Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot #2

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His logic is retarded, but his conclusion is good.


>I wish Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse had been nominated — it was terrific —

>I did not care for Black Panther — I appreciate what the film represented to people, but I just thought it was pretty mediocre.

How fucking long does it take to watch 5 short movies?

I thought Black Panther was pretty good, but in a year where Marvel hit out of the park twice (Infinity War and Into the Spiderverse) I feel Black Panther really didn't deserve the spot. Hell it didn't even get nominated for the best thing about it (Micheal B. Jordan).

>Yea Forums: Disney only wins because the voters don't see the movies FUCKING BULLSHIT

Marvel didnt make Spider-verse.

I respect this, if they didn't see them then don't vote.

>only saw 2 of the 5 films nominated
>votes anyway
The Academy was a mistake

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>I saw 40% of the nominees, therefore I'm qualified to vote on the best
fuck these guys. this is why fucking Bohemian Rhapsody is going to win Best Picture again.

Honestly I'd be fine with Incredibles, Isle of Dogs, or Spider-verse winning, with a preference to Spider-verse. So this year is gonna be hard to disappoint.
And just like all the Academy voters, I didn't see Mirai.

Screencap this post.
Ralph is gonna win so that disney can use it as bait for that new EPCOT expansion

Spider-Verse definitely deserves best picture more than Black Panther does

Infinity War was lame

Why the fuck are people allowed to vote without seeing all the movies in the list? Isn't this their job?

But he is absolutely based tho.

Infinity War wasn't perfect but it was definitely better than Black Panther

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Honestly, I'm glad he actually saw Isle of Dogs. Did most voters even see Anomalisa?

Did anyone see Christopher Robin though?

>their job
You should look up how academy voting works.

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About an hour and a half.

Infinity can't stand on it's own. That alone drops it down.
Black Panther is enjoyable whether you've seen every MCU film or none of them. It was nice to have a film that wasn't peppering the audience constantly with references of "'member when that happened?" It's better than Infinity war easily. But both movies ain't got shit on Spiderverse.

Infinity War felt better than it actually was to MCU fans because it was the payoff for a long journey. It objectively was a very mediocre film.

Black Panther was just a bid for more viewers they could sell to the elitists in the Academy because of its historical precedent for African-American cinema. I doubt any of the tenured Academy judges are seriously going to consider it. Spider-Verse was the only Marvel property that truly deserved recognition for artistic merit for fearlessly trying something radically different and BP's nomination actually kind of cheapens what should have been the true first superhero movie that should have been nominated for an award.

Hopefully not!

Nah Thanos motivation was retarded and the ending was hollow shock value trash that is obviously not going to stick

Why does something need to completely stand on it's own? MCU is bringing the idea of genre fiction to mainstream movies and IW is the apex of that. If anything IW is the most innovative and interesting movie of the year for that alone.

and the motivations in BP aren't retarded?

>Why does something need to completely stand on it's own?
Are you serious?

The fact that you think decompression is a virtue makes you my enemy.

>Why does something need to completely stand on it's own?
because if it does not then it hurts the WHOLE POINT of it being a series of films. one weak link breaks the chain and all that. there's no less reason that a film like that should not be as good as possible.

I'll concede that Infinity War had a few weak moments (Hulkbuster Ruffalo especially), but what the fuck was groundbreaking about RPO?

>MCU is bringing the idea of genre fiction to mainstream movies
The hell does this even mean? The original trilogy and Lord of the Rings already brought genre fiction to mainstream movies a million times over, and at least those films had the craft to claim for awards. MCU doesn't even have that nowadays.

Fuck, this was the first thing I thought of as well.

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It's not a chain though, you don't have to watch everything.

>complaining that a 3rd sequel doesn't stand on its own
Imagine if people had this complaint about Return of the King.
Reminder that RotK made $1.1b, was nominated for 11 Oscars, and won all of them.
And it sure as hell doesn't "stand on its own"

Never got why he didn’t use his Godly powers to fix the population instead of just killing people

this only came to you know?

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>>complaining that a 3rd sequel doesn't stand on its own
You to watch more than just Avengers 1 and 2 to understand IW.

>Careful analysis of this scene reveals that all of the teenagers behind Halliday are actually extras from various John Hughes teen films who have been digitally cut-and-pasted into the video.

It does a whole lot better than infinity war

Same reason Dr Stange didn’t cut Thanos’ hand with his portal magic, the writing was shit.

That doesn't change my point. Why the fuck should Infinity War stand on its own? It's a mega-sequel.

Mabye he just enjoys killing. Lord knows the same thing will continue to happen.

>You to watch more than just Avengers 1 and 2 to understand IW.
No you don't lol

What movie did you watch where you think you couldn't understand IW?

