How do I get a girl to look at me like Roxanne?

How do I get a girl to look at me like Roxanne?

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be a main character

Just be yourself.

Sucks for OP. I’m the main character and I’ve decided to do a genocide run. Dubs gets to be my companion.

Stand out.

Learn to provide.

Listen to each other's hearts

Can I be your plucky childhood friend who harbours a close-guarded crush on you but who ultimately has to give up on my unrequited love so you can be with the woman you deserve to be with (male)?

Sing this:

well, every good tale needs an antagonist, and I would be perfect for the job. seems like your story won't have a happy ending for you

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go back in time and destroy lifetime. maybe go back further and kill andrea dworkin (quietly)

You've got to stand out above the crowd.

I'll be that voice on your shoulder telling you that there's still good left in you and that this rage-filled killing spree is pointless and will ultimately leave you feeling empty.


Drugs, realistically. Ecstacy is easily acquired, barely policed, and has no habit forming or nasty side effects unless you go fucking nuts with it. Safer, for example, than enough booze to get drunk. Good luck.

Best post

Only if I get to betray your sorry ass in the third act

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Based and redpilled

be a dog


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bitch youre just another obstacle in my path to godhood


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