Ready to watch bigotards get pwned?
Ready to watch bigotards get pwned?
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Literally nobody is trying to sabotage this movie. Get your clickbait out of here.
I'm so tired of threads with a twitter post or clickbait article as the OP.
>Literally Disney is doing that to promote his movie
Fxd that 4 u
So is OP an ironic-falseflag or genuine-falseflag? I can't even tell the difference anymore.
This will be the greatest Marvel cat movie ever produced.
there was a thread about bombarding RT with negative reviews just a couple days ago, who are you kidding
internet bigotards always get pwned because they can't be bothered to get it up and do anything about things they don't like.
G-Get Woke Go Broke!
I'll be seeing the REAL Captain Marvel
From Yea Forums? link to that or it is bullshit
>Dear journal
>Went on Yea Forums today
>There were no less than 10 captain marvel threads from the same fag looking for shackles
>Mods are fucking lazy
If it didn't happen specifically on Yea Forums then it never happened at any point ever
There really isn't difference between those 2 anymore.
heh........ gotchyu, noob...
That thread was about an article claiming that shit was happening without any sort of wasn't calling for people to go onto rotten tomatoes and add negative scores. Don't be an idiot.
Push it faggot, you don't have the guts
You'd be announcing your own report
Without evidence? Dude, you could've gone and see yourself
neither tv or v? the only thing that I've read is the try to promote the Tyler Perry's movie but I could be wrong, really Idk the fuck are you talking about ....
Why not "get fucked"?
got em!
Oh gee a completely new character will swing in and btfo Thanos because she's a woman whose actress said "fuck Trump and fuck white people". What great writing and not a deviation from the comic at all.
Except that for those things to succeed, they have to go out and buy tickets for them or purchase the comics or buy the video game, so yes, sitting at home does ironically do something.
Want to see/Not interested ≠ review, retarded disney shill
I heard she will also lift a reconstituted Mjolnir built specifically for her. With the words:
>Whosoever holds this hammer, if SHE be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor
Also I heard she will be the one to say "Avengers Assemble", and since she's the most powerful Avenger, she'll be the one to use the mechanized Infinity Gauntlet built by Tony and vanquish Thanos, all by herself.
I actually did think Black Widow was going to lift the Hammer but I wasn't mad about it. I just couldn't think of why else that scene would be in the movie and why she would refuse. I just thought it was foreshadowing for something other than a gag with Vision.
>They used the wrong word so that means it's all lie and the shitposters dindu nuffin
I mean, it wasn't just a gag, it surprised people and somewhat proved Vision was of pure heart when everyone was scared he might've been another Ultron
who the fuck is this neanderthal?
Maybe people are just sick of LE EPIC FEMINIST GIRL POWER flicks?
I thought you had to also be a warrior to lift Mjolnir?
I'd believe it.
>"In other news from the secretive Avengers: Endgame set, it was reported yesterday that, at some point during the filming, Anthony Russo was seen leaving the set in a livid state, after being handed a series of script rewrites directly from Feige's office indicating the need to "spruce up the feminism" in the long-awaited Avengers sequel. Sources indicated that Feige showed up on set later that evening and, after a heated discussion between the directorial chair and the producer, they arrived to an agreement that would allow an ensemble of female heroes take out Thanos as a hail mary, provided it was Captain America who used the famous rallying phrase 'Avengers Assemble'."
>"While Feige seemed content with the arrangement, he stated to the sources consulted that "the time of the male hero had passed" and that he wanted to make sure female audiences felt empowered while watching the film."
it cracks me up to see the same lefties who are rabidly anti-capitalism falling into line to defend the profits of a mega-corporation.
To be fair, none of them are actually "Leftists", they're neoliberals. Most Americans aren't really leftists; for as much anti-capitalism they want to preach, their solution is a "better capitalism", not the actual abolition of it in favor of even a left wing free market.
>"the time of the male hero had passed"
Feige would never say this. His goal is to maximize market share. He's not abandoning anyone, he just wants girls to be heroes, too.
You're insane if you think Mouse is doing all this inclusivity for inclusivity's sake. They just want the maximum audience size they can muster and they're absolutely not going to entertain your bullshit if you're whining about there being black and female superheroes now. That's Mouse's goddamn money you're fucking with, you little bitch.
I was taking the piss m8, I write these fake scoops all the time
An anti-SJW Youtuber. TheQuartering. Most famous for bitching about cosplay thots getting involved in Magic: The Gathering.
>he thinks Yea Forums matters in the least
Wasn't it $160 mill a while ago?
>movie gets through two trailers
>no one really cares, sleeps on both of em
>everyone is meh about cap marvel in general
>film right around the corner
Gee, wonder why it went from 0 to 200 so quickly.
The movie will probably be relatively successful, just because it's an MCU movie and the last MCU movie before Endgame.
I personally won't be going to see it, partly because Brie put me off it with her political rants, and the character is boring anyway.
The way Marvel is promoting this as some revolutionary movie for women, as if there was never a superhero movie before, is pathetic.
I assume it will be a competently made movie, and if you enjoyed the other MCU movies you will enjoy this one. The formula is getting a bit old for me though.
>The way Marvel is promoting this as some revolutionary movie for women, as if there was never a superhero movie before, is pathetic.
I meant
>as if there was never a female superhero movie before
>His goal is to maximize market share.
He alredy has the boys and now, after Wonder Woman, he want the girls too, which is retarded because it is just what Star Wars and Marvel Comics did and both fail, he can succed, who knows, capeshit is for boys and young males, fems watch other films, you can't have both usually ....
Bruh how did no one see this coming eventually? Marvel comics are shit tier because of this, it was only a matter of time before it leaked over to their films. Tbqh it's a good thing, let Marvel fuck up their carefully crafted universe (lul) with sjw politics. Just gonna make it easier for DC to come in and take first place just like it did for comics.
Who cares? History's already repeated itself since Ghostbusters 2016.
You have to be 'worthy', which is vague and ill-defined enough that they don't have to explain why one character can lift it and another can't.
The claim is there was a thread on Yea Forums promoting review bombing.
Becasue the archives exist, it shouldn't be hard to find the post calling for it.
Link or it doesn't exist.
>few people troll
>Disney, journalists, the actors overreact
>leads to more trolling
>leads to more overreacting
>trolls win nothing but shits and giggles
>all the people circlejerking around the movie accomplish is putting more and more people off from wanting to see it.
It's never a great strategy to generally attacking everyone that might want to see the movie by throwing around buzzwords like sexist, racist, incels all it does is get people to say fuck off and not go see it
>everyone that might want to see the movie
And you were doing so well.
so how many ticket sales are going to be lost from this troll threads?
80 out of 2.7 billion? wow, we did it reddit.
How can Carol win against Thanos?
they don't kill Thanos.
the cat beats Thanos
>>all the people circlejerking around the movie accomplish is putting more and more people off from wanting to see it.
Pretty doubtful, this isn't a presidential election, it's a goddamn movie. Whoever follows the MCU from the general audiences will just go see it, there's no "sides" here.
What the fuck. What is wrong worth you, Western World? What is degenerative movement you have created? Why this people wants all power and none responsibility? If this movie is successful,they will shout how their movement made it successful. If it bombs, they will tell you that " it shouldn't prove anything" and it bombs because of "our enemies' campaign", not because it looks bland and boring even more than Thor 2.
Nobody is talking about how insidious it is that corporations are trying to make consumption of product as a moral statement.
Please demonstrate how "Brie Larson has said retarded, sexist/racist things about while males, so as a white male I'm not interested in seeing this film" is shitposting.
Spoiler: You can't. It's a legitimate take. Now get fucked.
It is wrong because she has said no such things; you only read a clickbait headline that told you what to think, and like a good sheep you went and assumed exactly what it confirmed your biases.
The only "legit" take here is that you're easily swayed.
Did she or did she not say she wanted fewer white males to review her movie? Is she or is she not responsible for the pic related insane tweet?
Are you guys autistic? It's obviously fake.
Alright fags listen up
Operation MAD
The week before Captain Marvel comes out will be the release of the latest Tyler Perry Madea movie. Madea will likely not be some huge blockbuster, but now analysts are saying Captain Marvel might not even hit a 100 mil opening - very low by Marvel standards
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to not see Captain Marvel on its release week and instead buy tickets for Madea. You don't even have to go see Madea, just help artificially inflate its box office
If enough fags do this so that Madea on its second week can stump Marvel on its first, the media will have a shitfit
>An multi-billion entertainment corporation with hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, huge marketing campaigns, countless advertisements, online support from dedicated fans and non-fans alike, most film critics who are more about sending a message than the quality of this film, and numerous shills paid and non-paid can't beat a couple of online trolls down voting this "feminist" icon.
My Holy Divine God, this is pathetic.
Am I sane if I want her to be beaten by a pack of homeless dogs? She looks like a person who never experienced Any real dangerous situation.
Yeah your average normie really doesn't give a shit and they will form an opinion based on what they think about trailers and from what other normies tell them. They don't give a shit if it's faithful to comics or if nerds like or hate it nor do they care about whatever Brie supposedly said or didn't say unless they're into celebrity gossip.
Captain Marvel is just a movie to them and yeah probably the ones who follow the MCU will see it and if they like it they will tell other normies to watch it, if not they will just move on to Endgame which is the movie most of them are waiting for anyway.
She has though, a TSA agent hit on her. It means she's a survivor of sexual assault and harrasment.
It's funny seeing people on /pol/ and Yea Forums get upset about the concept of her defeating Thanos and then turn around and say no one cares.
It's obvious that if that were to happen they would be pissed, hell, even people from tumblr would be pissed but they would hold their tongue because it would be very unPC to hate on her.
