What if I just post some comics?
And then you talk about 'em.
What if I just post some comics?
No, fuck you, now get out.
Since when is Voice over Internet protocol a soundeffect?
tfw no pan pipe gf
the right ain't all that bad dude needs to stop being a basedboy
Don't do it, user.
I beg you.
The second girl would of been absolutely fine. What is this guy, an elitist?
>implying shaving isn't a pain and anyone with a neckbeard over 30 has anyone or anything the have to look good for
Whate fuck is wrong with pan flute girl?
Is he some kinda fag?
>refusing flutegirl
what a gay
What ever happened to MGDMT?
>Is he some kinda fag?
Judging by his tops and how he puts his glasses to his lip and drinks only wine and doesn't want panpipe girl yes
Based and redpilled.
Was it rape?
>Cute as fuck flute girl shows off her sick nasty flute skills to your weak ass, thin, faggot looking body
>reject her
what a fag
Post the genderswapped version.
> implying flute girl or mondern day hippies in general are just sjw's in elf cosplay.
Hey as long she puts up, she can do whatever the fuck she wants on twitter. Not my business.
This is the genderswapped version you fucking retard.
>all these newfags
OP's strip is an edit. The original is some roastie ignoring everyone, but the message is "there are no good men left". The edit reverses the gender roles, and now all of you Yea Forumsmblr fags are going "fuck that entitled dick".
Pan pipe girl is based
That comic became a popular political bait comic in like summer 2018.
Say no more.
Does this mean women who are too lazy to shave their legs go to legbeard hell?
Yeah, that's the good stuff.
This just makes me feel bitter and jealous.
>first date on a restaurant
Absolute rookie mistake. You take them to either a somewhat cheap place if you're gonna eat, or another free activity.
If they are catfishing you can pay pocket change and fuck off
If they pull the "no wallet teehee" you don't give them the satisfaction of a fancy free meal
>being this new
It's a genderswapped edit you spergs
>Last updated: August 14, 2018
Unless you're going to give me a flute gf don't reply to me ever again.
Am I missing some context here?
Look at that, an enjoyable Zen Pencils!
The day you realize this comic's point is entirely valid is the day you choose between good and evil.
>dating roasties
>not dating Asian women
The state of other white men.
Based Trump
I can't tell who's talking in the last panel. Is it the woman, and it's just another example of a bad first date? Or is it him, and the punchline is that he finally met a girl he liked but fucked the date up himself?
>Not liking panflute girl
What a fag
>implying animals eating one another is "evil".
t. retarded
crime is now legal
Lions don't kill each other.
Dunno, I think I'd read about the adventures of Goblina and Schoolshooter-kun
post the original then
Ye, they do. Male lions will kill their own young so they can get laid again.
It's an edit.
Context: Ultron has taken on the shape of a woman. Now Ultron will kill the Sentry's wife because... I don't know what good that would do.
Anyway, Ultron is swapped. In the original she just looked down at Lindy.
Still nude though.
Pan fluters still having the most fun
Okay, this is based and redpilled
Bottom left corner seem like such a happy couple
The fuck is this.
the appropriate response to the original would be "fuck that entitled bitch" then right? so what's the problem?
Then why are the plants forced to suffer? Plants are about as intelligent as chickens or fish.
She was a whore
she forgot her wallet. he's making it out to be a deal-breaker. If he's not a prick, he should pay; and if he's super salty about splitting the bill 50/50, just say something like, "no worries. you can pick up the tab on the next date".
>it's just another example of a bad first date
I'll wait for you, boys.
Too much truth.
just based on how they're drawn, panflute girl and broke blonde girl are out of his league. purple shirt girl is a perfect match.
What the fuck?
Breaking form with a series here for a sec
I don't get it
>I'll wait for you, boys
What does that even mean?
Someone should start an ugojesse thread, I lose my shit every time I see his comics
200% Wholesome.
>tfw no medieval pan-flute playing wench gf
damn, i remember reading her comics in a mallgoth magazine that my sister used to buy
where can i find more?
The molester thought he was groping a woman, but it turned out to be a tranny with a girthy cock. The man wants to stop touching the cock, but the tranny threatens to call attention to the cock-touching if he doesn't bring the tranny to completion.
This handjob, upon completion, impregnates the woman with the green cell phone (she is holding the phone in both panels, making that phone at least 15 years old?)
I unironically agree with this comic 100%
Christ alive, imagine what kind of a destroyed husk a of a human being the author of this must be. A baby(a blessing worth more than any mount of money and status in the whole world) comes into her life and she has it dismembered.
