Why is the second season of OK KO so fucking bad?

Why is the second season of OK KO so fucking bad?

The plot is a mess, they didn't do anything with Cowboy Robot Darrell after all the season final hype. The filler episodes has gotten worse and more meta. And every second episode is a Enid episode, and miss elephant thighs is the worst main character on the show.

What went so wrong?

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>Why is the second season of OK KO so fucking bad?
It wanted to be like the first season.

Its not?

>watching OK KO for the plot

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>having a five part putrid school plot get in the way of good storytelling

It's kinda hard to avoid

>board driven series
>trying to have a serialized narrative, character development and Deepest Lore at the same level as a script driven series

There's your problem. Same issue with Steven Universe. Same issue with Star Vs. Same issue with Adventure Time. Same issue with Regular Show. Board driven shows have their strengths, but they are not the same strengths as script driven shows. Board drive shows that try to be like script driven shows are always an idiotic mess.

>Why OK KO so fucking bad?

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The superhero school plot was unironically the best story of the show so far.

Nah. The "Guns are bad and the 2nd Amendment needs to be abolished" episode, the "Racial stereotyping in media is bad" episode, the "excluding diversity in products is racist and needs to be stopped at the corporate level" episode, and the "Enid can treat other people like garbage for no reason whatsoever because that's just who she is and if you don't like it then that's because you don't GET her" episode were all superior.

I love how subtle this show is with its messages.

It was putrid and awful. You have terrible taste. Even if Enid and Ellody weren't the worst, most boring characters, that somehow become even badder in close proximity, which they are, the school plot was rushed, forced and a complete mess. It's be fine if the plot was bad but the episodes were good, but every one of those episodes were trash. The football one was the worst.

This. Board-driven shows are perfect for comedies like SpongeBob, yet I think it worked better for OK KO than Steven Universe or Star Vs. because OK KO is a show with a lot of exaggerations in the art style.

>Hurr I will shit on some episodes while saying they are better than this other story
>is bad because is bad because is bad becase is bad because is bad because I said so and I said so because is bad and is bad because I said so because is bad
Also samefag

mean to
as well of couse

>Enid can treat other people like garbage for no reason whatsoever because that's just who she is and if you don't like it then that's because you don't GET her
Isn't that just every episode?

Mate did you expect me to give you a deep, not-asked-for analysis of why those episodes didn't work and Enid is a pain to watch??

Jump on my dick


Well, you got me to read the first half of your post, at least.

Yes, we all know OK KO is preachy as fuck. It's made in California, after all.

>the "Enid can treat other people like garbage for no reason whatsoever because that's just who she is and if you don't like it then that's because you don't GET her" episode

>Rad is rude to people and always, ALWAYS gets his comeuppance in the end to show that there are consequences to being mean to people
>Enid is horrible to everyone without provocation but her behavior is always justified "because she's just so COOL!"

The double-standard is one of the most off-putting thing about OK KO. Enid is the pet character of the staff and they're so tone deaf in their storytelling that they can't see how awful she really is.

She has shades of Lisa Simpson.

>Testosterone is no excuse for a man to behave like an asshole!
>You can't get mad at a woman for behaving like a bitch; she's on her period!

That's OK KO in a nutshell, user.

The final episode where they reveal Chip Damage as a robot was entertaining. That one deserves some credit at least, even if the school plot overall was shoddy.

>Enid is able to dodge all the attacks of TKO even when he is stronger and faster than fucking GAR
>TKO breaks all Rad's bones
I fucking hate Enid

>2nd Season has most Fink episodes
>2nd Season is the worst
That literally doesn't make sense OP.

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Pet characters with plot armor are the worst.

Just think about all the Fink we missed because the show-runners decided it'd be better to have an episode about Enid going on a roadtrip or Enid meets her old ghoul friends or Enid's unnecessary school adventures.

Your World is an Illusion isn't an Enid episode but that was still probably the worst of the season. Meta is the lowest form of writing.

It started out really fun but the novelty wore out fast. They took the plot in a retarded way and it makes so many parodies and anime jokes it started to not be it's own thing. It's just tiring when it could have been fresh and exciting.

You forget how she gets beaten by the Boxman robots just as much as the others do.

is this Crash Bandicoot?

Character A is built around dodging things and being fast.
Characters B and C are built around being meatheads who brute force things via sheer power.
Character A doesn't get touched much.
Characters B and C don't even try to dodge and they get hit hard for it.

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>Characters B and C are built around being meatheads who brute force things via sheer power.
Yeah that means they should be able to take a punch like the tanks they are dumb ass, not get ass blasted with even the slightest bump.

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Season 2 > the 2nd half of season 1
I'm really glad those types of episodes haven't shown up in season 2
Have you watched the episode Special Delivery?
>because the show-runners decided it'd be better to have an episode about Enid going on a roadtrip
Are you seriously complaining about the ep where Enid finally got called out?

So some updates on the show production wise:
Around the time season 3 began boarding (last august) boarder Geneva Hodgson got promoted to director (though Toby Jones, who had been co-executive producer on the show for a while anyways, is still on)
sometime afterwards (presumably when the first eps of season 3 reached the design phase), color stylist Kali Ciesmier got promoted to Art Director (replacing John Pham)

For reference, the eps that Geneva has boarded so far are:
Just Be a Pebble
Let's Be Heroes
I Am Dendy
You Get Me
Everybody Likes Rad?
TKO (first half)
Second First Date
We've Got Fleas
KO's Video Channel
Villains Night In (the only one of these eps that was with Ryann Shannon instead of Mira Ong Chua)
OK Dendy! Let's Be KO!
Action News
Lord Cowboy Darrell
Plaza Film Festival
The So-Bad-Ical
Red Action to the Future
Bittersweet Rivals
Soda Genie
Super Black Friday

Attached: Geneva Hodgson Season 2 Spoiler.jpg (879x782, 87K)

Pretty sure the show reinforces that TKO is OP as shit. You can't just tank the most OP character we've seen so far.
Anyway, the original topic of this line is that Enid came out being the only one to get away basically unscathed, which makes sense since she's the only one we've seen successfully dodge TKOs attacks.

basically she's the boarder who draws the characters in a cutesy style that hews fairly close to "on-model", inasmuch as that can be applied to this show

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