watched the show?
Tootie screwed it and Chester was doing so much good with them

just grow your own, its not that hard.

Tootie didn't know the rules in that instance though. Otherwise she seemed like she was just trying to not be selfish (so opposite of Timmy)