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Great! It's free right? I don't think it would be very red of you to charge more than the use value in order to generate a profit for your commodities, comrade
Is it going to be better than the Trump JoJo comic?
I feel like it's unlikely to be.
It’s so bizarre how this politician lady is treated like Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande by everyone. With the way things are right now, the last thing we need in politics is celebrity worship
She's our first instagram politician, and unfortunately I think that we are going to see a lot more of them coming out of the woodwork in the next few years. It's not like she's actually any different from other politicians, but with her the things she promises and never delivers on are #YASSSS #SLAYYYY instead of "Tax Reform" and "Better Schools." She's going to end up a corrupt, bloated piece of shit like the rest of them and anytime people suggest building a sidewalk that she doesn't want to shell out money for she'll be able to say "This is about combating the rise of Fascism!" and social media will bully her opposition out of existence
Well we've already elected a tv star as president so it's a little late for that shit. Shit Reagan and Arnold were elected politicians decades ago, so that ship has sailed a long time ago. If he was allowed I actually thing Schwarzenegger could win the presidency.
Americans, explain who this person is
whut. She has been endlessly talking about tax reform and she has talked about education.
She is going to be a trendsetter because she gets attention. Republicans can't help but attack her. But they are used to other Democrats who hunker down, or apologise. She just hits back.
I saw something that showed that she had better name recognition nationally then all but a few of the 2020 Presidential Candidates running for the Democratic nomination. Like she was only beaten by Biden a former VP, Bernie the runner up and one or two others.
She primaried the number 4 Democrat in the House, who was being groomed as the replacement for the Democratic leader of the House/Speaker. The Top 3 Democrats are all about the same old age. He was some boring moderate liberal white guy, in a super safe district that was rapidly becoming more diverse, particularly Hispanic.
Ever since Conservatives have been trying to turn her into a scary boogeyman.
You can't argue with people like this because they've already stopped caring. It's an overly cynical and defeatist attitude to assume all politicians are shit and the same, as well as just factually wrong, but it's just used as excuse by idiots who want to seem smarter then everyone else without actually doing research or even caring about whatever is happening. Shit people like him are why politicians are allowed to be so corrupt.
anyone got that one comic where Hillary meets the fat acceptance super hero?
In Regan's defense, he was governor of California before being elected president, though the American political system went to hell before he showed up.
I can't wait for all the people who were bitching and moaning about the people making the Trump comic to endorse the shit out of this.
The attack on AOC has been pretty bipartisan because like Trump, she's actively challenging the DC uniparty consensus. There's a very strong chance she'll be primaried in 2020 because of her role in fucking up the Amazon thing for Cuomo and de Blasio.
There seems to be an internal power struggle to get rid of older, more corrupt and obnoxious politicians that are killing the Democrat image. Obviously you can't go after that mummified cunt Pelosi first so they're looking to replace smaller fries first with newer players.
>The attack on AOC has been pretty bipartisan
No not really.
Nigga, I didn't mean
>Tax Reform
literally, you know what I meant. She's a political sideshow. All of her political beliefs are from the "I discovered politics my freshman year of college" starter pack, and she's only 29 years old holding her first public office. How much real change do you think she's going to impact when 90% of her policies are in direct opposition to what 50%-70% of the country outside of Los Angeles and NYC and she runs her mouth off at senior democratic party (you know the one with the 200 year long history of crippling levels of corruption?) officals at every house committee meeting?
She's shiny and attractive now and her popularity is being boosted by the media to give Trump a cartoon antagonist to spar with in time for the nightly news, but she's hardly going to make any lasting political change with her idealism and short term thinking.
Kind of? The idea is that the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) are trying to take over the Democratic party electorally.
It 100% has been, you just haven't been paying attention. Pelosi killed the Green New Deal in the womb, and the dems throwing Ilhan Omar under the bus was absolutely a warning shot to Cortez not to shake the boat too much. And again, there are a shitton of NY dems who are pissed about the Amazon deal falling through and want people to pay for it.
Gross, hope it fails hard along with every other one of these embarrassing pieces of poorly-constructed advertisements.
>admits politicians are so corrupt
>um actually politics matters
>not a porn comic, e.g. like Famous Comics or Sinful Comics
Who cares then.
Multiple polls show that AOC's platform is something a vast majority of americans wants.
>without actually doing research or even caring about whatever is happening
>I like popular socially acceptable pop-politician #3491, I guess you could say that I'm pretty woke.
You realize that your argument applies directly to what Trump voters believed before he was elected
>We're gonna get that wall!
