>mfw 3 billion
>mfw 98% at RT
>mfw she kills Thanus
Mfw 3 billion
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can't you at least wait until the movie comes out before making a million threads?
yas queen slay
Great thread Yea Forums, you've done it again
>Mfw this film has gotten more shilling than any marvel movie before it.
Endgame will make 3 billion, i can actually see that
>yfw its all just brie shitposting
she knows her way around the internet. honestly i wouldn't be half surprised if she shills her movie here or shitposts about it at the same time.
stick it in your Thanus
sure thing, mr accountant.
"Infinity War" barely, barely made 2.
thats the face of someone who just learned what anal sex is
>mfw I realize I wasted 10 years watching Marvel movies just for it to lead to this
I hate to break it to you, but your life was a waste even if you didn't watch Marvel movies.
>mfw she kills Theanus
True but I'm too much of a coward to kill myself so I'm just waiting to die at this point.
>mfw she kills Thanus
With her Panus?
>Based Marvel has 3 billion dollar movies in one year
>DCrap couldn't hit a billion this year if they added the total gross of their 3 garbage movies together
Faggot! Don't rub it in.
Hey, at least they started promoting Shazam!
Look you got a billboard and everything
She's not going to directly kill him, but it's gonna be made completely evident that it wouldn't been possible without her.
>she kills Thanus
Nah, Thanos can beat her just by giving her his phone number.
>what was Aquaman
A DC movie released last year you fucking DC retard
>screencapping twitter posts
A movie that's even more overrated than Black Panther.
Thor, Black Panther, Lord of the Rings and a bottle of piss in a blender.
>Thanos summons a wave of TSA agents
>Carol drowned in a sea of dicks
eat the disk
Good thing marketing budgets are never revealed
I don't believe this happened. TSA agents are such dead-inside robots that they see any kind of human connection as nothing.
Yikes! How embarrassing for DC and anyone stupid enough to still be a fan.
95% chance she just made it up for social media points
perhaps he felt a connection to another NPC
At first I thought it was baiting and nitpicking when people were criticizing her feet, but hot damn that's bad.
I don't care if you're male or female, whatever, that's pretty gross and if you're a celebrity you should expect the public to call you out. Why didn't she just wear shoes or something? That would've passed as a "strong female" statement about high heels.
Does anyone have that image that shows how expectations for this movie keep dropping until that one guy says "Captain Marvel doesn't have to prove a damn thing!"
Impossible. I just saw a documentary about them the other day and they were anything but
She's not strong or powerful, she got to where she was by blowing somebody and then lucking into an acting gig, she's not Christian fucking Bale, christ.
You really think someone would do such a thing? Just lie about being oppressed for personal gain?
Pretty sure you mean Darksteed, Chief.
I don't see it getting that much more than Infinity War.
RIP Carol
If one of these movies was gonna flop, it would’ve happened by now, probably with either GotG or Black Panther. Fact of the matter is that Marvel invariably gets butts in seats.
Joe Rogan dont know who you are
WOW! I mean who needs a trailer when you've got a DLC character for a mobile game
nah, it will probably happen with the worst one with a lead no one likes
With pleasure... N
Friendly reminder that until Wonder Woman, female led superhero movies have mostly been flops at the box office. I’d almost describe it as box office poison.
>Supergirl- first female led movie. Ridiculed by critics. Christopher Reeves Superman tie in.
Lost 20.3 million.
>Barb Wire- Not even Pamela Anderson’s sex appeal could save it.
Lost 5.2 at box office.
>Tank Girl- Cult following maybe. Success? No. Feminism? Supposedly.
19 million in losses.
>Catwoman- Remember Haley Berry? Remember how awful that was?
Lost 17.9 million.
The only other successful ones (if one can call it that) are The Powerpuff Girls Movie, and Elektra. And even these didn’t make it over the 7/10 mark. But as I’ve said before, it’s just a friendly reminder. A record of 3/7 is pretty terrible.
>I wasted 10 years watching Marvel movies just for it to lead to this
I saw GotG 1 and the raimi trilogy and avoided the rest as well as all the DC movies. Hope you're smarter now but I doubt it.
because they sucked
>Look whose brain gets roasted by Superman's heat rays, kids!
>are The Powerpuff Girls Movie,
Made 16mil WW off an 11mil budget. That lost money as well. Elektra made 56m off a 43m budget so that also lost money. So far it's just Wonder Woman
>yfw WB is holding back on releasing the trailer so theaters play it before every showing of Captain Marvel
You wasted your life watching Marvel movies
Not a DC fanboy, but that'd be kino.