What? Adult lions kill each other. Male lions will kill other male lions to take control of a pride. Female lions will gang up and kill invading adult lions. Have you never watched a nature program in your life?
these are really good...
>not going for 4 and making sweet music together
Confirmed homo.
It's point isn't valid. Animals aren't people, duh. If it aint Homo Sapiens it aint a person so you should be allowed to do whatever you want to it.
They most certainly do.
Something the likes of which is only seen during the Yea Forums Week of Pain
Yes they do you tard.
this seems like the right place to ask
does anyone happen to have that link to that imgur album with all the comics of sarah anderson fucking dogs?
Girl did nothing wrong.
>Everett True thinks your racist philosophy is bullshit.
>Because Everett True believes that all races are fit only for the slaughter.
Unironically get shoot.
Whats wrong with folk lady? She seems cool.
aww this ones actually kind of sad
When chickens lawyer up and bring a civil suit against Tyson, we'll talk.
Until then, breeding chickens for food produces way more chickens overall than there would be if we paved over their natural habitats to put in more basedbeans and apartment buildings instead. Because that's what happens to species we don't eat.
Ask the dodo whether it would have rather be "an extant species that is frequently eaten but will live as long as there are humans" or "extinct because they happened to be near humans at one point."
There's a long awkward section between panels 2 and 3 where she rips all the clothes off a small child in full view of the neighborhood.
Girl wants all the perks of having a boyfriend without having to spread her legs, the chad character unwittingly reminded the guy that she's not his girlfriend. Guy rightfully decides it's wrong and unfair, doesn't want to make someone front and center of his life that he has to watch hookup with and fuck random people who don't actually care about her, so he cuts her out of his life so he can be happier and more emotionally healthy. Woman predictably responds with venom and shows how she really felt about him the whole time.
who made these stick figure comics? they're really fucking good
I'm confused.
It's actually funny and I get the joke.
Why couldn't the rest of this comic be like this?!
God, her style is so fucking ugly, like it's just unpleasant to look at.
Best girl
gb2/pol/ bootlicker
When it was first posted Yea Forumsmblr made excuses saying that all the dates sucked and sympathized with the author.
> Sexy Losers
> the origin of the fap onomatopoeia
> now confusing and arousing a new generations of 4channers
Mmmm....vintage content.
I want more.
>real milk hurts my tummy
I'd fucking laugh if he said that
These make me feel things
But of course, user. imgur.com
Since people are asking for the non gender swapped version.
We have two choices.
Either maintain the prison system that we have, perhaps with mild reformations to curb abuses.
Or have the death penalty expanded to cover a multitude of crimes, since you've decided we can't lock anyone up, and a lot of these people can't be allowed to roam the streets freely.
Well, I didn't draw any more.
You're right. We should go back to the more wholesome, humane options of the past before the prison system to punish criminals:
Decapitation and other forms of Execution!
The severing of hands!
Public whippings!
Exile into the dangerous and unknown to starve and be eaten by animals!
I’d take forth girl
That's fine. What you had so far was pretty great and I'm glad you shared it with us.
You're really only proving the comic's point about the prison system just being institutional sadism lmao
this one's great
Based John
Light refreshments? What a world.
My dude did anything in that post sound ANY BETTER than prison time?
What ARE these?!
>not wanting the bard
The fuck is wrong with that basedboy?
Love these comics.
My point is that by contextualizing prison alongside all these other horrors you're just furthering the point that the primary function of prison is to cause pain and suffering. Ergo, prisons should be totally abolished.
No, because they don't have souls.
what a shite premise
That's... one of the strangest things I've ever seen...
blimp gimp
Slavery and execution are already baked into the prison system, so you're pretty fucking retarded.
Is...is she about to shit on that sleeping woman's face?
What the fuck is going on here?
Marge Gimpson
So what do you replace them with?
Haha! Shut up Fatty fat fat!
The primary function of prison should of been isolation from society and justice on behalf of the victims and the state. I could give a fuck about what the rapist or criminal thinks is fair and human consequence for their actions. I got no time for thug angels who just needed a warm cup of cocoa and a more hugs from their parents before shooting up a school or killing a store owner in a stick up.
Where the fuck did you grow up and how do I get there if your streets were this good?
Every girl on the right is fine.
Nothing. Maybe at worst legitimately dangerous people are forcibly relocated to humane but enclosed/secured housing environments where they are comfortably contained, something like the scandavian system. Most "offenders" would be getting menial punishments like fines and whatnot, though most crimes would probably be handled through the civil process rather than the criminal one.
