Maya the bee

>maya the bee
so when is Alfred getting a shitty 3D reboot?

Attached: ajk.jpg (952x758, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> A shitty reboot

Alfred doesn't deserve that.

neither did moomins

They're not going to remake a show that had Hitler in it in [current year] so Alfred is safe.

Not iconic enough to waste money or time on.

Is this a stealth Yea Forums thread?

only legit reason

Just remove all the problematic characters and replace them with more diverse ones.

A shitty 3D Alfred might happen eventually, but it'd probably be like the shitty 3D Dogtanian and just come and go without even being noticed. Alfred never aired in the US because the content would never be approved (besides Literally Hitler theres a story arc focusing on apatheid in 80s South Africa) so there's not much true nostalgia for him around.

Attached: Alfred-J.-Kwak-characters.jpg (1200x448, 445K)

Can i post some puschel too?

Attached: 4655_puschel4_136515904925.jpg (400x318, 42K)

fuck off spammer
or should you be sp/a/mmer, now?

How can you not love this smile?

Attached: bannertail1.jpg (225x151, 15K)

OP mentioned maya the bee
Bannertail is by the same studio
So ergo he is technicly allowed to be posted in this thread

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it's been a while but a new series was mentioned at one point. nothing came from it so far though

he truly doesn't

upside-down image looks like a smirking stick figure with an orange pompadour.

new alfred stories appearing regardless of cartoon. hervan keeps alfred somewhat alive at least

Attached: Dk0YzYUXgAU6crd.jpg orig alfred koning sam.jpg (5000x2617, 846K)


...those are European cartoons, dumbass.

Calimero is considered a "joint project" of Italy and Japan, but it's literally where on Japan's radar.

Who's the elephant?

sam apparently

a similar character called stamp appeared in the cartoon

probably the same character

What about bannertail? I keep having this creep in my thread who tells me its anime and its getting annoying

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 18K)

They gonna find a way to butcher it. Watch the Calimero reboot and compare it with previous incarnations. The original had problematic topics. The reboot has been toned down for toddlers.

that's all of them, wickie, maya and heidi have become unwatchable shit for toddlers too, it's really sad

I'm guessing they just looked through the old Alfred model sheets they had and picked Sam the Elephant because he looks so comically pathetic.

>so there's not much true nostalgia for him around
In america. And who implied that the remake would be made by americans

would kill for a mega link for the English dubs of this cartoon

alfred's entire purpose is dealing with fairly big problems
having him toned down just would not work

>>maya the bee
Maya reboot is actualy quite good.