>a movie can't do well unless it doubles its budget using advertising
The most marvelfriend post in this thread
>where it'll be promptly forgotten since it's playing next to the 2nd Endgame trailer
Shazam will be a hit
And no one will remember because the Endgame trailer came on right before and that's all anyone can think about
>Shazam will be shit
Imagine being this threatened by little old Billy
>Supreme Intelligence: You struggle with your emotions
>Carol: :I
This film just keeps looking worse and worse
The only people threatened by that piece of shit is WB
I'd orgasm right then and there. Bless.
>creating a subconscious association between Shazam and Endgame in people's minds isn't a good thing
Its basic bitch bait and shitposting lol
>Just Say The Word
Can we just get back to good movies pls, enough of these agenda films just to make [insert insecure minority group here] feel less insecure.
Shazam will be a critical and commercial success and there's nothing you can do about it
No, apparently we can't
DC bout to get dabbed on! Aquaman was a fluke. It wont happen again.
It looks like a show on the CW tbqh lmao
A fluke? that didn't even have the critics 100% behind it and still succeeded? kek when Bats and Supes actually get a good movie. RIP.
Spiderman, Marvel's biggest hero. Couldn't outgross DC's most malligned, Aquaman kek.
She still doesn't have a penis tho.
Aquaman is WB performing a pretty much par for the modern Superhero movie, just like Skwad and Wonder Woman.
The big difference for Aquaman is China pumping triple money into it because it's directed by one of them.
As long as Snyder is kept to some meaningless back-office role I expect WB/DC to keep going at about this level. Shazam may be their Ant-Man tho. Just a bit TOO family friendly.
But your ass will still look like this.
>Aquaman but making as much money on China as Wonder Woman = 930 million
How many solo Marvel movies have done over 900 million, if it's so "par for the modern superhero movie"?
Watch Ragnarok, GotG2 and Ragnarok again.
Fun fact: Billy has been called Shazam for longer than Carol has been called Captain Marvel
would still eat
Motion picture version
If you're on a diet, sure.
Post yfw she ends up being the one to finally say Avengers Assemble.
I'd like a download link please
For research
Setting aside Infinity War for obvious reasons, Disney had two non-Avengers superhero movies make Aquaman money last year.
You're not one of those idiots who compares back to First Avenger or Batman Begins like that has any relevancy? This snowball of superhero cash has continued to pick up steam as it goes.
That's why BvS was considered a relative disappointment, when it would have been thought of as huge 5 years before, because the expected performance by that time was AoU/Civil War.
I'm surprised that white women nowadays are catching shit for having flat or small butts. I never had the opportunity to see many white women until I went to undergrad and grad school, so I just assumed that was just the typical white female ass by watching TV and movies up until then. It didn't help that the "does this make my butt look big" jokes made me think that white girls and guys preferred small or flat butts like Brie Larson's.
>bodyshaming Larson just like with Gadot
>WW becomes a runaway success
you're just fulfilling the prophecy.
>most ridiculed DC character
>btfos half of Marvels roster
Don't be underestimating the Shazam.
Aquaman made me realize I was more of a DC fan, his world alone was more interesting than all the shit Marvel has given us. Idunno even when we're taken to space, Marvel worlds still feel like everyone is from New York lmao
Gadot was told she wasn't muscular nor big enough for the role. And she wasn't and still isn't.
>DCfags get uppity because aquabland made money
no loyalty to hack snyder, huh?
When did New 52 start and when did KSD's Captain Marvel run start?
that was the case up until like, the end of the 90s. asses were considered fat, tits were slutty.
>New 52
>KSD's Captain Marvel
2012, but Carol was first called Captain Marvel in 2005.
Blessed chadzam posters.
Still waiting the moment carol fags start to enjoy their anger.
Ahem, who was WW? BvS was a critical flop and still btfo'd most of Marvel's roster....just imagine when the most popular heroes in the world get a hit.
>his world alone was more interesting than all the shit Marvel has given us
Then enjoy the endless spinoffs dumbass
don't mind me if I do!
DC/WB have been using their A-Listers from the get-go, characters that have been popular and pervasive in the public's mind, even if it was in a relatively negative context like Aquaman, for more than half a century. The MCU started with characters they had to scrape out of the sides and bottom of the barrel and turned them into household names in the span of a decade.
Captain America & Ironman, the rest are still nobodies worldwide.
everybody loves the hammer guy
>Captain America & Ironman
Stop being thick, they have never been nearly as popular or iconic as Superman or Batman until a decade ago. Nowadays I see more Captain America's shield worn on shirts and backpacks than I do Superman's.
>the rest are still nobodies worldwide
[citation needed]
The myth of him is bigger worldwide than the actual character. And he a joke in his films, one of the few superheroes who couldn't even defeat his own villain or save his home kek. Lets hope the God of War version of Thor isn't such a puss.
