Della Duck is a thot

Della Duck is a thot.

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>Leaves newborns behind so that she can go on an adventure
>Is her uncle's favorite
>We're supposed to feel bad for her because she can't control her destructive actions.

>TFW Della will cut off her leg
Well yeah take a look at her gender

That's a lot of gravity.

So when is it coming back?

March 9, I think.

Never bothered to check the moon I guess.

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The writers will pull some bullshit out of thin air to justify her actions and pin the blame on Scrooge and Donald. Don't kid yourself. Female Agency no longer exists in this Post-Maleficent era.

>uses gum to breathe on the moon's surface
>makes no mention of how it protects her from the absolute vacuum or the searing heat from the sun
I know it's a cartoon but it still bugs the shit out of me

Reality Ensues: Hard-core adrenaline junkies often make foolish mistakes or otherwise get themselves into trouble because they are so addicted to the rush that it clouds their common sense. They also tend to get particularly desperate for a "hit" when faced with a sudden influx of responsibility. Which is how Della got herself lost in space just before her sons were due to hatch.

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she went into a space storm right, it probably shifted her i time too

Well they already used the rocket from the Dutch story, useing the time dilation thing from it makes sense.

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Reminder that della did nothing wrong

Will this be a flashback episode?


And this refute the comments your replied because...

Except risking her life when there is 3 fatherless babies without anyone else to take care.

They're only shitting on her because she's female.

It shows she is not a horrible person.A psychiatrist may have figured out Della was likely to do something stupid.
She have Donald to take care to the point he practically and probably legally the dad and scrooge mcduck the richest duck in the world.

Any reason she can’t get help from her friend Selene.

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It's duck science, they don't gotta explain shit

She's not really a goddess, they run on MCU asgardian rules where they're just really scientifically advanced ducks that larp as gods?

Queenie-draws-stuff on tumblr

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>reeee they only say her choices were bad because muhsoggyknees


Enjoy your vacation OP.

No, we're shiting on her because she decided to go on some fucking missing while having 3 children ready to be born, making her brother give a decade of his life to raise them just so they wouldn't die due to her carelessness. We'd shit on anyone who did this, penis or vagina

Some people are complaining SJW are make it not her fault.
>Well yeah take a look at her gender
>The writers will pull some bullshit out of thin air to justify her actions and pin the blame on Scrooge and Donald. Don't kid yourself. Female Agency no longer exists in this Post-Maleficent era.

Or why the fuck she can't lift that shit off herself, and has to worry about part of the shuttle slamming down on her. Gravity on the moon is not really that big a deal.

There's a difference between shitting on her for her gender and what those comments are, thinking that she might be presented in a sympathetic light for something no one should be excused from

Nice try!

127 Hours of Della

>Della is revealed to be on the moon
>Earlier episodes had shown she was actually friends with the God of the Moon
Is this a set-up towards something or is it just a really big oversight?

But it's okay if men do it!

No, Scrooge is also a cunt too.

That would honestly be the way to do it

Have her get fucked up by her time in space, real tangible consequences BEFORE you consider the emotional ramifications

That's what's funny, everyone who's for whatever reason upset we find this shitty doesn't realize Scrooge got just as much flack from us

Donald is the only one who isn't at fault. Della and Scrooge fucked up.

Donald as always is best duck.

Looks like the episode is gonna focus entirely on Della.

If they had a episode entirely on her it and no one else it could be the absolutely best one. Sad thing is they usually have decent ideas but fail spectaculary hard at them

I think everyone here is overreacting. Della will get called out on her bullshit. The Spear of Selene made it pretty clear she was in the wrong.

No i dont think you would have shitted on the father if the roles were reversed

Show me a single post in the history of humanity praising the nephews' father. I'll wait.

>They miss every post where we call whoever the father could be shit for not even being around
>They missed the posts where we shitted on Scrooge for his part in this accident
Yeah nah you're very off from the truth. Sorry but it doesn't fit your narrative

You know it's not about the morality of her actions but how little I'm invested her actions.