Can we all agree that the strongest was water?

Can we all agree that the strongest was water?

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Nah, i prefer a headcannon with Light & Shadow Bending.

Light Bending:
>Sacred Light Bending
>Cell Regeneration
>Moonlight Bending
>Defeat Fire and Earth because is a father element.

Shadow Bending:
>Acid Bending
>Poison Bending
>Moonlight Bending
>Defeat Water and Air because is a father element.
These elements are the transition from energy bending to elemental bending.
Only one person can handle them at the same time; preventing the learning of the other elements.
I love your anger, ATLAfags

not really. Water had many motions that seemed very necessary, and most required water to be in the area for use. Earth or fire has the most applications, depending on your level of skill.

Nice pasta


idgaf what you losers think, Air is the fucking coolest

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Spirit Bending is canonically the strongest.

>fire has the most applications
fire was shit bud, it can't even really be used defensively except solely against water

Earth is the clear winner

The size and security of the Earth Kingdom seemed to imply that earthbending had the greatest application for survival.

Actually shadow bending does show up in the comics.

So does dough bending.

>tfw you will never commit war crimes against the fire nation with earth bending
Just image being the parent of a fire kingdom soldier only to get your kid back in a box with a stone spike lodged in his head.

They often carry water with them or extract them from plants, but they don't even need that on full moon. They could just bloodbend the crap out of everyone. Water can also turned into ice without any training, while there were only two lava benders .

>fly by moving the rock you are standing on
>disappear by just fucking dipping into the ground
>can create strong as fuck barriers
>can shoot people with stone bullets
>fuck up buildings in an instant
>a single stone to the head will just fucking kill you versus getting burned really badly by fire
>your element is basically everywhere, hell if you're strong enough you could probably earthbend in the middle of the ocean

>fire is shit
Who needs defence, when you could just destroy the rocks thrown at you with fire?

Air was the most OP.
>can be used defensively by blowing any attacks away
>could be used to fly and maneuver
>could be used offensively with powerful air blasts and by making strong winds
>could bend the air out of someones lungs with minimal effort

has this actually ever happened?

It really wouldn't even make sense, the rock would just turn into molten slag that would still maintain the momentum of being flung at you

Fire shields are used in the show a few times.
Although to doesn't exactly work like user is saying

I would say, that air was the second strongest after water. Before someone bends air out of someones lung, he gets bloodbended. If someone tries to fly away, just freeze his legs or something. Just shoot ice spikes, which can't be blocked by air blasts.

Dont forget Ang's stupid trick where he made a tiny vortex in his hands.

Azula did it against Aang on the drill, if i remember correctly.

But that relies on the reflexes of the bender. If the air bender is fast enough then it could be difficult for the water bender to get to him. Also bloodbendi g can only be do e of a full moon.

It's a fucking shit that I thought was boring and it worked well when I put it on an ATLA forum years ago, they went crazy.
>Avatar Comics
Unfortunately for me that isn't canon, it is fanfic.

The people of the avatar world better thank whatever God they believe in that the air benders were peaceful nomads and not ruthless conquers. Entire towns could be wiped out by just a few air benders creating a tornado and leveling the place.

Avatar comics are canon, but this specific comic is non canon.

Water bender:
>can heal
>travel seas and oceans quickly and more efficiently
>can probably freeze your blood and instantly kill you
>bloodbend you in a pinch
>can generate water out of almost everywhere
>powered by night and the full moon, whereas the fire benders get power up by the day and a comet every 100 years. Earth and air benders get shit

Water is without a doubt the most lethal bending there is.

There can only be four bendings (not counting energy bending), because there are only four seasons.

Iroh already settled this issue a long time ago

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Spirit bending is part of water bending.

This. Based iroh.

Chibi Iroh is da best

One of the nice things about Avatar is that no element is inherently stronger than the rest. There's no rock-paper-scissor structure like you would see in a typical shounen, skill determines strength.
That said, water is definitely the most versatile and with the most subsets.
>Spirit healing

Water and earth. Air is ehhh. Not enough sampling to see what large groups of air users could do. Fuck fire, the useless bastards.

