Green Lantern General

Say hello to Yea Forums's best boy! Carolfags begone.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I appreciate the sentiment, but that's not Alan Scott.

How about we shut the fuck up about 2814 beat cops and talk about some alien dudes?

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Fuck off Xenolover. This is a Humans Board only. Speciesmixers, like Racemixers, get the rope.

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Did Alan Scott punch god in the face? I think not.

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Waifuism aside, Jess is a great Green Lantern and character

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Will Mogo ever socialize?

lmao, look at this dude

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The Green Lantern animated series had a great take on the why of so many Earth Lanterns

Go back, you filthy alien.

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Because Earth is the equivalent of Detroit?

Alan Scott tamed a piece of a universe of pure darkness that the Guardians were terrified of, purely through his will.

So no, he did more.

That's 100% waifuism and you know it.


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Wrong. Seeing Jess going from a complete shut-in to a superhero was cool. Baz however sucks because all he ever did was have the common sense to carry a sidearm

Literally worse than Baz.

Baz was alright, but unless he was hanging out with Jess he was boring

>Seeing Jess going from a complete shut-in to a superhero was cool.
Yeah, if only it made sense for her to be a GL or she had any character outside that story and being a slut or if there weren't more than enough Earth Lanterns already she would almost be mediocre.

anyone else enjoy how at the end of green lantern TAS, razor goes off on a quest and the blue ring of hope follows after him? :)

Hottest of takes

Neither him nor Baz are bad.

That's dumbass Justice League writers not knowing what the hell to do with her because, surprise, most JL writers suck at juggling that many characters/play favorites. Fuck off and actually read Green Lantern

Hal's birthday was two days ago! I love him!

That's not knowing what to do with her because she has no fucking character traits. They're trying to do anything with her to write scenes with other characters because right now she's just another GL except worse.

>How to fuck a teenage girl
>Become a teenage boy

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Look have the (You) you desperately want. It's the last one you're getting from me.

Yea Forums doesn't have any fans of Carol. She's an ancillary character and we haven't seen her since, what? Godhead?

A can tell that Lauren didn’t design Hal, because his arms are very short


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his webisode design was cuter but I'm glad he and Jessica are pals in this new cartoon

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Upset Hal has only fucked once in Morrison Gl

Please Tony probably fucked a Skrull and his one reason for being a Guardian was "Lol space bitches" and then they kicked him out.

I wanted a little more slutting around too

Hopefully he'll bang the vampire lady

Agreed, but he looks so gay in the new series

Man, why do all the cool Lanterns have to be killed off while Salaak, Soranik, Arisia, and Baz continue to have plot armor? They suck.

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and that's a good thing

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Wait... that fly is a green lantern?

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Greatest Green and Red lantern of sector 2814

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I'm okay with this

He was Mogo's sector partner

I really like the Star Sapphire design for this show. Hope she's really cool

It's time

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His butt is underrated

I like her too and I heard she's voiced by Kari Wahlgren just like Zatanna

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Is Bzzd still dead?
That's Bzzd to you! Don't judge a Lantern by their size. As Bzzd once said, practically everyone is small when compared to Mogo for example. There's a Sinestro Corps member that's a sentient virus that almost killed Guy

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Any well-dressed buff guy drawn in a cutesy art style is going to look gay.

She actually turned out to be a lot more entertaining than I was expecting

I love that they went with this extra stupid looking boxing gloves with tiny wings on it

Alan is basically the god of willpower, the shot he can do is almost nonsensical but I dont mean that in a bad way
Guy will probably always be my favorite I love that stupid smug son of a gun

It really is.

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I actually really liked the gun thing. When I first saw it I hates it, figured it was some edgy shadow the hedgehog teenager pandering. But since every green lantern seems to lose their rings at every fucking opportunity packing a gun makes him the smartest dude in the corps by default

There's strict prerequisites Green Lanterns must pass in order to come back to life proper. They need to have at least done two of these five things:
>Be human
>Team-up with a human
>Live with a human for more than a week
>Been in the background since the very beginning and forgotten during major Corps-shattering events while the humans fight off the threat
>Fuck a human

Oh I'm not deny the logic nor am I giving him crap for it, I'm merely stating that it's the only notable thing he's done

>But since every green lantern seems to lose their rings at every fucking opportunity packing a gun makes him the smartest dude in the corps by default
Except that it put a huge gap in his willpower and was the cause of his ring going out most of the time. I hate Batman and even he was right about the whole thing. Who gives a shit if you lose your ring at this point anyway? Hal just willed one into existence.

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Well lauren said she’s a yandere ex-girlfriend of Hal
Which means CUTE

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I think pretty much all DC fans acknowledge that Hal has an incredible body and ass.

So do Jade and Obsidean just not exist anymore?

