Adventure Time's finale was so shit, even Marceline's VA is going to unfuck it

>Adventure Time's finale was so shit, even Marceline's VA is going to unfuck it.

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What’s the point of the finale if Betty comes back

>What’s the point of the finale if Betty comes back
>What's the point of a shitty finale
It seems BOOM! wants to undo everything the finale has caused (giving Finn his robot arm back, not being a pacifist anymore, actually fighting with no jobbing) so this isn't going to be different. The only thing that's going to stick out is if they bring Betty back since she had no personality in the series other than being a walking plot device.

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The finale was great

Muto is ok, admitting that you fucked up, is the first step to recovery.

The finale I left on your mother's tits was great.

The adventure time one? Not so much.

>no jobbing
I’ll believe it when I see it

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And by the synopsis given for future comics, that monster is either controlled by PB or the Black Founder’s Island leader

He also doesn't job during the fight against Hunson's demons in Issue 4, but I don't have that issue in my computer.

Aren’t those low tier enemies though. Dude should’ve been taking on Stakes vampires evil enemies under competent writers

Why do people hate the finale so much? What went wrong?

>since she had no personality in the series
She was pretty horny for Simon.

Main character is sidelined in the series finale. Really you may hear it was the lesbian kiss but everyone would have been much less negative on it if Finn had actually done something.
Inagine if Aang had a bit part in his series finale.

>everything bad about AT came of someone who didn't like what the last person did with the story clumsily undoing it and replacing it with what they want instead
>this continues even after the show is fucking dead

So is any infected asshole.

Big bad defeated by power of friendship and music.

Finn ends up with no-one, nor does he have much a philosophical epiphany or take-away from the final fight.

Gay kiss with no real, proper buildup of the romance. Just random prods at the fanbase with seconds-long is-she-gay-or-isn't-she moments that made it feel more like pandering/virtue-signalling than character development.

The kiss was because someone put a sticky note on the storyboard saying something like "Why not?"

That the level of effort in late AT.

It's definitely the human guy, they already set up him being sinister earlier on and he's obviously doing this to keep Finn around. It would be very out of nowhere if it was Bubblegum.

It serves to show how little the people making AT get why the show was so appealing in the first place

Muto era AT not only drops all the shit that made the show fun to begin with, it outright shits on it

Apparently if you take over a show but hate the main character the show sucks. Who'd have thought.

It could be PB spying on the humans since she likely knows how destructive they’ve been the past thousand years

Spying doesn't bring to mind "building a giant robot crab monster to attack them" and I doubt she would do it when Finn is there.
It's the human dude and he'll probably trick PB too like how he tricked Finn, triggering a conflict or something that Finn will probably solve.

These comics aren't complicated dude what you see is what you get.

>Pre war segment went on too long could have been cut and replaced with an actual fight before shit hit the right as the showdown between PB and Gumbald inevitably takes place
>Nightmare segment could have been sped up a lot if they wanted to do it
>Gumbald getting hit with retard juice by the aunt and everyone is just sort of okay with that for some reason right after he seems to redeem himself. PB seems totally fine trusting this shifty Aunt who pulled bullshit even before this for some reason too. Gumbald could have sacrificed himself with the cake mech against one of the lovecraftian beasts if they wanted to get rid of him so his arc meant something
>Finn getting pretty much sidelined and hardly doing anything despite being the main character
>HW x Finn not mentioned in any capacity despite being built up for whatever reason in the epilogue

Ultimately Finn just kind of gets fucked over. At least the comics seem to be fixing him as he is going back to his roots and actually talking about all the bullshit he has been dealing with with his mom and getting back into the adventurous / hero groove while also growing personally.

Yeah seems pretty obvious. Shame too because I would have liked to see Finn move in with the humans now that he is homeless and apparently none of the other kingdoms have bothered to offer him a place to stay for some fucking reason. At least the humans give a shit about him.

I'm curious how they'll handle Finn and the humans because even though the leader is definitely evil or whatever there are still parts of this comic where Finn seems like he would like to stay with the humans and just because their leader is a bad guy wouldn't change that.

I'm sure this arc will end with Finn and Jake still being homeless because even in post-series comics you gotta cling to that status quo like a drowning man but I have the barest hopes that they'll surprise me by having Finn stay with the humans. Would be nice, but this is AT and nice shit never happens.

I kind of hope that they discover the leader guy was pulling all that shit (and gets demoted) but Finn decides to stay with the humans anyway and act as a sort of bridge between Ooo and Humans

That's really the dream at this point, hoping for it but entirely prepared to be let down.