Or they would use Monica to virtual signal and justify their hatred of her (some of them are already doing it anyway).
Didn't they have these kind of articles before Ghostbusters (2016) came out?
>Did she or did she not say she wanted fewer white males to review her movie?
She didn't.
>“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson said when asked about her reasons for choosing Brown as her interviewer. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”
I'd rather see Captain Marvel 15 times than give Madea another paycheck
It's not about hating on her, it's about hating the writing. There is a problem with a literally who swooping in and saving the day after over a decade of build up, but the problem isn't her, it's how she's used. Seeing people make assumptions about what's PC or who is going to self censor and cynically cry "virtue signalling" on any statement is going to mental gymnastics their way to a convenient conclusion as per the narrative they are already invested in.
>It's not about hating on her, it's about hating the writing.
Except nothing indicates she'll swoop in and defeat Thanos by herself, so whatever assumption you're making is based specifically on your own bias towards her and not something in the movies that could point in that direction.
>than give Madea another paycheck
wew, the actual article is fucking bananas:
>Somewhere, in a fetid corner of the internet, the trolls (or possibly Russian stooges) blinked and raised themselves from their fitful slumber. The knives have been sharpened, and just a few weeks later, we have the first signal that Larson is the brand new number one enemy.
>Others decry the fact that Larson is taking on a superhero role that was once male in the comics...“Rudy M” opines: “This Captain Marvel is a fake. Captain will always be the supper (sic) hero dressed in red with a lighting bolt in front of his chest.”
Rudy M gets it.
I thought we understood that the people I was referencing were speaking hypothetically. People on /pol/ were saying they didn't care enough to be a "keyboard warrior" but then also saying things that implied her defeating Thanos would be a blow to all the boys who grew up with the MCU and it would wake up the normies to the attack on men.
>Seeing the SJW captain marvel movie
>When a perfectly good female led character movie in Alita exists
Didn't know that. It all makes sense now. She is afraid so she overcompensate it with "I am strong I am strong" mantra.
because anime movies are shit and it will flop.
Because Captain Marvel is too week away. Why watch only one?
That's based on a japanese comic, I prefer American-made comics only.
I know, I was just pointing out why it was obvious bait. The Mouse is never going to do something that clearly decreases their ability to pump more people for more cash. Consider it a critique.
I was also pointing out that Disney isn't really SJWs and neither is any corporation. Money always has been and always will be their lifeblood. Corporations don't adopt causes out of a sense of innate goodness, they do it because it helps keep cash flowing.
Why didn't Spider-man use "Instant Kill" mode to defeat Thanos?
>negative reviews
>Clicking the "I'm not interested in watching this film" button is now a "negative review"
This is some next-level You Will Be Made To Care bullshit right here.
Not even french comics?
>You Will Be Made To Care bullshit
What's this referring to, by the way?
>Biggest claim to fame is slut shaming attractive women.
The irony.
He's also famous for pointing out that loads of Magic: The Gathering referees at tournaments were convicted sex offenders, and was rewarded with a lifetime ban.
Those are too lewd
Why would he be banned for that?
>more white males pursue jobs as film critics compared to other demographics
>because there is a greater number of white males in the field than other demographics, the majority of those who excel in the field are also of that same demographic
why does she assume white male critics being prevalent is a problem to be solved, rather than the result of people pursuing what interests them? frankly she's an idiot with warped judgement, because she also said she's only interested in what women of color think of 'a wrinkle in time'. it's based on a book that was about white characters, and because they blackwashed them for the movie, we can't even offer an opinion on it any more? fuck this cunt! she can go to hell.
>Brie allegedly shits on white male critics
am I supposed to be outraged at this?
Even if BW lifted stormbreaker, what would she do with it? Without Thor's powers it's just a tool.
You should be wondering why she assumes the demographics of movie critics is a problem that needs to be solved or a result of racism.
what did Rudy M mean by supper? That he would eat OG Captain Marvel's ASS-HOLE??
oh god, I should have the whole comment where it mentioned it was talking about the Billy Batson character, just execute me now
>russia is behind negative sentiment against captain marvel
These people are legitimately crazy, right? I'm not the only one who sees this?
plenty of people see it, but few want to deal with the hordes of crazy that will be directed at you if you point the craziness out publicly. you should see "anti-ComicsGate" twitter, they swat people are neutral (Alterna Comics), they get celebrities ostracised and fired (Vic Mignogna)
Because it made the company look like they were more concerned with someone saying 'Wow that cosplay sucks' then doing their legal duty and keeping convicted sex offenders away from young children.
In what way? It's ironic to have principles?
Movies are literally dead as a medium. Every turd makes bank if it's released by a major studio and if it flops you just foist it onto China because they'll eat anything.
Support SJWs or a nigger. Decisions, decisions.
We live in a society where it's remarkably easy to become a "convicted sex offender". Check your moralfaggotry at the door.
>Don't like it don't watch it, boys.
>lol men are dumb we don't need them lol
>Wait why aren't they giving us money hand over fist?
>What do you mean insulting potential customers is bad?
It isn't some grand fucking sabotuer political statement to not give money to something that proclaims it's disdain for me, it's just regular fucks just not being interested.
We are reaching Ghostbusters 2016 levels of GRRL POWA YOU STUPID BOIS!!
That requires brain cells.
One of the few times I regret human adaptation. Now we have Tumblrina's who aren't as easily offended but still post shit about their shitty opinions and points of view.
Fit this somewhere inside that head thats filled with all your SJW garbage; Nobody cares. About this. About you. About your feeling. About your opinions. About anything you say. Or anything you do. Fuck off. Go suck your dads cock. Actually. Don't. I'm sure you'd give him PTSD from such an event. Just never disturb anybody with your presence ever again.
Except I doubt I'm going to be feeling up a teenager in the theater this time around.
Everybody in this thread needs to go back to Yea Forums
Get in here guys!
reminder that even normalfags on reddit expect captain marvel to fail
Whether it does well or does poorly people will blame the entity of the sales in the gender of the protagonist and not on the quality of the movie at all. This is modern Yea Forums, everything is political all the time now.
See, say what you like about the new Star Wars trilogy. Daisy Ridley has kept everything objective, she hasn't come out complaining about people hating her and her film because of her vagina. She got a bit of abuse and she walked away because she knew that if she didn't walk away, she'd say something she'd regret.
I respect her for that.
you understand we can read between lines. We don't need her to literally tell us what she means, it's pretty clear.
You mean you can make shit up as long as it fits your narrative, got it. Youd make a great sjw.
>Critics shill this shit 24/7 for months
>Meanwhile shitting all over my waifu
>It totally works too, because normies are barely sentient automata at this point
Why do I even keep on living? Must be some kind of masochism.
Like what you are doing now ? Making shit up to fit your narrative?
Reading between lines what she implies isn't making shit up.
What exactly am I making up?
user, this whole "controversy" wouldn't exist if not for clickbait sites making shit up and gullible retards like you eating up the headlines
I want to point out that I've tried to rate this movie as being uninterested multiple times since the option came up and it never shows up in the comments or has any effect on the final tally.
This feels like tempting fate. So its a gamble if its gonna be bp or gb2016
Or you know, go see How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World for the 7th time.
Worked for Ghostbusters, huh?
>why does she assume white male critics being prevalent is a problem to be solved, rather than the result of people pursuing what interests them?
Why do you keep assuming this? Other journalists exists in other ethnicities and genders, it looks like people stop RIGHT at the first fucking sentence and don't even read the rest. She's literally consulted a study to see if it was a real trend or it was only her impression, and THEN she went and looked for more journalists of other backgrounds that already exist but don't get the same chances they do. It's not like she pulled them out of thin air just to "remove the white male stench", she's directly speaking in that quote with a disabled journalist who was surprised because she NEVER got the chance to do an exclusive interview like that before.
This isn't some fucking bullshit designed to curtail male presence, if you notice a lot of white men were at the initial social media reactions. It's about getting MORE people in the room, not less. More diverse voices != kill whitey.
No no, they're taking food out of those innocent journalists mouths! Shes not allowed to hire who she wants to, let a man decide who she can hire for her.
Thanks for the pic, I've been looking for it for days and couldn't find it.
In fairness TSA has the right to put the full fist up your ass if they deem you "suspicious". Which generally means brown but still is BS ripe for other abuse.
Because Alita is a subpar manga and I'm not watching some la creatura de los Americanos with CGI bug eyes
No, you're not sane. A star tweeting about being hit on is childish and petty, but hitting on people at work is unprofessional, especially since some people would be petty enough to detain someone for refusal. You are projecting hatred towards a group of people who consist of idiot journalists writing clickbait and loud tumblr types on some childishly acting actress who got clickbat articles written about her which you would know contained absolutely nothing worthy of note if you read them. Both you and her need to grow up. Hate journalists and demand that Marvel puts a leash on them, they're the ones generating all the drama and people are dumb enough to buy into it both by being outraged and by aping those garbage titles in a serious manner. Until Marvel steps in and says that the articles are full of shit people like you will continue being angry at everyone but the real source of the problem and the mediocre movies will keep being pushed on you by self proclaimed "feminists" who are too stupid to do basic research before screeching clickbait titles they read on trash news sites.
Why didn't the "superheroes" just leap out over a single bound from of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each film following the tech wizard and his pals from New York as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the flat imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make spectacular unspectacular, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Perlmutter vetoed the idea of Nolan directing any of the films; he made sure the films would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for the comics. The Marvel comic series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Batman series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
a-at least the Captain Marvel comics were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the comic was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a they wanted Carol to matter, they changed the comics numbering to "1".