It has the huge weakness of needing an outside source to be used.

A source that can be found fucking everywhere
Sure, you need huge amounts of water to take out a large group of enemies, but in a 1v1 a simple bottle of water is more than enough
Plus you still have bloodbending.

You're right OP

Anyone who thinks water is not overpowered in the Avatar universe is a literal retard.

Water was already OP for being the only element that could heal but giving it blood bending on top of that was just assinine.

>t. Seething waternigger

Earth (Lots of practical applications) > Air (can fly with the use of a glider) > Water (can be used to pissbend when you are too lazy to get up to go to the toilet) >Fire (Can't be used for anything useful other than lighting cigarettes in a really cool way)

Fire > Earth > Water > Air

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t. Butthurt gang leader that got his bending taken away by a waternigger

>t. Assblasted tribesmen who got his men HOTMANN'd by the fire chads

We must Equalize my niggus

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Fire can fly to.

No element is inherently stronger than the rest.
The show did pretty good in that reguard.

Only if you are really good and it's more of a jump boost or a way to fall with style than actual flying.

Thats earth. Earth is practically the strongest because of that reason with probably fire 2nd

>fire is useless
>earth is strong
One is shooting lightnings and burning everything down, the other is throwing rocks and beeing lame Magneto.

Only if a woman uses it.

Earthbenders inside wooden cages or several feet above ground are useles.
You can’t carry your own earth to bend as easily as you can do with water

bumi literally took his entire city back with his face while in captivity

nah man it goes water>earth>air=fire

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Lava bending would be the most destructive right? Or does that go to Combustion bending?

>it's impossible to carry a stone with you and destroy a wooden cell
This lava chad just needed an stone, to escape his prison.

I forget those Handsome Katara edits

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They are equally destructive, but Combustion bending has the range advantage.

Ice bending

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If they can metal bend, why can't earthbenders manipulate the iron in humans blood pull it all out of them like Magneto does in that one X-men movie?

Fire bending

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nope. it's air

Sparky Sparky Boom Man was a straight fucking prodigy. How did this man obtain the powers that he had desu

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No there aren't there are only 2 season, summer and winter. We just pretend the in-betweens autumn and spring are seasons too for convenience's sake.

>shadow bending

Shouldn't that be a Lightbending thing? (especially because holy-ish sorts of people are less likely to use it for selfish gain?)

Spring is really just pre-summer and Autumn is really just pre-winter desu

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I prefer to balance the broken powers.
Light Bending had Reflection, and that is already quite powerful.
Shadow Bending had between camouflage or invisibility, I think I forgot to change the point but hey, it's a fucking pasta from 6 years ago.

Metalbending isn't true manipulation of metal, but manipulating mineral impurities in the metal, hence why platinum is considered unbendable.
Iron in the human body is likely not bendable.

Nah. Each element can counter the others in various ways, and each have special abilities. It all comes down to skill and environment.

Fair enough

this desu famalam.

You could just as easily argue that there are 6 seasons, or something. It depends a great deal on what the weather is like year-round where you live, as to whether or not the distinction between seasons means anything.

Egypt recognized three seasons, because of the way the Nile flooded. They had a hot season, flood season and then harvest season. Beyond that it didn't matter to them, because they lived in the desert where the landscape never really changes.

But then water would have the most talented and powerful bender of all nations, even though there are much more earth and fire bender.

How does one counter water? Every environment they could manage because of how dumb the skills are. Cool I'm in a desert but you still have blood in your body, I'm still sweating, plus that little water pouch katara used to carry etc

I'm going to say airbending was the most powerful at the time of the 100 year war's start because Gyatso killed like a dozen Sozin's Comet buffed firebenders while in his room alone. They probably had all manner of batshit insane OP vacuum attacks.

I guess freaky mutation like the other "special" benders.

Wrong. A fight between Equally skilled benders depends on environment and endurance. A waterbender would have the advantage in snow and near water, but the firebender could still counter it. A firebender would have the advantage in a dry area or hot area, but the waterbender can still counter it.
So on and so forth for all the other elements

He probably killed them with their own flames

Blood bending is hard to do and requires a full moon. Also water requires an outside source, same with earth.

