ITT: funny comics

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Other urls found in this thread:

Basically anything and everything commissioned by Murrlogic

>uglier than me
>that right one


Why the fuck do the mods permit these threads, they're just thinnly-veiled excuses to bicker about politics and other off-topic crap.

Yeah, if this comic had a fandom all the women would love the attractive villain on the right and ignore the forgettable heroine.

>Using male-imposed standards of beauty
Ummmmmmm sexist much?

Also, where the fuck would you find a villain that looks like the one on the left? Certainly not in anything made in the last twenty years.

back in my day we called these lol threads

Think the panel is just poorly worded. It should be "either uglier than me or do not fit current gender norms!"
Of course at some point current gender norms were actual equality and ugliness is always bad, at which point a comic like this falls flat on its face anyway.

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>Fuck being accepted by society and liking things the vast majority of my gender likes
>Everyone should be a freak with nothing in common

how do these walking trashbags make it past 16

lol, what harmful bullshit.

>shitting on based dahl

You and the rest of /pol/ can fuck off along with Yea Forumsmblr.

Why can't people just be useful and human? Just do there jobs and find ways to be happy without causing problems?

>"Ow, fuck!" - Dahl's last words

What did he mean by this?

what the fuck that actually was his last words

Someone's gotta be the village whore for desperate men.

But it's awful. People aren't actually pretty or ugly based on their morality. If some dumb kid believes this, he will think all pretty people are nice and all ugly people are evil.

>t. Someone that's never met a person that's not conventionally attractive but is still hot
I know the whole 'I can't cum on your personality' meme exists user but you do find people that should be ugly, but who are so warm and pleasant that you find them attractive on a whole other level.

And on the other end of things you can spend 20 minutes in a room with someone that's hot as fuck only to realize you'd rather gnaw off your own dick than have them anywhere near it.

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What a legend

It's a metaphor

i fucking hate these stupid fucking comics

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It's literally British culture you retard.

Yeah. Barring an instant death or dying in your sleep, everyone will have random words be their final words. Generally “last words” are the last intelligible thing someone said. Which is why Che’s last words are “Shoot cowards, you are only killing a man” and not “ugh” as he bled out. Any last words you guys prefer, Yea Forums or not.

Sane humans can. But then you have poc's which aren't human and the mentally ill, the lgbtq and feminists. Neither are useful.

Time to fuck a bad girl good.

If someone shoots me, I want my last words to be Aw fuck, I can't believe you've done this

>If some dumb kid believes this, he will think all pretty people are nice and all ugly people are evil
There's an attraction bias that makes ugly people seem more evil and attractive people seem nicer
I can't find the specific study, but there was definitely a correlation between how much time a person got for crimes and how attractive they were deemed or some shit like that

So it might not be on purpose, which is why there is such a huge push for postmodern works

>Walt Disney found dead in office
>"KURT RUSSEL" scrawled on a piece of paper
what did he mean by this.

I'd take that thicc momma on the left in the last panel.

It's called the halo effect.

Lol postmodernists are jealous little cunts.

Not totally untrue, I fucked a butterfaced bucktoothed trailer park girl once soley because of how bubbly and positive her attitude was, it was like she never heard of sadness. People like that are magnetic.

Conversly, and from a follow up study, while we are more willing to trust and like attractive people we also punish them harder when we find out they are lying.

One of the crime teachers in the new Carmen sandiego.

Corsets are god tier, fuck this comic.

Don't say his name three times, lest he be summoned here to still his retarded fetish.

This, it's 100% true especially if you live in Britain where everyone is either pretty ugly, ugly ugly or Sean Bean.

Attached: He takes eagles, he doesn't need them to fly.jpg (700x700, 113K)

Mods = fags, you should know this by now.

stop sexualizing ugly people!

postmodernism is a set of artistic criticism theory mate.

user, that's not what he was saying at all. He was saying that being positive and upbeat shows in your appearance and is attractive even if you normally look like a mutant, and being constantly negative shows in your appearance no matter how you normally look.


