Is Ghostbusters doomed, given how any attempt to fix it will just result in bigger shitstorms?

Is Ghostbusters doomed, given how any attempt to fix it will just result in bigger shitstorms?

Is this the future for anything really? Fans having to fight for the right for existence vs outsiders who wish to subvert whatever the fans liked for their own ends?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ghostbusters is a 80's thing and that's it. You shouldn't be obsessed with it anymore.

>t. Paul Feig

I agree, it was a funny 80's movie and that's it, not everything needs to be a neverending franchise with countless reboots and adaptations

But Feig tried to milk it

Paul Feig tried to resurrect it. He shouldn't.

The franchise was kept alive with shit like the IDW comics, and was trucking along fine. It was Feig's desire to put his greasy fingers into it that has irreversibly ruined it and led to this spiral of ruin it's going through.

"Franchising was a mistake" - Ronald McDonald.

That's the point though Ghostbusters doesn't need to be a franchise. I don't want Groundhog Day comics or a Breakfast Club cartoon.

the original movie was a flash in the bottle and I don't think it could be replicated

Feig, pls.

I'm willing to give it one last try with the new movie.

>or a Breakfast Club cartoon.
honestly that sounds like it could be fun if done right

Why do you keep bringing up Feig?

>Breakfast Club cartoon.
Have them solving mysteries and shit, I’d watch it.

Are you retarded? Is that really your only argument after watching every single franchise go to shit because retards like you were used as cash cows because "I recognize that Ghost logo!"?
Just watch new shit.

>Fans having to fight for the right for existence vs outsiders who wish to subvert whatever the fans liked for their own ends?
Businesses should seriously take the approach of "be a paying customer or shut up and get out" There is nothing to be gained by pandering to people who don't even buy your product.

He tried to make it something it was not, aka feminist propaganda.

They could have easily made a Ghostbusters 3. Just do the same thing as Extreme Ghostbusters basically. The old guys pass on the torch to a younger generation when a new paranormal menace arrives. Everyone would be happy with that. Include girls, but have it be a roughly even split, or more guys than girls, since it was originally a guys movie. It would have been so easy to make fans happy. Instead they tarnished the franchise with a reboot. Nobody wanted a reboot. Nobody wanted everything the original characters did to be erased and replaced. The all-girl thing was just retarded and salt in the wound.
Now Jason Reitman is trying to go back and do what they should've done in the first place. I'm hopeful, but it's frustrating how the media is already against it and painting it as some 'alt-right' thing.

The official titlle of the new movie should be 'Ghostbusters III: The Real Ghostbusters'.

Why would want anything that isn't the first movie? If you're attracted to the brand name and not those actors, that script, that directer then you're a fucking retarded child.

James Rolfe? Is that you?

Also the reboot should have the Ghostbusters name taken off it and just be called 'Answer the Call'. Basically it's an Elseworlds. 'What if the Ghostbusters were girls?'

>"lul don't love or want good stuff from good franchises. Here, take this dick in your ass and enjoy it deeply!"
Fuck off.

I have nostalgia for it from watching the cartoon and reading the comics and playing with the action figures as a kid. It was a huge phenomenon at the time. Ghostbusters II is also enjoyable, even if not as good as the original. Just the idea of a group of guys going around like firefighters capturing ghosts is a good hook.

That's not what he said at all. Are you just itching for a pointless internet fight with some random anonymous poster?

You literally get what you deserve for liking brands over stories, and lashing out at me isn't going to change that.

Liking continued content form a franchise you enjoy =/= liking the brand name.

But I don't expect nu/co/ to understand that even slightly.

Kid, be real. You've been posting here less than 3 years tops.

Ghostbusters already *was* a franchise though. It had two cartoon series, the first of which lasted for six years.

>even the comics had to suffer the 2016 taint
>and now there's some shitty retarded Tranformers crossover

What's baffling about these recent Ghostbusters reboots is that they're treated like superhero franchise, when the original was just a silly comedy with little SFX. The last Ghostbusters movie shouldn't have had a budget near $150M. It's like rebooting MST3K so it can compete with Star Wars.