>He's going to drain the swamp!
>Mexico is going to pay us to keep their people out!
>He's gonna fix the economy and give out jobs!
How Trump voters feel right now is how AOC supporters will feel in a couple of years, it's just sensationalism
These politician worshiping comics are always embarrassing and age horribly incredibly quick.
AOC rules but this is dumb as hell
The Green New deal was a half baked commie dream of bankrupting the country with basic income and good feelings.
>I think AOC rules so I'm dumb as hell
Bernie Sander but with a vagoo and about forty years younger.
Up-and-coming darling child of the American Left. Or at least she was until she championed the "Green New Deal," which proposed, among other things, completely abandoning flight travel, rebuilding every single building in the US to modern standards (which in the 20 year time span, would mean demolishing and rebuilding roughly 10k buildings every single day for all 20 years), removing all need for oil-based fuel, and originally it also called to ban cow farts.
Since then many Democrats have been distancing themselves from her. Some even think she's being used as a sacrificial lamb of sorts, to test the Overton Window, and with the backlash against the proposed deal, she's been left out to dry while others on the Left try to prop themselves up as "see, at least I'm not THAT crazy!"
Even before this, she's been seen as incredibly idealist and extremely naive by people on both sides of the aisle. She's very much pie-in-the-sky, and wants to do more than even Bernie did with his presidential bid. She is, frankly, insane.
Yeah lets have cities all over the country give us free information and then go put the HQs in the same business and political capitals as everybody else, but demand corporate welfare for it anyway. She is right to tell them to fuck off. I thought Conservatives were supposed to be all about free markets, but they then go and engage in tariffs, farm welfare, and corporate welfare.
And AOC supported Pelosi in the Speaker ship vote and got given some decent committee positions. She isn't locked out and she isn't going anywhere.
Cuomo might give it a try, but de Blasio is too tied in with Progressive circles to dare attack the Golden Girl. Cuomo I think just wants to get Gillibrand elected as President so he can jump into her Senate seat.
>It 100% has been
No it hasn't. The attacks have been coming from disproportionately from the right wing media and blogosphere.
That's convenient considering polls are always an accurate indicator of reality
>Hillary Clinton's odds of winning: 100%
I can safely say that having grown up in the Midwest (haha flyover subhuman, you're not smart like us city folk!) nobody I knew would have agreed with her policies that wasn't either under the age of 20 or had turquoise hair
user she is literally retarded enough to believe that the money Amazon would've saved on tax cuts before she blocked them means she has more money to spend "on the poor"
This dumb bitch literally does not even understand what a discount is. She doesn't belong in any public office
Bitch had to pay for her luxury $2000 a month apartment somehow.
>$3,000,000,000 worth of subsidies which can now be spent immediately on free Cadillacs for everybody who doesn't want to work!
>A statesman to surpass the likes of Bismark and Augustus Caesar!
Come on now dude, be real
You know this is actually straight from the right wing hack textbook?
Wrong. See the communists.
Will Amazon carry it? ROTFLMAO
I don’t care about the comic but the continuous anal devastation AOC causes merely by existing is hilarious.
If anything is wrong with the green new deal it’s that it doesn’t go nearly far enough considering we have a 12 year time table to revert climate change. Blame your parents for not doing anything when we had the chance.
I'm still annoyed that the jackass tried to crowdfund her rent instead of asking for deferred payment or taking out a small loan to cover living costs until her fat government check started coming in.
>that comic
Does anyone actually believe that?
I'm pretty sure most people are aware that major differences in opinion have existed throughout history.
If polls can't be trusted then where are you getting your information from?
And you're too retarded to do research. Amazon was getting cash grants as well.
>Amazon also received a cash grant from Empire State Development of $325 million based on the square footage of buildings occupied in the next 10 years.
Those aren't polls. Those are predictions/models except they don't really do much modelling. Most newsrooms don't actually have trained statisticians handling them. They just have some random politics journalist. The only outfit that wasn't like that was 538. Which gave Trump a 1/3rd chance as his numbers were rising because of Comey reopening all that email stuff. And 1/3rd chances happen all the time.
Real life.
Trusting polls who are propagandas is dumb.
Who cares? All government policies suck ass.
First off, I'm not a conservative, I don't know where you're assuming that. The only political activism I genuinely do is support Defense Distributed so I really don't like anyone in congress. And second, you're agreeing with me: Democrats want AOC to play along and go with the flow rather than do her own thing, but would very much prefer her gone for trying to rock the boat.
