Are critics more strict on Steven Universe because the creator is queer?
Are critics more strict on Steven Universe because the creator is queer?

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Other urls found in this thread:

put this fact inside your thick skull once and for all: homosexuality is a sin

Sin is as much a social construct as gender

She’s a fake lesbo. She’s been with Tyrone for years.

The guy that has to tell people he didn't go to calarts?

your point? she’s still being stretched out and seeded twice a day by him.

You mean fertilized

got it backwards, they are more loose because the creator is queer

critics are far more lenient on SU because of the queer agenda

>social contruct

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What about fanbase critics like Lily Orchard?

tyrone is a cuck who dates a dyke

>not a social construct

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it's not criticized more than other cartoons because the show is queer, the show gets overrated because it panders to queer people, and the undeserved level of praise the show gets is what causes it to get more criticized

work on your shitposting, you can't pretend to believe something that stupid and think anyone will take the bait, it has to be somewhat believable.
lurk moar you'll get the hang of it

it's true though. Even the most homosexual faggot knows he's a male. tulpa sex is just mental illness, like the voices in the head of a schyzo.

>broad fucking a man
>broad who has only ever fucked men
>thinks it's meaningful that she's gotten tingly while watching Sailor Moon
Bisexual women are a meme.

Oh come on, he looks like a stuffed bear outside of a fucking Chocolate Factory outlet.
Don't frame him as some god damn mandingo, that's simply dishonest.

She's literally not gay at all. All a facade.


um excuse me she's nonbinary

Sugar is not queer really, it's CN's advertisement, an image to promote the show as a gay thing cause gay today is an equivalent to money and attention cause it's "progressive". She's married to Ian
Lauren Zuke said Lauren herself was the only one interested in gay thing in the crew, nobody else

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>Bi erasure
I guess some things never change

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>cuM in the URL


That's true but Sugar wasn't queer, gay, or anything else until the show couldn't sell merchandise and then CartoonNetwork got "diverse". It's her work to pretend to be a faggot

I'm pretty sure she was vocal about her sexuality online before she started working on SU.

Yes. A lot of SU critics on YouTube at least tend to be alt right borderline nazis who screech about how "DIVERSITY IS RUINING MUH FAMILY FRIENDLY CHRISTIAN CARTOONS!" because a lot of them are homophobes in denial so they proceed to find problems with it to justify their bigotry.

Bi is your way to skip a bullet when everybody finds out you're married. She was not interested in that shit really and Steven Universe wasn't gay in the beginning, this show was turned into a gay thing but it wasn't supposed to be like that

God doesn't exist retard

>welcome to nightvale

is this exclusively popular among young women?

>Steven Universe wasn't gay in the beginning
Steven Universe was always gay you fucking faggot

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>Even the most homosexual faggot knows he's a male.
How many "homosexual faggots" do you actually know, honestly?
Honestly. And I mean ones you consort with as friends. Not one in your class at uni, or one you knew existed around you at a Starbucks or something.

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perfect example of the tumblrina delusions prevalent in the su fanbase

KEK, silly user. Rebecca was never gay but because of that bullshit the network made up retarded teenagers call her "brave" cause she got an ugly haircut. You become gay if you hair is short and that is it. Kat looks like a baby Sugar now

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She's a fucking hettie, and her show has a male MC, so I'm surprised people fall for her fake-feminist schtick. Especially when better shows made by actual gays exist.

lauren only said that because she was a fucking insane shipper and everyone else was probably telling her to tone it down

>Bisexual women are a meme.
No, they aren't.

>Rebecca was never gay
Don't you remember Pug Davis?

t. "bi" roastie

>posting with saged as the name
>"b-but muh god said--" meme
i can only hope you're doing this ironically

It sounds like you just don't know what feminism is.