>>Nightmare segment could have been sped up a lot if they wanted to do it
>All that time spent on Finn's mental vault
>Flushed it down the toilet
We still don't know what PB represented there

It didn't even matter after Lolly turned Gumbald back into Punchy

is it even canon?

>punished olivia is out to set the record straight and undo the wrongs of muto-face
I heard she was pretty cool but I didn't know she was based.

I defended AT long after most people thought it had gone to shit, but apart from the humans coming to Ooo, I can't think of anything about the finale that makes it worth defending.

Muto says no, but who gives a fuck what he thinks? Even if you're somehow okay with how the show ended, it's not like there are going to be new episodes for the comics to conflict with.

there are only a few things from the finale I like as in "I like how they were handled" and not "I like the concept but they were handled like shit"
>the future stuff, especially BMO being the new King of Ooo
>the song which was nice, even if it wasn't used the best way and Sugar's demo was better
>montage and seeing so many past characters present
Uh, I guess that's it. Wow I thought I had more of these.
Yeah the finale was awful and I say this as another person who defended AT up until the final season started.

Most Sugar songs are meh to me and I'll always prefer something like House Hunting than the "omg so sad" shit shows are doing.

I liked a lot of them, though I think House Hunting is also my favorite overall.

It kept shifting between being a sentimental send-off and having the same snarky, annoyingly subversive undertone that ruined the series in the first place.

Simon overstayed his welcome. Tenfold

I was going to make a post almost identical to this in response to , glad to see I'm not the only one that sees the hilarity here. AT cannot fucking escape the cycle of people undoing the shit that came before, even after its death.

I told Yea Forums that this show was bipolar before season 1 was even over, and no one listened.

Marceline has always been a shit character.

Hoping they'll let Finn spend time with HW in the comics.

but betty isn't "under golb's control," she IS golb now, and it was central to the ethos of the finale that not everything can have a happy or ideal resolution.

I'm still mad about his claim that anything past s10 isn't canon. It means absolutely nothing in the end, but it exposes muto's true intentions with the show, like he has some seething hatred for the original fanbase or even finn himself as a result of a concotion of mental illnesses
What I'm really mad about is that he makes money off of this

Thank fuck Muto is working on his own shit instead of ruining someone else's work.

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I wonder if it will have two straight females who turn lesbo and are sealed off from the MC

Adam Muto enjoys lesbian cuckholdry too much.

The main character barely helped, they threw in the marcy/bonnie kiss out of nowhere with only hints to in the past. Despite setting up huntress wizrd as a loe interest or finn who was as hardcore and strong as him, they just sorta let that loose end lie about. THey didnt give a difinitive end to Finn and Jake's story either. Honestly They spent more time softpitching the Shermy and Beth show than they did finishing up the one they had. It's really obious that GOLB should have been left to a movie with the gum war being the final episode. But they couldn't stick to one plot and butchered all of them. The thing is adventure time became a differentshow after season5. After the farmworld plot and prismo and shit was introduced, after that arc, theseries changed and the new show was headed by new people who pretty obviously hated the main character for being a blue eyes, blond haired straight man. It's just frutrating because Finn, the main character, was just left flailing about senselesss and directionless at the end of the series.

Does the monster HAVE TO be controlled by someone? I mean, this is a fantasy world why cant it just be a monster.

Yes because Finn ain't that stronk anymore. He's just a NORMAL human boy whose prime came and went and is now just trying to figure out his place in life and overcoming the weird mental stuff he's got going on.

his prime is past? DUDE he's fucking 17-19 ATM, that IS the peak! Also FIGHTERS CAN STILL DUKE IT OUT WITH WIZARDS OF EQUAL LEVEL! He's the main character, and you can totally have a character go through mental struggles and still go on wacky adventures.

I'm surprised Olivia Olson is doing something like this, since she seemed a bit distant from the show near the end.

Doesn't sound like she's unfucking anything.

tell that to his development after season 4

Well she seems keen on shipping Marcy and PB and writing the comic. Shada's been radio silent on the show and honestly, I don't blame him.

So does this tie into the S11 comics or is this another timeline?

No one knows.
Speaking of S11, no issue this May.

Nothing, it had the best scene in all of AT

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I wonder if the writers after season 5 will find a job afterwards.


Do Finn and HW get any more screentime together in the comics?

I'm fine with them working in the industry on their own fucking show. Adventure time was supposed to be DnD the show, and after season 5 it just felt like...IDK something else alltogeather. Not a bad show, but not adventure time

yes but would you trust them with another proprety after how they managed to shit on AT? It's not like Starr, even if S3 is underwhelming you see that Nancy has a vision, and I can still trust her, what Mudo did was aki to The Last Jedi. Fuck, I'd be very, VERY cautions even if they get their own show. Like, NO twitter interaction at all.

nefcy. Fuck me.