It's going to get confusing if she eveer fights Zatanna since they're both voiced by the sam actress and their powers have the same color

I won't rest until people accept that he's on par with and/or better than Dick

Alan does not currently exist, so no

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>"so Jay, what did you think of Green Lantern but done good?"

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LOL NO! Yea Forums's favorite space cop has always been Carol

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I like her Arc

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>Fuck off Xenolover.
>posts the one guy who would ABSOLUTELY fuck an alien

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Dick gets more acknowledgement because he's younger and more of an outward ladies' man. Not much you can do about that. Unless you shave his head and start calling him Ric.

A noble crusade, user

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Kyle has some nice buns, too. No wonder Bueno raped him.

Hal's butt isn't safe either.

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Tried to compile all the Hal buttshots I could find.

If anyone has anymore post em

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I may have a few

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With all this Hal ass I can see why Sinestro is gay

Hal is my favorite hero... right after Ted Kord, anyways Requesting the only good thing Tom King ever did aka that one Hal Jordan the New God of Light story.


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You guys miss Carol?

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when was the last time she was even used?

A little, I guess

She's barely shown up in years (she had, what, two non-speaking appearances in all of Hal n Pals?) and she hasn't been written very well in even longer

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I think the last thing she did was have that insanely weird short lived fling with Kyle that everyone, including DC, wants to forget.

Best boy getting a movie when

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>Unless you shave his head and start calling him Ric.
Run down on this? Don't read Nightwing anymore when Seeley left, why's he Ric now? All I know is that he got shot or something

what is it with GL Corp and just swapping partners, along with carol and that didnt John fuck Kyle's red space gf or something

Yeah, I hated that so I would be fine if it was never mentioned again. I think the last thing she's actually shown up in was Hal n Pals 50 where she and Hal smooched at the end.

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Where's this from?
Nope. The only "swapping" partners was Carol and Kyle and Hal and Guy's gf/fiance

off the top of my head:
>When Hal went to tell Kari Limbo that Guy was dead they started dating, although she leaves him at the altar
>John dates Rose Hardin, a brief love interest of Hal's
>Salaak takes over the Pol Manning identity and bangs Iona

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Y’know at this point they should just make Hal gay or maybe seeing Jessica or Arisa. Carol has been out the loop for so long, and I just want Hal to have some sort of partnership. I mean him & Sinestro are already on one another’s thoughts almost constantly.

These pages always make me sad

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>maybe seeing Jessica
Jessica is too old for Hal


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oh and Sodam Yat and Arisia hook up

he should date an alien that isn't Arisia

Added every shot you've posted so far but the image size is exceeding the size allowed on here.


I think the better question is what the fuck is wrong with Kyle? Admittedly he was a lifeline to GL comics years back, but damn there's a lot of baggage and shit surrounding him.
>The Fridge
>LOL Ive mastered all the emotions/rings
>I'm an artist so all of my constructs are pretentious
>Fucking Carol

Didn't he lose the white ring or whatever like last year?

Glad to contribute user. You could lower the file size, his ass looks good in any dimension.

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>maybe seeing Jessica
Stop trying to pair Jessica with everybody, goddamn. Look, it's not hard. All they have to do is let Carol off of Earth for good like Hal has. If people want them to have a life together or chemistry, we can't keep doing the "You're never on Earth" bullshit with him.

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he lost it in Hal n Pals 17, that was a couple years ago now

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He lost his memory and woke up with a frat boy personality.

>If people want them to have a life together or chemistry, we can't keep doing the "You're never on Earth" bullshit with him.
that made the Kyle thing even stranger, she dumps Hal because he's never on earth to... go hang out in space with Kyle and ignore her company on earth

if it was that easy why didn't she do it with Hal

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Holy shit has it been that long?

Hal as a bi manwhore would be hot

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>Stop trying to pair Jessica with everybody,
Exactly cause she already has someone to pair up with

He already is one

>John dates Rose Hardin, a brief love interest of Hal's
Kinda fucked up that the implication was that Rose was under some sort of trance

So what you're saying is Hal should in this case Hal should fuck Soranik while getting his ass pounded by Sinestro?

>Print Release Date
>March 22 2017
Just under two years ago!


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Agreed especially if he fucks more aliens

Yes, correct

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But Rebirth was only like a year ago

Remember that one time Jack Jordan died and Hal adopted his niece? Yeah. So what the fuck happened to her? Did Cereal Lord not deem Hal's Spectre run good enough to use / rip off material from?

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Fuck it, best Hal storytime is go now. You creepy gayfags can take a ten minute break to look for your own dicks under your mounds of creepy bellyfat.

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That's also the best Hal costume ever

Oh God, old advertisements make me long for death.

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Yeah pretty much, she was never mentioned again after JMD's Spectre ended

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Fuck off.

Will you be my God, Yea Forums?