There has never been more poignant political commentary.
lol enjoy being betabux
Thank you so much
I love you
Behold! I teach you the overman! He is that lightning! He is that madness!
Does Marge have friends?
Who are Marge’s friends? Is Helen Lovejoy a friend? Sarah Wiggum? Agnes Skinner?
To whom does Marge spill her secrets over coffee on cold days? Who laughs at Marge’s jokes? Who knows Marge, truly and well?
Who tells Marge to leave the brute, knowing she won’t? “You don’t have to stay. You deserve so much more.”
Who, on a morning walk, sees a tall blue bush, texts a photo to Marge, “this made me think of you”? Surely not Lenny, or Kirk or Luann.
Did Marge mourn for Maude Flanders? Late nights, at the kitchen table, staring at her own hands. Is she haunted still by her absence?
Does she see in her late neighbor a cautionary tale? Seldom-remembered, semi-anonymous Maude — could this fate too befall Marge?
Perhaps, once at a summer barbecue, when both were still alive, Maude grabbed Marge’s hand under the table and held tight.
What prompted this sudden connection, this sudden expression of— what was it, warmth?
The two weren’t close— acquaintances, sure, had they ever even hugged?
And yet here they were, holding hands, silently, secretly, while their children shrieked and their husbands grilled the hot dogs.
One night, Marge couldn’t sleep, the linens, hung to dry in the yard, flapping in the wind with unprecedented accent.
Marge wandered into the night, a fleck of yellow in a blanket of white stars, and she felt, as she often did, alone.
Marge felt the sharp grass on her feet, the breeze on her face. Over the fence she saw Maude, pale as a sheet, her eyes wet with tears.
Marge looked to her— “Maude?” and Maude shook her head.
And Maude whispered this: “It’s not the calm before the storm that frightens me. It’s the calm that follows.”
Well I mean it's obvious that you never grew up, so I can't really give you too much of a frame of reference.
I really really wish we could send murderers and thieves directly into the houses of people like you. Then send them to prison after they kill or bankrupt you. You worthless stupid cunt.
>Rape someone
>"That'll be $1000 please. Cheque or savings?"
>Steal a car and sell it for ten grand
>"That'll be $500 please. Yes, cash is fine."
>Hobo stabs someone
>"Now that's a big no no! Here, take this key and your new apartment is up on the fifth floor, dinner will be served at seven."
Wow, great system.
>Humans are fundamentally evil and need to be kept in cages otherwise they'll just destroy everything and tear each other apart
lmao bootlickers
>Triple the recidivism rate your way
Boy howdy is the American prison system workin!
i can't relate to any of these people, but they seem so real to me
>All that greentext
Literally said nothing like that at all. Why are you projecting so much?
Just because that's shit too doesn't mean that any idea other than that is automatically great by default.
>everybody is intelligent ok
>except you you fucking retard
> You are too forceful in how you promote your cause. If you were more accepting maybe I would have listened, so this is your fault really
False equivalence. Vegans aren't pleading for their own lives, so they should be able to make their points without such obvious emotional biases.
The funny thing is, I actually agree with many of the things that animal-rights protesters tend to go on and on about. Factory farming IS horrible, and there is definitely a discussion that should be had about it. But I've noticed that the people who make animal rights their raison d'etre typically do so because they can't relate to other humans. More often than not, they're lonely individuals who find animals easier to relate to than people.
This isn't to say that their cause is totally illegitimate, far from it. But I think that this is the reason they're so tone-deaf when it comes to broadcasting their messages. And this comic perfectly epitomizes the mindset that always causes them to fail.
PETA and their ilk might actually have some good points, but they come across as hysterical, single-minded maniacs who are incapable of understanding how others think
Just admit that you're okay with the government arbitrarily hurting people you don't like because you enjoy their suffering already.
>30 words is "all that greentext"
American education everyone
Agree with . I fail to see what the chick did wrong here
The scandavian model produces about a 20-25% recidivism rate, it's objectively much better at rehabilitating criminals. However we really could destroy the recidivism rate by decriminalizing and legalizing all drugs because most offenders are in for possession or ((((intent to sell)))).
Here's one I drew
Hell, that's actually pretty funny
I like it, it's understated but relatable.
The still make Music, Little Dark Age was a big hit; where have you been?
I don't belueve in female friendships because I know the only reason they like me is because I'm a female and if I wasn't I'd be a creep. That's why I value male relationships more because if a guy calls you a goddess it's from his heart or dick and is not a sham of comradery of your gender.
>>Humans are fundamentally evil and need to be kept in cages otherwise they'll just destroy everything and tear each other apart
Yeah kinda.