I'm gonna to assume you don't know about Lauren Zuke. Zuke was a writer and a boarder who created Lapidot and Amedot she was fired because of that cause Sugar didn't want her queer bullshit in the show really. Zuke sad she was alone, that nobody in the crew cared Sugar included. Whenever you see a Lapidot moment or an Amedot moment it was included cause Lauren wanted and you know, queerbaiting. But those thing weren't going to get anywhere, Sugar was going to uproot and destroy those ships Lauren had pushed. Lauren had a special hate for Steven/Peridot so whenever the script was about Steven giving gifts to Peridot Lauren found a way to "destroy" that gift (recorder, tablet)

>muh zuke
>muh lapidot
stop pushing the blame faggot

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Sorry Becky, I guess your bf will have to console you.

>Ian left
>show goes to the shitter
not even surprised the only defense of everything after s2 is "But user! its progressive so is the best show ever!!"

No, she gets unwarranted praise because of it, and free publicity.

Do you remember Adventure time? She shipped Marceline and Finn, in fact, an user made an interesting analysis. Sugar always writes the same story: a princess and man who fights for her. It's normal, her favorite princess is Jasmine

Have you watched Hotel Transylvania? same story

You didn't answer my question

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Who is "critics"?

Do you mean the retarded, zero-skills hacks who got popular on Youtube because they posted the most videos and therefore ran the most ads for the platform? Because if so, they will say literally fucking anything. Youtube will FIND a critic that agrees with your stupid point of view and encourage you to watch all of their videos with high retention time.

As a rule, NONE of them know anything. They usually aren't even doing a critique. It's more like a stream-of-consciousness commentary they came up with in less than a week.

retarded user, those are the well-known facts, Sugar has never been really gay, it's bullshit she says cause CN wants. She doesn't give a damn and that's good

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I'm going to start saving images of her. It's like throwing a chair or some shit if you post her.

It's true, he looks like his favorite band is Fall Out Boy.

This is the exact shit that Lily would spout, so you're the true tumblrite

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I'm gonna answer you with a number: 8
8 years she has been with the same man. Think user

SU wasn't a gay story, that shit began a while after

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Pug Davis was released 9 years ago so you didn't even get that right

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...You're kind of funny when you want to, go back home, tumblr won't be the same shit without you

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nobody is at tumblr anymore
that's why people like you are infesting this board

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in first place Ian said 8 years, 2 years ago

I don't give a shit if they're gay or not, they act like a faggot so I hate them. I've never met a tolerable faggot.
This show is shit, cheap, and melodramatic. The writers should kill themselves.

So that's ten years.
Pug Davis was released in 2010 so I guess you have something

>She shipped Marceline and Finn
No. she shipped Finn and Flame Princess.

>there's nothing wrong with being ga-

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the faggot claiming queer shit wants to say somebody else came from tumblr

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Ah, now you're speaking in third person

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in a lot of ways I feel like Tumblr's ahead of us at our stage.
Like all of our jannies are ethnic ass bandits and meanwhile Tumblr banned all porn and homosexuality.
It's kinda like when democrats and republicans totally flipped positions.

she looks like that bf guy from Zoe 101

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>Sarah Z

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You have had this discussion before and the anons explained you Marcy was clearly a love interest for Finn and Sugar did ship them, Flame was created after copying the background Sugar had created for Marcy already. Marcy's dad is Sugar's character surprisingly, though she didn't get the credit, she repeats the same character and his relationship with her daughter at least 2 times more

>the anons explained
and the anons are always right?

nope, when (you) is the "user" user is always wrong

So the anons are always wrong?

>slippery slope fallacy
/pol/ can't cope

(you) user KEK

nigga we're all user

>le fallacy XD
Sure zoomer. That's why a fag can fake a hate crime and get overwhelming support.

nah, I'm not interested in homos, on the other had you are their white knight

well I've never had an encounter with someone so devoid of intellectual matter


Who fingered your asshole user?

yes, (Me).
(All of us), in fact.

Mentioning typing mistakes when you don't have arguments. Childish like tumblr and reddit

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Not an argument.

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I'm not the one using reddit spacing

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wrong gif

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Neither is >durr gays is bad

I just stated that gays are bullying everyone with their MUH RIGHTS bullshit retard.