Furthermore, Ghostbusters is defined by the original actors. Hell, I'll just say it. The original Ghostbusters was carried by Bill Murray ad-libbing his way through the film, and he made it clear for years he did not want to do another Ghostbusters movie.

It had a popular action figure line, many comic book series and crossovers, Halloween costumes, breakfast cereal, friggin' Ecto Cooler. If you weren't there for it you might not be aware of what a cultural phenomenon it was.

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>and now there's some shitty retarded Tranformers crossover
What's wrong with that though? Transformers is cool. Unless they drag the 2016 team in to the event too.

>You literally get what you deserve for liking brands over stories, and lashing out at me isn't going to change that.
We don't like the brand over the story, if we did we'd like 2016 Ghostbusters. We like the basic premise and think it can be used to tell a lot of good stories.

When most people who made it good are either dead, insane or just have no interest in the franchise, yes, it is liking the brand name.
You know how these franchises become soulless cash cows? By becoming extremely profitable from people like you who just want more from the franchise regardless of quality.
Do you think the shitty Ghostbusters NES game would have sold at all if not for the brand? Hell no.

>They could have easily made a Ghostbusters 3.
That's what the Video Game is

You think there have been no good stories in any of the comics, cartoons or video games? I suppose you've read/watched/played them all? We don't like everything with the name stamped on it, we like the good and dislike the bad, but we follow the franchise because we like the basic premise.

The basic premise is ghost hunters, there are tons of other movies with that premise but not the brand. Fuck, horror comedy is an entire genre.

You mean you buy it, and that's my point. Money entices execs and hacks, not people with artistic integrity, those people tend to want to tell their own story rather than continue someone else's that was started (and ended) decades ago.
You might not realize it, you might not want it to be that way, but that's how it is.
And don't bring up fans of the original taking the torch, we all see how well that goes for cape comics.

The premise is down-on-their-luck scientists starting a for-profit group to capture ghosts with advanced technology.

I don't buy anything with the name on it, just the stuff I consider good.

>What's wrong with that though? Transformers is cool.
It's not a good fit. Outside of "LOL REMEMBER THE 80s" There's no common ground. One is a pew pew action show the other is comically out of shape nerds to tek tek.

>And don't bring up fans of the original taking the torch, we all see how well that goes for cape comics.
That's a completely different thing. Ghostbusters started with the live action movies, and those are still the defining properties of the franchise. Superheroes have the sliding timescale thing, so Peter Parker was a teenage Spider-man 57 years ago and is still a 30-something Spider-man, and everyone accepts it. Also Ghostbusters is a business, people can take over the business or start it up again without literally taking over the old characters' identities. They're not gonna be calling themselves Egon or whatever.

Meh, I mean it could be interesting. There is some mystical stuff in Transformers with Primus as their 'god' and sparks as the Transformers' souls and all that. Also the Transformers always were friends with comparably weak humans.

>Money entices execs and hacks
Yeah that's why a big bullet point in Feig's pitch was it could launch it's own cinematic universe. And you know Sony was drooling for that money

Still not as embarrassing as Dark Universe though

>Now Jason Reitman is trying to go back and do what they should've done in the first place. I'm hopeful, but it's frustrating how the media is already against it and painting it as some 'alt-right' thing.

So long as the media is what it is atm, the movie has no chance. We will NEVER get what we truly want because the media will destroy it by any means necessary.

I don't know how, but something needs to be done with the media atm. They need to be taken out first before we can get what we want.

I never liked ghostbusters though I watched 1 and 2
I'm completely indifferent to the series as a whole

It almost makes one wonder why you chose to comment on the topic at all.

>Is Ghostbusters doomed, given how any attempt to fix it will just result in bigger shitstorms?

The franchise has been poisoned by third wave feminist idealogues and it can never, EVER be rescued from them.

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The new Ghostbusters is going to be worse than the one a couple years ago.

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Just it taking place in the same timeline as the original and being a direct sequel makes me happy. If it is competently made and not a vehicle to promote ideology it should make fans happy. Jason Reitman is a decent director, so I look forward to it.

Jesus Christ, liberalism is a mental disorder.