That's what society/civilization is. A big cage designed to keep us all in line.
Those of us who refuse to cooperate with the big cage get put in smaller cages.
lmao spooked faggot
>forcibly relocated to humane but enclosed/secured housing environments
So... prisons?
damn you are frighteningly stupid, holy shit.
Hey that's me except now it's been six years since I got my degree and no one ever hired me.
I fuckin love Zippy
> Haha look at this fag worried about men hurting him or his family! Worried about getting your car stolen? You baby! As long as I'am never mugged or beaten we need to abolish the criminal processing and prison system! Lol just be a tough guy!"
I mean this really can't be your thinking, can it?
the irony dripping off this post is beautiful
See, this is why no one is taking you seriously.
You resort to playground insults at the first sign of resistance or disagreement.
I agree it is valid.
Any other cannibals on Yea Forums tonight?
Because people who start families and love their kids with no strings or conditions attached are secretly miserable and unfulfilled lol
>"O-Oh no bad things happen so I need daddy government to put the bad people away, and whatever daddy government says is bad IS BAD so the bad people are getting what they deserve, and there can't possibly be a better way to deal with the bad people because daddy government says there can't"
I mean this really can't be your thinking, can it?
Question: How do you respond when the person you're arguing with has nothing but insults and refuses to actually respond to what you said?
Answer: You don't.
>As long as the state keeps the people I dont like far away from me I dont mind giving up all my independence.
>who cares that they have no rights bro, im not a prisoner its non of my concern
>How should we depict hyper aggressive masculinity?
>4 trumps!
Americans are a treasure
I don't get it even with the filename text.
nobody has to respond to you, retard.
Fourth one doesn't look that bad.
>not shaving for a woman is a sign of empowerment
>not shaving for a man is a sign of being an incel
>I didn't respond to you I just responded to you but it doesn't count I win
yikes. Frighteningly stupid indeed
>guys are brought up to think they can do whatever they want
Only a woman in the west could be dumb enough to think this
THat's kinda sexy DESU.
>Not getting with wild passionate pan pipe player
Matt might be gay
>utena summed up in 4 panels
I remember this. Wasn't this written by one of the guys who made BoJack Horseman?
>vegan cat diet
Is the black guy playing in an online casino?
How horrifying.
/fit/fags actually believe this shit? lmao
I've looked for a job for almost a full year and it's been one big waste of time. When i see ads asking for dishwashers with 3 years of experience i kinda feel mocked
What in?
I like how people are speaking for me and putting words in my mouth that I in no way said.
What I said was, society is a cage. I made no moral statement about that fact.
If we were good, we would not have had to build the prison that is civilization to keep ourselves in line.
But since we're all mediocre to terrible, we've been forced to enslave ourselves to rules/laws/regulations/police/courts/prisons to keep ourselves from collapsing into barbarity. We are both jailer and criminal, in this regard.
I don't necessarily disagree that the prison system is out of control and cruel, and I think in many cases fines, reparations, etc. would probably be a better choice, but I think there are plenty of people who just don't belong on the streets.
If you won't lock them up, you'll have to kill them, I'm afraid. Only problem is, you can't release someone from death, like you can from prison.
And even if you get rid of prisons, you'll still have to maintain a monopoly on violence, through some state apparatus. Otherwise you get endless blood-feuds and lynchings.
I think people forget about all that, and how common those were before modern law-enforcement and incarceration.
it's a "funny" joke about ebonics. Would be much funnier to actually use ebonics, but the writer isn't very talented.
Why would anyone hate on someone who works out? Gymbros are usually nice and want to see everyone improve. They are also more willing to try new things and watch strange movies.
>baby(a blessing worth more than any mount of money and status in the whole world)
I've got a gun and I can make land mines, I'd like to see anyone try and lynch me.
Aw sweet jesus, this comic. Save it for halloween
I remember seeing this shit back on /pol/ during election season. Are you sure?
did she just extinguish that fire with her butt?
See here's what you do: You don't have to lie, but you inflate your resume. Anything you can tie into your field becomes "experience". Tiny jobs. Minor training. Things tangentially related.
I'm in the same boat as you, pal.
Here's to a fresh new start
So you want anarchy and barbarism?
>A baby(a blessing worth more than any mount of money and status in the whole world) comes into her life and she has it dismembered.
i kno rite
haven't seen this one, have another
imagine being so emotionally detached from life that you draw a comic about your dead baby only for laughs.
We are a living offense to god
What's the original for this? I've seen a bunch of edits
Oh man, please option 2. It'll give people who can stop themselves from robbing and raping a little more leg room and really cut down on traffic.
