There’s always a way
There’s always a way
This comic would be on the level of Morrison's masterpieces if it wasn't for the diarrhea art. Reading the backups with Chris Sprouse drawing or the fill in with Gene Ha is just heartbreaking. What could have been.
Gene Ha does not get enough work. I know he was doing his own GN for a while but we need him now more than ever at the big 2.
He's one of those dudes that takes FOREVER to draw, which makes sense because his work is so detailed. He really can't do a monthly.
I don't remember Gene Ha on this run. Anyway, great run, too good for the average dcfag of today.
He did the Calvin Ellis stories.
Oh right. The Krypton sequences too now that I think about it.
1000% this, it's infuriating
It's like watching a sub 360p pixelated cam-rip of a pristine state of the art blockbuster.
Oh pft. Morales did a lot of great stuff in that run.
No he didn't. Not if you like art. Nothing here is even imaginative or attractive, at his best he's workman like passable. Literally hundreds of great moments ruined by muddy layouts and disgusting faces.
Yeah, the art was actually better on the backups, which is sad
This is awful
I don't mind Morales as much as a lot of other people here but he is never great. He's like 2010 and beyond Neal Adams mixed with Ed Benes
I mean, I would prefer someone else, I could only imagine what Darwyn Cooke could do with Morrison’s scripts, but it’s not like my eyes bleed reading these comics. The art doesn’t make them unreadable.
Love how Morrison pitched and sold it as a return to Golden Age Superman and it was for about 3 issues before it went full Morrison pill off the rails cosmic meta multiverse insanity like all his comics do.
Not that I'm complaining.
I don't think Rags shit the bed or anything, but this comic would absolutely be elevated tenfold if we had one of Grant's artistic collaborators on it, like Paquette or Burnham. Quitely would've been retreading old ground I feel though obviously he's amazing.
Row row fight the powah
Constantly imagining and yearning for what isn’t, prevents us from enjoying what is.
Can we start a Kickstarter to have a good artist take a couple years to redo the scripts? Or a rotation of his stable like as above, a Paquette arc, Irving Arc, hell Klaus' Mora would be great too, Sharpe...
This is the most retarded type of Capeshit thinking I've come across.
And he never really lets the themes from the Golden Age go, they provide a structure for everything else. Like how his Kryptonite Man was the wife-abuser that Superman threw through a wall. He’s always the same person, you know? It was something he started with Batman, how the strange years inform the ‘normal’ years, how he’s all these separate things and still one person.
The confidence of bold action to remove oneself from a predicament?
Much like his Batman run it was an exploration of the different types of stories you can do with the character.
It’s okay, user. It will be okay.
Shut the fuck up Rags, I love this run and enjoy it thoroughly.
There was no other artist for this than Chris Sprouse. Read Tom Strong and tell me anyone else is right for a Golden Age Superman revival.
Not disagreeing, Sprouse would’ve knocked it out of the park, but I think the sort of story Morrison was telling would’ve been right up Cooke’s alley; i’d be surprised if Morrison didn’t try to get him before he settled with Morales.
Before his death Cooke became a jaded asshole about being the "nostalgia art guy" at the big 2, despite spending years adapting pulp detective novels into comics simultaneously.
Yea Morrison wanted Cooke to do his pulp Golden Age comic from Multiversity but Cooke wouldn't do it so he got Sprouse instead,
Now that you mention it, SOS really was written with Cooke in mind. Wonder why he turned it down. Definitely not complaining cause Sprouse absolutely crushed that issue.
His issue was being the go-to guy for the Golden/Silver Age superheroes comics. He's got no problems doing Crime Comics though, and that was what he was planning to do more of until he passed away.
His issue was being arbitrarily fickle while maintaining stylistic elements in all of his work that lent himself to those types of stories?
It'd be one thing if he said, "No guys I can do a really good Adams-eque style if you want me to do capes" but he can't have it both ways.
Michael Cho slid into Cooke's spot pretty well. I might argue too well.
Yeah, sounds like a victim of his own success. Not the best analogy, but it’s like a guy that made his name as a furry artist trying to branch out and do other stuff, but people want him to stay with what they want.
I could be wrong but reading between the lines Cooke (RIP) and Mignola both seem like they're kind of assholes sometimes despite being great artists and well liked.
He worked on too many pulp stuff in the past which resulted in him being typecast. It's hell to be creative and be held back by hacks and plebs because they only want that one thing from you. Cooke said it was hard for him to turn it down but wrote back "if you ever want to do something like The Filth again, call me".
I really liked Rags on JSA and Hawkman. His work always reminded me of Dave Stevens. The first few issues of Action were great but he definitely couldn't handle the schedule and got progressively worse.
>branching out and trying out new stuff is bad
Not surprised to see this opinion on Yea Forums
Now I’m sad cause Cooke working on one of Morrison’s weird, creator owned projects would’ve been incredible. I will never not be heartbroken that we lost him so soon. Well, we’ll always have Liefeld.
I’m not saying that Cooke was in the wrong, I certainly don’t think so. I’m saying that he was held back by people wanting him to do projects that he didn’t want to do, while he was trying to grow as an artist. It sucks to get good at one thing, want to grow and do more, but everyone wants you to return to your old shit.
