Birdwatching when you're a duck

>Birdwatching when you're a duck.

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Other urls found in this thread: on the road!FGox2YiR!qioQUp6uPwaUXDUrTZH11Q

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People go to Africa and zoos to looks at chimps

I dont know about Barks, but Rosa says various times in his collections that he doesn't see the the Duck characters as actual real ducks, but anthropomorphic humans.

There is this comic were the Beagle Boys use a watch that can stop time, escaping from the Ducks they cross a patch of grass and then stop time. By this point in the story the Ducks already have a way to move in stopped time, but when running across the grass, since time is stopped, the spiky grass is like frozen solid. So they hurt their duck feet when running across it.

Rosa said he later thought it was a bad idea to show the ducks getting their feet getting hurt because that relates the reader to actual duck anatomy and he didn't want the reader to think about the characters as "animals" but actual people.

He ain’t an animal.

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I have a lot of the Fanta Barks books to catch up on. I'm excited the next one is a Scrooge book but I've been letting myself get behind on the Donald ones.

Could be worse.

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Speaking of duck comics, I remember someone scanlating and posting all of Ducks on the Road last year here, does anyone have the MEGA for that or at least an archive link or something?

Thought they only translated the first part?

I'm the guy who translated the first part, I took ages to continue because of IRL and I'm absolutely sure I've seen someone else meanwhile beat me to the punch and do the entire thing here on Yea Forums, but I'm not finding it on the archives

Maybe I've just hallucinated it or maybe someone was storytiming the original Italian and I thought it was a scanlation, I guess, but I could swear it was a scanlated full thing since I remember feeling like "damn, missed my chance, but good that someone's done it"

I would be interested in any scanlations of the European Disney comics, as well.

I want Pride and Prejudice!

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Are there scans of it?

people watching

Some animals are more equal the others.

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translated by this person on the road

You're a hero, user

is this a reference to something?

Made a mega!FGox2YiR!qioQUp6uPwaUXDUrTZH11Q

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From a logic perspective they are watching porn,these birds are naked

Actually, a duck would need to watch birds. Avian predators and all.

>watch porn
>being in the place

my cute Paperetta

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I want my dick inside dickie duck

I liked Magica's look in this recent story.
Too bad she only kept it for two panels.

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Around crows Never Relax!

>Magica creates a Black Hole

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And Donald handles it with his usual level of subtlety.

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I really like the way that book is inked

Artist is Arild Midthun.

I thought I recognised that inking. I'm generally not a fan of Egmont's stable of artists unless they're also Italian, but Midthun's growing on me a lot.

He's commonly recognized as the only great Scandinavian Duck artist.

Personally prefer Fecchi and Midthun among the Egmont squad.
Fecchi is Italian, so... kinda agreed.

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yes, i like this style also.

The way he inks the characters and poses them kind of reminds me of some of the old Brazillian Disney comics art, so it's good stuff

Just gonna note that this:
is Fecchi, not Midthun.

underrated post

Any website where I could read Donald or Scrooge from European artist?

translated in english?

Yeah. Also free.


Fantagraphics has been translating some Disney euro stories

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