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time they launched a new number 1, I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Perlmutter's mind is so governed by cliches and dead bussines practices that he has no other style of running a company. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Captain Marvel by the same Brian Michael Bendis. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Marvel comics at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Brian Michael Bendis." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read Marvel comics you are, in fact, trained to read Bendis.
We are woman, hear us roar!
>We are manbabies, hear us screech!
Nice speech. I could agree with you, but my post has nothing about the articles. My post was the reaction for Brie's tweet how man asking her number is an assault and oppression. I assumed that if she find showing interest is a danger for her, she hasn't been in any real dangerous situations. Later some user corrected me that she was assaulted by some dude.
No fucking word about any article or Marvel.
So it's you who projects your inner vision onto my post.
whats a bigo
I assumed your reaction was based on all the drama article headlines that you read and believed in. Wanting her to get beaten just for the single out of context tweet is even less sane than believing clickbait.
>Other journalists exists in other ethnicities and genders
Of course. Since they are a lower percentage of the population of people in the field than white males, there will naturally also be less of them that excel at the job. Just because there's a smaller pool of them for talent to rise up out of.
>She's literally consulted a study to see if it was a real trend or it was only her impression, and THEN she went and looked for more journalists of other backgrounds that already exist but don't get the same chances they do.
According to her own words the study confirmed that critics reviewing movies were overwhelmingly white males. It doesn't sound like the study made any conclusions on why that is the case. But Brie assumes it is a problem anyway.
>Of course. Since they are a lower percentage of the population of people in the field than white males, there will naturally also be less of them that excel at the job.
Oh you're bringing merit into this shit? Really?
>It doesn't sound like the study made any conclusions on why that is the case.
You actually think these journalists are there because they deserve it and not because they had more access to get credentials in a way other marginalized groups haven't? Talk about disingenuous. Merit has nothing to do with this, they're fucking journos writing bit pieces.
What have you done, user?
>Awful cgi uncanny valley eyes for literally no reason
If most people who choose to become film critics are white males, it makes sense that would also be the majority of people with jobs criticizing films and interviewing stars. If this isn't the case and they all got their jobs due to systemic racism, fucking prove it. You're the one alleging this intense racism by the media elite to avoid hiring the best candidates for the job because of their skin color.
>Oh you're bringing merit into this shit? Really?
They're not paying to watch it either. HEYO
It looks like every other Marvel movie so it'll probably do really well
>If most people who choose to become film critics are white males
It would strongly imply some social pressure, but that's not a reason to in any way disincentivize anyone. Encouraging more groups to work in the field is an acceptable solution, but active discouragement and attack on the main group is extremely hypocritical. Of course the world lives off hypocrisy now, what better to draw in people than outrageous statements and lack of action? It's easy way to draw in crowd, which makes people more polarized because you can't possibly support something without telling everyone else to go fuck themselves according to media. The world will continue to be more shit until "professional" journalists face court or at least being fired and blacklisted by the whole industry for causing harm with their blatantly false articles.
>If this isn't the case and they all got their jobs due to systemic racism, fucking prove it. You're the one alleging this intense racism by the media elite to avoid hiring the best candidates for the job because of their skin color.
>Why don't you go and pull statistics and studies for ME so you can prove how there's decades of people with access in the media keeping their seats while hoarding exclusives and centralizing all reports around the same big chains while curtailing access to smaller, independent media that also has a voice
>shill thread still alive
When will you learn to slide such shitty bait threads?
At the end of the day it really depends on whether it's a good movie or not
Black Panther actually was a good movie. Hell the literal theme is Killmonger being a BLM faggot
I won't argue against that, but punishing people who got hired and not the people who do the hiring is hardly fair to anyone. It's no different than people harassing actresses because they got a job instead of the inept morons actually picking wrong people for the job.
>but punishing people who got hired and not the people who do the hiring is hardly fair to anyone
Who's getting punished though? This is the part where we reiterate once again that Brie Larson isn't fucking taking their credentials away, it's her simply choosing to talk to more (keyword: MORE) diverse voices in media, instead of the same group. And it's not even like this picture either , because in here it seems like there's replacement; she's inviting more people into the room that normally aren't invited. Instead of 10 journos of which 7 are white men, there's now 12 or 14 of which 7 are the same men, but now there's women of color and whatever.
It's not harassment, it's not trying to shut people down, it's about INCLUSION. And that's what the quote was about when she was giving the disabled interviewer an opportunity she herself claimed doesn't normally get.
Do we need to ensure the majority of NBA players are white, since the majority of Americans are white? Maybe white men just can't dunk.
Media. Media tries to make it sound like white men have no place around the movie or anything that has anything to do with women or minorities. Of course there are some people who believe that and they propagate it, and media see it and write more clickbait articles on it and so on...
Just make it sound like it's racism against black men, that it treats them as only capable of sports and not giving them opportunities for business work or some bullshit like that. If you sound mad enough someone will eventually fall for it.
>Media tries to make it sound like white men have no place around the movie or anything that has anything to do with women or minorities.
You mean that one article that misrepresented what Brie Larson said to weaponize people against the movie? The same that quoted the very first line of this paragraph while neglecting to mention the rest?
And then the other articles that said "trolls are pissed about Brie Larson and review bombing", reporting on dozens of pic related?
I mean, you can say "the media doesn't want them there"; but truth is, they fucking made it about themselves. Now you want to complain about a racism that isn't there?
But that's exactly what I mean. They misinterpreted what she said on purpose, to generate more clicks, and made her into a symbol against men in the process because they don't care that people will only read the headline and make assumptions. Racism that isn't there is exactly what I'm complaining about. They create those issues, and once those fake issues gain enough traction they become real even if they started from pure fabrication.
I mean, at this point there's people wholly convinced that Larson said she didn't want white men watching her movie, even on this site, so you're right. It's all fabricated nonsense that creates a Mandela effect of sorts.
61.3% of Americans are white (not including Hispanics), so it makes sense that the majority of American critics would also be white, even without accounting for whites possibly having a greater interest in film criticism than other demographics. Also, I assume IQ plays some role in the ability to write compelling film reviews and ask good questions in interviews. Most non-white groups have lower IQs on average than whites. Women tend to be more average in IQ compared to men who have a wider distribution of IQ, so there are more men than women with high IQs (as well as low).
Okay /pol/, obviously FBI statistics factor into everything, including job distribution quotas.
We know what she said, and disagree with it. There are more male film critics than female. Fine. We disagree that this is a problem or a nefarious reason behind it. It can be explained more rationally by mundane factors. She needs to support her case that it is a problem with evidence. She used a ridiculous example of 'A Wrinkle in Time', a movie based on a book about white people, to claim that since the characters were blackwashed for the movie, whites shouldn't offer their opinions on it. She is an idiot. We understand what she is saying. She is wrong and stupid and promoting divisive identity politics.
>using the /pol/ card
every time
>using the statistics card for everything
If it walks like a duck...
>She used a ridiculous example of 'A Wrinkle in Time', a movie based on a book about white people
And without white people leads. So not applicable.
I'm sorry, I'm sure it's just as easy for a low IQ person to excel in a field based on writing articles and giving reasoned opinions and compelling arguments as it is for high IQ people. What was I thinking?
>film critics
>able to give reasoned opinions and compelling arguments
Yeah and I bet all white people have higher IQ than blacks and browns, regardless of distribution. You can pick a random black guy and a random white guy and the white guy will always be smart!
That's how it works!
>Women tend to be more average in IQ compared to men who have a wider distribution of IQ
I've never heard of that. Though IQ tests are notoriously bad because they measure specific skillset even if designed to be as generic as possible. Someone with no education or education that follows different thinking patterns will always have a lower score than people who were taught to think the way the test checks for.
Based on the current state of journalism it's significantly easier for people with low IQ to write articles.
I'm not a fan of film critics per se, but they have to be literate and at least able to argue a case for their positions on films. A certain level of intelligence is required.
>Yeah and I bet all white people have higher IQ than blacks and browns, regardless of distribution. You can pick a random black guy and a random white guy and the white guy will always be smart!
No, of course not. That wasn't what I was saying and is not necessary for my argument to be accurate. There are plenty of individual blacks who are smarter than individual whites. We're looking at group trends.
A 5 year old child is literate and able to argue. Of course it's not going to be a thought out and compelling argument but neither is a lot of things people write today.
I have a serious question, are the groups compared in America and third world countries, where there is a clear disparity between cultures, or were they compared in countries where black people more or less blend in with the rest of society?
>There are plenty of individual blacks who are smarter than individual whites.
Then why the fuck do you think there's a distribution in journalism that skews towards white people based on statistics when it's all about aptitude? What makes you think there's more white men in journalism simply because "there's more of them" when women are the ones who get the most degrees in the US by at least 2/3?
Here, pic related, fetched a source for you.
Are NBA teams mostly comprised of white men simply because there's more white men in the US? Fucking moron.
Yeah, Captain Marvel's eyes are soulless
A lot of things factor into that, bias is one of those but it's not the only. It's hardly Yea Forums now though even if it was relevant at the start.
But you can see how the argument was flawed though? Pretending that it's white males simply because of statistical distribution even though by that logic, it should be white women instead. And this has actually been studied, with, yes, factors involved: you can see how that graph is the complete opposite to this, where it's men the ones most employed in journalism media
And here's a study that goes into detail about the biases involved regarding gender disparity and diversity in media:
So it was never a matter of racism, but it doesn't matter, these /pol/acks will never let that go even though statistics and studies prove them wrong.
Ssshhh people are invested in pretending that bitching about movies and comic books online actually means something. They're heroic warriors for social change.