Nothing so far but a cameo at the end of Issue 4 where she sits at the same table with Finn and the others.


Starr? Are you talking about Star vs the forces of evil? I never actaully watched it.

I've been clear I dont think what adventure time became (besides the last episode) was an okay show, it just wasn't adventure time. I'll be real I stopped watching SU after the episode where pearl build a plane because I lost cable and didn't care enough to pirate it, and that show seemed fine. I realize Rebecca mostly made music on adventure time but SU seemed good. I really think it was just that they where trying to write someone else's show. AND I couldn't give less of a fuck about twitter. Why do you retards go on fucking twitter.

finn and jake are just kinda there in the background...

I DO think what adventure time became was a good show.

and that's a bad opinion

>He doesn't like lesbians

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Not dried out old daft cunts that are smooshed together because some west coast wannabe intellectual elites stumps off to retcon scissoring, no.

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If the show started as what it was from season five onward it'd be fine. The biggest problem is that it's not adventure time and it changed as a series.

It was a robot and this is basic narrative devices that the monster who was actually a robot would be controlled by the suspicious new character introduced. It would be dumb if something that random happened with no further connection to the rest of the story.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with the monster being a robot? Man you people are so pissed at everything, I don't know why you still keep up with AT if all it does it cause you to foam at the mouth in fury,

I found the scene where Finn finally opens up about all the shit he went through with Minerva to be quite great. Doesn't mean he still wouldn't be bodied by a legit threat to Ooo nowadays. Blame the showrunners.

But that criticism has nothing to do with the monster being a robot instead of a monster, I was confused that you latched onto this unrelated comment to complain about this.
Finn slicing up a giant crab robot single-handidly shows that he's an eternal jobber? It just seemed like you're looking for anywhere to squeeze in your bitching.

Hey, you continue to bitch about valid criticisms and I'll be over here watching you foam at the mouth in fury.

It is controlled by someone or he'd get bodied. It's that simple!

>It is controlled by someone or he'd get bodied. It's that simple!
That wasn't the impression given, it was a robot but was still attacking and wasn't just "acting" like a giant killer crab.
I'm not saying there aren't legitimate problems with this shit but my God you guys are so bitter about everything. Which is fair but I'm glad I'm not at that point with AT.

Waste of trips

> it was a robot but was still attacking and wasn't just "acting" like a giant killer crab.
Think for a moment you loon. Why would the Human Leader want to hurt his own citizens and why would PB want to attack the humans knowing that she'd have to deal with Finn, Marceline, Simon and a bunch of pissed Minervabots. Both of them have nothing to gain by inflicting casualties so they scare humans so Finn would act as planned. Burst in with the bot, start shit with Finn and trigger the chain reaction.

>I'm glad I'm not at that point with AT.
well get back to your social media hugbox then

Nothing has been implied that they programmed it to not act like a monster really would though. When he killed it Finn didn't go "That was weird, it almost seemed like it wasn't trying" or something so this is just you creating things to get mad at.
>If you aren't bitter about everything you're a fag who should leave Yea Forums
Proving my point, I criticize AT when it's retarded (see 95% of the finale) but I don't pessimistically view everything that happens in the worst light possible like you do.

I’m glad you don’t have tastes so low that you like the finale, but the point still stands.

>it almost seemed like it wasn't trying"
>burst in with the bot, start shit with Finn and trigger the chain reaction

>killed it
It ran away numbnuts. You’ve shown you lack reading comprehension on two different occasions in a single post. Good job!

I read the comic once when it first came out and it's not like the plot is important enough to pay attention to all the details but I did forget Finn didn't kill it, that's a whoopsie.
Everything else I said still stands though and you're getting mad cause you want to be mad.

>”I didn’t read enough to back up my p-points but y-you mad! Haha!”
How pathetic.

My point is that you're a cynical sad sack and forgettin part of the comic ain't changing that babe ;)

>i’ll add a smiley! smileys mean I’m right
Oh goddamn hahaha. Come back when you have an actual argument instead of dissolving into shitposting because you couldn’t handle something truthful I said.


I'm willing to say I liked her early on, but it did go down hill pretty fast once the shit started.

There was at least several seasons of Marceline being entertaining and cool, I don't know what you guys are smoking

>le epic maymay

>Toph is the one who defeats Ozai.
>Katara and Suki kiss.
>Aang is forever alone and forgotten.

You mean Bubblegum.