I dont get what your saying. Do you really think a waterbender would have only a small disadvantage with a little sack of water?

It was a lot more than a dozen, nigga killed a whole battalion.
There were corpses all over the temple from other air benders too.

No, they would be at a disadvantage. That's why I'm saying bending is dependent on your environment

And skill.

which would favor earth most of the time and often leave waterbenders badly disadvantaged

You don't """need"""" the full moon if you do what Amon was doing and they don't """need""" an outside source, Katara has literally pulled water out the air and used it

Gyatso killed them all, even the air benders and then himself.

Water bending including blood bending

so yes, it's the strongest

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True. Although from what it seems, earthbenfing seems like it's harder to master than other elements

Wtaer bender get their water from everywhere. Only a dessert would give waterbenders problems, but they would just have to find an cactus or an oasis to get water.

water > earth > air > fire

I'm glad in the end, he was chosen as the leader.

It was only hard for Aang, because it was the opposite of his mentality and bending style.

Korra was retarded and ruined the dynamic, which is why I was just talking about the original series, but if you count Korra then yes, water would be the strongest.

nigga you can't pick whats canon and even if you do water is still the strongest. Its actually really nuts how good it is

They're all fan created characters from Nickelodeon Magazine.

All I'm saying is that in the original series they had an equal dynamic, but Korea ruined that.


Why is everyone overestimating earth? Water let's you bloodbend, while air lets' you fly and bend the air out someones lung. Earth can't do shit against these two.

In the original series water was already considered overpowered with bloodbending.
In any case I’d say Korra gave the other elements something to compete against the overpowered waterbending

>Fly by moving the ice you are standing on
>Use water to obscure vision and create optical illusions
>can create strong as fuck ice barriers
>can shoot people with ice bullets
>fuck up buildings in an instant
>freezing someone's blood will just fucking kill them versus getting burned really badly by fire
>your element is basically everywhere, hell if you're sweaty enough you could probably waterbend in the middle of a dessert

Earf let's you Hulk-jump. That's just as good, if not better than flight.

what can air do to earth? Can't do anything to me if I just put a little dome around myself

Why is everyone saying waterbenders can do things like "instantly freeze someones blood" which was never shown to be possible

Without bloodbending its this
earth would be the best on solid ground without water (most places)
water next to water like a river
fire somewhere without ready water or earth
air somewhere above with difficult terrain

Maybe to use on humans.

Fire always hurts, no matter what you’re made of.

Because the rules of the series are set. If you can freeze water and control the liquid in someone’s body then it could be posible to freeze someone from the inside.
Thing is, this is a kids cartoon. And they will never show that.

because if I'm an earthbender and you're a waterbender and we're fighting, I can encase your arms and legs in a rock tomb or create a sink hole for you preventing you from bending faster than you could waterbend to freeze me
If i'm a metalbender also, it'll be even worse for you

the only advantage a waterbender would have fighting a earthbender is either getting the jump on them, fighting during a full moon, or fighting by a body of water because earth is everywhere

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>Can we all agree that the strongest was water?
Oh, so you watched that video, I bet.


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>bloodbends you
Psst, get your dirt out of here kid

>Why is everyone overestimating earth?

if anything people are underestimating earthbending
the amount of crazy shit you can do with it and it's utility is probably the best out of all the bending

>*attempts to bloodbend making long hand movement*
>*I slide my foot creating quicksand under you throwing you off and hurl a giant rock at your head*

>*attempts to suck the air out my lungs*
>*I quickly pull up 10 rocks from under the ground and hurl them at you from different direction while you're in the air stopping you*

>*attempts to lightening strike me*
>*bend the metal plates I had hidden on my body to create a conductor to attract the lightening while I hurl rocks at you at the same time*

earthbending is OP

>attempts to bloodbend making long hand movement

Someone hasn’t watched Korra...

I think the sparky sparky boom family is made by some freaky experiments or some shit like that

Red eye?
Genetically modified?
megumin, is that you

Amon needed years of practice and dedication while at the same time coming from a family that was gifted in performing the technique

Katara never took water out of the air, she did it with some flowers and plants.