The opinions of the media and "the blogosphere" are irrelevant. I'm talking about people who hold legitimate political power.
That's disgusting. No wonder amazon is basically a prison with pay. They're given money to do it.
The communists? Who are the communists in this situation?
>socialists discussing politics on Yea Forums
thanks for ruining the thread retards
>1/3rd chances happen all of the time
they happen 1/3rd of the time man
They are trying to see how far they can get someone by forcing memes.
>real life
Which would be what?
What the fuck does that even mean Real life?
How the fuck is this a derail its literally the topic of the thread.
>If anything is wrong with the green new deal it’s that it doesn’t go nearly far enough considering we have a 12 year time table to revert climate change. Blame your parents for not doing anything when we had the chance.
oh my god you actually believe that
have fun with no air travel and giant highways over the ocean, retard
>I'm talking about people who hold legitimate political power.
Who would be? Who on the left is attacking AOC?
If you care so little about government or politics in general, why are you even here? Why aren't you out planning your anarchist revolution?
You are a semi-literate retard if you think anything from that pile of shit would've "saved" the environment.
You wanna end climate change then champion 4 movements.
Nationwide conversion to Nuclear, Hydro, and/or Geothermal wherever possible
Grass lawns are illegal
Crops must be a net positive to the environment (looking at you commiefornia almond industry)
End to all trade and travel with polluter nations (india and china) until they fall in line with global pollution standards.
I'm still pissed about Al Gore not being elected. He was a boring stiff, but he was right on about global warming. And he lost because of Fucking Greens.
Imagine a world with Al Gore as President. No foreign wars since 9/11 likely doesn't happen. Admin changes cause mess, while Clinton to Gore would be minimal. And Gore might have actually paid attention to the warning sides. But even if it happens, it wouldn't be expanded to Iraq because no family grudge against Saddam.
Going out and ask people?
So you're taking a poll then.
The green new deal is completely unrealistic and even if you could somehow overcome the logistical and engineering problems with it we could never afford it.
Read the thread. It's painfully obvious that AOC is unwelcome in the DNC and they want to make sure she stays on a tight leash.
I like comics, and fucking around in discussions about stuff that isn't comics-related.
What do you think polls are?
Except polls are asking a lot of different people all over the place, not just asking all the people in your community.
If he was right New York and half the east coast would be currently underwater.
Honestly shit like this makes me glad it's too late to stop climate change. People deserve to suffer for their stupidity. And honestly I'm kinda glad most of the people responsible for the change are gonna get away with it too and not face any real consequences themselves. You have to respect that ability to manipulate large masses of fools so skillfully.
>AWB wouldn't have been sunset
>There would have been even more restrictions after V-Tech
yeah I'm gonna veto your little dystopia there
China is falling in line with global pollution standards. It's aggressively changing. Compared to fucking trump who's set us back.
You've never been to /pol/, have you?
Did you not read what I said? I get these examples from REAL LIFE, when you don't spend all day on the internet you find out what people really think. Polls can be easily skewed and it's common knowledge that most polls have a specific political agendas. Do you not know that this country has an elite political class that literally spends billions of dollars in buying public influence?
Just because something can get 10k retweets on twitter doesn't mean it's going to become an effective and implementable policy
This thread is an official proof that Yea Forumsmblr is left wing.
>It's painfully obvious that AOC is unwelcome in the DNC and they want to make sure she stays on a tight leash.
If it's painfully obvious then you can give me a name. Which democrats are against AOC?
>No foreign wars since 9/11 likely doesn't happen.
You already lost me, 9/11 wasn't cause by Bush it just happened under his administration the seeds of 9/11 went back years before he was even elected.
Are you the same guy who derails every single thread about Dilbert with autistic screeching about climate change
She's a socialist, isn't she? She's likely already corrupt. The difference between her and New York hooker is the hooker will tell you what she'll do after you give her your money.
Then what are you doing?
Again with this bullshit.
2035 China green superpower of Earth.
That's literally what a poll is.
>You've never been to /pol/, have you?
I have, have you?
/pol/ itself is evidence that disagreements exist, I'm not sure what you're getting at there.
You kidding? You can get b& for saying n*gger on here
>my sample size of 30 is better than a sample size in the thousands
>very red of you
Good thing she's not communist retard, learn to politic
These pics are hilarious.
Except she was immediately given Committee assignments for
>Committee on Financial Services
>Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Lots of reps get nothing in terms of committees for multiple terms.
Pelosi and all mainstream dem?