The absolute state of bong genes

Holy shit this is so incredibly stupid. Makes absolutely no sense.

Did the artist even watch the movie? Wait, don't answer that.

Is the devil a boy, girl, or neither?

You know what, never mind, I'll fuck it either way.

>ugly character appears
>item goes missing
>viewer thinks: it's the ugly person
>it's actually a different character
>biases revealed
yeah, it's about jealousy

>40 replies and 3 images omitted
Jesus Christ, what the hell?

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Yeah yeah everyone says they say that.
But actually read works that were inspired by that mentality, like Harry Potter. Bad people are uggos, good people are homely, pretty people are incompetent. It's insincere because the one thing you can't tell by someone's appearance in real life is what they're really like, no matter how much your fairy tales want to make you comfortable to believe otherwise.

Oh fuck off Dewd. Go back to /hyw/.

Well that's stupid, but I'd pay good money to see those villains pork.

Which'd ostracize a dumb kid, sure, but who cares he's an asshole

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>it's a girl
Gross! Ew! No!

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>There's a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity; even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason.

What did he mean by this?

>This, it's 100% true especially if you live in Britain where everyone is either pretty ugly, ugly ugly or Sean Bean.
Hey now, my boyfriend is a Brit and he’s pretty attractive

I think your world viewpoint is warped and you are tilting at windmills and calling them giants. But in the spirit of fairness can you give examples that justify your opinion?

are you actually this retarded, have you never seen a nice person before? a bright and sociable person? have you never ascribed those qualities to someone without them also being conventionally beautiful?

Not him but, no retard, just the opposite, I know many many nice people and most of them (like most of humanity) are not very attractive.

the one on the right is a man hence "do not fit current gender norms"
doesn't that look like the scorpian lady from she-ra?

We need more comics making fun of comics.

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Left one is ugly, right one doesn't fit current gender norms. Little hard to tell because of the poor drawing, but I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be referencing Catra in her red suit.

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Nigger, where is that written? That might be implied, but a kid isn't going to understand that, he's going to only see ugly=bad, pretty/magically shining=good. And THAT is my point, not what the writer meant, but that this is bad material for kids.

Kids should be able to understand an analogy like that.

god you're fucking stupid
dahl isn't saying being nice will turn you into a supermodel
fucking moron

it's literally drawn on the page IDIOT

Ah, got a good laugh out of this. I remember when I was a kid and once successfully fooled my grandmother into thinking that a black man we passed on the street was a sooty chimney-sweep.

He might be Sean Bean, you should check.

Is this supposed to be bait?

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>forgettable heroine
She's pretty cute, what are you talking about?

What's drawn on the page is some retarded notion that just thinking something can make you pretty or ugly. That's complete bullshit. An ugly person can be gregarious and well liked, but even that doesn't make him pretty, not a good person. Fucking looks and morality aren't connected. How are you so fucking dumb?

what part of an analogy don't you understand

she's forgettable so they can self-insert as her.
You're gonna get a paheal stuffed with him raping her, like in that weird way women draw rape fantasies where it's all gentle, angsty, and romantic.

Examples of what, people in real whose personality you can't tell by their appearance or Harry Potter characters whose described appearance is indicative of their personality?
Anyway it's a British Victorian age thing that's carried over via Tolkien, Dahl and eventually Rowling through the 20th Century. As mentioned earlier it makes sense back when everyone in Britain was technically unattractive so if you were good with people skills these "sunbeams" and "moods" would be the primary signal, but nowadays Britain's got plenty of people that are either way more ugly than the typical Brit or much better looking so it doesn't work. And in places like California it couldn't work, ever.
Your appearance only shifts visibly if you're moderately unattractive in the first place, attractive hateful people instinctively learn to hide their hate signals, and there's no accounting for race.

Can't you be honest for once and just ask anons to post comics they hate?