Are you retarded?

I know that The Academy has been shit since the 80's, Woody, but I always forget until Oscar Season rolls back 'round

>Careful analysis of this scene reveals that all of the teenagers behind Halliday are actually extras from various John Hughes teen films who have been digitally cut-and-pasted into the video
What is this supposed to mean?

>Mabye he just enjoys killing.
Except he clearly doesn’t

The > means it's a quote. Clearly someone is praising the visual effects of the film in the quote.

I dunno. Answer my question and we'll find out.

Let's try this again:
Why should Infinity War stand on its own?

There's enough context within Return of the King to enjoy it without having seen Fellowship or the two towers.

>The > means it's a quote. Clearly someone is praising the visual effects of the film in the quote
The quote is from the fucking book though. That's why I don't know what you're trying to say.

Are you high? First of, RotK stands on its own as a film of remarkably high quality even setting aside that it was shot concurrently with the other two parts of the trilogy. Second and most importantly, IW is SHIT. Third and perhaps less importantly, your point is voided because you need to watch just about every MCU movie to grasp what's going on in IW, meaning that it doesn't stand whatsoever, let alone with the other movies of its namesake supporting it.

>Return of the King can be understood on its own
>Infinity War can't
holy shit, someone actually believes this?

So...there's hope after all?

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The idea that you can understand ROTK without watching the first two movies but you couldn't possibly understand IW watching it on it's own is maybe the worst take I've heard on Yea Forums in a while.

>Infinity can't stand on it's own
Even with the rest of the MCU, it makes IW look worse like how it ruins most of the things set up in Thor 3 or how it retconned the fact Gamora is the last living member of her race.

I know that. What I'm saying is that 2 films about Marvel heroes dropped this year that deserved the nod more than BP did.

Yes, people with human minds and souls. A shillbot wouldn't understand.

>you need to watch just about every MCU movie to grasp what's going on in IW, meaning that it doesn't stand whatsoever, let alone with the other movies of its namesake supporting it
Do you complain about the final season of TV shows too?
>wtf the series finale of Breaking Bad is pure shit. If you don't watch the TV show, you'd have no idea who Walter White is.

Okay it's clear at this point that you two have two different ideas of what "Stands on its own" means. You should probably reconcile and just clarify what you think it means.

I wouldn't nominate a fucking TV series for the Oscars for Best Picture you wretch.

No got it.

>reading the article
>starts talking about production design
>ends talking about dating Buzz Aldrin in an AA meeting
Well, that was unexpected

What? Trying to appreciate the climax of Return of the King without getting to know the characters and seeing what they had to go through to accomplish it is stupid. Return of the King is clearly supposed to be watched as part of a series just like Infinity War. If everything needed to "stand on its own" then pretty much an overarching comic or tv storyline is fucked.

>You need to watch every single MCU movie to understand IW
Who the fuck actually thinks this shit?

Let's see.....
>Iron Man 1
>Iron Man 2
>Cap 1
>Thor 1
>Iron Man 3
>Thor 2
Lol definitely not.
Not really, but let's say yes just for Bucky.
Absolutely not
>Civil War
>Doctor Strange
>GotG 2
>Thor 3
>Black Panther
No, but let's say yes just for Wakanda

That means you can cut out AT LEAST 8 of the movies. But really, you can cut out all of Phase 1 and 2 without being all that confused.
And truthfully, if you can't understand IW with just Avengers 1, 2, and Civil War, you're fucking retarded.

>moving the goalposts

Your objections are irrelevant to the quality of the narrative and storytelling within the film itself.
And yes, comics and tv series are fucked because they are not film. By design.
If MCU wants to get Oscars they can try to get one for Best TV Series that are Shown in Theaters Despite TV Quality.

What the hell are you talking about?

Haha it's almost like you misquoted the user who said just about every movie and you've just conceded the argument. Nice work, tosser.
Also, Doctor Strange Yes, GotG 2 yes and Homecoming yes.

There is. You can feel the camaraderie between Sam and Frodo without having seen their previous adventures. It's shot and acted well enough the audience understands "These two men are nearing the end of a long journey"

Where is that in Infinity war?

We don't give out Oscars for serialized content. A self-contained trilogy is fine, especially if each film is great. A TV series that worked its way into the theaters is not. Eat a dick, stupid.

>just about every movie
>when really it's AT MOST 10/18
Yeah, I totally misquoted him.

As for the second part of your post, what the fuck do I need from Homecoming to understand Infinity War?

>people are claiming Infinity War is hard to understand
Please enlighten me, Yea Forums. If I walked into Infinity War with only a passing knowledge of the characters, what exactly will I be confused about?

You idiots aren't actually going to watch the fucking Academy Awards, are you? I know Yea Forumsmrades have a reputation for being, uh, "naive", but come on.