Can waterbenders redirect lightning? Iroh said he developed it after studying water bending.

You just said it. He developed it.
Other benders can copy the stances of different bending, but thta doesn’t mean they can contol the other elements

If waterbenders could use it so could any other bender or even nonbender. And we would of seen it

>In Korra people manage to learn more lightning generation and metalbending rather than it staying exclusive to a handful of people
>Bloodbending outside a full moon is impossible outside of three cases and it's fucking illegal
If anything water got nerfed by that

he wasn't a normal bloodbender, now was he?

>Someone hasn’t watched Korra

and that's a good thing

No, he was the strongest motherfucker Aang ever faced post-Ozai and people here think that they'd be able to copy his shit instantly if they were waterbenders rather than remaining as pathetic as a random mook.

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even if you were a waterbender who trained under Amon for 30+ years, you'd never be able to do what he could do on a bloodbending level. He was a prodigy.

It would be like you trying to learn to lava bend if you weren't the child of a fire and earth bender

>believing the stupid theory, that only a mutt can lava bend.

>In the original series water was already considered overpowered with bloodbending
people seem to forget how difficult bloodbending is.
we only get a single very creepy character using it only during full moon and probably one of the most talented water benders around, and katara didn't even like using it.
amon and his brother were trained by their father almost solely for it and even then they could freeze up a few people at most.

in true avatar fashion, it's yin and yang
metalbending was retconned into being easy while bloodbending is really fucking hard

Thing is, bloodbending was relatively new, and nobody besides the creepy lady and katara knew how to use it.
Katara didn’t even need a full moon to use it anyway, so i don’t think it has to do with power but with technicallity. The lady invented it, but Katara refined it.
Also, since it became illegal in Korra, we don’t really know how easy is for someone to learn bloodbending, or how dar it’s capabilities are.

>Katara didn't even need a full moon
When did Katara ever bloodbend without full moon?

There is also water EVERYWHERE.

The only way they can't bend is if they are completely dried out like jerky or are abandoned in the middle of a desert.
And even then they could get water/blood from animals.

>i don’t think it has to do with power but with technicallity
yes, that's my point.
it's so technical the only people we've seen use are literally the inventor of the damn thing and 3 prodigies, 2 of which trained since birth on that specific technique
and even then we haven't seen anyone bloodbend an entire platoon. we've seen what, 5 people at once tops?

In the Southern Raiders episode, the one where she goes with Zuko to find the killer of her mother
They infiltrate a ship and she subjugates the captain with bloodbending.

Wasn't that during a full moon?

Nope. It was in a stormy day.

But we don’t how difficult it is. Maybe it’s as easy as freezing water, but they don’t know because it’s illegal and nobody wants to try it.

Yakone bloodbended the whole court including Aang, who had to go in the avatar state to resist his bloodbending. That was during day time, without even using his hands.

this is way

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this, remember the dai li agents

they have this rock hands that can subdue benders

>mind control
>magic healing for some reason
Yeah, it's the best.

>They could just bloodbend the crap out of everyone
which was implied to be something that was either not taught, or even not known by more than a handful of people

Earth bend someone 10feet underground win every fight instantly

Could two blood benders prevent eachother from bending thier blood can they defensive bend and offensive bend at the same time?

>two blood benders prevent eachother from bending thier blood
According to Katara vs Hama yes but only if they are equally skilled. The more skilled bender overpowers the other.

>it can't even really be used defensively except solely against water

Except you can

Watch at .25 speed and you can see Zuko making a fire shield to defend himself from a explosion.

Fire bending seems to have Kinetic force in the show (you see this when Azula flys or when a fire bender breaks the a stone barrier)

this. firebending also creates thrust.
fire benders are less of walking flame throwers and more of walking rockets

But it's explicitly shown that controlling the liquid in someone's body is, in itself, an extremely difficult feat in itself. Just holding them in place is a fucking balancing act that requires some degree of bullshit on top, imagine having to do that in an actual fight, on the fly.

niggas ITT are underestimating every element.
a master of any element can be fucking terrifying no matter what element they bend.

