

Attached: D0CfKf6WsAI3LuK.jpg large.jpg (1384x2048, 642K)

Stupid sexy Jay, Al, Alan, Carter, Kent, Rex, Wesley, Jim.

Clock is fucking ticking.

Such a shame this art is wasted on this horrible writing

The art fits the "quality" of the writing

the clock is fucking slow

>dat chest hair

coming soon in 2021

No it doesn't don't be a contrarian for the sake of it.

I left Yea Forums for a while but are you fuckiong telling me that Doomsday clock hasn't finished yet?

well, SHIELD was completed only last year, so....

It was originally supposed to finish when?


Unless these delays are because he wants to re-introduce them to sync up with a JSA film. In which case that's great.

Hawkman is thinking "They told me I'd get to punch things if I came here. When do I get to start punching things?"

eat my ass

12 monthly issues and first released in November 2017, so about 3 months ago

Why do you keep making up excuses for Johns? Now you've gone as far as to make up an imaginary film in your head to justify sheer incompetence. Astounding.

Fucking this. Jesus christ capeniggers are pathetic.

I wasn't being totally serious there. Maybe you should lighten up a bit.


>Comic art
>Doesn't allow space for the speech bubbles

This is the cancer killing comic book art. You can tell Gary is looking at this art and thinking "Some JSA fag is going to pay big bucks for this page".

Attached: Batmandissapoint.jpg (223x259, 38K)

No we don't. Bendis and King are on board. Sure, Bendis only cares for young and hip and black characters but you have King and you know how much he loves to give everybody PSTD.

It's still by issue #8.

There 12 issues.

I would. I mena, it looks beautiful but you are right, there's no space for the speech bubbles.

I'd let them all fuck me.

I think this is the flipside of the "tumblr art" coin: art that's created just to sell later.

Both stem from the fact that mainstream publishers don't pay for shit.

Is Jones the slowest "active" artist behind Quietly?

Attached: file.png (980x774, 849K)

>Didio bragging the other day that DC's artists are the highest paid
>They're also the slowest

Attached: stay cool.jpg (282x282, 8K)


>What is a joke?
I can't believe Yea Forums is this retarded.

>Hawkman's there
Well that doesn't make any sense with what we know

>You can tell Gary is looking at this art and thinking "Some JSA fag is going to pay big bucks for this page".
And he's right. Can't blame a man for making money where he can. Especially since the big 2 treated their artists like shit for decades

Maybe they retcon Katar into being the Hawkman of the JSA ?

I can't wait for the next issue of Doomsday Clock. No shits given. Stay schweet!

This looks great

How does it not make sense? He was on the team, they fought crime and disbanded in 1951.

Hawkman then probably resumed his tests on the Nth Metal and the Dark Multiverse. He goes in, leaving Hawkgirl; who dies as Shiera and then reincarnated as Kendra, and Shayera at a later point.

Actually, it might just be in order to coincide with the Stargirl show on DC Universe.