Gee, Tumblr! How come your mom lets you have four Trumps?
>We are a living offense to god
Don't worry, judgement day is coming soon.
>Women who enjoy their jobs are mindless Robots.
This I missing WAY too much context.
Musical girl is awesome
I just remembered how much I enjoyed that comic. I go and look it up, no new comic since June.
Is she working on another project or something? Her patreon is still up and taking in over $600/month
They were very nice comics user! Simple, yet very effective, and I'm eager to wait for any future additions, that is, if you plan to do any more.
Keep up the good work!
this one's a bit saucy.
Did she use her shotacon powers to quickly undress him?
"better to rule in hell than serve in heaven"
Hahahaha tradcucks are fucking hilarious
This is such a weirdly specific topic for a comic I have to believe it's a true story.
I love that the person being eaten doesn't point out how the guy could go kill an actual animal instead of a person, nah, go eat beans for protein, duh.
I don't think I ever hated a fictional character this much
Stop posting that Nazi fuck
So the tranny on the train got jerked off by a random pervert on said train, all while her significant other (girl on phone) is doing nothing. Or maybe taking photos/video of it? The only reason I’m led to believe this is the fact that 1) tranny has different hair color and shape versus bottom text girl, and 2) you can’t birth a son with a dick nor because some perv is jerking you. In conclusion:
Tranny+woman couple have caught a pervert into their elaborate voyeuristic display, all of which is used to further heighten their lust by the time they their home (fueled by video of said act). Fast forward years later, the mother tells her son this, and since this is the internet, probably has sex with him too.
Some of us just don't like clownworld very much
that pattern on the pants
Is he still dating the tranny? Does that comic still update?
Wait, which one of them got rolled over?
Well, I was just referencing this:
But if you think about it, the women in the Simpsons seem terribly alone.
Homer has Lenny, Carl and Barney. Bart has Milhouse. Even Mr. Burns has Smithers.
Who does Lisa have? Does she have a single friend that isn't an "at school" friend? Someone she'd hang out with at home?
I always enjoyed the comics about the guy who was a master ejaculator.
Even better, she peed the fire out.
first thought was
Thats what you get for using Skub.
This is good shit.
I like this new progression of the catcher in the rye complex where people are victimized by how above it all they are when really it's just their own inflated egos and lack of self awareness. Sheeple, normies, NPCs, clown world, I can't help but wonder what's next in this perpetual adolescence.
I'm not sure who's supposed to be in the wrong here
I knew it. The prison abolitionists are just Chaos Cutlists.
even as a pro-choice person; my side's sheer enthusiasm for abortion; that it's not a necessary evil, but that it's a good thing, to be celebrated; this really disgusts me. Our slogan used to be "Safe. Legal. Rare". Now it's "#ShoutYourAbortion!"
Bout fucking time someone hit her self righteous ass upside the head
Everett True is often sympathetic, but we should not be deceived into thinking of him as a hero.
>the world is bad and evil, especially to children that I believe are being corrupted at literally every opportunity
>but I also should bring children into it
How is it possible live on a moment to moment basis with this fierce of cognitive dissonance?
When are you going to admit that the slippery slope people were right all along?
I don't get it. Did they accidentally let the dog out, or was the doggy humping a metaphor for how crazy it got in the bedroom?
You wouldn't last a week in anarchy without a ready made gang for protection. You'd be meat, rapemeat, or cannon fodder. "Herp derp, I have all these guns and ammunition and beans!" You stupid fucking survivalists are just caches of supplies for roving gangs without society keeping you alive.
>you do not recognize the bodies in the water
It's a campaign to destigmatize it. The shame and stigma of it hurt, so the idea of having others to be open about it with brings comfort.
>big dick problems
I admitted it. on many issues, they are right.
>slug nipples
Boo. Post more ex-bf crying.
honk honkler
>>but I also should bring children into it
If it helps, the rottenness of the world has completely killed any enthusiasm I had for having kids myself.
>How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
Who made a comic about me? A lot of tasty meat in here...
god I wish that were me
That comic about shaving is obviously sarcastic you nimrod. It's showing a guy being sent to hell for something as innocuous as not shaving because it's uncomfortable. Clearly the author is saying that people can have neck beards if they want. The judge is humorously overreacting by sentencing the guy to damnation while the guy is humorously underreacting by being like "well I guess this is reasonable" even though he's immersed in flames. Of all the dumb, ham-fisted comics in this thread, that's the one you get antsy over? The light-hearted absurdist strip with a message of "people can style their hair how they please?"