I never argued against it, I'm not the other user. I agree that the bias is there but the only solution to the bias is enforcing merit and encouraging people to pursue things based on their ability rather than an example image of a person working in specific field, not attacking people. If you teach people that all good mechanics have beards then mechanics will be more likely to have a beard, because they want to become that perfect image. People who can't will be more likely to pursue opportunities where they see themselves as an accurate fit. In the end, there was no discrimination but media decided to spin a story about one and now that discrimination starts as a response.
>I agree that the bias is there but the only solution to the bias is enforcing merit and encouraging people to pursue things based on their ability rather than an example image of a person working in specific field, not attacking people.
I don't think it's that simple, because we're talking about a systemic issue here. Can't be coincidence that across most newsrooms, most hired journalists are male even though they only comprise about 30% of new journalism graduates from college. The disparity in opportunity is something that should be looked into, and so far one of the solutions has been affirmative action, which frankly hasn't really worked well for a reason or another.
But that goes beyond the scope of Yea Forums, my intention was to debunk that faulty argument.
>a machine is uncanny
>Literally nobody is trying to sabotage this movie
So you can only enjoy this film if you're an SJW, and if you have no interest in it, you're a "bigoted manchild keyboard warrior"?
What kind of way is that to talk to your audience?
It was written by the journalist, not Marvel. You're a perfectly good audience for them because you're giving them the attention and attacking Marvel rather than whoever wrote the article. So clearly it's the perfect way for them to get audience because they can write anything and they're not the ones people get mad at.
>another "center-left" youtuber spending all day reading shitty articles and pumping out clickbait outrage bs.
No but you see, this is as if Bob Iger himself wrote it because somehow all these journalists are in Disney/Marvel's payroll therefore whatever positive opinion they might have regarding about the movie it's them just rolling over for their master. /pol/ and /x/ told me so!
Does it make any difference whatsoever though? If you attack the movie people will defend it. If you attack the article for being purposefully misleading and call it sexist, for example because it's trying to sabotage the film by making people think it's unpopular or by writing false things about what the actress said you will fight fire with fire and journalists will be too afraid for personal backlash or getting accused of sexism ironically by accusing others of it to keep writing articles like it. They draw people in with strong emotions by making shit up, so the only way to realistically solve it is to turn those exact people and emotions on them. Fight the fights you can win not the fights you want to fight.
>Does it make any difference whatsoever though?
Of course it does, they get paid to write content and drive audience to their outlets, not to "defend" or "attack" movies. They just use whatever narrative works best for them. But Disney/WB/Amazon/whatever have nothing to do with this.
The rest I don't understand. You're basically saying that if they make shit up, you have to make even more shit up to fight them?
But journalists writing like that makes me not want to see it.
That's stupid.
>"Whoops! I was so interested in watching Fury Road, but I, an easily-triggered manchild, won't be swayed by this feminist propaganda! Articles like these just put me off!"
>You're basically saying that if they make shit up, you have to make even more shit up to fight them?
Something like that. People who listen to them listen to them because it gives them moral superiority, not because it makes sense or is true. If you tell them that the article is wrong they will dismiss you as a hater, but if you tell them that the article is actually infringing on the exact values they perceive in it they will turn around and attack it instead. Of course you need to do it loudly and with moral superiority as well, but the point is to turn the narrative around so that it paints the target on whoever tries to push it because currently people hate the film for the narrative journalists write. If it flops people will blame haters, if it succeeds people will say it did it despite the haters, there is no way to win by attacking it so you have to attack the narration they assign it by claiming it's progressive.
Sorry but this is so damn convoluted and doesn't really work as it should in real life. It's exactly like saying "oh yeah I can hate this because I actually liked Wonder Woman, so there's no way I can dislike it based on the reasons YOU claim!" even though that's bullshit.
This kind of marketing is what kept me from seeing Black Panther.
It's not any more bullshit that what people write now. There are articles that are completely false with proof going around now, just because people want to feel morally superior to someone. If you know how to make people listen to you you can sell them anything as long as you make it sound like they will can feel superior by agreeing with you. SJWs feel superior whenminorities are praised and white men are attacked. So attack the evil white men journalists who write articles based on their sexist idea of equality. They don't care if there's any truth to it, just that it sounds righteous and puts blame on someone they can easily hate.
>"let's just keep poisoning the well, that will do great for everyone who wants to be informed about anything!"
Making work harder for people who are doing that exact thing right now with no repercussions whatsoever is not poisoning the well. I'm not saying it's an ideal solution, but nobody will listen to people with legitimate criticism because it carries no emotional weight and anyone criticising is called a bigot, legitimately or not. The only way to stop it is to make people stop blindly following those journalists, and the only way to do that is to turn people against them with the same strategy they're using.
>but nobody will listen to people with legitimate criticism because it carries no emotional weight and anyone criticising is called a bigot, legitimately or not
The thing is, this doesn't happen as nearly as often as you and many others think it does. Just because a few journos say it doesn't mean most people think that; and besides, in this particular case, it's the ones doing the review bombing who are self-categorizing as "white males" in every comment, so it's only natural that journos replicate exactly this behavior in their articles. It's a trend, if it was that Latinos are complaining about a casting or whatever, and you could definitely see it was Latinos indeed doing it, it's not the journalist's fault that they spin an article saying that Latinos are complaining about it.
In this case it's "white males" because clickbait and targeted campaigns were designed specifically to trigger them, and since by and large they weren't even going to check the movie or whatever, they decided to make it about their own race as a pushback. In the end no one benefits from this shit, because they bought into a delusion and the clickbaiters who created the outrage get views based on lies, and any legit interest is played as "shilling".
kill yourself brie and your fungus may grow into a thing with value unlike yourself
This flick is going to bomb harder than Ghostbusters
People on /pol/ were talking about how the movie is an attack on men. They weren't expressing plots to review bomb it or anything, but if they can feel about it there, you can imagine that more dedicated "incel" forums would fight it.
I can just pirate it. I have no intention of supporting any political narrative, nor do I need to prove I'm not a bigot by paying to see it.
So you will still watch it? Haha, then what's the point? "Oh I'm not going to give money to it, but I'm still gonna see it because I'm a sucker for the MCU"
The point is not giving money to people actively insulting their audience.
How is that even a question, are you really that much of a moron?
>anyone criticising is called a bigot, legitimately or not.
Even during the Ghostbusters controversy there were journos prefacing their articles with how it's fine to dislike it, criticize it, and specifically that disliking to doesn't make you a sexist.
>The point is not giving money to people actively insulting their audience.
But you will still watch it, so that defeats the purpose. If you don't care about how evil Marvel "insults their audience", you won't watch their movies.
>actively insulting
And I agree, but the people writing those articles are causing all the outrage, regardless of how many people believe it. It's a problem, and they should be held accountable for it because it's bleeding into politics and every other journalist is aping them because it's popular. It's causing criticism as backlash, which gives more legitimacy to their claims. Which causes more backlash when they write more about the backlash they themselves caused. The only way to stop the circle is to make it burn whoever tries to start is, and that can only be done by turning people against those journalists. They are cancer, and cancer has to be killed before it spreads so much it can't be stopped.
subhuman sjw faggots have infect Yea Forums we need gas
Then stop giving attention which equals clicks which equals money to the journalists who write those articles you dimwit. Marvel isn't insulting you, they just pay people to talk about them, and it's the people who decide that insulting you is the way to do it who you should target.
Dislike it, and you're a bigot.
Like it, and you're a brainless SJW puppet.
Only real way to win is to not give a shit about the film.
>Then stop
I never started, you dumb faggot.
Yeah, until James Rolfe stated he refused to watch it and they all lost their fucking minds.
>It's a problem, and they should be held accountable for it because it's bleeding into politics and every other journalist is aping them because it's popular. It's causing criticism as backlash, which gives more legitimacy to their claims
I agree with your conclusion, but not with the methods you propose. Maybe it's because I write for a media outlet (nothing related to entertainment, just local news) and I try to keep journalistic standards when it comes to reporting, but I'm aware entertainment journalism operates in a different way and people don't really have the same sort of standards, same goes for those who read these rags, let's be fucking honest.
>Only real way to win is to not give a shit about the film.
That should be easy for me, I haven't given a shit about MCU to begin with.
>Then stop giving attention
>I never started
>talks about how marvel is insulting people and they shouldn't watch the movie
This is attention cretin, you're propagating the cycle of outrage and counter outrage they feed off while somehow thinking that marvel is the one profiting off it.
Why are you here then?
In a way it was because the guy made a huge deal about not wanting to see it, down to some video making a case for it, instead of doing radio silence. comicbookgirl19 didn't like the movie, but unlike Rolfe, she actually had a more level-headed approach to it (which is also because she did her own video after the backlash he got) and stated her reasons.
Look at the RLM guys too, they make videos about popular shit only because it drives views, not because they actually care. But they also ignore a lot of shitty movies they don't care about and no one gives them flack for it.
>In a way it was because the guy made a huge deal about not wanting to see it, down to some video making a case for it, instead of doing radio silence.
He did it because his fans knew he was a huge Ghostbusters fan. Everyone would've been asking him about it so he would've had to say something eventually.
But I'm not proposing that journalists should attack each other, I'm saying that loud people who know how to capture an audience should create social media campaigns where they convince people that those very journalists are bigoted. That way people will distrust progressiveness claims, if they are conditioned to always see them as fake and hypocritical. This is how the world works now, by social engineering. They are using it to get clicks by claiming progressiveness, and the only way to fight it is use the same social engineering tactic against them.
