Usagi Yojimbo moving to IDW
I guess they only have Hellboy and Berserk now
Darrow and Miller seem to have a special preference for them although I don't know how much money Shaolin Cowboy actually makes. And Xerex didn't seem to blew up the charts.
I hope DH puts out Bourbon Thret and a couple more Moebius volumes before they croak, that's all I ask
In the next 2 years Hellboy will either move to its own imprint under DC or Image. Dark Horse is kill.
>color reprints from the beginning
fuck this shit
I've been out of the loop what else has been part of the exodus?
Fantagraphics Usagi was always the best anyway.
Conan to Marvel
Whedonverse to IDW
Kindt to Boom too I think
Man do people even read those whedon things? And what did kindt have besides like 1 dept H?
Buffy to Boom
>Man do people even read those whedon things?
Yes. It sold well for them.
whedonverse sold surprisingly well.
kindt had 6+ books on DH
Yikes what about black hammer? Is that still going?
Why move from a ship with a leak heading to port to the fucking titanic
So what happens to DH saga books? Do they finish JP their run?
I don't think they owned Usagi in the first place, I'm pretty sure it's a creator-owned series.
Is IDW in trouble?
Well shit, those DH Saga collection were near perfect and Sakai work always looked better in black and white.
Looks like Vol 8 will be the last saga edition and it leaves two volumes of the DH stuff out
Speaking of Darkhorse, any news on the ARMS graphic novel? It was supposed to come out last month but there's nothing but silence on it.
Where have you been? IDW almost killed themselves several times since 2017. The G.I. Joe/Sitterson thing, high-ups leaving after shit (more shit than normal) sales numbers. There are a few other things, but those were the ones I remember.
I don't follow IDW. Honestly the only thing I know they do is TMNT.
Why is all this shit even happening to Dark Horse?
I don't think it will go to DC with all the upheaval they've been going through, it doesn't look like an appealing place for creator owned work anymore.
Reading about the GI Joe thing it seems like some shit writer got a hold of the series and his book got canned. How's that a killing move? Most of the comments seem like no one liked the book. Seems like a good thing happened.
That's what I want to know too.
Bad luck and bad decisions.
Could that be the only reason why Stan chose IDW? Usagi and turtle bros under one roof again.
Or maybe IDW offers higher royalties...
What now?
Seems like Marvel and IDW is spitroasting Dark Horse quite good.
Maybe Nintendo ditched them too
Jedi kills Usagi for identifying people with the wrong pronouns and Gen realizes he’s a women
So what properties do they have left?
Comics wise there's Hellboy and Black Hammer. There's other comics but those are the only 2 that have been able to sustain spinoffs in recent years. The Umbrella Academy got a big boost in awareness recently so there's that too. I guess there's also that superhero line of comics but no one gives a shit about those.
In terms of (comics) licenses there's Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Stranger Things, Halo, Tomb Raider, Starcraft, God of War, Call of Duty, The Witcher, Dragon Age, and some other miscellaneous shit.
You do realize Usagi Yojimbo is a creator owned series, right?
>and Sakai work always looked better in black and white.
100% true
It also won't go to DC because Mike Mignola had some sort of grudge against Bob Harras from back in the 90's.
Yeah but it’s IDW they drunk the koolaid years ago before driving into a wall
Yeah there fucked unless the new hellboy pulls through
Very true Usagi won’t be nearly as good if it’s color
Sitterson doesn't even write the main book, Hama does.
How is the publisher relevant to a CREATOR OWNED SERIES? Are you literally retarded?
Yeah he was writing a worse Transformers/GI Joe crossover than Scioli had just done.
It wasn't good enough to attract new readers, and the writing and art were too off putting to the long time crowd so it died.
>Hellboy is ending soon
>Goon is published by Albatross
>Now this
Jesus, Dark Horse must be getting ready to close up shop soon.
Hm, makes sense. Probably get lots more TMNT crossovers now.
Poor Dark Horse.
>ending soon
Yeah already said once Devil You Know ends they'll keep doing Hellboy and the BPRD plus other spinoffs
We're getting another Hellboy in Mexico one shot featuring Lucha Lobster Johnson
Sure, spinoffs, but the main story will be finished.
Guess that's why Oh My Goddess omnibus 7 didn't come out.
guess i'm done reading usagi
You obviously never liked the comic in the first place
Not the first time UY is changing publisher. Title will stay the same.
The only Transformers stuff that Sitterson wrote was Skywarp being in his books. One character.
Scioli's GI Joe/TF book was fucking amazing.
This certainly isn't good for Dark Horse, but you assholes all undervalue how many artbooks DH gets out to retail stores.
Why would IDW or Dark Horse own the royalties of a tutlenSakai owns?
Bobby Curnow, editor of tmnt, will be the editor of Usagi as well.
Oh great DH is in death row... again
On a book like Usagi, what does an editor do? Really just check the spelling and offer some advice now and then I guess.
i hope we get black and white reprints too
Main universe hellboy is over in like 2 months.
All they're doing is filling in timeline gaps with mediocre stories.
Are they literally EXPECTING Dark Horse to go out of business at this point?
Cartoon when? I need more animated catgirls.
Annoying. IDW's colletions are pricier than normal while DH's are cheaper.
On the upside, if IDW sinks then Stan can just go somewhere else. He's very staunch about retaining the rights to UY where as Laird and Eastman sold out hard and... Now are probably ridiculously rich and married to porn mag models.
There was only one way an interaction between a horse and Usagi could end.
Having some personal ties to Dark Horse and some of the people who work there, it makes me sad to see it going in this direction.
I suppose we'll know for sure if they give up their prime placement spot at SDCC.
If Stan wants to work without an editor he can go to Marvel
I hope they do some more Moebius books before shit hits the fan, there was no ad for new ones in the last volume so I'm concerned.
>Make changes or we won't publish you.
I'm sure Stan Sakai could get published by whomever the fuck he wanted. This isn't some no name fuck getting their first story out there.
I'm sure he'll manage but owner created doesn't mean absolutely free to do whatever the creator wants either.
>forgetting Empowered
We all try to
IDW and Dark Horse don't work like Image
Why would he ever sign a contract that has him do this? Do you think Stan Sakai is as stupid as you?
>owner created doesn't mean absolutely free to do whatever the creator wants either
Says who? Do you have any examples?
Yeah, but it was certainly one of their most recognizable series.
Not him, but the creator owned thing is mostly about credit and payments. You own your characters and you get paid accordingly. Creator owned companies still have editors to prevent authors from going full retard in their stories, there isn't complete creative freedom.
Again, any proof whatsoever of this?
in the big Usagi/Sakai celebration issue Dark Horse did for their 100th issue there was a segment written by his editor basically stating that editing Usagi was a dream assignment, only ever had to send a script back to add punctuation or something
RIP Dark Horse.
Few weeks ago I saw that upcoming releases for Usagi up till June include only the 8th Saga book and The Hidden trade paperback and I immediately knew something is up. And now the cat is out of the bag.
After I buy those last two DH books I'll be up to date with my Usagi collection, but the fact that IDW will release old issues in color (and their run will be in color as well) is seriously testing my resolve. If it's Luth, I might buy the color version too. If not, well... depends on the quality.
I hope more of the new issues are in B&W than in color. Color specials are ok, but Usagi is much better without color.
You're probably thinking Vertigo type of creator-owned comics
I agree but an issue now and then yokai style coloring would be cool.
>And what did kindt have besides like 1 dept H?