>He doesn't understand what is reddit spacing

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>doesn't understand what is


This thread's going nowhere

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There you have Yea Forums


user, I'm gonna leave you alone, think about what you did

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>Adventure Time gif
refer to


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I don't think a single person in this fucking thread even watched the video.

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STFU and stop your autistic samefagging in every AT or SU related thread spikeanon


Not him but you need to be more original user

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I'd be disappointed if they did

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Man, what does queer even mean anymore? Used to mean gay/lesbian/MAYBE bi. Then being trans also makes you queer. Sure, fine. But now "queer" just means "different from the norm" in such an ambiguous way that I see straight white men calling themselves queer.

I see motherfucking straight cis people calling themselves queer now. Like, what the fuck? Can anyone just call themselves queer for liberal brownie points by saying "I use they/them pronouns" and that's it?

"Gender non-conforming" or "non-binary" is the weakest shit of all time. Gay/Lesbians have social stigmas out the ass and are despised and villified by large swaths of the country. Trans folk have it even worse ontop of being born as something that will most likely result to suicide/depression.

But non-binary? That's just shit regular ass heteronormative fuckers call themselves to be part of the oppressed crowd while not actually being oppressed in any way. Bullshit right there.

>not him

FP was created because young PB had to be aged back up because of the renewal (for Bubbline? We’ll never know)

Marcy was never an intended love interest


>Marcy was never an intended love interest

>Implying to think Rupphire haters ship Pinecest

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I hate that these freaks have memed terms like these into common parlance.

As someone who never watch Gravity Falls when it was at it's peak I distinctly remember everyone criticizing the episodes, characters and it's finale when it came out.
If I had to guess, the difference between GF and SU is that GF ended earlier than SU did, so criticism never really had a chance to pile up like it did for SU. Had GF went on longer, or SU ended earlier, I'm sure you'd find they have equal amounts of criticism.

>Implying to think
learn use words more betterer, user

If Pen Ward continued to helm his own show, Finn/Princess Bubblegum would've likely been endgame (or the as close to endgame as the standards would've let them)

A faggot

Well that's a regional dialect

Pen is against that user, a love interest is what the character was in essence

>Pen is against that user


Ah, a fellow albany user

WTF is this faggot saying?

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Watching the video, it seems like she thinks all the criticism of the show boils down to simply the relationship of the queer characters, when in reality it most of the criticism comes down to the pacing, scheduling, and plot.
I don't think most people criticize Ruby and Shap's relationship because they think it's unhealthy, but because Garnet started to become the 'fusion guru' and the writing for her character started becoming stale compared to the other Gems/Steven.

I'm nonbinary and I'm not OK and I'm never going to be OK, so I roll with the fact that I look like a man, have a penis, and want to fuck women. It's convenient but not pleasant. I don't expect people to understand what the fuck is wrong with me, so I don't bother anyone about it, but you can fuck off with pretending to know more about it than people who actually suffer from it. What makes you qualified to speak on this subject?

Ian always looks like he's perpetually afflicted with the mumps

This thread is tumblr

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Hey man, this user is asking for a date

Ian seems like a great guy to be honest.

nah nigga I'm from here, been here longer than you and I'll still be here after you leave

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Posting social media screen shots, YouTube ‘reviewers’ and Internet personalities should be banned on site.

The fuck does nonbinary mean.

Nothing. Precisely nothing. It's a word that quite literally is superceded by the word 'nothing'

Holy fuck if this isn't ironic
You sound absolutely insufferable and like you've spent way too much time in hugbox environments. Do you bitch about this stuff to your queer friends too?

Googled it for you.

>Genderqueer, also known as non-binary, is a catch-all category for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine—identities which are outside the gender binary and cisnormativity. Genderqueer people may express a combination of masculinity and femininity, or neither, in their gender expression.

>gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine
How autistic do you have to be to think genders are strictly defined?

Special snowflake who isn’t a guy or a girl, or anywhere on the spectrum.

