
Is this why you don't hear about valiant anymore?

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which one is sposta be valiant?

Bringing back Vaiant comics was a mistake

I still don't know who Faith's intended audience is supposed to be.

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we just had this thread, for fuck sake.

Cry more Nazi incel she won! Waaaah.

comic books overall have been taken over by lefty ideologues
i'm glad they're dying because of it.

lmao i forgot about faith
such a horrible character

Isn’t she only popular with the fat fetish crowd?

No, seriously, politics aside, what's Faith's deal? She's fat, and she can fly, and she has a big sad because she's fat? Or is she fat-positive? Does she ever get to a healthy weight? Is she fat because she flies everywhere? Who is this for? What even happens in her comics? Please tell me.

>Is she fat because she flies everywhere?

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>Who is this for?
People who don't buy comics. They're the target audience for most comics nowadays.

Isn't she supposed to get a movie? At any rate, I only read a bit of her solo stuff and found it pretty generic. Like, I'd be up for a book that explores a fat hero with image issues or whatever, but what I read had this annoyingly childish quality to it. Maybe her older stuff is better?

What the christ am I looking at?

Hilary imagines being fat while the word "FAITH" floats above her head?

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Try cutting back the carbohydrates. Soon enough you won't be so easily offended while we mock this overweight "super"hero.

the sjw who was writing faith was cute/hot and very bangable.

Some of it might be due to upper-level changes. Not sure if it was a change in ownership/investment or a management decision, but the last news I heard about the company was some change in creative strategy to orient towards TV and/or film.

> found it pretty generic
Valiant in a nutshell

I like the alternative better

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Why would a group of super villians listen to trump talking about protecting our borders?

This is liberal drawing showing that Trump represents evil and all it's glory.

Don't most people like those villains?

Alright, here's a primer:

She's a psiot, the Valiant equivalent of mutants, who started off in the team book Harbinger. She was activated by the leader of the book Peter Stanchek and joined his group of "Renegades".

After many big adventures involving their enemy Toyo Harada and a brief stint with Unity (Valiant Justice League/Avengers) she goes solo by moving to Los Angeles where she works as a superhero and a writer for a clickbait site.

She's the morality pet of the team, the only one with actual morals and who gets freaked out by killing and violence. She's a geek, having grown up on comics and relate media thanks to her parents (who died in a car crash. Her reading and being into comics is her way of remembering them).

Her powers are flight and 'companion field' which I think was added since they made a point of her not having any increased strength so she couldn't do much besides reconnaissance or distractions. With a companion field she can basically have one other thing fly with her with no extra effort (so she'd often help transport people to get to places and such). Later on she somehow manages to use it as a way of deflecting bullets. Not too fond of that myself, but I suppose it was necessary to have an excuse to how she avoid fire arms.

I like her in the beginning most. I don't think she has what it takes to headline her own book, she works best as part of an ensemble. Her solo series becomes more comedic in style with Marvel's modern solo headlining female heroes, though within Valiant I see it more as a more geeky comedy variant of Archer and Armstrong (she dates the former of the two and thanks to Book of Death we know it's canon that she and Archer get married until she dies of heart failure at the age of 67).

Fucking thank you, someone who actually reads comics explained something to me. I wish more people on this hellsite were like you. Also holy shit she lives to be 67? Even with all the superpowers and aliens and wizards, that's the most unrealistic part of this entire book. She should be dead by her 30s or 40s at least.

Faith's audience is Feminists and the fat acceptance movement.

So, people who neither read nor like comics. Gotcha.

Dude just imagine. Who would you try to geek? The fat chick that can fly and make others fly or the murder machines Valiant tosses as "heroes" flying beside her?
I know who i would try shooting first.

You need to understand that she wasn't as big in the 90's.

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So back in the 90s she looked more like a healthy weight for someone her size, and for her "comeback" they decided to just make her a corpulent whale of a woman?

Faith really excels in the Archer and Armstrong related comics more than her own solo comics