It's not an analogy. It was never an analogy.
Live in southern Britain (but not London) for a few years. It's not and was never an anology. In England this is God's honest truth and a good lesson to teach kids.
It's not retarded. Sure it doesn't work for Swedes, Frogs, or Spaniards because they always look the same no matter what attitudes they have (and some of them I assume may be good people) but it works for Anglo-Saxons 100%. The only problem is, you can't will yourself into becoming pretty. You see, it is your choices who show you who really are - but your choices are your choices which means you'd always make them. An English lad who is good will make good choices and look good, and an English lad who is an incel will make bad choices and look bad.
It's magic. We don't have to explain it. God save the Queen.

>all the right wing people post Sinfest
>all the left wing people post Stonetoss

Sinfest is bad even for a leftie comic and I'm a tankie who loves calling everyone who disagrees with me a class traitor.

Ok I can't blame Thanos about the coffee.

The problem is that right wing people also post Stonetoss unironically while the same isn't true with lefties and Sinfest.

Stonetoss and Sinfest are shit shit shit but at least Sinfest has waifus.

The heroine does have a cute design. I feel some lewds are in order.

Not really applicable anymore, though.

That's more to do with the fact that Sinfest's creator has become more of a recluse. His stuff is only posted in his own site.

She doesn't really dress like that though. She is pretty much dressed like a school gym teacher.

>fat brown women with purple hair
Funny how it's a comic moaning about cliches.

user you might be seeing things. The Ho Ho Ho the cute devil!Star Butterfly is smashing the patriarchy with is purple color. The hair on the fat ugly evil woman who is probably rude and smells bad and has evil thoughts that make her fat, her hair is grey, because evil makes you age and ugly. I don't know why the fair haired platinum blonde devil!Star is standing next to the fat ugly monster, possibly like Star always does she wants to give her a chance of redemption and convert her to kindness with her laughter.

This is why I liked those space comics with that Lydia chick. She was a chubby Pajeet who liked feminine things but was still ugly and her evil mom was objectively hotter than her.

MOMMY (male)!

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You didn't need to put in the effort but you did anyway. Hard work gets you (you)s. Thanks for sharing, user.

but scorpia is best girl

Can you really say that this isn't true though? This actually sums up a lot of the Steven Universise/Tumblr artstyles and themes you see now in popular culture and animation

>have you never seen a nice person before? a bright and sociable person?
where do you think you are

Their previous comic I agree with. This OP one is so out of date and isnt really relatable.

Its also amazing how many people in the replies completely miss the point this comic was trying to make. That how no one addresses teh bullying and thinks its about redemption arcs.

Attached: comicvillan.png (600x618, 553K)

Just do us all a favour and commit toaster bath.

That one makes no sense though, what are the heroes supposed to do, stop bullying? that's impossible. End loneliness? you can't force friendship on others.

It's talking about how the original bullying that caused the mess in the first place is not addressed at all.

Like that static shock episode with the school shooter. Imagine if it just ended with them condemning the shooter and not the bullies that drove them to the point of causing the shooting.

user...the right one is male, look at the bulge

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I want the girly male villain to step on my face and call me a stupid she-hick

how could it be addressed? it happened when the villain was young and powerless, the bullies in panel 1 probably have their own lives now and don't even remember what they did. In the case of your example the bullies were punished because they were bullying at that moment.

Best the heroes can do is go around doing afterschool specials.

You're trying really hard to be dense and contrarian.

>not healing your enemy's emotional wounds and bringing them to your side

Attached: naruto.jpg (474x266, 19K)

It's an item that does harm, it's literally harmful, you dumb fuck.

...this has been going on since the 90s.

>Using Naruto as your example when that's been a shonen trope since the original Dragon Ball
Oof, cringe, bluepilled, yikes, whatever other fucking retarded slang is being tossed around these days to indicate a feeling of disaproval

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heroes making turning villains into not villains a higher priority would help make their "absolutely never kill" rule more reasonavble

that heroine is cute CUTE

you made it actually ugly

You ruined him

Agreed. Just slightly bigger boobs would make her perfect.

