So are any of you DCfags going to watch Captain Marvel?

So are any of you DCfags going to watch Captain Marvel?

Attached: shazam.png (1147x476, 183K)

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I'm not a DC fan, and I still won't waste my time in this.

What are you a fan of? Steven Universe?

Only faggots and contrarians are "fans" of that shitshot, you twat

Yeah sure

The REAL one that is

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>Jewish cuck
Typical MCU fan.

You mean the Shazzam movie? Yeah

>if you're on this board you can only be a fan of dc, marvel, or steven universe
Yea Forumsedditor logic

No, but I hope it's good and that MCU fans enjoy it for what it is.

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That "typical MCU fan" is the director of your next movie DCuck

I hope it makes a lot of money but I just don't like the character.

I don't watch live action superhero stuff, so no

Thanks DCfriend, I hope the same for Shazam and DC fans.

This man has almost assuredly raped someone.

It is lose lose for anyone. The media/disney/shills have set themselves as the victims. If this movie does as projected it will be seen as a victory since "toxic masculinity hobbled it" or if it does worse they will use the whole "it is a good movie sexists ruined it". Finally if it succeeds then they will say "see even with everything against it people want a SJW message".

They set up a narrative before it was released to cover their asses. I personally am not a fan of Brie Larson and haven't enjoyed Danvers since she was Miss Marvel. I will pass and just read the wikipedia before watching end game.

He is far too nice and level headed

This is one of the most retarded things I’ve ever seen.

Not in either group. Don’t want to go see it. Looks like shit, hate character, don’t like Brie Larson as actor. Staying home watching Darkman instead.

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As if she’d stand a chance against him.

No, I haven't watched a capeshit film since Age of Ultron.

Not really. Billy is being nice and cheery trying to introduce himself and as usual Carol is acting like a massive cunt. Seems pretty typical to me

If Captain Manface actually tried to slap Shazam she'd break her hand.

No. I had no intention of seeing the film after the trailers failed to win me over but this constant crying about the film is annoying

Well yeah, when you put it that way. It a totally normal. As if her hot would actually phase him though.



Are there two different versions of the word?

Yeah "This is just a phase" and "That didn't even faze me"

You cant be that fucking dumb

I won't, because I haven't enjoyed a Carol Danvers comic in my life. I don't care about Brie Larsen or whatever controversy is going on, the source material is just bad.

But most people call him Shazzam now, sadly.

I'm a Marvelfag and I'll be skipping it to watch Shazam.

Something creepy about the name "ponysmasher". Smash can mean different things and I don't like any of those definitions in association with a pony.

Well I'm a DCfag and i'm watching Captain marvel instead of shazam
After seeing aquaman, i'm convinced DC is just copying marvel because they can't get their shit done their own way.

Yes but when it comes out on TV, there's no rush for me.

Carol's lucky Billy's such a nice guy, dudes strong enough to rip her goddamn arm off while tanking her little energy blasts


Sandberg is been nothing but a class act, but then he makes one "Lol Shazam used to be called Captain marvel" joke and dumb Carolfags get triggered.


>After seeing aquaman, i'm convinced DC is just copying marvel
Aquaman was a Raimi movie

well yeah, but he's called Shazam now

Meh. If the reviews are good, I'll see it. I kind of hope it's good and does well because that'll annoy /pol/, but I won't see a movie just for spite.

>as if the reviews can be anything but good


>Captain Marvel doesn't have negative buzz surrounding its marketing decisions, but misleading headlines about Larson's interest in creating a platform for women and people of color have brought misogynists, racists and all-around unpleasant people into a conversation that they should have no part of.

Well, I won't be part of it, THR

>Twitter rando: Will #Shazam use the @Shazam app in the @ShazamMovie?
>Sandberg: Yes but in our movie it’s called Captain Marvel.
>Carolfag: The director for Shazam continually promotes the fight between Shazam and Captain Marvel fans. I am officially not seeing Shazam because of it. Captain Marvel fans don’t do this to Shazam fans, and the director going in on it makes me pissed

Carolfags so fragile.

Everything about that twitter page makes me sad

They're pretty fucking fragile yeah. A little less fragile than being upset over something brie never said

Never heard of the character, and the trailers look meh.

At least Dr. Strange had neat visuals.

I saw someone do this Yea Forums pose the other day and I got so confused. Is this from some anime or something?

I have never seen a twitter profile that defends Captain Marvel that isn't an obvious shill

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>A little less fragile than being upset over something brie never said

There's what, like, four of them?

>tfw it got nuked from youtube

All your favorite superheroes were made by Jews, dumbass (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern. Green Arrow, the Flash, etc).