You mean like pointing out that liberals are actually pretty racist themselves since they treat minorities and women like children who need to be spoonfed everything (ie. success) because they can't make it on their own, thus technically living up to the outdated white saviour complex?
It's building up to it's phenomenal 60 million dollar box office.
Found the kiddy diddler.
Depending on which state you are in, it's actually possible to get placed on the sex offender list if you're caught pissing in public.
Yes, but doing it the way you show isn't working. You have to accuse them of the same things they're accusing others of, not equivalent. So claiming sexism against men isn't going to convince anyone that a journalist who praises women is bad, but convincing people that the same journalist is actually sexist towards women and only writes positively about them either to gain favors or because he is actually sexist but pretends not to be is much more likely to confuse his audience and make at least some of them turn against him. You need to turn the very specific target audience they appeal to against them, that way they won't have fanatical followers defending them and will implode by actions of their own former fans. Like exposing someone who attacks sexual assault with accusations against him, people immediately turn on those.
Is this a photo of a screen? Things like that should result in a life ban on technology.
If this wasn't a MCU movie, I'd say this was going to be the Ghostbusters all over again.
shut up dweeb
But they're already doing that themselves.
Actually, the article that specifically said that disliking it doesn't making you sexist was in response to just that. This further highlights how people generally don't look for proof, they just see some headlines and try to rationalize a story that validate their worldview and that's somehow someone else's fault.
>according to Brie Larson
Brie Larson is just another clueless, out of touch celebrity. Her Stan Lee "tribute" should've made that obvious.
We need to stop putting stupid people on a pedestal.
Damn, so bold and brave.
You should've linked it then.
>blacks: "representation matters"
>white liberals: "representation does matter"
>you: "oh my god this racist white savior complex is just as problematic as casually saying nigger"
Your argument is faulty; a degree in journalism doesn't mean you become a journalist. My sister has a degree in journalism, she doesn't do shit with it.
Are you seriously this retarded
Yes, remember Yea Forumsmblr is real.
>You don't agree with my deranged views regarding racism? You must be retarded!
>your argument is faulty because of anecdotal evidence
t. deranged racist
...does she know that MCU Mjolnir doesn't exist any longer?
Wait -
>does she know
n/m, answered my own question.
Does it even matter? Everyone gets asked that same question.
Fuck off.... all of you shitposters.
You say that like it's new.
>The virgin Yellow Press
RLM also spent an hour shitting all over Ghostbusters and there was no backlash. No one called them sexist, there was no angry mob. The victim complex is really as deep as reading a headline, misunderstanding it, applying it to a narrative strung together by feelings, and taking that all as fact.
>RLM also spent an hour shitting all over Ghostbusters and there was no backlash.
Not one, but TWO videos, remember they even did a parody afterwards, and no one batted an eye. Like you said it's really easy to just bait someone into thinking what you want by pandering exactly to who you want and spin them in your favor, which is how all the reactionary Youtubers got a foothold. I can sit and make (more credible) fake headlines like this all day, make a youtube compilation, and I'm sure most people wouldn't even care to check whether they're real.
>The victim complex is really as deep as reading a headline, misunderstanding it, applying it to a narrative strung together by feelings, and taking that all as fact.
You know what the worst part is?
I've seen people post screencaps of fake headlines and succesfully generate outrage. Not only are these headlines fake, but there's not even so much as an indication of what website it's from or who wrote it. It's literally just some black text on a white background, formatted and using a typeface that would resemble a "news" site.
That's the amount of effort it takes.
The final step of the victim complex is blaming others for your misunderstanding and thus your feelings in general. Blaming people for giving you the wrong impression as if that too was a slight against you.
Not nearly enough, and it's not targeted for the highest efficiency.
>I could have been placed on that list simply because someone shat up the bathroom at a friend's apartment during a party and there were no nearby public restrooms available for me to piss in
Fuck this state for a bunch of reasons, but fuck them for this bullshit in particular.
>we wrote that she was being sexist, then she got accused of being sexist
Anyone still attacking the movies instead of those putrid vultures who orchestrate the whole drama for their own benefit should get euthanized for stupidity.
That's convoluted though and relies on people adopting an overly cynical mindset.
You need only a few talented manipulators to adopt the mindset, everyone else will simply follow.
Is it the same clickbait journo? You can find conflicting opinions in any group.
You're overly cynical. Gatekeepers have been around forever in liberal groups.
But this isn't about a different opinion, they are defending the actress from something they caused themselves while acting like they are defending her from an evil outside influence. It's like hiring thugs to assault someone, let them beat that person up and then the next time the thugs show up you publicly shame them for being thugs and picking on someone to make yourself look good. It's manipulation and fraud.
And they often destroy those groups from the inside, but it happens randomly and on a small scale. All you have to do it pick targets that would cause the most reputation damage to severely hinder those groups though.
Who is they? Is it all from the same site or journalist? I could see controversial "hot takes" in all directions from different people because controversy gets the clicks.
To do so you have to come from a place of authority on the subject. It's one of the reasons why racists who try to act concerned for the communities they disparage don't get very far. The only ones who could influence like that are people influencial in those circles and they aren't going to actively try to turn people on people like them by playing mind reader and picking apart assumed hypocrisy and get everyone to follow the logic that this somehow makes them enemies.
The site, which isn't the same as the one with the original article clearly accuses comicsgate of those articles and videos and things she has to clarify. Completely ignoring that the original source that completely bullshitted the article was washingtonexaminer. They straight up made up who created the initial problem of a fake article. Putting the blame on morons who just aped it.
Which article was fake?
Aping isn't exactly an excuse, anyone that wrote "Larson is sexist and racist" articles perfectly knew what they were doing
Modern “journalism” is about finding one tweet and pretending thousands of people said it.
Accusing people who aped the original of starting it is straight up lying, by professionals.
The title is misleading on purpose. The reality is that she said that she wants more "diversity" in her reviews which was pretty badly worded but pretty clear that she was talking about what she wanted to see personally. She wasn't exactly tactful with wording but it's far from worthy of the reaction it got thanks to the title, it's not even worth an article in the first place.
So then this article is correct. She shouldn't have to clarify her statements, but in a world where retards write misleading headlines and assume the worse about people who use the word "diversity" she needs to.
Why are incels exclusively white males and between the ages of 18-45?
Pretty fucking sad, a lot of them here on Yea Forums too.
Here's a tip, incels: Settle for a girl that's not out of your league. Or go be a homosexual (I think that's more your thing anyways)
But they didn't accuse the other journalists of doing it. They wrote that comicsgate was accusing her and forcing to defend herself.
How many other journalists? The "fake" one that said she doesn't want straight white males reviewing it is a conservative tabloid.
This guy wouldn't exist if he didn't have shitty clickbait SJW journos to make videos about.
Interesting that you felt the need to go to /pol/ to get intel on what they're saying.
The biggest incels are fat bitches who ship characters from babby cartoons.
Anyone on a board dedicated to cartoons for children calling anyone an incel is extremely rich.
But they're the ones who started it, they're the ones with the most readers who caused everyone else to start the outrage. It's their fault for doing it especially since it was clearly on purpose.
>But this isn't about a different opinion, they are defending the actress from something they caused themselves while acting like they are defending her from an evil outside influence. It's like hiring thugs to assault someone, let them beat that person up and then the next time the thugs show up you publicly shame them for being thugs and picking on someone to make yourself look good. It's manipulation and fraud.
The Washington Examiner is defending her?
They made her sound racist and sexist, though they pretended it's a good thing. People got mad and started doing it too. Now another journalist is saying that those people shouldn't attack her for it but conveniently ignored who started it.
I think that's because they'd be giving clicks to a competitor. The Washington Examiner is a symptom; it's not the place where all these people get their news. A lot of them just have to see the word "diversity" and they instantly think straight white male genocide. To blame this all on them is to be disingenuous, though you're right, it is worth mentioning as an example of how people are taking her comments.
>They made her sound racist and sexist, though they pretended it's a good thing.
Which article did that?
The Washington Examiner is a conservative clickbait site and they weren't trying to make her sound racist and sexists as a good thing.
You are bullshit. You didn't research a thing and threw around accusations.
Yes it is. There was nothing about the movie that said “this isn’t for whites”. So they should definitely be able have a viable opinion on it without being called racist. That’s like saying Black people cant have an opinion about Captain America because it has a white cast.
One journalist writes an article that starts drama. Later another one claims the fault lies with people who hate the actress conveniently ignores the initial article, writing a clickbait title just like the first one did. Please tell me what other research is needed because I did enough research to confirm that the first article was bullshit clickbait and the actual even it referred to wasn't worth the bandwidth it took to put the article online.
>we wrote that she was being sexist, then she got accused of being sexist
The "we" in this are two different clickbait sites on the opposite ends of the political spectrum and you're under the assumption that there wouldn't be people who hate this without The Washington Examiner.
Whoah who could have predicted that there was going to be a controversy about this movie
>How can Carol win against Thanos?
she exposes her fungus encrusted toes and the spores devour him
jesus christ Tyler just pay some Nigerians to attack you
Is there a reason why literally any other state besides Texas is still allowed to exist?
Indiana is alright
Take your meds you schizoid, no one is saying that.
>Go back to the shadow!
My eyes hurt by just looking at their faces
If she was such a Chad how come her movie's a bomb?
and also got attacked by some crossdressing faggot for daring to bad mouth m'lady Anita
It's a marvel movie you retards, it's not going to flop
It didn't bomb.
I didn't see anything negative before the movie came out, unlike captain catlady
Shhhh, Let the Yea Forumsfags enjoy their shitty anime movie while it lasts
>pedo movie
>eyes that look like they came from the uncanny valley
>shitty plot
>pedo movie
Not him but, what is pedo about it, exactly?
