Avengers: No Road Home #3 Preview

Strap in fellers, next issue is gonna be Rocket-centric.

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Full lineup of the "Children of the Night", for those who missed last issue in which they posted the list and descriptions of each.

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You can definitely tell Ewing wrote this issue, because he's reusing the brown paper, hard-boiled style of his Rocket miniseries (which all of you should read, by the way... I'm totally down for storytiming it if you want)

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A painful trip down memory lane... And some continuity porn for you folks (paging Rocketbro)

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End of preview... With a tweeessst.

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Glad this is a thing. Feels like proper Avengers, and the lineup is excellent.

AGREED. The art is great too, though I wish Pepe Larraz had contributed again, he had some great action sequences in No Surrender.

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I'm hopimg they get a proper ongoing with this team at some point. Maybe set themselves up in a rebuilt mansion.


Ignore the second quote phone posting sucks mad dong.

Current team is basically West Coast Avengers already, with some new additions. All they need is Wonder Man and it's basically the same thing (and Wondie was already in No Surrender).

Pat Zircher's variant for #6. Basically a revamp of that one No Surrender cover with Clint and Red Wolf, this time with Wanda and Conan.

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(the cover in question)

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I actually wouldn't mind just doing another sequel. Take a few months break, then have Waid/Zub/Ewing do another Avengers weekly mini. No Surrender and now No Road Home is the first time that Marvel has done a weekly series that's worked for me. The framing device of "shit goes wrong and Voyager has to put together a team of B/C-list Avengers to stop it." is a decent enough framing device.

>No Mockingbird
>No Tigra
>No War Machine
>No Hank Pym, scientific adventurer

Not my WCA

I wonder what the third would be, if they keep with doing classic threats maybe Kang or make the Pymtron returns event one of these.

Hercules, Monica...they should bring in muh boi Dane for a real Stern reunion.

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Who's the gal with the Rocketeer helmet? I've never seen her before.

Moonstone in her original costume

She used to look more like a Kree soldier

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The yellow suit is a little plain, but that's a real nice helmet. There aren't enough of those for current heroes/villains.
Also that Avengers cover really made me want to read that whole run... Gotta have to fetch some Epic Collections.

I assume they are writing two characters each.
If Ewing writes Rocket and probably Hulk, who will write Spectrum?

I don't know the actual distribution of characters, but Zub called dibs on Conan early on, so that's him. I'm guessing he's also writing Wanda, so that leaves Waid writing Vision and Hercules since he had them in his Avengers. Voyager maybe Waid too.

Pepe Larraz is so fucking great

He's the main reason why I read the Extermination mini. Dude draws some intense battle scenes full of depth.

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Yeah, Stern is one of the greats and I really like all the Epic collections. I've heard that some of the newer ones have poor construction, tho.

Here's how I have the Stern run
Trial of Yellowjacket (oop, I copped one on eBay) 212-230
Absolute Vision 1 & 2 231-254
Legacy of Thanos tpb 255-261
The Once and Future Kang tpb. 262- 269
oop Under Seige tpb 270-271, 273-277
Judgement Day Epic Collection 278-285

There's an Under Seige epic collection (264-277) but that leaves out a couple issues and would double up some others.

These OOP volumes aren't too promising in case I wanted to start a collection... I'm already eyeing two new reprints, after Stern's run:

These two cover material that might reference or influence things in Endgame, it's why I'm interested.

And of course:
>Avengers West Coast Epic Collection TP How The West Was Won

Well you can still get em on Amazon or eBay, just at a slightly inflated cost.

But yeah go for the Harras era stuff and WCA. I like that stuff too. Stern actually wrote the WCA 4 issue mini that starts off that collection. Englehart, who did the ongoing series, isn't my favorite, but he definitely knew how to write those characters.

>All they need is Wonder Man and it's basically the same thing (and Wondie was already in No Surrender).

Unless he stops being a pacifist, he'd just be taking up a spot on the roster that could go to another character that actually does something.

Forgot about his whole pacifist pace, that wouldn't be helpful at all. He'd have been the first to be taken out by the Children of Night in this new arc.

phase, not pace. I don't know what happened there.

Waid/Zub/Ewing is a good combo
Waid for the classic feel, Ewing for the continuity/crazyness and Zub for sweet characterization
they balance nicely off eachother