Why does he seem dumber in the comics and post-(second) redemption...

Why does he seem dumber in the comics and post-(second) redemption? Is it a requirement to be a brainlet when you're "good"?

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Because he use to know exactly what he had to do and had a one-track mind about it: capture the avatar

after that, he was pushed into unfamiliar waters, so to speak, and didn't know how to handle himself in these situations when he was so focused on a single goal for so long.

Zuko was always a fucking moron. Always. He got his scar because he was a moron, he was a moron when he captured Aang and wandered off into the North Pole to die, he trusted Azula when she said their father had pardoned him because he was a moron, Iroh pointed out he was a fucking moron so hard he came down with a fever, he was a moron when he tried to apologize to Aang and friends for repeatedly trying to murder them, and he was a moron when he spent half a year realizing he betrayed the wrong father figure.

Zuko is retard moe incarnate. It would be quicker to list the times he wasn't a fucking idiot in the series, for good or bad.

Zuko? Dumber? You can't get much dumber than ATLA Zuko.

This is the guy who publicly challenged the authority of a martial dictator, spent two whole ass books intentionally trying to get shot by lightning for no other reason than to prove he can redirect it, burned down his own fleet, consistently undermined his country's war efforts, couldn't bend his way out of a paper bag despite having the best genetics and training the Fire Nation could offer, then decide him accidentally fucking everything up wasn't quite gettin' it done, so he adopted the Blue Spirit persona, just so he can sacrifice sleep in exchange for more hours in the day to be a fucking asshat.

Zuko is by far the dumbest non-gag character in both shows. He gets wiser from trial and error, but not smarter.

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what was Zuko's stupidest moment

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Believing Azula when she said she was wearing a condom.

When this nigga jumped into an underwater Arctic cave not necessarily knowing where an air source would be or if said air source would be surrounded by antagonistic water benders.

I love Zuko but guys a nitwit.

>No! I'm tired of running! It's time I faced Azula!
>*immediately gets captured*

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Iroh calls him out for being stupid for his plan to capture Aang at the North Pole in season 1. It isn't something that changed post redemption.

Competence in heroes makes for a less interesting plot

Only in Yea Forums & Yea Forums, pal.

hes also a cuck

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technically speaking, the entire royal family were a bunch of cretins starting with azulon.
firelord sozin rolls in his grave.

>tfw Zuko had one brief, shining moment of victory against Azula during Sozin's Comet, only to then immediately go back to eating her shit in the comics

And that moment of victory only happened because Azula went insane, he never actually beat her when she was at her best. Poor Zuzu, imagine constantly being made a fool of by your little sister.

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He has always been dumb, weak and incompetent. He is still by far the best character of the show.

Exactly. Zuko is compelling precisely because he loses so much, but keeps going anyway.

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This. The whole emotional climax of his season 1 arc involves the normally calm Iroh actually going off on him.

>actually thinking jobber characters are good
no wonder people keep shilling this shit show, they just project onto its retarded charterers.

Unfortunately, the writers pussied out of finally giving him a win in the series finale just because they forgot to give Katara something to do.

Attached: Zuko vs Azula.png (1077x718, 1.3M)

Choosing Mai as a love interest when he could do much better


It also makes sense when employing the redemption trope that the newly reformed villain won't know how to be heroic after playing a villain for so long. Usually presto change-o redemptions are bad writing or use specious hand-waving like brainwashing being broken. Zuko's uncertainty and missteps were a very organic presentation of a plot point that can go very wrong.

why was zuko's redemption so well handled when even other arguably better shows dont have redemtion arcs as good?


The comics are god awful.

I have, and never will, see these comics that come out after the show is done as canon. Every series with them shits the bed.

they just nailed all the right beats, some anons here hated how he sided with Azula at the crossroads but I think it was very necessary for his character.

because Azula in that fight is how Zuko used to be, just look at the facial expressions and fighting style of Azula in your pic, it's exactly like pic related and season 1 zuko. now Zuko is like how Azula used to be: calm, calculated, confident. it's basically a juxtaposition of Zuko fighting his old self and defeating him. at least that's how i see it and why it's so satisfying to everyone

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Because either they asspull the bad guy becoming good out of nowhere or character is already so far up into the villain hole that he can only redeem himself with a sacrifice which doesn't allow the audience to see how the redemption made his life better for himself.

The Rift and North & South are better than all the S3 filler episodes desu

youre right. the only time i can readily think of where they didnt do this in a redemption other than zuko would be vegeta.

>burned down his own fleet
Zhao was the one who did that

>he adopted the Blue Spirit persona, just so he can sacrifice sleep in exchange for more hours in the day to be a fucking asshat.
That was a good decision, the only moments where he wasn't massively incompetent was when he was wearing that mask.

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