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Carol is too attached to her life on Earth. She’s a businesswoman and she’s already settled down. Hal’s only family is a half-brother & nephew, which only seem Hal when he occasionally drops by.

Hal needs a love interest that basically isn’t tied down with her life on Earth or wherever. One that’s also a Lantern, because only another Lantern can understand being married to one. Also one that is interesting enough that she can live beyond her creator’s books.


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Shit's bad, yo.

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Carol can still work. If she wants a meaningful career, she should organize and reform The Star Sapphires into something new

>Hal’s only family is a half-brother & nephew
It's his younger brother and he's got a wife and two kids

Back in the silver age Hal had a bunch of oddly rich and influential relatives, that was weird

this is such a good issue

I miss my dad, Yea Forums.

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One thing I would love to see is Carol using her reach as a Star Sapphire to find alien business contacts who can help her get ahead in her business on earth

Oh hey it's what's his species that always dies

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Hal should have stayed dead tbqh

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The idea of the lanterns not wearing anything underneath their costumes is really hot to me for some reason. That one issue where Sinestro deactivated Guy's ring and he just kept confidently standing there completely naked made my benis the big benis.

t. Kylefag

Kyle is so boring, he had to have GFs stuffed into fridges to actually be interesting.

>those fucking boxing gloves

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Hal, this has never once worked out well for you, man. Remember Zero Hour, Jordan.

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he's boring too, honestly all lanterns are interchangable


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That's horsehit factoring Guy alone

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So what construct is signature to each earth GL?
>Hal:boxing gloves
>Guy:Don't Know
>John: Architecture/MUHREENS
>Kyle: Art and weebshit
>Simon: Don't Know
>Jessica: Tentacles

Simon has cars.


Guy: Chainsaw
Simon: SUV

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Jess makes weeb shit too

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Thanks those two were blanking for me, and oh yeah she does some weeb shit guess I never noticed it

Kyle: Nine Inch Nails t-shirt

Free will, baby.

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>God comes to church to worship US.

Fuck yes, Hal Jordan.

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This page. This page right fucking here.

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Hey, guys. Hey. Hey, guys. Three Jokers. Remember that? Yup. Three of them.

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Guy does sports equipment seeing as he's a gym teacher.

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Three Jokers AND some relation to Gelos the god of laughter

I wish the suit had only the light parts and the green metal bits so the rest of him was naked

I really like to think that the reason Hal IMMEDIATELY sees the trap in this that whole Parallax debacle. Been there, done that.

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Nevermind I just saved it as a jpg lol

This is what I got so far, anons

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But then his dick would just be hanging out

Hal is the best hero.

Three more pages. Keep it in your pants for three more pages, faglord.

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That costume reminds of Marvel Carol

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>Make me... bring me home.

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Or he's just too bullheaded to care. Broome once described him as the kind of guy who jumps off a cliff and figures out how to survive it on the way down.

Relax, breeder, we arent close to the image limit

i want his fucking jacket

Spoiler time: I actually know Tom King. My wife's bridesmaid graduated with him. He's a good writer, but he lets his personal experiences dictate what he does beyond his common sense, which is EXACTLY what's happening with his current PTSD debacle. Got a signed first run printing of a Once Crowded Sky kicking around here somewhere. It's... okay, I won't lie to you. Dude should never have been put in charge of Batman, and I think he realizes that, too.

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He's also Neil Gaiman's favorite superhero for exactly that same reason. Gaiman gushes about him in that Superman/Green Lantern book he put out a while back where they go to Hell together.

Please for the love of god tell him to stop, and to get Bendis fired

im going to the lcs tomorrow, what issues/trades of gl should i get?

tl;dr definitive runs on gl recs

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Can't go wrong with Johns I suppose

New Frontier. If you don't own it, buy the fucking New Frontier right the fuck now.

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didnt grant morrison do a run on GL?

im on a grant morrison kick rn desu but i liked geoff johns new 52 justice league

>liked geoff johns new 52 justice league
I'm sorry but, WHAT? Johns has written some good stuff in the past, but his New 52 JL was shit in my opinion


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i fell for the new 52 meme and the first dc book i ever read was his JL. not saying its great or groundbreaking but i enjoyed it

Garbage. Why is Batman the 1 always shoved in these crybaby emotional scenes with literal whos

Because despite recent books, batman is a very emotional hero and is able to connect with others

these are both great

I think that's a Busiek quote, he's a Hal fan

Morrison GL is current and it's good stuff, issue 4 just came out

Power ass.

post dumbass hal

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I guess it's to show his human side? No one really knows "pain" better than him.

This is why I like Hal, you gotta love the charisma.

get the Johns omnibuses

Then some bitch berates Hal cause her husband's a cop or someshit then it turns out Abin Sur performed a lobotomy to Hal that's why he has no fear

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>One of Hal's arms is yellow

I wanna get into GL, specifically stories featuring Hal Jordan.
Gimme me some recommendations.