>virgin movie
>revolves entirely around getting the most money and upvotes by pandering to the lowest common denominator
>chad cinema
>covers higher concepts and artistry; has ascended beyond judging itself by the popularity of the mob
Not nescessarily saying Alita and Carol fall into those slots, but there has long been a sharp divide between high quality films and what's popular in the box office
>If she was such a Chad how come her movie's a bomb?
Didn't know a Ms Marvel movie came out.
Can she take all of the handle in when she squats on it?
Because Marvel films aren't even films at this point anymore. They've basically superseded the rest of entertainment to the point where another brand doing something is basically insignificant or irrelevant in the minds of these fanatics, and at the same time you must hail Marvel's output, or else you're being edgy and contrarian for not worshiping the big trademark. It's pathetic honestly.
Why you think he's called the Big reed CHEESE. What do you do with cheese? You eat it.
>it's another "Yea Forums undercover thread in Yea Forums" episode
Wish you guys would stop doing these every fucking time, it's tiring af
It's not even a joke at this point, i even saw the camrip at my house and i swear the movie was trash. You guys are only making me want to see Captain Marvel more and more.
Forgot my pic
I don't know when it happened, but as soon as it was released I saw some reviews saying the movie had many problems, but it was "fine". Then suddenly I start seeing people here and other places calling it great and I'm fucking confused at that point.
Even if I wanted to see it I can't because it won't be shown in my country, but as soon as a digital rip comes out I'll check it. I really didn't find anything appealing in the trailer though, and the huge eyes bugged me out. (Yes, I fucking read Alita when I was younger, I know she's meant to have them like that)
>You guys are only making me want to see Captain Marvel more and more.
>this movie is trash but people think it's good
>so now I have to see this other movie
So this is your brain on contrarianism
>that low worldwide after opening week
>not even the whole budget
Christ I hate the media and I hate that this is what "entertainment" has become.
Texas should nuke Austin, otherwise it's fine.
I’ve heard that she actually admitted she isn’t that great of an actress and found herself cringey to watch on screen.
what percentage of people actually believe these kinds of clickbait titles?
You think sexists will successfully sabotage the film?
Isn't that a loaded question?
>Then suddenly I start seeing people here and other places calling it great
Not to be the guy screaming "shill" but it's basically a known fact that shills have some presence on Yea Forums as a whole. I didn't save the picture but there's known to be self admitted shills for capcom on Yea Forums in the past. I don't browse here Yea Forums often but i'm sure there's a shill presence here.
People will lie on an anonymous board. I believe shills are among us, but to assume everyone who would say something positive, especially when it would make people here mad, are shills is silly. A lot of them are just people looking to argue because it's more amusing than joining the band wagon. Some are probably just marvelfags.
wtf I love giving my money to people who insult me and 50% of human race now
I only see Yea Forumsmblr babies crying non-stop
I kinda feel bad about Alita performing so badly, mostly because I know it's been Cameron's pet project and he's been trying to get it off the ground for like two decades.
I imagine he feels a bit like that meme about talking about something you're passionate about and everyone immediately changes the subject.
I wonder if people had warmed up to it a little better if he hadn't given the main character freakishly large eyes. It kinda pushes it into an uncanny valley territory and I'd imagine that alone puts a lot of people off.
Cameron has the #1 and #2 grossing films of all time. #3 isn't even close.
He could have gotten that thing made at any time, he just got obsessed with undersea shit and blue alien sequels.
There was no studio on the planet who would have told him no post-Titanic. Or even before that.
Alita stalled out because of Cameron's wavering interest, and then at the end he betrays this long build-up to it by dumping it on a much lesser director, because he's obsessed with making an Avatar franchise to show Feige and the others he's THE MAN.
>this thread is still alive
Proof that shills are working hard on Yea Forums
Ouch. I'm glad I saw it if not just to support ambitious movies like it.
Disney has come REALLY close to claiming the #2 spot from Titanic twice, and will probably do it with Endgame.
JC really sees the Disney machine as his prime competition.
Avatar had such an absurd international reception (and two separate releases) that it's quite possible that even Cameron will be unable to match it; its record might stand another 5-10 years as top grosser.
let's just shitpost this thread, so it'll get to 500 quicker
>and then at the end he betrays this long build-up to it by dumping it on a much lesser director
Shit, I didn't even notice he didn't even direct it. I just assumed that after all these years he'd still do it himself.
Yeah, as opposed to every other thread with quality posts. (that was sarcasm).
I mean, god fucking dammit Yea Forums, why are you so gullible?
Of all of the threads on Yea Forums, this one is the shittiest
Nigger you wouldn't see your own dick, even if it landed in my ass
Fist Post Breast Post /thread
vaginal jews should go back to kitchen, where they belong
Why are you not reading Morrison storytime?
The worst part is that Rodriguez ends up directing something on the level of the most vapid of the superhero movies. It really has zero emotional weight.
Its a post-apocalyptic world of oppression where everyone seems pretty comfy, with a few crazies being hunted by mercs (pretty effectively) ruled over by an overcity that is actually not terribly oppressive at all; it just has this One Guy who fucks with people for no raisin, because he's actually totally in charge to begin with.
We have a mystery amnesiac girl who's mystery is solved by Surrogate Dad immediately; who falls for the first boy she lays eyes on.
A Disney Hugo who makes Aladdin look like an edgy cunt. We beat up some bad guys rather easily, then go beg help later from some Bounty Hunters to go hunt a guy with no bounty, that she can easily ass-kick anyway. (Seriously this whole scene no longer makes sense). Then she gets beat up, but conveniently has the fresh Mars body, and hey let's motorball because that has a Zalem prize too!
Chiren is both dull and redundant. the actor playing Vector gets nothing, Grewishka is a big hulking nothing of a character, and there's a nurse because one of Rodriguez' friends needed work and hey she can just stand there smiling the entire fucking movie.
Seriously, does this nurse have a single complete line beyond muttering something about a bag of oranges?
Yet she's in so many scenes its ridiculous.
She never helps or does anything at any point.
At least Sandler tosses Schneider a few stupid lines in an attempt to get laughs.
The nurse should have been part of Alita's character development. In any proper movie, she'd be there to help educate her, something severely needed in a world where everyone is supposed to be dangerous and you don't know you're supposed to peel oranges. The emotional arc should have been her coming to realize that her new father is important to her, but instead she has a romantic arc that comes off as forced and all encompassing and falling flat due to lack of proper development.
Just write it in your fanfics ya goons
In a better Directed film, the time spent 'splaining shit that has no bearing upon the story would be spent developing the relationships of the main characters, and Vector would have been used effectively instead of being a mouthpiece for a very boring Nova.
Even though the original comics are pretty old, there's a lot of substance to these guys that could have made them memorable. Instead everyone is pretty boring except Alita, who is mainly odd and spunky.
Nova was also bringing down the movie as he over shadows every antagonist in the film while having no presence and we get the feeling that even given the length of this movie, we aren't going to get satisfying closure with him.
There's no rhyme or reason to Vector at all; why does he want cyber-parts from Hugo and co. when he runs the factories?
He's not even really a villain, he's obligated to send body parts to Nova or Nova can just have him jump off a ledge. He's as much hostage to the contrivance of Mind Control Nova as anyone.
And they really, really fucked up the character of Nova. His entire POINT in the Manga is that he empowers people but leaves them free will, specifically because he wants to see what they will do. Whether that is wreaking havoc or dominating motorball or rebelling against the sky city, his interest is seeing what people can do with maximum freedom of opportunity and power. Yet in the movie he's a mind-controlling puppet master. Has the point of a character ever been missed harder? He makes Snyderman look like All-Star Superman by comparison.
If you’re so against bigotry, don’t say “tard”
Chiren becomes a cybertech for crazies because her daughter was killed by a crazy her husband was being a cybertech for. Then she stops being a heel when she abruptly realizes her motivation is pant-on-head retarded.
Vector isn't even given a motivation beyond "I'm rich biatch" and being Nova's slave.
Grewishka makes Doomsday seem like a deep character.
Zappan is a character that is an unrepentant evil dick for no reason at all: he's like Chet from Weird Science. A young Bill Paxton would have been perfect for him.
The villains in this movie are completely shit.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about this movie outside of the manufactured outrage and /pol/tards taking the bait.
>especially outside the USA
It's another Black Panther except it doesn't have the "black power" shit to push it in the States. It won't bomb because it's a marvel movie but it won't do greatly and since a few retards took the bait, they'll be blamed so that Disney will have their asses covered by the media and whoever thought introducing a new character right before endgame won't lose his job.
>Cameron's pet project
>pulled his name from the project because he knew it was shit anyways
Alita was enjoyable but it was a bad movie.
There's zero chance Captain Marvel will be a bad movie given Marvel's track record. The worst it could be would be Thor 2 level which is bad but good enough as a lead in to Captain Marvel oneshotting Thanos.
Yeah it's just crazy. How inconsequential he is. His final scene falls so flat you wonder how he's a threat at all. Nova steals all his thunder and sucks away the payoff for this two hour movie.
>pulled his name from the project
Why must you lie like this?
I didn't want to imply Alita is being "shilled", it's more like as soon as critics reviews came out, some of the audience who saw it felt compelled to prove it wasn't as bad as reported, even while admitting it had issues.
But I haven't seen it so I'm not qualified to say they're wrong or something, after all I've enjoyed some movies the general audiences and critics didn't (like Ghost In The Shell) so maybe that's what's happening.