The timetables changed because efforts to stop them were being made. If you don't remember acid rain was a large problem in the US until we fucking regulated the goddamn assholes polluting the air.
It's weird. I do wonder if something like Fallout will happen now.
I believe in climate change but i'm not a fucking retard that thinks it's perfectly ok to destroy the economy, livelihoods and prosperity of western countries for the sake of it when it's fucking Asia and Africa ruining the world and nothing we do will make a dent on the enormous, obscene amount of pollution, desertification, consumption and destruction created by even the smallest chink shithole.
If you want to save the world, nuke the pakis, nuke the pajeets, nuke the Chinese, and nuke the Nigerians. Fuck all those countries, they ARE pollution. The people are the pollution, and while every single western country is below replacement numbers these vermin keep breeding and breeding, and we're asked to take care of them when they run away from their own violence and squalor.
>get these examples from REAL LIFE,
Ok but what does that mean?
No it didn't stupid, the bill isn't even written yet.
Yes, she is a social democrat.
Except AOC endorsed Pelosi and vice versa.
Are you retarded? Do you know why they're polluting the earth? They're doing it because of western demands on goods.
Did they deliberately make her look like a fish?
Which are? Name the thousands who answer, where they live and their occupation/relatives?
>/pol/ itself is evidence that disagreements exist
So you've never been to /pol/, cool.
China is already under replacement level. and per capita the USA is above everybody in terms of pollution but a few Arab gulf states.
It's literally not the same, you can just type this shit into a new tab and learn the difference yourself.
And Pelosi is still against her.
AoC is a small tier goblina.
I don't care about politics,I just wanna bury my face in the Latina pussy.
haha epic semantics my dude, I've been UTTERLY BTFO by you moving the goalpost
Pelosi, Beto, Kamala, Klobuchar, Cuomo, de Blasio, pretty much everyone tight with AIPAC, etc.
She was given those assignments as a reward for supporting Pelosi and I guarantee that someone told her that if she hadn't condemned Omar's AIPAC remarks that she'd lose those appointments. It's the carrot-and-stick approach.
"Endorsements" mean very little in terms of actual agenda. Trump and Paul Ryan endorsed each other as a formality but it was transparently obvious that they both were enemies behind the scenes.
Never seen so much propaganda packed into one post.
Reminder for young people, never let someone else explain shit to you, they're going to do it with their slant. Read the material directly or get it from a source you trust, not some random on the internet with unknown motivations and biases.
Communist detected.
Which no one need them to.
Bring the jobs back.
>be aoc
>hate capitalism
>get a comic made of you
>sell comic on the market for profit
>still says she hates capitalism
We've been played like a fiddle guys
come to Yea Forums we have 30 threads about her every day
>it's a literally who-tier person gets fawned/sperged over despite being incredibly irrelevant and only popular by the virtue of being popular
She's from an incredibly blue county and is only a House rep which means jackshit without a larger group behind you, people talking about her like she matters are insane.
The usual suspects of big money Democrat donors funded her campaign and push her in the media.
Are you retarded? We don't have the abilities to actually produce goods at that level ourselves so we exploit people who can. It's capitalism 101.
Literally says on the website that proceeds go to charity. Fuck is wrong with yall?
let's see, who requires more resources and goods:
>western countries with a few million inhabitants scattered throughout a continent
>Asian states with several hundred million inhabitants packed together back to back
and unlike Asia, forests and nature are actually recovering in the US. Not because a coal mine got shut down but because ecological efforts made by hunters and environmentalists that actually know how the ecosystem work instead of dumb urbanites.
It's not about semantics, it's about how you have no solid evidence.
Again: what politicians actually say means very little and is a terrible gauge for determining things.
Then how do we know Kamala Harris is against AOC?
Haha wow, so millions of american cannot produce goods, but billions of chink can do it, with technology provided by chinks.
And this is how socialists believe capitalists work.
>I don't know how global economies works
memes carried trump to the white house, so maybe it's not a bad plan
This is what they call it when they take your money and give it to anti-white jew programs
but how could she steal the wages of the workers to give to charity, comrade? how could she not let the workers own the rights to the comic, comrade?
Remember when socialism actually meant something, and wasn't just a buzzword for government does anything. No because Conservatives have been pulling this shit for a lifetime.
You know making shit up is really retarded when we can just look up the facts right?
>Reverse image search OP
>No results
I’m 100% sure she’s hiring the best plug Bliss city farm out there. She’s a literal who that keeps being put into the main stream media by people shilling her.