Why does the left promote ugliness? Like, yes, don't be mean to people who are born ugly, but the left promotes looking more ugly than necessary to 'end arbitrary beauty standards' or whatever. Get fat, shave half your hair off, dye it to some unnatural color, get your nose pierced, get tattoos, dress like a man if you're a woman, dress like a woman if you're a man, etc. They give characters vitaligo.. I'm pretty sure most people with actual vitaligo would rather not see and be reminded of their condition every time they open a comic book. These people worship dysfunction.

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But seeing them puts a smile on your face because it reminds you of their winning personality.

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I always assumed it was thinly veiled fetish shit.

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Thinly veiled fetish and a desire for attention as a replacement for having no personality.

What is this lampooning exactly? Stories with this premise usually end up the heroes trying to win the villain over with friendship first at least

It's just overcompensation to counter cultural norms.

still prettier than her

Wow...we truly live in a society.

>I was the hero of Civil War II!
>No, you weren't
>Sure I was!

Man, if only Mainstream Marvel had this much self awareness.

>123 posts
>19 images
And not even a stonetoss post

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I was so mad about exactly this that I dumped comics into a thread for two and a half hours.

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You're a fucking moron who believes all fiction has to be human rights legislation.

what the fuck are you even talking about

>And not even a stonetoss post
His bots probably only react to LOL or haha threads, they haven't added "funny comics" to the script yet


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I'd ask chompers on a date

calling out this bullshit is the only thig this show ever did right

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>implying he's a girl

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someone watch too much anime it seems

There's no bulge shut up faggot!

I can safely say having watched DB through and through there's no "healing emotional wounds" on that side, the antagonists turn heroes in DB because continuing being antagonists causes even more emotional wounds or because of food.

Wtf I want to vote for Trump now?

They got it wrong, so they need to watch more. Can't parody something well if you don't truly understand it.

Roald Dahl is literally a god among men. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you meming faggots fall on... fuck you if you don't respect him.

>seventeen years ago
>be ten
>looking for something to read in dad's library
>see some Dahl I hadn't read
>it was Switch Bitch
Oh, what a ride that was!

Fuck you. Your suffering isn't more important than the happiness of the world. Just because you weren't hugged as a child doesn't give you the right to hurt others. Deal the fuck with it, faggot.

This. No-one has any rights anyway. The only right is God's law, and it says evil men are wrong.

I'm not very sure which side this comic is making fun of.

The initial problem is irrelevant and the villain made it so.

Spoken like someone whose engorged and bursting with ugly thoughts.

It's 4th wave feminism complaining about how reactions to 2nd and 3rd waves were not enough for superficial reasons. There's no making fun, except fundamental cynicism.

I'm not sure but while Dahls sentiment is obviously "inner beauty is more important" it still ignores attractive counts or just putting the idea in a kids head "I see your 'inner ugliness' because I dont think you look kind so you must be a bad person".

People who are internally ugly hate beauty, seek to destroy it, and coddle themselves into thinking it's better not to try and be it

Came here to post something like this.

Welcome to /pol2.0/

Attached: co's true colours.gif (375x304, 745K)

>Left one is ugly

First of all, how dare you

True they should be telling kids that their ugly, disgusting gobs have already doomed them for life at the earliest age possible

Attached: 19600718.gif (600x124, 22K)

They are doomed and this is a low-key way of telling them the truth. You can't force happy thoughts and inner capacity for love, so when an ugly kid realizes that everyone else can generate sunbeams but him, he's already halfway to accepting his place in life and society.

> bot
wait, really? the artist uses a fucking bot to shill his shitty comics? that warrants further investigation.

lol the artist actually got at me a little bit for making him a girl

like lol how the fuck would i know, when you go for androgeny it's either one or the other.

>show about friendship
>power of friendship beats the villain
>friendship never used to help the initial problem

why is everyone having such a hard time understanding this. its like Yea Forums is some place where failures at comprehension and life congregate.. oh

>The Dewd hasn't been put out of our misery yet

Based libertarian Lucy. Blockhead is bluepilled.