>starts off small scale
>does well for itself but doesn't shatter any records
>keeps gaining popularity because of the passion of the creative side and the audience that views it
>gets to the top
>women want to be apart of it now that its popular and successful
>starts to stagger but still is doing okay because of the old guard keeping things together
>just being part of it isn't enough and now the women have to take it over completely
>quality plummets, audience jumps ship, entire thing is turned into a graveyard
Why does this cycle keep happening to every entertainment medium?
I'm not sure which ones you're talking a out before or how the current MCU's first female lead movie has anything to do with that.
What kind of faggot keeps bumping this thread
face it, incels.
a thousand right wingers posting from their mother's basements will never win against a billion dollar corporation pushing their feminist agenda.
just give up.
>Ms Marvel
>most powerful hero in the Marvel universe
People who are amused by incel-like opinions.
I'll watch bigotards get pwned, but I won't watch your movie, Brie.
fun fact: she has never won a single fight against hulk or thor
>not released in china or japan yet
>I-It bombed!
Weak men create hard times.
The absolute state of the white race
Carol defeated an entire squad of Thors in Secret Wars
you mean all those jobber thors that doom made weaker on purpose?
still remains that every time she tried fighting the hulk she either got 1 shotted or just plain defeated.
they are for the movie version pushing the character to suddenly being the strongest and best evar. with a ugly dyke playing the role.
>ugly dyke
Sounds like you hate women.
>tfw I can be a better looking woman
>despite being a man
I'm a chick, i.e. the movie's target audience.
Zero interest in seeing it.
Looks dumb as fuck and Brie comes off as a very mediocre actress.
>I'm not like the other girls, you guys!
>everyone thinks it's ghostbusters 2.0 when in reality it's just looks really boring
No one cares about Captain Marvel and this movie will be a flop like most of her runs.
Time to start backflipping inside of your heads
man jaw, droopy eyes, can barely act, hank hill ass, can only do 3 maybe 4 expressions
I don't think it will be a bad movie.
It's a Marvel Movie, it's going to look like every other Marvel Movie.
But other marvel movies have a reason for you to go see them. A hero they like, a character they identify with, etc.
'Being a woman' didn't save ant man vs the wasp, why did they think it would work here?
Are you in a Korean boy band?
I could say that I don't care about your opinion or that of any other male on Yea Forums, but like you said, "I'm not like the other girls". Whatever, man.
We're just fully embracing the retarded fruits of critical theory here on Yea Forums, then?
That's counts as man jaw and drippy eyes? She can act, she's great in Room, but these movies often have leads who aren't just heroic, but sassy and entertaining. Right now it looks like she's going to be the straight man which isn't very demanding, but will be hard for a female lead.
Her ass is flat.
Here, here Yea Forumsfag, let me drink your tears, I promise when there's a digital rip of your shitty movie i'll watch it, but know that because all your complaints against the Captain Marvel movie, you just made people that didn't want to see it, for being forced into Carol, do it.
based boomer with good intentions
Let's see where you guys participating in this 8 millionth Carol thread actually stand on Captain Marvel vs. Shazam
I don't understand how he can make fun of basedboys while being the picture perfect representation of one
Welcome to Yea Forums, Mr. Perry.
This roastie meme is ultra cringe since it's just pointing out you don't know anything about vaginas and doesn't actually offend anyone due not obviously not being real.
>I'm not an incel, you're just a woman who has given birth
Want to beat sexism? Consume product.
Want to beat racism? Consume product.
Want to own DRUMPF? Consume product.
I think it's great because it makes tourists like yourself uncomfortable.
Politicizing consumer choices is something all sides of the political spectrum does. It sucks that it works.
>you either like an /r9k/ meme or you're a tourist
I'll let you have this one because your mental health might depend on it.
>I love shitting and pissing myself because it makes you uncomfortable
Oh no, all those anons going to see a movie for the sole reason of spiting me and my post are gonna make me look so whacky and stupid :((((((
Whine whine bitch bitch. All I'm hearing is the uncomfortable mewling of people who get offended at memes.
not a shock that you like Captain Marvel.
>Dude I'm going to waste my fucking time watching a movie I have no interest in to SPITE YOU SHITPOSTER LOL SO OWNED
No you're not, you're going to sit here in your underwear like you do every day and night shitposting about how strong and wonderful your kween is while her movie tanks. Don't lie.
Can we go for 200 million in decreased projections?
The movie is going to do fine because it's a Marvel movie and those rarely if ever outright fail and that's all there is to it. 90% of the people who go see it won't even be aware of any of Brie's comments.
They've had to lower projections for it three times at this point.
Is "fine" really OK when it was projected to outdo Aquaman at the start?
Get well soon.
Hope you remember how to return to your home site.
It'll do well, but from the way it's being pushed, it's like they're expecting to be able to repeat Black Panther, when it's probably going to top out around $800m
Is that europoor for homepage?
Can we at least get a break from this outrage faggotry for one fucking day?
hahaha holy shit
Your labia is ugly sweetie
My puss so good that I flaunt it
Yo puss so old that it's haunted
what the fuck is this
They're invading again, someone round up all the autist on Yea Forums we need to take Yea Forums back.
Bunch of incel misogynerds falseflagging
This is really desperate. Now I get Zachary Levi's tweets about the fake reviews.
The last kicks from a drowning man
Oh god, remember that "we are vanguard" shit?
drowning isnt funny tho
Imagine being this butthurt about a movie you haven't seen.
>every single movie featuring a female protagonist has to be "GRRL POWR" and a battlefront of SJWs vs perceived "bigots"
I want to get off the ride, now
wonder woman was good
This, but unironically
I hate how nowadays, you can't have any piece of media exist without a shitload of politics being injected into it.
It isn't a feminist movie, though people will see it that way.
Wonde Woman wasn't. Other than people saying that she needed more muscle.
The politics aren't injected any more than they were before, it's just the conversations and clickbait articles you're now more aware of thanks to social media and Yea Forums.
Nice revisionism, I guess we all collectively forgot about the controversy regarding the private screenings for women only, and how a lot of people were super upset they had "their rights infringed" based on a couple of showings in a single chain.
Watching them use the last of their breath to uselessly fight is
The worst threads on Yea Forums are always either clickbait article screencaps or twitter screencaps.
>have a conversation about one guy
>everyone in thread must have forgotten about what some idiot did
It's about the movie not the marketing team and twitter idiots you silly goose.
When it stops working as free marketing
There was a lawsuit against that theater, if memory serves.
The result was he either won or they settled. Which was pretty obvious from their publicity stunt that would happen.
So what? That's not even the point, the point is that it happened and the controversy wasn't that it was infringing some discrimination laws, but that these screenings existed in first place, and how people here in particular were super salty and saying shit like "oh we should go and identify ourselves as female, and if they say anything we'll call them bigots! that'll show them!"
The thing is this is more a function of both clickbait shit and actual /pol/ trolls than the movies themselves. This started as soon as the movie was announced. Some of the marketing is painfully awkward but it needs shit like spamming and bombing to become this. Imagine if clickbait and ecelebs just totally ignored those few things the actress said. It'd just be another popcorn flick.
And none of that caused nearly as much of a shitstorm than Brie Larson implying that White Men are evil.
She didn't fucking said nor implied that, fuck off already.
Well, you don't see other groups attacking the shit out of a movie review site just because they do not like the race of the main actor do you?
A random paramedic lifted it once.
I'd say the more important point would be that such a controversy worked to get publicity for the movie.
People talked about it. It gave the movie free word of mouth. The ticket sales they gained from that publicity stunt I assure you are FAR more than the 8800 dollars the lawsuit is asking for.
Really, the point is that these shitstorms and getting people pissed is benefiting them more than it's hurting them.
You should probably link the actual tweet in the screenshot.
That's unpredictable collateral though, and one can't really say it was generated by the people behind the movie itself. It's not like Brevoort's doctrine about getting people mad and boosting the sales like that, because all the bullshit boycotts, fake reviews and score bombing comes from the usual idiots with too much time in their hands who think agendas are everywhere and that a movie constitutes a cultural statement.
She really fucking didn't though. I think a lot of the shit she says is dumb, which is why I don't pay attention to what actors say. It's always dumb. But you have to twist that crap really hard to be offended just because she acknowledged that movies actually target different demographics.
If an action movie about what it means to be a man was reviewed mostly by preteen girls I'd also say that was fucking stupid. I'm sure tumblr would say I'm sexist or some retarded shit for saying that, but you know what? I'd have a point and I fucking hate when tumblr goes apeshit over some public figure's comments every five minutes, too. It's just fucking annoying from both sides and feels like everybody's been dumbed down.
it was a lawyer who filed a complaint, he said he wouldn't have bothered if alamo drafthouse hadn't been twats in responding to people saying it was discrimination
>That's unpredictable collateral though
How is it unpredictable? Anyone with a business license most assuredly knows that a business can't refuse service on the basis of race, sex or religion. There's nowhere in the united states where that's not the case.
I mean, if a company were to generate a fake controversy like that, it could easily backfire on them precisely for the reasons you mention, and sour the potential audience. That's why I'm saying it can't be just Disney "falseflagging" the fake reviews and score bombing, because you can't really predict how people will react to that. Positive input yields an easier to predict outcome.
>he said he wouldn't have bothered if alamo drafthouse hadn't been twats in responding to people saying it was discrimination
He said it was for several reasons, that not being the only one:
“But when the theater responded to complaints, they were pretty snide about it and willing to mock anyone who had a complaint and that really struck me.”
“There is also the fact that what they were doing is illegal.”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” he said. “I’m a gay man and I’ve studied and taught gay rights for years. Our gay bars have long said that you do not exclude people because they’re gay or straight or transgender — you just can’t do that for any reason.”