Nah, just ignore crazy bitches like this.

Maybe some things should just be left in their decade where they belong.

Holy shit, lady. Take some Midol and shut the fuck up.

>I'm not just "some idiot with a blue check mark online". I was managing editor at a site called fucking Nerdist for 3+ years.
Well, excuse me, princess!

>She's this stupid
The cast is what made Ghostbusters what it is, of course people aren't going to be interested in some shitty reboot.
It's like rebooting the Simpsons or Back to the Future with a completely different cast, or like what they did to the Evil Dead.

>I don't care about how good the movie is, just as long as it hates women as much as I do

How pathetic. I don't think you were ever a fan of the original.

Right, it's like making a Star Trek where there's a next generation of a different crew. Or a show like Simpsons but set a thousand years in the future.

>this shrieking feminist psycho has a blue check

WTF do blue checks even mean on twitter, now?

How? Twitter practically RULES the world at this point. Anything they whine about, they get what they want. Twitter practically RULES society at this point since media is dictated by what THEY say.

This hell will never end until Twitter's a smoldering wreck.

>Or a show like Simpsons but set a thousand years in the future.
You mean the show that continued running side by side with the Simpsons, that wasn't intended to be a reboot, replacement or continuation of it?

There is no hope of prying Ghostbusters out of the clutches of these people, is there? It's as lost as Star Wars.

Was the 2016 Ghostbusters really that important to the Feminist movement? Do they actually consider losing it to be a huge blow to their message?

No after it bombed everyone moved on with their lives until this talk of a new movie

>It's like rebooting the Simpsons or Back to the Future with a completely different cast, or like what they did to the Evil Dead.
Did you watch the Evil Dead show? Because while I wasn't crazy about the reboot movie with a different person called Ash, I liked the show. If they decided to keep it going without Ash after Bruce Campbell had enough, with the focus on the new younger characters they introduced, I would have been on board. There was an established connection between the classic character and the new characters. That makes it work, and feel like the same world. That's what they should have done with Ghostbusters.

That's like trying to ignore the sun in a desert.

Feminists didn't really care about Ghostbuers Answer the Call and most didn't actually go see the movie (it flopping at the box office is proof of that). What they cared about about was knowing that they were able to take something that the men of today had enjoyed in their youth and turn it against them. That's what brought them joy. Remember, Sony actually used the "Women are funny. GET OVER IT!" tagline in their official marketing campaign.

That Ghostbuster is "being given back to the fans", ie; being removed from third wave feminist rhetoric, is what's pissing them off. They don't actually care about Ghostbusters, they care about the political movement. And Ghostbusters being deweaponized means one less gun in their arsenal.

>Because while I wasn't crazy about the reboot movie with a different person called Ash
He was called David. Think his sister was called Allison.

Plus as a concept " supernatural pest control" isn't dated in any way. The cartoon and the comics are great proof that it's a concept that works great in serialization with monster of the week type stuff

Fieg just blew it by thinking he could edit together improve banter without a script into a feature film.

The Evil Dead "remake" was supposed to take place in the same universe as all the other Evil Dead movies and just be part of an expanded universe and not a replacement to the original. They were planning a crossover with Ash and but rights issues apparently got in the way.

The comics are great, relax.

The We'll see.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Feminism really is some sort of intellectual and emotional handicap, isn't it?

>They were planning a crossover with Ash and but rights issues apparently got in the way.
I think they just decided to do a TV show instead.

Things like this make me wish for every bad thing they cry about to actually happen to them and THEN they'll know what it's like to actually be OPPRESSED.

>The comics are great, relax.

"Women are funny, deal with with it."

I knew you were a fag, Boco, but c'mon. The IDW comics were good up until they got the mandate to include the Answer the Call characters as part of the main cast. Ghostbusters 101 and Crossing Over have been practically unreadable, thanks in large part to Holtzman.

My bad. It's been a while since I saw it. For some reason I was thinking the girl Mia was named Ash in the movie. I guess since her character follows the same trajectory hand loss, chainsaw and Ash is a unisex name.

