A new Stonetoss comic, and no thread about it?
You're slipping, Yea Forums.
A new Stonetoss comic, and no thread about it?
>We live in a world where more reported hate crimes have been made up than have been real.
This is what happens when the demand for racism is many degrees higher than the supply.
Umm mods, you're actively moderating this thread by removing posts but are letting it continue despite the political discussion it will inevitably spark... This is why everyone hate you guys.
I like the mods......
>you're slipping, guy who makes these, who is in fact me, the OP
Then stop making off topic shitposts, and post more Stonetoss comics.
It's a bubble
Possibly the only one that's actually accurate and not complete garbage
A solid 4/10
Why did the son become a fortune-telling gypsy if they’re in clown world?
Based compass.
Both the comic and the real life kid have punchable faces. What’s your fucking point?
Eh, it's a little basic. Makes the point but not that sharply.
>pretending OP isn't the one spamming this shitty comic every single day
>trying to fool others into thinking that it's their job to spam for OP
This would be mockable if it wasn't so sad.
>wanting to punch children
The point is you're a psychopath user.
This comic is offensive to gay, black, racist, liars everywhere.
At least he should post the good ones.
>not wanting to punch a child
And this is why we have liberals and libertarians.
No, people mostly hate them for being arbitrary hypocrites. What you're describing is permitting Yea Forums things on Yea Forums while making sure they don't go off-topic. That's their actual job, but they only ever do it in current political webcomics threads.
The samefagging continues.
Sell help. If your shitty comic was worth anything then someone other than you would actually post it unironicly.
>every stonetoss thread ever
If you want to punch someone for smiling at you, then guess who is the person who is actually full of hate?
not imaginary hate, not perceived hate, not feels-hate, actual hate.
>hes just standing there, menacingly
Why is Yea Forums-tan such a perfect encapsulation of its subject?
Where did this meme come from
Schmorky didn't even have a unique artstyle back when he was still making flash shit for SA. That's like generic Newgrounds animutations 101 artstyle.
It's all clown world my dude. I'm going to call people niggers and lower the value of my input while friends and family distance themselves from me because I'm a disrespectful misanthrope who thinks it's funny to """joke""" about killing people all while dishonestly hiding behind a victim complex that uses logic that would justify SJW narratives if applied fairly.
>minimal dialog, lets the images basically speak for themselves, simple visual analogy
This is surprisingly subtle for stonetoss.
It's ridiculous that a guy smirking became a big story. He probably wasn't even smirking at the guy but at how weird that situation was.
It's because of the broad strokes similarities of a weird pervert using very similar "cutesy" artstyles to peddle his unusual beliefs, and spamming Yea Forums with his comics to shill himself.
I hope that school sues the pants off the media. Seeing a Catholic school dragged through the mud like that was awful.
>It's ridiculous that a guy smirking became a big story.
No it isn't. People want clicks. They want attention to their social media pages and their news sites and their friend circles and their careers and their social campaigns.
That's how the Smollett thing became so popular. People just want to whore for attention and so they latch onto anything that looks remotely sensational to achieve a quick hit of attention.
So when they see a single still image of a kid in a red hat smiling at a native american, the first thing that comes to mind is "Wow, I wonder how many retweets I can get for this one?"
So wait, isn't this actually pro-LGBT since it shows that your kid becoming gay due to "homosexual influence in the media" is as likely as your kid becoming a clown after going to a carnival?
Having gone to an all boys Catholic school it couldn't have made me happier.
It doesn't need to be three panels or the third panel needs to be more than him looking neutral. He doesn't put much thought into these.
As an actual Catholic that went to a Catholic school, Catholic schools deserve far worse than what the media did to this one. It's fucking endemic, the way putting Christians in positions of power inevitably leads to gross and frankly bizarre abuses and hypocrisy.
>people finding Stonetoss funny
Now that's a joke.
Stonetoss is pretty fucking stupid. He panders to an audience who gets him memes rather than outlining any sort of logic behind his stances or clarity as to what his stance is.
