Who is Worst Gem?
Worst Gem
Definitely Lapis.
Garnet is a close second.
cute feet
This show is tranny trash.
Nobody in the show is trans? Go to /pol if you want to bitch about trans people.
Lapis is the most badly written, and Garnet/Ruby/Sapphire are the most boring
The diamonds got away with mass murder, torture experiments, genocide and more without any consequences and are terrible passive villains who hardly did anything onscreen, had no reason for their evil actions, and were pathetically defeated with talk no jutsu to boot so I hate them too
In terms of the story, its Pearl
Pic not related, right?
Why is Lapis badly written? I don't disagree with that sentiment, but I feel like there should be a succinct, 1-3 sentence explanation as to why Lapis isn't written well. When people rep Lapis, I'm never sure what to tell them.
Nope. It's comfy here.
She's been useless since the Malachite arc and has been relegated to being a lazy autist since Barn Mates. She has nearly no relevance to the overarching story with Pink Diamond or relationship with any characters outside of Steven, Peridot, and Jasper. She's repeatedly coddled by Steven after trying to kill him, fusion raping Jasper, and abandoning him and Peridot +stealing the barn out of cowardice. Her bad blood between the Crystal Gems and neutrality were never explored even though that's where all her character potential was. Her decision to become a Crystal Gem came out of the blue and she had no development related to learning to love the Earth or understanding the Crystal Gems to buildup to it, it was shoved in pointlessly and her reason of "if they're going to punish me like a crystal gem I might as well be one" is stupid.
I think her backstory is lacking too tbqh
that annoying faggot named Steven
This ugly ass dyke
Season 1 and 2 - Amethyst
Season 3 and 4 - Lapis
Season 5 - Pink
Rose = Pink was the death of all but the most delusional of hope.
That thing is a man.
>posting that janked off model fan-vector art
Lapishits are just insecure because their waifu is a non-character so they resort to posting vector art made by 15 year olds on the su wiki
I don't know this gem because I stopped watching when the show got stupid, but this is a cute thing and I want to be friends with it
>Post official art from show
>Butthurt Jasper fag calls it fan art
hey it's not my fault the Creator's of the show can't keep any model consistent and you have shit taste
Steven isn't a gem, he's a human bean.
You mean best
Only after she was revealed to be a fusion
You shut your whore mouth.
You posted a drawing that never appeared in the show and was created by a fan, it's just as "official" as pic related. In contrast, and is official and on model art straight from the creator's model sheets.
I guess I can't fault a blind downy for not appreciating best gem.
The ugly bulldyke gem.
I feel Lapis has too many loose ends that need tying up before we can determine where she lands in the Best Gem-Worst Gem hierarchy.
Garnet after she became reduced to a fusion fanatic.
god i love naked overalls
This. And Lapis Lazuli.
>Her components, Ruby & Sapphire, have an extremely unhealthy, overly-co-dependent relationship
>She's exists in the show to be nothing more than a mascot/monument to gay "love"
I get that R&S are overly-lovey-dowey, but they're not co-dependant by definition.
that sounds like me
that's what makes her more infuriating, there's plenty of plot hooks to draw from to give her an actual interesting arc, but they keep teasing the possibility and then just being like "nah her arc is just that she runs away and comes back a lot, thats it"
I see we're still playing fast and loose with what "codependency" means. None of the toxic, unhealthy stuff shown here is relevant to Ruby and Sapphire.
I liked Lapis when she was a bitch to everyone but Steven, then she started living at the barn and it drained any character personality from her.
Biggest issue for me is that she never builds up relationships with more than 3 characters despite being the non-Crystal Gem around the longest. There were 5 seasons where her character could have been built up and explored and it just never happened. Despite seeming to have a beef with the Crystal Gems in her first appearance she barely ever talks to them and that whole aspect just got completely dropped. She's said a sentence at most to Garnet and Peal and I'm certain she and Amethyst have never interacted directly; no words said by either of them were directed to one another (which makes her taking Amethyst's role in The New Crystal Gems all the more frustrating). The only meaningful positive relationships she forms are with Steven and Peridot and I'm not sure she and Peridot are on good terms after the ordeal with the barn, given that we've barely seen them to each other since she came back.
Speaking of, another sticking point for me is how she gets away with a lot of crap without ever having to make up for it. Stealing all of Earth's water was handwaved because she was broken and homesick. Breaking Greg's leg gets completely brushed off and she treats almost drowning Connie like a joke when it's brought up. Most annoyingly, though, is that no one seems to give a damn that she ran away from Earth, took the barn with her leaving Peridot in a depressed state for a while, spied on everyone, ran away again and destroyed the barn in the process of coming back. No one calls her out on it, she doesn't even apologize to at least Peridot, and everyone seems cool with her being a Crystal Gem and the end of Change Your Mind. Not to mention that she's the only one to call herself out on the Malachite situation, recognizing that it was selfish, cruel, and unnecessary, and Steven immediately dismisses that because "no Jasper's the big scary one, you're a perfect water angel who dindu nothin." Which perfectly mimics how half the fanbase treats her but that's not a writing problem.