>Things like this make me wish for every bad thing they cry about to actually happen to them and THEN they'll know what it's like to actually be OPPRESSED.

If they wanted a head start, they could just move to Iran.

That's one toasty roasty.

How do you FIGHT them though? They have society by the BALLS despite the fact that nobody likes them. Everyone who wanted to tried and failed because they have the media on their side.

It's practically hopeless. It's only inevitable that they'll destroy everything they touch and there's nothing we can do about it.

And if they show up again this year (outside the one shot, which is just an anniversary thing), THEN we should worry.

And Crossing Over was fun, if only for all the other teams.

Hey, fuck you, Dark Universe had potential.

Honestly, everything suggests Feig is just a dick. And probably full of himself after Bridesmaids was a hit.

They can't force people to like or dislilke things. That's why Ghostbusters 2016 and Battlefield 5 failed, even though nearly EVERY mainstream article mocked the 'haters'. Ultimately consumers have the power.

Millennials. They'll kill anything.

>How do you FIGHT them though?

You can't. Look at what happened when James Rolfe (the Angry Video Game Nerd) said very rationally that he wasn't going to see the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot. They DESTROYED him.

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That's called scooby doo, user

Didn't he walked out of that relatively unscathed while some of his detractors (Devin Faraci) ended up paying for their attack on him?

>Patton Oswald

Seriously? Hollywood celebrities joined the dogpile on some youtube critic because he didn't want to see the new propaganda?

What were women like this doing 100 years ago? Trying to ban alcohol?

>Trying to ban alcohol?
Yes, yes they were. My grandmother was like this.

Not only James got out scoff free, he was pretty much right about everything when it comes to being an old school fan. There was nothing in the movie for you, so why bother? Let a new audience show up.
The fact the internet got so butthurt about that opinion tells you a lot about how those people see the world.

>"Lips that touch wine shall not touch mine!"

Incidentally, all the feminists who said that were nasty hags.

They didn't 'destroy' him. They said mean things about him. Hopefully he just shrugged it off. Everyone needs to stop caring what fucking Buzzfeed or HuffPo think.

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They;re doing THE SAME SHIT with Captain Marvel.

Again, why do you care so much what these people think? Just ignore them (unless they get laid off, then tell them to learn to code).

>Do not fight enarrative
>submit or be destroyed

Holy shit, it's just a Ghostbusters movie, goddamn.

American women are disgusting and none of you can argue with me on this fact.

Women were a mistake.

I wanna go back guys..

Id be happy if the comic just went back to basics with stand alone issues that have a through plot

>nuGB fans: It's not for you, shut your whining
>oldGB fan: Okay, I won't watch or review the movie
>nuGB: How fucking dare you!?

None of this hoopla made a lick of sense. Still doesn't after 3 years.

I hear that, too much crossover crap. and that female ghostbusters crossover thing kinda makes me wanna give up on the IDW comic if they keep shoehorning in EVERYTHING.

Storywise the series was really going downhill too, I honestly expect them to somehow adapt the Sega Genesis game into a story soon. or do a crossover with the chars from there.

I wouldn't even mind it if the the 16 team was just part of the crossover same as everyone else but nope they had to be one of the central teams and everyone else can go screw.

Eh. It was a product of its time, and a decent one. If you can capture the magic of it again I’m not sure. Most remakes are trash. I’m hoping the new Twilight Zone show is good though, I used to watch that all the time as a kid.

I just remember him making a video that started with "You know, Ghostbusters 2 wasn't THAT bad..."

Not to get too cynical but when was the last time something new really became the same level of pop culture iconography? Harry Potter?

Ghostbusters 2 wasn't bad. It was mostly just more of the same but if you're on board for that then there's a great time to be had watching the actors bounce of each other. I don't know where the idea that GB2 was bad came from.

I do remember Cinemasins or honest trailers or whomever the fuck raking it through the coals in order the prop up the 16 team though.

I remember some parts being scary as a kid. The Scoleri brothers and the sewer scene. The Statue of Liberty walking was a little too goofy in retrospect, but other than that it holds up.