Canonically in terms of fighting? Sure

Airbending is the most practical for everyday use though

Air was absolute dogshit by the end of the series though. It had almost no practical application in life and didn't even get any toocool4school wacky OC powerups like the other ones. Earthbending could bend lava, fire could bend electricity and explosions, and water had bloodbending.

>It had almost no practical application in life

Other than flight yah i agree with you. Though I think that is kind of the point. Airbending was focused around your spiritual well being/needs not your physical.

>has to be by a large body of water or carry water on you for it to be a useful element
Shit element

they didnt really get to develop air bending in the original that much since all the airbenders were, y'know, genocided.
i still think they should have made the theory about airbenders in the fire nation cannon.

>No practical application in life

>Air scooter
>Real life multi jump
>Cool yourself off when you want
>Speed yourself up
>Slow fall

Unless you are talking about making money and such then yeah

>Multi jump
Name literally one time you had to jump, let alone double jump.

>Melts your shit
Nice defense bro

you ever wanted to get up to a high place that you couldnt? there you go.

>people seem to forget how difficult bloodbending is.
People think that it was easy because Katara mastered it right away after seeing it once and forget that she was as bullshit as Aang, Toph and Azula in the prodigy department.

It was heavily implied that it was a full moon, otherwise she would have used bloodbending too against the guy that killed her mother or against Azula in the finale.

>the strongest was water
Not since LoK retconned bloodbending to be way weaker.

Now you can overcome it by not being a little bitch.

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Amon was counter blood bending

They could have never done that because otherwise the the title of the series would be a complete lie

i mean, semantically yeah but its not like thats a big deal or anything.

Air had the disadvantage of having only one bender during all of ATLA and he was also the "master of all 4 elements" so he also had to rely on the other three.

It did get some pretty cool solo stuff from Tenzin and Zaheer in the sequel series.

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Have any of you guys ever wonder how weird it is that all historians and writers that talk about the aircaust are air nomads themselves? they claim millions of people were killed by the fire nation, but there are no pictures or documents of this event. Not even one. I mean, how would they even put a bunch of nomads all together in the first place? how would they make sure none of them escape? or do you guys believe the 'traps' the fire nation allegedly put in air temples actually killed them all? Some say that the absence of air nomads would prove the aircaust, but what do we see years later? air nomads start suddenly appearing out of nowhere! and then they claim reparations. I'm not trying to start anything, but isn't that kind of weird how some of the most powerful families in the World all have airbenders in their bloodline now? and the moment they 'appeared' could not be better for them; just when everything is in complete chaos, they appear to 'help'. What do you guys think?

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>Now you can overcome it by not being a little bitch.
That's usually the rule for mind control and body control powers. And in that pic all Mako managed to do was shoot a tiny bolt of lightning he still got btfo by Amon five seconds later.

The point is, even a weak faggot like Mako was able to just ignore it for a moment. It's far from being as strong as people think. Just don't be weak.

fuck off firenigger we all know your a barbaric lot.

But Azula, right here there is a document written by Fire Lord Sozin that says "With Roku gone, and the great comet returning, the timing was perfect to change the world. I knew the next Avatar would be born an Air Nomad. So I wiped out the Air Temples."

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I mean, it's a fair assumption that airbenders weren't actually killed at all, they just race-mixed into the population and waited their time, while trying to get as much influence as they can. Now they own an entire Island as reparations. Is that really fair?

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Fuck off, Azula, you're drunk.

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Proven to be false. Also, that would only prove intent, not actual genocide. The plan was always only to look for the avatar; it wouldn't even make sense to wipe them all out, since the avatar would just be reborn.

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Facts don't care about your feelings. Who is truly barbaric? let's see..

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Republic City was a mistake.
Tarlok is gay

Didn't firebenders kill the parents of those Fire Ferrets pro-benders and Hiroshi Sato's wife? They also disfigured Amon's face

>firelord sozins handwritten testament
>proven to be false
azulas acting more insane than usual

I really don't remember anything.
Can you explain to me what the fuck happened with that?