It’s not hard to understand you just need to watch a bunch of other movies in order to

>literal children see the movie
>moms see the movie
>girlfriends see the movie
>they enjoy it

>Yea Forums sees the movie

>I appreciate what the film represented to people, but I just thought it was pretty mediocre.
Mostly this, I liked Klaw and M'Baku, and a couple of scenes with B. Jordan, I got the same feeling in Homecoming, they should go with Infinity War instead

Because Peter's death means jack shit if the only time you've seen him is in Civil War and Infinity War, you autist.
And don't try to weasel your way out of this. You misquoted a fellow anonymous in a desperate attempt to prove a point, but you've demonstrated you need to see AT LEAST 6 other films just to buy into the plot of Infinity War. This is a point in the DEMERIT of the film, not a point in its FAVOR like you and your friend are trying to convince us.

>you just need to watch a bunch of other movies in order to
I'm still not buying it.
Sure, you have to watch those movies if you want to know why Thor is wearing an eyepatch for a second or exactly where each stone came from or how Scarlet Witch got her powers. But you can follow the movie just fine without knowing all that shit. Context clues do just fine for anyone with half a brain.

>Peter's death means jack shit
Because I can literally watch the trailer to his next movie right now

>movie is a sequel to 6 other movies
>you have to see those movies to fully understand it
You have yet to explain why that's a bad thing.

>Because Peter's death means jack shit if the only time you've seen him is in Civil War and Infinity War, you autist
>what are context clues
Even if I don't personally have much of an attachment to Peter's character, it's not hard to follow.
Again, it's JUST like how you won't have as much of an attachment to Sam & Frodo if you haven't seen RotK, but you can figure things out along the way. You can't say RotK stands on its own if you're also saying IW doesn't.

You've got a feeble mind that's poorly trained for self-memory reconfiguration and so you have no idea what watching that movie is like having not seen any of the others. That's just pathetic, why don't you meditate on that?

>universe is finite
Top kek

>You have yet to explain why that's a bad thing.
I don't have to explain anything. It's not a film in a film trilogy, it's a TV series where each episode poses as a film. This makes it low art at best, consumption media at normal and garbage at worst. This is how things simply are. Get an education and you'll grasp it.


>Because Peter's death means jack shit if the only time you've seen him is in Civil War and Infinity War, you autist.
I never saw Homecoming and I fully understood the impact of his death tho.

>resorting to disingenuous lies and nonarguments
You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>homecoming made $890m
>Infinity War made $2000m
Sorry user, but most people who saw Infinity War didn't see Homecoming. And they liked and understood the movie just fine.

MBJ is a good actor but his portrayal of Killmonger coasted on his charisma, he had 2 gears: frowning and looking smug. There's no way he'd win an award for barely acting at all.

>abstains from best animated short
>votes for best animated feature despite only seeing two movies

Don't you faggots know how to screen cap your own posts?

I'll be honest, I didn't even know there were any shorts last year.
I don't even recall one in the Incredibles 2

Fucking hell the movie with the most Oscars ever is the 3rd part of a trilogy, your argument is retarded.

What the fuck are you talking about, genre movies have been mainstream for 40 years.

Saving this thread for the next time Yea Forums tries to convince me they're smarter than the average normie, even though they can't understand the most mainstream capeflick of all time without doing research.

Based and spiderpilled

The only reason they nominated Anomalisa was because Charlie Kaufman made it.

Are you fucking kidding me, watch the intro sequence when thanos lifts loki, it's a fucking travesty.

The MCU isn't decompressed. Stop using words wrong.

It absolutely is faggot. They literally took Avengers 3 and turned it into Avengers 3 parts 1 and 2.

>3rd part of a trilogy,
>somehow comparable to like the 19h film in the franchise
>on top of only being half a movie

It is comparable though. Your claim isn't that it needs to many movies before, your argument is that it needs ANY movie before. That's what "stand on its own" means

Jesus you're fucking retarded. IW is the opposite of decompressed, its pace is too fast in places because so much shit has to happen in the plot.
Do you also think the Lord of the Rings is decompressed specifically because Tolkien had to separate it into 3 books?

12 years a slave won it's oscar and none of the judges watched it, they just knew it was about slaves and gave it the award because it was obvious oscar bait.

I don't get why people let the oscars continue to exist. it's pretty shit.

Because people like you wanna talk about it, and enough of you watch it?
Hollywood gets to fellate each other in fancy clothes at a traditional gathering, and enough people care to keep it worth broadcasting.

>anons who once trashed the MCU for its being simple and lacking depth now switch sides to overly complicated and hard to understand
Shiggy diggy

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The hero drove backwards and literally broke into the ground to win the first key.