He's really suggesting Captain is bigger than Supes or Bats. The two characters to this day have the most comic sales and worldwide recognition KEK. Mother fuckers design characters and films around them. Their origin stories alone known by all, legendary in pop culture and inspire countless ripoffs. Let me know when the same happens for Cap.
Marvel films themselves referenced Superman. No DC movie's gonna reference Thor or Ironman lol
>how can you fuck up a batman and superman movie?
How much do you bet you are just an other youtuber inflating numbers so that when the movie gets a 75% And 600 million you are gonna yell Epic fail Brie lost 2 billion sjw RekT
Gee i wonder how he couldn't kill death
Well, you Thor fanboys always gas him the hell up. Thor would straight murder Supes! he ain't nothing for Thor! shit I expect that fucker to be Super saiyan god. Can't even beat his own sister, and throws weak punches to thanos. Doomsday would have tossed his salad all up and down the street let alone supes.
Black Panther is now ingrained in black pop culture
Operation MAD
The week before Captain Marvel comes out will be the release of the latest Tyler Perry Madea movie. Madea will likely not be some huge blockbuster, but now analysts are saying Captain Marvel might not even hit a 100 mil opening - very low by Marvel standards
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to not see Captain Marvel on its release week and instead buy tickets for Madea. You don't even have to go see Madea, just help artificially inflate its box office
If enough fags do this so that Madea on its second week can stump Marvel on its first, the media will have a shitfit
I would still go to town on that
>Aquaman is WB performing a pretty much par for the modern Superhero movie
Lol no. If you take away Aquaman's china box office it's still at 837m and if you take away the china Box office for other modern superheros like Homecoming and Ragnarok they would be in the 700m's (741 for Ragnarok. 764 Homecoming) You take away the China bucks and Ant-Man and wasp made 501m, worse than Venom's 583.
>Then enjoy the endless spinoffs dumbass
I am honestly more intrigued by the Trench movie than Black Widow, The Eternal's or Shang Chi
>Marvel films themselves referenced Superman
You know who else they referenced? Shazam
I will mofo, call me when Marvel gets around to X-men, done with these scrub no-names.
Checked and keked
>Watch Ragnarok
Ah yes everyone remembers Marvels “bottom of the barrel” heroes Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. Thank god you didn’t go wide enough with your bullshit assumption or you’d have to convince everyone here that no one knew who Spider-Man or the X-men were.
Brie Larson has killed my interest in this film. Such an awful casting choice.
Carol is a hardcore military bitch...Brie Larson is soft as fuck
>Carol is a hardcore military bitch
She's a fascist
Meih furhur!
Obviously, this movie will do well regardless, but it still looks like a really mediocre film. Maybe pushing her and the Captain Marvel property as the flagship Marvel franchise wasn't such a good idea.
>Ah yes everyone remembers Marvels “bottom of the barrel” heroes Iron Man, Captain America and Thor.
They've taken a backseat to the likes of the X-Men since the mid-80s an even into the mid-aughts, and were still overshadowed by the likes of Superman and Batman before that. Captain America was big during World War 2 and a few decades after, but he was never as popular as a draw or pervasive in the public's eye as Superman for the longest time, Iron Man even less so, and Thor was still largely remembered as a pagan god wielding a gimped hammer.
>Thank god you didn’t go wide enough with your bullshit assumption or you’d have to convince everyone here that no one knew who Spider-Man or the X-men were.
Retard, I said the MCU, the X-Men aren't involved in that and started their universe when they were still the hottest kids on the block, Spider-Man is only on loan from Sony, and the Avengers core characters have been doing fine well before he came along.
Any yokel for the longest period of time could point as Superman's shield and identify it as Superman's. You'd have far less success with someone trying to even name drop Captain America just by looking at his shield, much less to someone outside of the US. The Guardians of the Galaxy weren't big with people who read comics, more people probably knew about Atom Ant than Ant-Man, and more people knew and cared about the fucking Dr. Strangelove movie more than Dr. Strange.
No shit, Kree are space militaristic angry fascists. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Carol ends up becoming their YasssssQueen and finishes the Skrull genocide.
I would even say personality wise she fits more with the Kree than Mar-Vell who was really an odd duck among them and a softie despite the fact that he had some of his own Kree tendencies.
She doesn't take care of her feet, what makes you think her ass is clean?
Mods: Petition to send all foot fetishist posts to where they belong ().
And take the extra Carol threads while you're at it.
Carol is on topic, Yea Forums and feet threads aren't.
Captain Marvel will probably be the one to save Tony from space.