>not defining gender by societal norms despite encouraging the deconstruction of said norms


it means faggot

there are some creepy stuff in here...

Considering a large amount of people in this thread are claiming that Sugar is just faking queerness, that kinda supports the points in the video. Everyone is being more critical because they believe what she is doing isn’t genuine, causing her work to be claimed as being diverse to be more popular etc. This wouldn’t be brought up as much had she never made any statements about her identity or gender.

Buddy, you're ok. It's just shit like this thread and other webistes and an imaginary conflict among groups of computer nerds that make you feel like there's a problem. Or something else in your life maybe, I know I'm assuming.

I'm sure some of the replies in this thread pissed you off, but I dunno, close the computer and take a deep breath. What you think isnt ok probably is. Nobody can take away the person you are, but maybe it doesnt need a new label or an old label. What would you call a rose? who cares, what does it smell like?

Always remember; we’re all just a bunch of faggots yelling about children cartoons, were equally gay dumbasses so hopefully you don’t let that shit get to you

>his show is so fucking awful it can be dismantled by midwit youtubers
Ayy lmao

>creator is queer
I'm pretty sure she's non binary.

So she's stupid?

queer is an umbrella term for going outside of gender and heterosexuality norms

a straight tomboy can be considered a bit queer.

Who decides on gender and heterosexuality norms? Was there a council?

society is the council.

we live in a queer society.
Go back 30 years and gender expectations were more ridged.

so i find the gays are still oppressed in the west narrative total bulshit.

>society is the council
So no one decided? Or it's up to individual interpretation, making the word meaningless.

What a stupid word.

but individual interpretation is based on what society agrees on as a whole...

maybe because you are autistic you dont understand abstract concepts such as the cultural zeitgeist

That's not true at all? Individual interpretation in this instance would be seeing what you think society says through your own lens. If I spent forever on Yea Forums I wouldn't see the same as if I went to church on Sundays. If I wanted to play a victim I wouldn't see the same as if I was desperate to be normal.

If anyone that doesn't fit into two undefined boxes is queer that makes everyone queer since no one knows what the boxes are and everyone will have something that doesn't fit even if you knew what the criteria were. It's like playing musical chairs except you don't know what a chair is, there's no music, and you don't have knees to sit with anyway.

When I was in undergrad, black students were completely oblivious to the fact that they were playing in a separate, much more softball kind of league than every other student. Exceptions were constantly made for them and professors passed every lazy underachiever willing to give a racially-based sob story.
When I was in grad school, black students were elevated at every opportunity under the assumption that their race gave them special qualifications that their general incompetence and outright resentment of thoroughness and detail. Outright stupidity was treated as brave cultural insights, and entitlement as wokeness.
In the time since I've started operating as a professional in the big harsh world everyone told you was supposed to punish the stupid and reward effort, I still haven't seen any change at all in how blacks are treated. Their every effort is applauded and every fuck up ignored. This applies to a lesser extent to gays and other "marginalized" groups. It's amazing how they can preach about white privilege being invisible to white people and still be so oblivious to the fact that literally every facet of society is constantly laboring away at babysitting and appeasing them.

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Yeah, and it had a gay as a protag. Sucrose is a regular old fujoshit. She also drew EEnE smut.

and hereI thought people were exaggerating the white victim complex and this user had to drop this shit on me.

Yes, fat nerds, usually are homofobics, cause it hurts too mutch know that queer people is loving themselfs and enjoying being themselfs, things that fat nerd incels can't do

Yeah, I mean why would anybody lie on the internet?

Honestly it could easily be any female animation artist in California since they're hopping on this trend now

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>But now "queer" just means "different from the norm"
Well that is what the word literally meant before getting tied to sexuality

Non-binary isn't a way of being oppressed, it actually escapes it. Like if trannies called themselves non-binary they can shrug off any misgendering.

>sin is a social construct

And yet the penalties for committing it are apparent for all to see.

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So you're saying it's not?

the gay guy was the sidekick you fuck

Look at all that grey hair

Based and redpilled