Good, because I still see many people trundle out that phrase as if it were a magic spell to counter all arguments, when we're clearly approaching a 90 degree incline with shocking acceleration.
>when you hate on someone for dedicating 4 hours a week for life to get fit and stay good looking and get mad when girls liek them more
jealous skinny fats
Those are still technically prisons though
>literally "I'm a nice girl, why do they only go for the bitches"
The sad part is that the fatty on a parkbench (for both genders) is the reality. Imagine how much happier society would be if the average weight was 30 pounds or so lighter.
Get off your sorry ass and work blue collar, like a MAN. WOMEN wait tables and wash dishes. Go into construction.
>Do I still get to go to heaven?
I hope this edit is two twins trying to avoid discussing their incestuous sexual tension.
lol yeah, I wonder what uncomfortable reality those pesky people with working eyeballs will point out next that you don't like
that's not a good thing. abortion should be legal, but there should still be stigma to it. That's what the "rare" in "Safe. Legal. Rare." means. you should think, "this is awful. I really fucked up. I'm never going to forget to use contraception correctly again" while walking into an abortion clinic.
Then kill yourself faggot. Or is that a ((((((sin))))))))
>I believe are being corrupted at literally every opportunity
It's not a personal belief or an opinion, it's a cold hard reality that kids are being intentionaly mis-educated and taught falsehoods
People who listen to Death in June and Current 93 don't have gf's.
t. Listens to Death in June and Current 93
pic related is Yea Forums a decade ago
i miss it
Same as it ever was then?
the fathers always look like they're trying to hide how miserable they feel in so many of the trans-kid pictures. never seen mothers with that expression though.
If you consider animals equal to people, we are therefore justified in treating you like an animal
the fuck is this trying to convey, this sinfest guy is a lunatic.
It actually wasn't always that way
the fuck?
Tfw no gf that you sneak your jizz into her food
Blood for the Blood God
Name a single time in history where that wasn't the case.
oh my.
this is sex-botcist. sex bots have a right to an opinion.
Kate Leth is an awful, comic writer and 'artist' who destroyed a family of a man dying of cancer cause she is a 'stwoung indwapendant womyn' Glad she got really fat.
>be 10 year old user
>hanging at the playground with three friends
>two of them find a secluded spot and say we should touch penises together
>me and other friend get freaked out and leave
Even as a child I knew being gay was super fucking gay. Is this a common thing kids do or were my friends latent faggots?
the big one
It's a nature vs nurture deal.
Dads would rather cull the weak kids and moms would rather nuture behavior.
It's why when I have breakdowns I try to goad my dad into shooting me. We both want it.
That's seems like the point he is insecure and isolated him self because of it that being said he probably did the right thing if she wasn't interested in him and he couldn't separate his feelings.
Lol in the 50s children were told that cigarettes are good for their health, you tried though tradnigger.
>inb4 some pathetic larp as a 50sfag where you pretend all that shit is real
It would be a sin to leave only people like you behind on this planet.
so people who don't agree with you are sheep and are perpetually children? what's and adult look like to you bigbrain.
Good goy.
Shame and Guilt are useful emotions. Without them we are animals.
People who take care of themselves physically tend to live longer so I'm not sure what you are trying to say here
I wonder what could have happened.
Right, because the state would take away your kids for not giving them cigarettes
>>inb4 some pathetic larp as a 50sfag where you pretend all that shit is real
There's a gun range in my highschool's basement. They use it for storage now.
He might be a target for roaming gangs but that's after they've used up all the defenseless, unprepared soft targets.
>spend 30 years of your life in prison for a mistake of youth.
>get hardened by equally dangerous people
>have no skills, no resume, can only work bottom of the barrel jobs
>when eventually freed (if lucky) develop a psychosis where you actually prefer prison.
>literally better off dead, rates of recidivism are high
>commit crime
>lose a hand/body part
>that’s it.
>get disability checks
>get handicap parking
>tell people it was lost in a machine related accident
>can still work SOME jobs, maybe move up.
>commit another crime
>get executed.
is this to test autism or something else?
>being this much of a seething loser
>you tried though tradnigger.
I'm sure you're an example of humanity to follow yourself
Ah, the vaunted reductio ad absurdum.
There's a gun range in my high school's basement, I was on the riflery team and used it on a daily basis. Doesn't make cigarettes good for you.
Never claimed to be, tradnigger. Humanity is a joke. I hope someone fires up the nukes.
Trolling is boring if you can't figure out a consistent characterization for your trolling.
>Drunken teenagers at a party act like jackasses
Holy shit, this changes everything.