I remember seeing a article during GB2016 hypetrainwreck with the headline, paraphrasing, "Did we forget Ghostbusters 2 happened?"
I really don't ever recall people talking shit about it. I do recognize they may had made it more family friendly, toning down the language at most.

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No more so than a giant marshmallow man anyways.

I remember a lot of people not liking it as much as the first but to hear people say it was outright bad was a very new experience.

>go to con
>see GB fans cosplaying as themselves as Ghostbusters
>see nu GB fans cosplaying as Holtzmann and Kevin

Attached: 2eb.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Id love to see somebody do an Extreme Ghostbusters movie. Literally just copy the cartoon as much as you can. You just cant have Egon unfortunately. Maybe have Ray and Winston as the mentors?

>find tall lanky latino guy that looks like Shaggy
>find charismatic black guy, maybe rewrite as Winstons grandson?
>goth chick that gets way too excited about ghosts and the paranormal
>smartass guy in wheelchair that they customize for ghost hunting
>all in their mid 20's and in college/university

Attached: EXTREME GHOST BUSTING.jpg (292x391, 30K)

>destroyed him

Yeah, except that it got him more attention than hes ever gotten before, made AVGN even more famous, and gave him thousands of new fans and subscribers.

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Yeah but the simple fact that it's from a brand you like makes you give it a chance.

Not really. It might get my attention but I tend to look into things before I pay money for them regardless.

Not seeing what the problem is. If it's good I stick with it, if it's bad I drop it before spending anything to speak of.
>b..but someone somewhere is making money from you!
How is that a problem? They're providing me with entertainment. But if it bothers you, just download illegally, it is the internet era after all.

Toy and 5-issue miniseries soon

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>>b..but someone somewhere is making money from you!
If the sales numbers of their own series is anything to believe they're not making any money off them at all. Honestly this is a really weird situation because nobody wants them but the suits who aren't making money off them

I like reading about a world many writers have contributed to building over the years. There are many good original stories with original worlds, but trying to find them is a bit of a crapshoot and you can read a lot of terrible stuff to find the gems.

I don't care what you guys say, this is fucking dope.

No, I can get behind the giant marshmallow man. Was it silly? Sure but it was Ray trying to outsmart a god and it retaliated by taking that form and making it super sized. However silly it started when they roasted his marshmallow ass and realized the just made it worse then he started becoming a bigger threat.

The 2009 videogame is honestly a much better use of the property than the 2016 one. It builds off the lore nicely, plus it's nice to be able to hang out with Egon one last time. RIP Harold Ramis.

My beef with the 2016 version isn't that it's a reboot or that it has a female cast. I think there was talent there but badly served by the shitty vehicle that was their script (no shock given how much rework was done on the poor thing). Original Ghostbusters had to deal with an ancient evil god and a dark wizard. The threat in the 2016 one was just some crazy asshole. And that's it. The 2016 movie never took itself seriously enough. The original Ghostbusters had some legitimately freaky scenes, especially for younger viewers. The librarian, the eggs cooking themselves, the ghost dog ripping out of the couch and attacking Dana Barrett. Despite all the improvements in effects technology nothing was ever scary in the new one. It was slapstick. The original Ghostbusters also had certain rules for the ghosts and how to trap them. The 2016 one somehow had ghosts being shot back to death and mulched. Ghost grenades? What the hell. At this point it may as well have just been a completely different movie without the Ghostbusters title. The original was at least building up. They did something with what they were discovering. The 2016 was just meandering around from point to point, muddling around more than anything else.

Who doesn't want to see the Ghostbusters fighting Starscream's ghost and Devastator vs Staypuft?

>The 2009 videogame is honestly a much better use of the property than the 2016 one. It builds off the lore nicely, plus it's nice to be able to hang out with Egon one last time. RIP Harold Ramis.
I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten a current gen port of that game yet

also hopefully they'll give us a rerelease of Real Ghostbusters and/or Extreme on DVD or hopefully Blu-Ray by the time the new movie comes out(or at least let Netflix put up the rest of Real's episodes)

I just preordered 2 of these. It looks like the kind of thing that could go up in value.