The shit was on her website and she was so tight when people called her out she deleted it. She was at the front of a moronic protest that killed Amazon moving here. This chick, has claimed the global warming will end the world in 12 years. This shit is so embarrassing that the Dems don't even want to vote on it. How on Earth is the Democratic going to survive when people are pretending that this charlatan should be its face. Answer, it will bound rightwards after 2020 allows them to dump the progressive politics on the roadside.
Communist detected.
Are you one of those mongoloids who lacks the cranial capacity to differentiate socialism and communism?
the US is the largest producer of food in the world, there isn't a lot that actually comes into the US in raw materials, it's mostly high quality manufacture.
Yeah, with media covering her 24/7, those small donors.
Watch Yea Forumsmblr unironically defend it.
Because Kamala's running against Bernie for the 2020 nomination and AOC is part of the DSA, a pro-Bernie organization that is MILTIANTLY against Kamala for her work as AG. They're factional rivals.
Are you a communist?
I'm a socialist comrade
Fucking who? I'm not even saying that to be shitty, I honestly have no idea who the fuck she is.
Goddamn she is living in your head rent free.
No, you've made this an argument about words. You know what real life is, stop using a 5th grade argument tactic.
The produce it because they're willing to work in sweatshops like slaves. If you can find a million American's willing to work for a few dollars a day with no benefits or breaks for hours and hours at a time to the point of wanting to kill themselves maybe we could start producing IPhones on our own. Until then these types of manufacturing jobs aren't ever coming back.
I'm so excited Yea Forumsmrades
How does one get such free exposure? All the coverage she’s gotten is at least a couple million for free.
Wow, so the democrats are using her to channel the Trump effect.
OK, thanks.
My take on it is that AOC is basically just Bernie Sanders but she knows how to troll people on Twitter.
And if she's attracting all the negative attention while other Democrats with actual political influence can get things done then that's fine by me.
>i want to force everyone to to rewire and rebuild their houses to meet an asinine standard
>i want to force everyone to use public transportation so only people living in cities and suburban hellscapes can function in society
>i want to cap income and force anyone above a bracket to give out wealth to the fed with the excuse of helping
>i want everyone to be paid to exist so when the inevitable inflation comes around they're trapped as bottom feeders unable to break out of the welfare trap due to devaluation of labor
>this isn't thievery and communism at all!
She's just a politician
I wish political comics were still about superheroes punching the upholders of deeply awful ideologies in the face, rather than championing the flavor-of the month partisan "heroes" by portraying real people as spotlessly superhuman.
So you admit it is a shitty economy prop up to destroy people.
Bring the job back, pay people well so they have money to pay for better stuff.
You're literally doing it to yourselves by obsessing over someone whose greatest power outside of her district is to annoy you on Twitter.
Which are still handed on the backbone on illegal immigrants. These goods are only made by paying people unlivable wages in the us in sweatshops. If you want jobs to come back you'd need huge socialist reforms which forces companies to give people in this industry a viable income at the cost of their mega yachts.
That's like 80% of all Americans and at least 99% of people who come to this website. Arguing the differences in socialism and Communism and anything similar is a waste of time because the only response you'll get is "Sure thing comrade."
>proceeds go to charity.
Clinton Foundation, or Open Border Society?
So you want us to become Commies? Because that's the only way that'll ever happen.
A real one, unlike Trump's.
Harris is the second most Liberal Senator by voting record.
Sort by ideology. It is Warren, Harris, Booker, Baldwin then Sanders.
Punching people who you think are "deeply awful" is the true deeply awful ideology, user. Or do you want more of Frank Miller's Holy Terror?
it is not me who spams her shit 24/7, no.
You are actually fucking retarded. Do you even live in NYC? She was a literally who until she knocked out Crowley in one of the biggest political upsets in the past few years.
That spike in June is people asking "wait, who the fuck is this?"
Anything that's middle of the road or interventionist inevitably leads to socialism
The modern version.
Oh god, or we expunge the illegals, give job back to actual people.
Did you guys short circuit? Did the gears grind to a halt? Fucking kek.
is really killing me. Doesn't even make sense as a response. Even
>no u
would be better.
Harris is a cop who's record as DA for California saw tons of minorities and poor locked away for nonviolent offenses. She continues to boast about this record and refuses to disown it.
Again, talk to some socialists and Sanders supporters.
Listen I don't even like that /pol/ is hanging around here, I don't need /leftypol/ shitting up this board on cartoons and comics either.
No, you think commies pay people well? See the USSR and China.
inb4 not muh communism