“We have to deal with the bachelorette parties that come to the gay bar,”
“They’re terribly disruptive, but if you forbid women from coming to a gay bar, you’re starting down a slippery slope. It’s discrimination.”
>she's the strongest hero in the universe and she can even take on thanos!
So why the fuck didn't Fury call her when aliens were invading New York, or when Ultron was planning on wiping out humanity?
IQ gaps across races persist after controlling for all cultural variables. Adoption studies in particular are clear on this. Notably, there is zero correlation between the IQ of adoptive parents and their adoptive children, even when they are of the same race. If culture has a role in intelligence, it is a small one. The primary non-genetic influence on intelligence seems to be childhood nutrition.
We'll find out in March, I guess?
Right - I'm not saying Disney manufactured the outrage.
I'm saying it benefits them regardless of the results of the outrage.
Even if we look at it from the perspective of just this theater chain doing this in several states, the amount they're going to have to pay in the lawsuit, whatever the amount is, is likely far less than the sales it generated. It didn't backfire on them.
People 'review bombing' with reviews or negative comments or whatever about this movie are shooting themselves in the foot. Anything they do to try and spite the movie is going to help the movie more than hurt it.
>if I feel uncomfortable, that means it is valid.
Ha ha ha! Holy shit. There's a backwoods lunatic living out on a mountain somewhere that believes bigfoot breaks into his house at night an jerks off on his underwear. That belief make him very uncomfortable. Does that mean it's valid, too?
I'm not claiming I know why this is but actually, generally when black children are raised in white households, their scores are much higher than black children raised in black households. However, if the black children get older and start to associate with other black peers and black adults, their IQ scores start to drop.
This is off-topic so I won't post more I just wanted to respond.
Yes, she did.
Yes, you do.
said it before, but sentry would have made far more sense for carol's role.
aliens and ultron weren't worth the risk of the void getting loose, the last time it was free they had to wipe the event from the memory of everyone on earth to contain it. thanos is enough of a threat that the void is a price worth paying.
Several times in this same thread these false allegations have been debunked, but sure, keep insisting.
>Yes, she did.
What were her exact words, user?
Quote them, and provide proof the quote exists.
If what you are saying is true, this should be simple. Otherwise, asserting something is true without proof is poor form.
I'm willing to bet money that they won't even bring it up.
I'm grateful this is fake, but I still had to look it up just to be sure.
It was a quote from Goose the cat, how real could it be?
This almost makes me think that there's a conspiracy between clickbait SJW journos and """based alt-right freethinkers""". They're living in a state of symbiosis where one can't live without another.
Cultural practices like reading to children can bump IQ for a few years in childhood, and are good for things like school performance, but they have no effect on adult IQ. For any race. Which is why adoption studies show no correlation in adult IQ for any race.
Good point. I knew it was fake, but you ever see something so ridiculous, that it circles back to seeming possible in the back of your mind?
I know the guy who wrote this article.
These articles are pure Streisand Effect spreading the word far and wide.
Yep, that last headline in particular is fake, based misrepresenting this full quote: Told you idiot, we've had this thread since last Friday, we've circled around the same talking points over and over.
>Feel better?
>This almost makes me think that there's a conspiracy between clickbait SJW journos and """based alt-right freethinkers""". They're living in a state of symbiosis where one can't live without another.
During GG "right" and "liberal" "news" (clickbait) sites actually were sometimes coordinating their stories for clicks. It's not really a conspiracy or secret and is fairly common. It's just a matter of branding and marketing to different demos.
I will not watch a movie starring ugly woman that has rotten feet and is named after a cheese.
Didn't we have this thread already? She resigned, she wasn't fired.
The biggest thing that's going to hold this movie back is that no one knows who Captain Marvel even is or what she does that sets her apart from every other superhero. She can fly and shoot laser beams, that's about all you can tell from the trailer
-Where does this take place?
-Who is she fighting?
These are two things a trailer or the promotional should have answered, but it hasn't. It hasn't even tried to answer it because it assumes viewers are so excited and willing to see a movie about literally who.
Every other superhero made it clear and obvious what the answer to those two questions were.
-He fights in Wakanda
-Against the imperialistic menace threatening his kingdom
-He fights in the land of the gods
-Against norse mythological beings
-He fights his own creations
-In a version of modern new-york
-She fights the patriarchy? I think? Maybe?
-Yaas kween slay?
You're lying to yourself if you think this is going to make Thor or even Antman numbers.
>Immediately goes to conspiracy and not the more obvious answer that these "journalists" aren't journalists and you can build a career off of pointing out how they're thinly veiled marketing teams usually owned by the parent companies of the movies they're reviewing.
>These are two things a trailer or the promotional should have answered, but it hasn't
Did you somehow miss the trailers where she's seen fighting the Skrull? And that they outline that it's them the ones she's looking?
Or all the 90s period piece shit?
Literally anyone can be a critic. Write a shitty blog, do a cringey Youtube Channel, hell even tweet out or instsagram your opinion.
Here's a hint
This whole "I don't want the opinion of white people" just comes off as racist and doesn't do anything because anyone can be a critic, it's not like there's some magical barrier when it's just as easy as doing what I said above. Whether people take you seriously or not depends on whether you can find idiots dumb enough to listen to your opinions, welcome to the internet
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Captain Marvel. The humour and action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and third wave feminism most of the jokes and action scenes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Carol's strong feminist womyn outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Captain Marvel truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Carol's existential catchphrase "Let's show these boys how it's done," which itself is a cryptic reference to Atwood's epic The Handmaid's Tale. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Brie Larson's genius wit unfolds itself on their movie screen. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Goose the cat tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for those who indentify as ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably higher) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
It's just the usual suspects.
>This whole "I don't want the opinion of white people" just comes off as racist
Well good thing she didn't fucking say that you lunatic.
arent early reviews out yet
Resigning makes it worse.
>Has more than triple the votes of Endgame
Think if all this incel fury could be tapped for a constructive purpose.
who ever actually gives a shit about the "% of viewers who want to see this"??
I have no idea.
There's a few but not on RT just yet.
Early reviews are looking positive, which are all that really matters to aggregate sites.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Sign me up.
actually it still is racist
Stating she wants less reviews from a specific race or gender, because she doesn't think the movie is made for them is being exclusive to that group
Doesn't matter how many times she says she doesn't like them, or if she brings up some arbitrary statistic she doesn't like. The matter of the fact is she is using those as a platform to justify her bias opinion, instead of actually listening to the criticism
See, this whole mess would've been fine if she kept her mouth shut.
If you don't know about the source material, just smile and wave. Keeping your mouth shut goes a long way. Not all the way, but it's way better than pretending to know something.
>Stating she wants less reviews from a specific race or gender
But again, she didn't fucking say this, don't be so daft. You can't find an actual quote of hers saying something like this about Captain Marvel, because it doesn't exist.
It's very easy to think that's what she said if you want to be outraged though
>I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.
congratulations, she said it about a Wrinkle in Time
because she doesn't want to hear from some old white dude but biracial girls and girls of color right?
She still fucking said it, and is using it as an excuse as to why the movie can be better, and I won't be surprised if she tries it again for something like Captain Marvel
>See, this whole mess would've been fine if she kept her mouth shut.
This "whole mess" is going to give her ticket sales.
Outrage works. It helps studios.
>congratulations, she said it about a Wrinkle in Time
Finally admitted it
>She still fucking said it
But not about Captain Marvel, so it's not the same thing; besides she wasn't even in A Wrinkle In Time, so whatever she said about that movie is irrelevant in the end.
I'll accept your concession now.
not a concession, she still said it
I never said she said it about Captain Marvel in the first place, or is basic speech not in your forte, or maybe it's your first time on an anonymous image board?
can't speak for the outrage culture, but I've been pretty done with cape movies for some time.
I didn't even see Antman and the Wasp, and I don't want to see it. Not interested in Captain Marvel, not planning to see End Game, and well Aquaman, I only went because my nephew wanted to see it when I was taking care of him. I enoyed my pretzel
I caught up on a few of those marvel movies over the summer.
I was gonna watch homecoming, didn't end up watchin it. Watched some of thor 3. Some of doctor strange. Black Panther. And then infinity war.
I can't say any of them were bad. Or great. They were on netflix and I watched them when I had some company over (who I later regretted inviting but that's neither here nor there.)
>Given birth
Is this the excuse Roasties use now?
>Doesn't offend anyone
>Get's offended
yeah I kept hearing how good Thor 3 was, and my sister asked me to watch it with her when I was hanging out with her. I didn't find myself enjoying it, I still prefer Thor 1 of the 3 movies, and even then Thor isn't my favorite of the franchise. Thor 3 just felt too much like Guardians of the Galaxy staring Thor, and it felt like it didn't care about it's primary plot Ragnarok and Hella, because World War Hulk with flashy colors is more important or something.
Spider-Man Homecoming wasn't really my thing. I felt that a lot of the gravity of what makes Peter and endearing character was missing in favor of making everyone a joker, so screw the importance of character building and a silent scene
I'm ok with a Spider-Man movie not having solemn and tragic moments full of pathos.
That's fair. I think it works if you are into the type of movie Homecoming is trying to be, however I can't find myself enjoying it and I I gravitate more towards the Raimi movies and some of the things from the Webb's first movie too
However it's all personal taste
Cringing counts as offense?
>I don't understand how vaginal lips work
primo filename
Hating on this has become a meme. So of course the drooling retards of the mens rights movement/incel community are going to ruin everything fun about it and run the meme right into the fucking ground until it's no longer funny and cheeky, but sad and angst.