Geoff Johns GL, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps by Rob Vendditi, Green Lantern the animated series, and recent Morrison run

Wait, why the fuck are you hating on Salaak? He's literally the best alien GL.
Start on Emerald Dawn. Also, watch the animated series.

He's so alpha that he pisses on his glove.


You just know..

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Fucking manipulative jailbait. I'm glad her show is bombing.

Yeah.. DC made one excellent work with her in GREEN LANTERNS she was the only reason because I was reading that book..
Now I even prefer her than Hal.. Something that I never expected before rebirth..

Pretty much

Eh, lots of kids all over the world go through that pain. But they don't dress up as giant rodents, cause they learn to deal with it and grow up

Star Sappires sucking suck.
They don't even reperesent love. All they do is evoking and being controlled by lust.
Would they really be powered by love there would be tons of people in there who's hearts are filled with love other then for a hot male. Where are the members that loved their family so strongly they would do anyhting to protect them, where are (maybe misguided) patriots?
Instead all we get is an entire corps full of women lusting after cock and not even males that love a female. It's bullshit.

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Yeah.. I am not surprised to see that she appeared in more places like bombshells, lego batman and in the media..
She is even in JL vs fatal five film that is like return to JL animated series era thanks that Bruce Timm(creator batman animated series) is involved in this.

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I think was more Christopher Priest being purposefully obnoxious more than anything else. He’s known to be a bit of a troll at times

This is a noble cause. The world needs to be woke about Hal’s ass

Truly the man with the strongest of wills.

>that time salaak immediately fried a dude as soon as leathal force was activated
Best indeed

Do you guys prefer buzz cut or bowl cut guy?

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That's actually a good point, the only time I can remember it being a diffrent type of love was in blackest night
>nobody loves the earth more than wonder woman

>Hal and Carol got back together at the end of Hal and Pals
>issue one of Morrison's run he's sleeping with another lady
Morrison a hack, confirmed.

Mostly Jessica does plants and other "organic" type constructs to contrast Simmons mechanical ones

Depends on which level of head injury he's on. I honestly think he looks better with just a standard crew cut, and modern artists seem to agree.

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Simon does machines. Guy is cool, but crude.

She actually goes full Lolita dress in that issue to trick a villain. That was a fun series of random teamups.

Hal is a slut, it's not Morrison's fault

Thoughts on Morrison's run so far? I love how gritty it is. The art work is also pretty awesome.

When is Hal gonna be a total fucking loser again?

in the first issue of Morrison's GL Hal mentions he got fired from his job as a gas station attendant then he lays around the desert staring at nothing for hours

So not quite as bad as he's been before, but still

Hal uses planes now too
it's actually pretty neat, at least when he duked it out with Sinestro

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I'm loving it so far, I've been wanting a more sci-fi oriented GL for ages and I love that Morrison goes back to Broome for a lot of his Hal characterization. The Eurocomic feel is also really cool

and he's striking a balance between Hal being a great GL while also being a loser in his personal life, like God intended

No fap November

Here's some of the good shit user:
>Emerald Dawn 1 and 2 (collected in the Hal Jordan Vol. 1 trade and their own respective out of print trades)
>Willworld (HC)
>Ganthet's Tale (tpb)
>Flash and Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold (tpb)
>The Spectre (Vol. 4 floppies. Trades never-ever)
>Earth-One (HC. It's an Otherworlds Hal, but they get the core of his character and the other GLs perfect)

Who the fuck does a bowl cut look good on?

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One thing I didn't enjoy about Venditti's run was that there was too much focus on Hal, Guy, Kyle, and Jon but the rest of the Corps may as well not have existed despite the title of the book being Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps.

I mean they got Killowag as a house nigger basically as the indentured lanterns toil in the backgrounds

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Wow I actually want to read green lantern now

>they get the core of the other GLs perfect
>when Kilowog and Aricia are completely different

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Top is Injustice
Which is actually neat for Green Lanterns for Year 2 or 3 then following up with Hal's story in 2

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I was gonna type "the core of his character and the core of the Corps", but that sounded silly.

yeah I'm glad we're seeing more alien lanterns

It's only a matter of time before Morrison has Hal and best plant go on another Swamp Thing adventure.

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Moe Howard?

Good answer, honestly

It had goods and bads, it increased in quality after the first couple of stories

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I can sense the beginning of an argument about classism and privilege here, and I don't want any part of it

>not commiting statuory rape
Pick one

Kyle coincidentally has things in his fridge older than Kara.

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Does his ass rival Spidey or Dick’s though?

His ass has it's own orbit

his is the best of the three tbqhwyf

I've always been interested in the Lanterns but there's so much story to wade through I don't know where to start or if I'll even be able to keep up.

How’s Wolfman’s GLC book?

it was actually pretty damn good