And water niggers did all the rest.

earthbending no contest
waterbending takes second place because op bullshit
everything else is shit

Amon wasn't really scarred up, it was paint. But yeah Firebenders did kill Mako and Bolin's parents and they did kill Sato's wife.

how the fuck do you get genocided when your speacial power is flying i mean nigga really?


>'discovered' by the traitor king, with ties to the greatest air kike of all time
It is faker than a waterbender's tears. But again, there are many holes in said document; like why it exists in the first place (only to incriminate himself?) and what such a strategy would even accomplish. So they just go to the air temples on the off-chance the air NOMADS are all there? and on the chance that they find out who is the avatar? it doesn't make any sense, and you know it.

But you know what makes a lot of sense? air nomads spreading lies about what really happened. You just don't want to swallow this firepill because it's too hard.

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fire benders had the comet power-up and could shoot them out of the sky.
even so they still killed a shitton of fire benders.

>incriminate himself?
why would he be incriminating himself if he thought it was the right thing to do? no one in the fire nation hid it until they lost.
youre just a sore loser.

Stop, Scrapper/Carmen.
It's enough.

B1 Aang solo'd a volcano with just airbending, he was a prodigy and the Avatar but he wasn't in the Avatar State or anything. Other master airbenders could probably replicate such a feat. When utilized correctly an airbender can evade all the other elements pretty simply too, sans the conditional bloodbending. The only problem is the Air Nomad's pacifistic nature — without it you see Aang decapitating a buzzard wasp 100ft away or the noob Zaheer running rampant throughout a season.

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>why would he be incriminating himself if he thought it was the right thing to do
He didn't "thought it was the right thing" (tough arguably it is) because he didn't write it in the first place.

You want to know what really happened? the air nomads were plotting for years to slowly destroy the fire nation with diversity and identity politics. When the war started, they also plot to join enemy forces. Taking the temples was self-defense, and happened without a single drop of blood spilled, since they decided to run away like they always do.

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Fire basically works like Cyclop’s laser vision. Sure it occasionally burns things or warms things up, but what it really does is transfer a large amount of kinetic force for some reason.

Also fire doesn’t have a ton of practical applications, but it’s pretty good at mass destruction.

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>happened without a single drop of blood spilled, since they decided to run away like they always do.
he says as each temple was riddled with firenigger corpses

Fire and Earth: tied for strongest (both had large empires and civilizations complete with large cities and cultures)
Water: weaker (only had one major city; the rest lived in tribes around arctic areas)
Air: weakest (died)

Oh, you've seen the faked photos as well? you do realize air nomads use non-lethal tactics to begin with? why would there be 'fire soldier corpses'?

>"if they go against my narrative theyre f-fake!"
lmao@fireniggers. imagine actually being surprised when someone tries to defend themselves when attacked.

Like Aang did in the entire show without killing anyone?

the entire story is so ridiculous that, according to the main sources (fake mainstream media), the air nomads tried to fight instead of fleeing. Doesn't that sounds weird to you?

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>someone actually fighting when cornered is ridiculous
fire nation education, everyone.

>Nah, i prefer a headcannon with Light & Shadow Bending.

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Kimiko was hot

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Do you anons think it made sense that not a single airbender survived? Like none of the Nomads ever left the society and went out to live on their own?

People in ATLA say that no air nomad has been seen in the last 100 years, so unless they all hide from society or who knows how, they all most likely died

In the card game, there is one other air nomad that survived. Not sure if canon tough.

i personally subscribe to the theory that there are air nomads in the fire nation.

Way too asian for my liking

Never compare me to Carmen, transvestites deserve death for being mentally ill.

to be fair most waterbenders didnt seem to really be aware of how much water they could extract from their environment.

Firebending wins imo, not because it wins in a 1vs1 context but because its benefits work on an industrializing nation wide scale. As long as there's people, the fire nation can keep it's economy going for longer than the other kingdoms could.

>Also bloodbendi g can only be do e of a full moon.

This was changed in the Legend of Korra. In the first season, there were three waterbenders who were able to bloodbend even in broad daylight. One of them even managed to bloodbend Aang until he went into the Avatar state.


Only Yakone's family can do that