>all of your favorite characters like Batman were stolen by Jews

Bob Kane and Bill Finger were both Jews. Besides all the other heroes also being created by Jews.

Bob Kane is my idol, and he was American

Well, you know WHAT!?
Shazam is is my favorite DC property and I hope it does well.

>literally Black Panther starring Thor

main reviews of Aquaman
>It's too much like Marvel!
>It's too different from Marvel!

Same thing as Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Jews jewing Jews.

>I don't hate white dudes
Straight from the horse's mouth
Case closed

Maybe if it was the cute black captain marvel but I'm not sitting thru a movie about Carol

Not DC fag, but still wont watch it. I skipped first two Thors, Ant-Man 2 and black panther. I m gonna skip this one too. because I like broken Carol who pushes her friends away and is addicted to alhocol and struggle with it. I like her when she has flaws and she admits her flaws,but fights them. I don't like self-confident captain Carol. Because Captain one doesn't struggle with her aggression and lack of characterization. She enjoys it.
Her last mini was good up until that stupid part about her mother is kree. It was about family and how Carol lives through the fights she can't win by fighting. But I am sure that the movie is about bitch Captain. And I don't like amnesia. Amnesia sucks.

I say they're equally as fragile, the Captain Marvel shitshow will continue even after the movie comes out and Carolfags will say it's a success, Carolhaters will say it failed, blaah blaaah, then they will move on to being butthurt about something else.

How long do we have to wait for drawfriends to get on CM fucking CM

Based retard poster

You know that's probably the most realistic outcome

He would humble her, and to make matters worse he'd be all friendly and apologetic about it

.....did you not watch Black Panther? How are the two movies even remotely similar beyond the whole "Super Hero from a Super City" thing

I'd be hard pressed to find a more fragile group of fans actually

Captain Marvels? I think we're at 5 now. The first one was Billy. And then there was the robot who could disconnect his limbs and immediately failed to gain any fans and then you have the 3 from marvel starting with Mar-Vell and then Monica and finally Carol

I even have some white friends

No, I think Carol as a Character right now is terrible... the movie would be so much better if it was about Mar or Phyla.

Also Larson is really turning more into an asshole than I ever expected

No. Brie is a toxic person.

How so?

She is anti-white.

You can't be anti-white when you are a white person.

This is false. You are fake news

Ever heard of self-loathing? White guilt?

Why did she say that white people aren’t welcome to see or review her movies then? Get real, and yes you can be a anti-white and be white. She is a white equivalent of a Uncle Tom.

Lol. Whatever you say discord tranny.

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Nobody on Yea Forums self-loathes or whatever you call it, and no I've never heard of it.

You realize you can like both Marvel and DC, right?
But nah it looks like trash.
I'll watch endgame though.

Why can we ban Yea Forums posting

"Wants more than just white dudes"
literally written right there
ie wants white dudes *and* minorities
You are fake news and you must be retarded

Have a (You).

Retard that isn’t what Bri said, that’s the title of the article. Her actual quote is underneath the title. She said she doesn’t want to hear from white “dudes” and that the movie isn’t “for” them.

Retard. She's not the movie maker, so its just an observation at best
"doesn't need white dudes to tell her..." isn't synonymous with "i hate white dudes"
Just like saying "i don't need women to tell me what to do" doesn't equate with hating women
get your head out of your ass

I really like superhero movies and almost haven't missed a single one that was ever made after Sam Raimi's Spoderman.

Yet, I will not watch Captain Marvel on principle.

Someone needs to stand up to those feminist bullies.

How much emotion does she show in the film?

Dc fags BTFO

0 Dollars in CHina

I know next to nothing about the character, so probably not. Maybe I'll pirate it some day in the future.

Man FUCK this movie and FUCK you.

a HERrendous film

to-may-to, to-mah-to. she exudes unreasonable hostility towards white men, to the point where she:
a) complains about them reviewing a movie based on a book about white characters, because the characters were blackwashed for the movie, making the movie beyond criticism by white males.
b) she assumes there is some nefarious reason why white males are predominant in movie criticism. she says non-white people need to be put in those roles, which necessitates removing the white males from their positions. whether they may have obtained those positions honestly and not as a result of bigotry, and whether white males are simply more rrawn to film criticism on average doesn't even occur to her.
>b.. but that's just her, not the studio!
sure, and i won't reward the studio for hiring her. she's a bigot.

*drawn to film criticism

>literally who blue checkmark twitter thread


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>okay so she's not racist
>but she's hostile!
>moving goalposts
Unsurprising turn of events