>the world is awful, it's so evil and wicked abloo bloo bloo
>then kill yourself if it's so bad
Neat aesthetic, pretentious though.
She didn't draw those did she?
It just works
>Ah, the vaunted reductio ad absurdum.
dude you are literally comparing cigarettes to forcibly putting children on HRT and then going "lol see these are the same it's always been this bad so stop having morals"
>Glad she got really fat.
>Kate Leth
wait what?
>fucked cancer man
>Never claimed to be, tradnigger. Humanity is a joke. I hope someone fires up the nukes.
K so go walk into traffic? If you're so worthless an pathetic and want to project that onto everyone else fine
Don't the guards check the mail?
Holy kek
It's because it was the mother's idea
Humans aren't naturally good or evil. They are, like all animals, amoral as a baseline with personality and circumstance pushing them to act empathetically or selfishly on a moment to moment basis. A person can be mostly good but also violent, greedy, lustful ENOUGH to require deterrents from destructive behaviour.
I'd trust the glory days of America more than some tranny faggot discord nigger atsroturfing the board.
Are you fucking kidding me I never once brought up HRT that was you in the very retarded post you just made. You also have moved the goalposts out to antartica because your original premise was that there was a time where children were not taught falsehoods, now your argument is that it's okay to teach children falsehoods as long as they're not being put on HRT. You're a mental midget, go play in traffic faggot.
He bribed them?
based and wholesomepilled
This actually seems like something that is more necessary now than it was then.
If school shootings show no sign of stopping let the rest of the students be armed and maybe have a chance.
If nothing else they should teach firearm safety to students so should something like a shooting happen and the shooter be disarmed they can safely unload the gun.
Simply teaching kids "gunz bad" does nothing but stoke the fires of irrational fear and panic in kids.
You first faggot. In fact I'll keep on living just to spite your ass. You need everyone to have the same values as yourself or for anyone with different values to be EVIL WICKED SICK otherwise you feel worthless.
kek, wasn't even him, but you'd have to be a broken loser to reply like that to him and so often on an anonynmous image board. Nice job outing yourself as a crybaby loser, your life will never improve.
>lmao bootlickers
I don't understand how people like you can use a word that functions for you exactly as "cuck" does for /pol/ and not feel like a complete imbecile. I really don't.
>but it's artifacted to hell and back
>but it's over a megabyte in size
assad is a fucking faggot
No, it's worse than it ever was.
>implying the brappenings ever happened
It's an edit.
Ronnie or his teacher?
I hate this comic. It's so twee.
Come to think of it, it reflects a lot of my feelings towards the metal crowd in general.
Because it's easier for them to teach kids "guns r bad" than to teach them safety & responsibility. Also God forbid you let teachers have the choice to protect kids with their conceal carry pistol, gotta give everyone hockey pucks/cans/rocks to throw at the shooter
The teacher.
He should know that there's a less than 10% chance of spreading AIDs from a single penis-to-vagina exposure.
You called it a logical fallacy when I pointed out kids weren't taken away from their parents for not giving them cigarettes, but they DO get taken away from their parents for not being allowed to take HRT 12 years old because school taught them they're really a girl.
You brought it up implicitly by making the retarded claim that shit has always been this bad when in reality even Sodom and Gomorrah were more wholesome than society now. The level of perversion being foisted upon us is absolutely unprecedented, there has been NOTHING like what we have now in all of recorded human history.
This explains quite a bit
I never once have supported trannies in my posts, I just hate tradfaggots like yourself who pretend that golden age existed and that being alive isn't always an awful fucking experience. It's not society, it's you, you dumb faggot.
That panpipe girl is a keeper! What a fool...
>that being alive isn't always an awful fucking experience
It isn't, but thankfully I'm not you
Find your goalposts then talk to me you fucking subhuman piece of shit. You're incapable of arguing in good faith and are now wearing your bullshit as a badge of honor. Better yet, kill yourself.
You're the one complaining about how the existence of trannies is ruining your life, dipshit.
Leather or Neoprene?
I have such sights to show you
I love the "new thing" font
>o-oh no this fact completely destroys my argument, i'll just say he's moving the goalposts
You sound like one of those kids who gets bullied because of how much of an insufferable faggot he acts like all the time and never figured out why
If Ronnie dies, does Motivation Dude die too?
I get the joke, but couldn't he eat livestock or deer or something? Makes me feel awful for the poor guy.