Lastly, as said, the ball got dropped down a bottomless pit with her backstory. Some of it probably has to do with how Change Your Mind had to be rushed as a possible series finale leaving no room to explore it more, and it's still possible the show will address this later, but all we ever get in regards to her backstory is the bit in Same Old World which was told from her perspective and I doubt is entirely true because of that. After all the mystery and planted seeds surrounding her debut episodes one would think there'd be more to her backstory than what we were shown. That it seems it was our Bismuth who dusted her, as well as her visceral reaction to the Diamonds implies that there's more to her than we know, but after 5 seasons that's all we got on her.
All this culminates in the bullshit that is her decision to become a Crystal Gem. Poorly built up due to her lack of episodes and her lack of ties to the Earth and most of the other Crystal Gems, and poorly executed cause whatever epiphany she had in space that made her forsake her fear of the Diamonds to protect her "family" and "home" was not shown to the audience. She had no interest in the others or Earth until it came out of the blue in Can't Go Back, she ended that episode running away in fear again, and "if they're going to punish me like a CG" doesn't cut it as an explanation.
Also, "I've felt worse" is the single worst moment in the entire show. Not only does it make her even more overpowered than someone who could control every molecule of water on Earth at once already was, but the execution of it is on the same level as Coldsteel the Hedgehog tier fanfiction. It only works because there's no explanation given to how Blue's power operates, the one liner is garbage and only makes the moment unable to be taken seriously, and the mere concept of a character being depressed making them immune to a sadness emotion bomb has enough edge to cut through a, well, diamond.
Lapis is the worst and it's even worse that she used to be an interesting character at some point. She didn't always hold the crown and it's possible it'll get taken from her but that would be a horrifically impressive feat.
Also since this ended up being four posts instead of three sentences pic related is me.
Her name is Paddy Sapphy
Basically. She has literally nothing to her personality outside of "muh fusion". She's obsessed and codependant yet the show treats it as a good thing.
Literally EVERY single one of these traits has been shown by Ruby and Sapphire, what the fuck. If this was supposed to disprove her being codependent than you've failed miserably.
>but they're not co-dependant by definition.
Negro even the SHOW admits that they're codependant, fuck off.
that's fanmade, retard
Pink Diamond
-I don't remember what Yellow broadcasts. Blue broadcasts sorrow. White broadcasts Assuming Direct Control. Pink broadcasts crippling self-doubt.
How can a jasper fag be this delusional?
Don't forget about the time that she destroyed Peridot's recorder. It was a gift that Steven gave to her and it one of the things that got her accustomed to earth and Lapis just destroys it out of spite. And why did Lapis do it? Because Peridot "interrogated" her. We were given no implication that it was agonizing torture and coupled with the fact that Peridot was stuck in her role as a lowly henchmen at the time, it made Lapis come across as excessively vindictive.
>"episode title: escape from the prison"
>"credits to maiteritsuki"
>that artwork quality
are you baiting or are you really this dumb?
Pic related and is official model sheet art
Pic related is official art from storyboarders
Based as fuck.
Pic related is official art from the show
and are made by a fan, so it is fanart
Pink was an entitled whore
This is the definition of pure autism
Codependency usually implies that a relationship between two people is built off of feeding off of and into each other's toxic behavior, people in codependent relationships stay together because they're using each other rather than because they love each other
I'm just clearing things up for Mr. I don't know the difference between fanart and official art
>Gem in hillbilly clothing
This is the only correct answer.
Paddy is cute, perfect, and I want to give her lots of smooches.
The ugly-ass caterpiller.
Ruby's a close second, because annoying.
idgaf about Lapis, at least she doesn't look as much as an abomination as other gems.
>Codependency usually implies that a relationship between two people is built off of feeding off of and into each other's toxic behavior
That toxic behavior is a pretty vague descriptor and I'm pretty sure Ruby and Sapphire genuinely love each other.
Also codependency is actually implies a one-sided relationship.
One side is overly reliant on supporting the other, because they need to support them to they fulfill their emotional needs, while the latter has their bad habits and and addictions enabled by the first party's constant support.
With Ruby and Sapphire, I don't see the aspect of a one-sided relationship, as they both have similarly equal roles in it, and both care about each other's well-being.
It's not even close. Literally everything happened because Rose threw a temper tantrum and ran away from home to play at her fatsona.
the show should have binned lapis and replaced her with healed nephrite. or made lapis a corruption instead of that mirror stuff. at least then she'd be relevant. she would have an active role in a plotline. maybe even be the one to persuade the diamonds into uncorrupting them.
If she had been crying and struggling as she resisted Blue's influence, but perservered anyway due to what she experienced, it would have been more meaningful.
Instead she no-sell'd Blue.
Lapis is one of Sugar's favorite gems so there's not a fucking way
no way she'd replace lapis or no way she'd let lapis be ugly?
All the characters seem to have an amount of time "until I get bored with them and alter them in ways unexpected" like some writers do.