What initial problem?
Those "bullies" in the first panel are exercising friendship with each other by beating up someone who is not one of them, he turns on the world alone and then is defeated by friendship again.
If he just fucking got some friends this wouldn't be happening. His initial problem is that he is a friendless loser, he will die a friendless loser, and he deserves to lose his friends! Just like you!

Hes using them to exact revenge on people whom have done him no wrong. The initial problem is irrelevant now because the villain has made themselves deserving of the ass whooping at the hands of people who overcame his bullshit through friendship.

If ur butts not cute it’s not going to happen

based fedora man

What movies would have been in development when he died? Kurt Russell did eventually voice a role in "The Fox and the Hound" as the Fox.
Or the Hound. I forget.

Anyways, that's probably what it was. Freddie Mercury's last words were "Pee pee."

Is that pronounced "seen been" or "shawn bawn"?

dont cry edgy

Something I've noticed over the years is that if I come across a relatively ugly person, but I come to like them, they seem to become more attractive looking to me. It has also worked the other way, where a conventionally attractive person I've found to be a horrible person, seems to be absolutely fuck ugly to me. And the thing is, their actual appearance hasn't changed at all.

not really, it's the whole "anyone who like something i don't like is a bot" schtick people do way too often nowadays


This is balanced with the fact that stonetoss has memes and actual humor thought.

>actual humor

dream-works-face/smug-mug and thinly veiled Nazism aren't humor though.


What fucking memes?

I don't know if this is for or against Trump voters, but I like it purely because it gives me Metal Gear Rising vibes.

>t. thot

>t. Buttmad roastie who hates that society likes pretty, capable girls more than it likes ugly, hapless girls

This is like that tweet by that one thot who unironically thought dudes wouldn't sexualize a rule 63 Beast.

Men have the capacity to fuck anything, so long as it's not boring.

>no one will be friends with me
>this gives me the right to be a cunt
>wtf why does everyone hate me
>this is your fault I wouldn't be a cunt right now if you were my friend instead
These comics are revealing a lot about the author. More than they intended, I bet.

>who unironically thought dudes wouldn't sexualize a rule 63 Beast
Men would be less interested if Beast looked exactly the same instead of a little puppy-girl like that artist had drawn her as.

I hate when villains with tragic past shit like that end up killing off or treating like shit associates or underlings who could have been their friend, fuck em.

>implying they wouldn't just idealize her in their heads and fan art

our misery is his joy, you fool

Well if they are plebs they would, yes.

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Y'all niggas need Roald Dahl in your life. Scorpia always crosses the attractiveness finish line on personality alone.

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Scorpia is basically Stefania Ferrario in a cosplay. Not the characters' fault if you're a flaming faggot

Attached: stefania-ferrario-1091088.jpg (1364x2048, 256K)

Nah. It looks much more like a damned gothic fantasy outfit. Hence the neck stuffing and knee high boots.

I have trouble imagining Catra in a ball dress so having her wear a suit to the prom seemed pretty appropriate even if it was drag. Apparently my 70 year old grandfather knew a woman that did it and she turned out straight.

Attached: Catra 7.jpg (1289x843, 81K)

Are they going to drink their pearls?

>all those seething uggos replying

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>I like it purely because it gives me Metal Gear Rising vibes
I wonder why that could be

>Telling kids that their "ugly, disgusting gobs have already doomed them for life at the earliest age possible" is "low-key"
Has low-key become one of those expressions that people toss around without having even the slightest idea what it's supposed to mean?

This has lots of meme potential

>Men would be less interested if Beast looked exactly the same instead of a little puppy-girl like that artist had drawn her as.
I bet you fucking believe this shit. If Beast looked exactly the same but had tits there are men that would be attracted to her. Men will find a way to fuck anything, it's like that post that goes something to the effect of "Ever since mankind first gazed upon the stars, he has dreamt of fucking them."

Shit, user, the pics I could show you. Puppy girls are great and all, but big beastly women are arright as well so long as they're not fugly in fundamental ways.

Knowing dewd, it's traced.

Scorpia is beautiful.

That looks like a Steven universe hero.