But Cooke never attempted to actually branch out, just told everyone else "NO MY RETRO STYLE IS SUITED TO ALL TYPES OF WORK" rather than proving he could do something else and letting it speak for itself. It's why I brought up his Parker adaptations earlier, retro shit is all Cooke ever wanted to do or could do.
But you're thinking he was upset at retro when it was retro superheroes that he didn't want to do. He's got no problem with retro. He just didn't want to do more Golden Age/Silver Age superheroes.
I've been reading post-crisis Supes and Jerry Ordway on Action was fantastic. I wonder who he had inking when he did that Busiek Avengers arc or the Levitz JSA because neither of those were nearly as good.
>But Cooke never attempted to actually branch out
The fuck would you know, fuckface? All you do is shitpost on Yea Forums and you want to tell me how many times his pitches got rejected by editors or how many times editors only got in touch with him when they wanted to do some pulp shit?
Could anyone blame Cooke for wanting to move on after New Frontier? It's a pretty definitive statement on an era, wallowing in it forever would be easy and a bit hacky.
Like, it wasn't as if he was closing the door to capes, he just wanted to move beyond his nostalgia art. I'm sure he would've accepted if they reached out to him for a New Gods or Green Lantern project, which he would've done gangbusters at. We'll never know, though.
New Frontier is right up there with All Star Superman, personally. One of those books that revitalized my love of the art form, and something that I still look back on when I need to. We really lost a giant with Darwyn Cooke.
He was a staunch proponent of creator owned work, if he felt he had a knockout piece in some other genre he would have made it himself. Why is your dick so hard for Cooke faggot? Because he's dead? Boo hoo, you're going to die too, retard.
Then he should have looked to work in a different artstyle.
Great run. Wish he wrote Superman for longer really.
>Action Comics
>Final Crisis
That's pretty good
right I just wish that it was a 50 issue AC run, just more traditional Superman stories.
I would love for Grant to come back and just do some one-shots of Superman helping ordinary people. Clark Kent-style personal interest stories.
>There’s always a way
No. No, there is not.
>No. No, there is not.
Morrison’s Action run is still my favorite 10s Superman work.
No question. I'd put it in the top 20 ever.
I think I would've liked to see Jae Lee do it. His t-shirt Superman has a certain Joe Shuster vibe to it. Which would be perfect for those early days stories.
Instead we get Morales and his wax people melting all over the pages.
Yea Lee's art has that edge to it that you definitely see in Golden Age comics. He would be awesome for pulpy Batman or Sandman story.
Jae would be cool but I’m not sure a street-level Superman is right for him. His art has this weird dream-like quality to it.
Must be nice in your dreamland, eh, user?
See this spread looks great. Rags started strong.
I see what you mean, but it was street level for 4 issues. Then Brainiac showed up. That would've been a match made in heaven.
Read some Camus and get your mind right. Every problem has a solution, even the ones that seem hopeless. The only way out is through.
Oh man, I can only imagine what he would’ve done with the techno-organic Brainiac. And his take on a Fifth World invasion would’ve been gorgeous.
He'd be able to really nail that sort of disgusting look you'd expect from a creature who decided to drill several holes into his skull.
Brainiac by him would’ve been great, but his 5-D designs would’ve been the real treat I feel.
Philosophy is fake science trash. Life is a nightmare and the only way out is death.
You mean like a comicbook world?
then kill yourself nigger
>Life is a nightmare and the only way out is death.
I remember when I was an edgy 15 year old, don't worry it's usually a phase
Based and edgelord teenage pilled
>I remember when I was an edgy 15 year old,
you wish you were already 15, babygirl
>Life is a nightmare and the only way out is death.
Oh, so you HAVE read Camus.
You might want to try out some Schopenhauer too. Pessimist philosophy would really speak to you. Make some sense of the chaos of the world.
no it's not
Man, the New 52 suit aged SUPER poorly.
probably lead time
then deadlines caught up
nothing great here
Just put it on the long list of the rest of DC dogshit bringing Morrison's comics down. At least the finale he'd been building toward for years in his definitive statement on the character didn't get raped like in the Bat Epic.
You're embarrassing yourself if you're pretending Ha isn't great. That wasn't supposed to be some mind plowing page, the user was just posting the credits. Go read Top Ten.
I'd add Fiona Staples to the list of artists I wish we got instead
Huh that was her? Crazy was this before Saga?
>Reading nu52 trash
Read something like Tomasi's, Jurgens' and Bendis'runs.
>Must be nice in your dreamland, eh, user?
No it was at least a year in. She was definitely a name.
They made him too skinny. If he had a stockier build with baby face it would have worked.
He supposed to be like 19
i love ha and i loved top ten, but this is just bland
I really hate the chubby tech bro Luthor from AC. I wish he kept the insecure Machiavellian one from ASS
>lol I'm gonna trash Tomasi and Jurgens run then turn around and pretend to recommend them
We know you're that stupid poster who keeps doing pro and anti-Gwenpool threads
But like, do people actually like Quietly? The guy draws faces like pigs asses
When I look at this suit I feel something inside of me. I don't know what it is but it feels terrible.
Because it's nothing but a cold loveless cynical corporate cash grab, Superman is wearing the exact thing that he explicitly became a crime fighter to stop in the opening of this comic.