> picture the person in the hat as an obnoxious tomboy who fucks with everyone on an equal opportunity basis
> get a weird boner at how confidently she orders her drink right after messing with the first guy
The fuck is wrong with me
I know, hence why I said it was enjoyable
You have no facts faggot, you literally made up a random comparison that had nothing to do with the argument at hand which let me remind you was your claim right here that there was a time that "kids are being intentionaly mis-educated and taught falsehood" (per you post here ) then claimed that the 1950s was an era where that was the case, here When faced with the fact that you were incorrect, you randomly brought up trannies and HRT because you're a mongoloid who can only screech about the things he hates. Fuck yourself.
This comic is a guilty pleasure of mine. I usually find these "wholesome" comics to be vapid and overly schmaltzy, but this one just has a certain charm to me.
Best OC on Yea Forums
>ywn have an alternate dimension version of yourself for a gf
Not autism, but it's to test to see whether or not young kids can realize that not everyone knows what they know. I don't remember the term.
Basically, the child knows that the ball is in the box, but does the child realize that Sally wouldn't know that?
Nothing wrong with having absolutely patrician taste
I don't see what she did wrong.
Too real senpai.
good taste in waifus
Don't make this a fucking competition, cunt.
Has a degree of truth.
I bet she only dates guys that are masculine enough to do this though.
>many schools had shooting ranges
Which ones?
>students even brought their own rifles to school
How would that be allowed? Even in the 50s open carrying a rifle must have raised some eyebrows
>What changed
How about all the fuckin mass shootings?
>a fucking competition
that's how half of all AIDs cases begin.
I bet the only guys that are available are the ones that do this
Man, what a fucking bitch.
Africa pls
Need more of this.
I don't get it
>They lied to them back then, so its ok for us to lie to them now.
>That last panel
We serve coffee here, sir.
Was expecting Becky's block of text to be straw-manning, self-centered bullshit
But holy shit, she's actually right
Is this some kind of edit? Does he not leave and watch a movie in the original or something? Is she more of a bitch in the original? What message is this comic trying to convey?
I would laugh at the weiner joke but I can't stop focusing in on Veronica's fucking face. What the hell is up, Ronnie?
>What message is this comic trying to convey?
THat you're a fag if you stay for a fifteen minute monologue about your flaws.
Even if princess bigtits is right, only a dog would sit there and lap up abuse like that.
>I just hate tradfaggots like yourself who pretend that golden age existed and that being alive isn't always an awful fucking experience. It's not society, it's you, you dumb faggot.
It did exist you dumb revisionist tranny faggot, fuck off and die already. You might as well tell me America was the only conquering nation in the world you stupid nigger.
but my name's Kevin
Don't make wall of texts in a medium meant to be visual.
>from sticc to thicc
I didn't expect a boner today
You consider the current kate leth attractive?
Your taste is abhorrent and you should kill yourself.
Not in her current pink haired form no, but might still consider for a throw away night. Would probably suck dick harder than a full piping bag.
Assuming that he's at least not completely ugly, a guy like that would actually have a pretty easy time getting a girlfriend as women find aggressive masculinity like that attractive.
She'd rather suck the piping bag.
Wanting to fuck that Slimer in a wig is mentally ill.
I don't get it. Why all the gay?
What if the child believes that Sally knows that Anne is a piece of shit?
What if you want to overcome your flaws? What if you need to figure out what they are?
Look, I grew up with the 90s punk aesthetics, ain't my fault it was adopted by the mentally ill. Besides it's a fucking one night stand why are you so angry about it.
if only we knew how much worse it would get
>being so paranoid that you start checking random shit before you take a cursory look where you last fucking put your ball
that kid has a different problem.
You almost killed me with laughter. So have a (You).
I don't see any MRA or alt-right in that comic you posted.
The man is going his own way- being oscillated north.
But we still have shooting ranges. Even in California when I was in the JROTC we did a few shots here and there. Shit, it’s not mandatory but you just got to be an influencer for your kids.
>he doesnt know about jean "you're gay" grey
>two of them find a secluded spot and say we should touch penises together
How am I supposed to read this?
left to right, top to bottom
>middle on the right
whats wrong with that
tfw no bard gf
This will only end in tears.
>/pol/ decides to go in the woods and live like Varg
>crying because other people are sad or something
crazy bitch
Sounds like cancer user, you should see a doctor.
>live like Varg
but the government won't send me checks
Gubmint will give you free child money for up to 3 kids.
>realizing that the white supremacists could have fixed the problem of niggers outbreeding them by living like niggers
Call Richard Spencer and David Duke, I solved all their problems
Heyyyyy..... Good taste!
>Richard Spencer
I have that signed hardcover.
Awkward design.