No, this is exactly what the mods SHOULD be doing. This thread is on topic for Yea Forums as it is a comic. What's not on topic is political shitposting. THe big thing I hate about mods is that they don't moderate shit and instead just nuke and ban anything that makes them do their jobs. Deleting posts instead of deleting the entire thread and banning discussion of something that should be on Yea Forums is exactly what I'd wish they'd do the entire time.
U wot? He'd always done that.
>this level of cynical mind reading
Did you at least get to party with those wild and slutty catholic schoolgirls?
"Clown World" is a slang term for the world we live in which has a perceived left-wing slant. That's why the kid changes.
There, the joke explained.
I think he makes comics that will age very poorly. What would you want him to do?
God you're a faggot.
>being this retarded
They are suing several media groups for 250M.
What mind reading? That's exactly what these news organizations admitted to when they backtracked on the covington thing. That they just did it because they thought they had a quick scoop and most of their journalists are social media addicts who take their feed at face value.
That's mostly a myth. They exist but they're not an attraction for anyone at the schools. They're disease-ridden turbosluts. I had enough easy lays to last me my whole life by the end of sophomore year, and I've been dating the same girl for ten years since then.
And then they did it several weeks later with the Smollett thing.
How many times must it happen until it stops being 'mind reading' and becomes 'a pattern'?
Are all these meant to be unbearably smug and cringe?
Why would he have to say anything other than no it isn't? They stated an opinion and not objective fact.
>Make an obtuse comic
>"No, it's the reader's fault I didn't communicate effectively!"
At least I'm not Shmorky!
But there's no story to that. It's literally WYSIWYG. How can that spread, specifically to professional media?
He's not an anti-Semite. He's an anti-termite.
I can tell a liberal wrote this post and the image because of all the words.
Is it true that since catholic girls are big on technical virginity, they are all about oral and anal? Or is that a myth too?
>This guy faked a hate crime
>This means all hate crimes are fake!
The joke is that the guy only pretends to be in trouble. I guess he was too pressed for time to release something about that actor who pretended to get beaten up by Trump supporters to think of a funny joke.
Very bluntly: They provide context for it, and then search for evidence to back that context. There's way more to the story than "White kid smiles at Indian elder" when you look at the background of the story and the context around it.
The groundwork of "Racist maga kid smiles at poor native american" was already established despite them never actually stating that. The story and sensationalism is in the evidence of that pretense being true.
Which is also why almost every story nowadays is politically charged in some way by either the left or the right.
>when you're a brainless shitlib who can't into comics
discord get out
To be fair, that's a pretty funny joke all on its own.
The Smollett thing is unrelated to people sharing information or expressing opinions just for likes.
The point to all this that makes it laughable is the amount of attention and coverage it got despite being a nothing story based entirely on hearsay.
Every news organization spoke out and condemned it, every politician spoke out and condemned it, this incident was used as precedence to pass legislation, even.
And it wasn't even real. That's the takeaway, here. How many others do you think were faked that were simply not caught because we didn't have things like cameras on every corner and intricate forensics?
Hell no, they just lie about being a virgin. If a girl is a big enough slut to fuck anyone who asks do you think she's going to care about something like that? One thing I've heard though is that they're all bicurious. A friend of mine from HS is a lesbian and she got laid more than I did.
The meme is from absurdist Yea Forums frogposting culture. Even /pol/ gets tired of that shit. It's like his "I consent" comic where the original point he could have made gets lost in the new point just two panels in. Even if you know the meme, the comic shows them choosing to enter clown world so it must not be an oppressive SJW dystopia.
Do you watch CNN and MSNBC? Even E! didn't give the story much attention because it was bizarre from the start and I actually think they smelled bullshit. Clickbait had a field day though. It may have gotten a mention on the fake news networks that I missed, but it wasn't at all a big story.
lol bragging about your daughters' vaginas on social media