There aren't any issues with villain on the right though. The problem are ugly faggots, not good looking ones that attract girls anyway.

Bottom looks like that dinner lady who would give you an extra dessert for being nice to her.

Roald Dahl knows his stuff.

How to spot a newfag 101: doesn't know about /tg/.

Shawn been.

His name is there to piss off the irish and the english.

The problem with this comic is that this character has more personality over four panels than Rey did over two Star Wars movies.
The problem is way, way worse than just a proud, independent women archetype.

Attached: sweating man at two buttons.png (532x212, 46K)

Rey would have been better if they didn't try to give her a personality, what are you talking about

>"anyone who like something i don't like is a bot"
No, it's the fact that his comics have been showing up more frequently as of late, hell they even showed up in the Zen Pencils thread, a completely unrelated thread because the creator or a shill is trying to post them in any webcomic/culture war thread they can find

It's ridiculous how low your awareness is. That story erroneously ties looks to personal quality. It benefits only good looking evil people if anyone.

I'd forgotten how much I used to love Roald Dahl when I was a kid.
So wonderfully, gorgeously wholesome.

>206 replies
>31 images
OP is a faggot.

>no fanart of the heroine yet
This is an outrage

>bad people are ugly
>good people are beautiful


He's not the only villain who knows his coffee.

>When you drink a cup of really good coffee, you try to immerse yourself in that cup. You focus all your senses on what you're drinking. How it smells, how it tastes, how it feels on your tongue. You savor the experience. But when you drink a cup of absolutely horrid coffee, you do everything possible to NOT immerse yourself in it. You try to shut out your senses from what you're drinking. Inevitably, you try to stave off the assault on your poor innocent tongue by mentally comparing it to all the better coffee you've had in your life, reliving each cup in comparison to the godforsaken sludge you're pouring down your gullet right now. So when you drink a good cup of coffee, you're only drinking that one cup... but when you drink a bad cup of coffee, you remember every good cup you ever drank. And at my advanced age, that's a helluva lot of good coffee.

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no she's not. You can give her qualities but physically she's fucking repulsive.

holy shit you are the densest person I've seen online all week. congratulations

Literally Shiro. The fuck?

Elaborate, I'm curious

It's not Ops fault.
Having a sense of humor is now a bannable offense on Yea Forumsmblr.

You could argue that Vegeta only truly turns to Goku's side not just because of a grudging respect for Goku's strength and a subconscious desire to stick with the other last Saiyan but because killing Frieza healed his emotional anguish over losing planet Vegeta and his father. Piccolo only stays with the group after Raditz because raising Gohan filled a hole in his life and gave him something to live for other than a vague obligation to kill Goku because he was the offspring of Piccolo Daimaou.

Otherwise yea, all of the other antagonists from DB to Super pretty much join because of a greater threat and then just stay good either because of food (Buu) or whatever

I like him as a villian and a coffee snob.

no dude, the artist hasn't seen empire strikes back

Squeak fucked your mom.

The rule of "you wear your emotions on your face" doesn't apply to people who don't have emotions.

I wish i knew what the hell this even means


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Yeah, funny, Op haha

or add little black bars bud.

Killing people and drinking coffee are his only joys in life, and as a lich he can't drink coffee anymore.

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I think that happens because if you like someone or theyre kind and upbeat you'll more easily ignore and forget their defects, whereas when you dislike someone or theyre rude you'll pinpoint every defect in them and always remember that.
Best example of that that i know on the net being dobson vs ronnie. Dobson has a shithead personality so every thread about him goes about the many ways in which he sucks, whereas ronnie threads are just about his comics being funny or how hes good.

>a "male" complaining about shows meant for girls


Still not uglier than her

>person who used to draw fetish shit now wants to be an arch-feminist male

Are these people just fucking stupid or what?

oh god, yes, I forgot. This is advertiser friendly family oriented website, 4 Channel now!

>Catalonian prostitutes shutting down first robo-brothel, 2017, colorized


sincerest thanks friend just finished binging all of this webcomic, was well worth the time

Through dick, unity!