I can do without. I never really care much for transformers

It's been said a lot but one of the things that made the original work was that the ghosts were serious. The whole premise was intelligent blue collar goofs up against real ghosts.

We must secure the existence of our nostalgia and a future for endless remakes.

>flash in the pan
>lightning in a bottle
Similar, but the latter is more special.

Of course there were parts that were goofy. Slimer, definitely. Definitely not all ghosts were created equally. The second movie made a lot of it a bit too easy, especially in the montage, but had some nice scenes. I did like the ghost train. Completely harmless, as it turned out, but it was nice. I liked when they dealt with ghosts that felt like parts of actual ghost stories. The basement ghost in 2016 could have been that, however it still wound up extremely silly. The guy rushing into the basement and then cussing himself out.

what are the changes that the comics or at least the game will be canon? The game was Harold's last time as Egon, and the comic has a nice little continuity that lets people who like any version of the team even the 2016 version meet up. I really just want them to name drop Kylie and Rookie and I will be pleased

>it's like making a Star Trek where there's a next generation of a different crew
You mean those things that are notoriously hit or miss?

where you preordered them from if you don't mind me asking ?

This isn't the first time feminism has been tried. It doesn't last very long because it destabilizes society. One way or another, things will get sorted out.

When you think about it even Slimer or rather Onion Head is kind of freaky when you separate him from the cute cartoon version. He's a floating disgusting blob of ecto who exists only to eat and consume.

i'm in canada so i used eb games canada:

assuming you're in the us you can use:

GameSpot Pre-Order: Gamestop.Com/Catalog/ProductDetails.Aspx?Sku=189035

HasbroPulse Pre-Order:

hasbro link is not working for me but the gamespot one seems okay.

i saw the cartoon long before the movie, and was surprised by how gross and ugly movie slimer was. it's still kind of cool that he became their pet/mascot though.bhe even got a spinoff cartoon.

I was fine with them doing a reboot, even an all-female one. Even was okay with them having a sub-par trailer because most reboots don't do well.

What I wasn't okay with was the INSANE overreaction to James Rolfe when he did that video about how he wasn't going to see/review Ghostbusters 2016. That was way out of line, and by that point I didn't feel the movie or its defenders deserved any support.

Well let's be a bit fair, there really was no reason for to make that announcement in the first place outside of wanting to feel special for it. He could have just as easily not gone and seen it and kept his yap shut about the whole. And yeah I get he probably got a lot of people who asked him but that's what comes with being in the spotlight.

His fans were asking about it from what I recall, he gave them a answer.

They're legit retarded, plain and simple. Asking for reason and logic with those people is the equivalent of asking for the Spanish Inquisition for mercy, fucking pointless.

weird how everyone who had a problem with 2016 ghostbusters is now painted as a hate mob. i think it's mainly because of what happened with milo yiannopoulos and leslie jones on twitter. he made some mean tweets about her, saying she was illiterate and looked like a man. then some people following him (presumably hardcore /pol/acks) piled on, comparing her to am ape and so forth. of course, this somehow became 'ghostbusters fans are a racist hate mob'. i would seriously question whether someone like milo cared about ghostbusters in the first place, but as for the /pol/ types who piled on, they almost certainly were just using it as an excuse to troll a black celebrity. i mean, the director ivan reitman was a jew, the character of janine was obviously a jew, harold ramis who played egon was a jew, rick moranis who played louis was a jew, winston was black. does this sound like a movie hardcore white supremacists would love?
but the media doesn't question this 'racist/sexist ghostbuster trolls' narrative, they just repeat it blindly.

Leslie is pretty ugly, and her entitled over reaction to the dismissal of the reboot only shows she's ugly both inside and out.

The shitstorm this would cause. I'd like to see it. As a fan, I would just like to see this new one turn a profit.

I'm hoping it does alright. Granted, if it fails, we at least got something like a proper third Ghostbusters with the 2011 game.

All of that hate, and it bounced off James harmlessly.

They need to just stop remaking shit. Leave the classics alone.

she is ugly, but that's not her fault, and in fairness to her she probably worked hard on the movie. she just did the job she was hired to do. the people making the decisions at the studio are to blame. paul feig is to blame. they should get the brunt of the shit. unfortunately since she had twitter and racism is an easy angle to use to attack someone she was a convenient target.
but now, the whole ghostbusters fandom, who had legitimate reasons for not liking the premise of the movie, are lumped in with her attackers.

That still doesn't excuse her freakout when the teaser for the new movie dropped. Even if she was remembering what happened to her, she over reacted and lashed out like it was a personal attack when all it simply was is a case of "they're going back to the original continuity" and nothing else. And when people even rationally told her there was no malicious intent behind ignoring the reboot, she just ignored it and labeled those people racist or whatever stupid shit.

Frankly Im not even liking what Im seeing of the new new movie. It feels like an even more desperate attempt

Why should I be fair here? He's done reviews about Ghostbusters in the past. He's pretty clearly a fan, and ranked the first one in his top 10. So for him to not do a review of the 2016 one, everyone would notice it's absence and keep repeatedly asking questions, so I have no problem with him doing a video to address that.

And there was absolutely no harm in him doing the video. I disagreed with a bunch of things he said in that video, but he did it in a mostly reasonable manner. The blowback from Wobbly Moral Highground Twitter was more childish than how James deliberately has the AVGN act.

But all there is the teaser. And while it is a bit hokey, it's probably not reflective of the actual movie. If they can at least not get too autistic with the CGI, and make the new kids not insufferable like the Fembusters, I can't see it being much worse.

This. He gave an answer, and the ungrateful cunts decided to chimp out despite him not saying anything too negative about the reboot other than how he felt about it.

>new kids
That's the problem right there. I don't want KIDS. This is every bit the gimmick all women was.

i assume they were a) inspired by stranger things b) are hoping this franchise will last a long time so the actors can play the same characters for years without aging out of being believable action heroes.

Yea, but it would be hard to make a sequel that's set in modern day work when the 3 surviving Busters are all old men and probably not anywhere in shape for the kind of shit they did 30 years ago. As long as the kids aren't stereotypes (one girl is bossy, the other ditzy, one guy's a jock, and the other's a nerd or whatever), it should be fine. Hell, if they can take some cues from the Extreme cartoon, that would help. Not necessarily copy/paste those kids, but at least have the self-awareness to make them multilayered even if they can be described with one-word archetypes.

>fans fighting for the right to exist
Oh fucking please. Get your head out of your ass. Ghostbusters will always be a good movie and 2 and the reboot will always be bad.

You are not your favorite corporate franchise.

>not everything needs to be a neverending franchise with countless reboots and adaptations
This cancerous behaviour is uniquely a generational thing. :-/


James Rolfe probably got even more film buzz cred on being 100% right about the movie even before the trailer dropped. All the NuMale alleys and feminazis were proven wrong.

2 will always be better than the reboot. As bad as it was, it was not a trash fire. The cartoon also had a majority of quality episodes over garbage episode listings.

Cunt please. You remind of those libtards in media saying its okay to dox a 16yo catholic boy for smiling at a veteran acting like an asshole because he is Native American.

>Nick-Nick was a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong, he was on a completely apolitical sightseeing trip

Spotted the SJW. And you wonder why everyone grows to hate your kind on a daily basis. The only reason you're still alive is because you have the power of media on your side. Rest assured though, nothibg last forever.

Lmao all mainstream media is owned by Republicans you goober

Goddamn trolls getting to me again.

Remakes have been a thing for forever, there were times where you'd get a remake only a few years after the original. Now you have to wait at least a decade and some years

The problem is them trying to soft/hard reboot the original. It's impossible to do well. Remember Extreme? It was surprisingly good. Because the concept of ghost exterminators is good. That is what they should do: a new team of ghostbusters set in current times handled by a studio that can draw a scary ghost.

>Mainstream media pushes the democrat agenda
>Is owned by republicans
This makes zero sense.

Ghostbusters is complete, it doesn't need anything further added to it.

We don't need another reboot after a bad reboot.

Didn't he end up watching it anyway?

Ghostbusters is dead and the new movie is its ghost. Ironically, we would need the Ghostbusters to get rid of it.