Are they telling me that I have to be black if I want to score a French cutie pie elf waifu?
You mean you didn't know that before?
He's tanned you absolute moron.
Nah all you need is a Self Insert writer
you are a fucking pleb, Amalia is the patrician choice
>french elf
no such thing, elves are a scandinavian figment.
That slut?
Eva and Amalia suck
Imagine getting outside so little you don't know what a tan is.
Elf girls are overrated, and successful adventurers know this.
Yeah, but you still get b& for posting best girl and her big fat cat tats in the /aco/ thread so some adjustments must be made.
>user leaves his basement for a day
>oh shit, my skin is changing color, I'm becoming a nigger!
You know what, some people on that board are probably stupid enough.
It could be worse. I remember somebody on the tag on tumblr complaining that Tristepin's kids were white.
he is tan though, not black.
No they are saying you have to be a god.
>We will never see BLack Crow agian
Good taste right here.
>we'll never see his daughter take up the name and be an enemy then ally to Elely and Fropin as teenagers.
Tot said they will likely be continuing the story(season 4 and the adventures of Elely, Flopin, and Pin) as a series of free webcomics. There is hope.
Just let Wakfu die.
he's a burnt ginger
Wakfu died early season 2 for me.
How high is Tot in the company? What hope is there that he steps down and somebody competent carries on Wakfu?
He IS the company
He's the An in Ankama
He's got us all be the balls mate
I meant by the balls
Fuck I am tired
He the only founder still there, I believe and he won't ever consider stepping down. Dofus/Wakfu is his baby.
Hell, Goultard was originally his D&D character. Which is why the Iop plot is so strong in the series.
I would let it die if it hadn't ended on a cliffhanger.
Tans don't generally last for several years. Leave your house and you'll eventually understand how it works.
So since Netflix says there isn't a market for the series I'm guessing that it didn't do well in Japan even with the author of MHA endorsing it. Anyone know what the general opinion of the series is over there?
What makes you think he doesn't keep tanning?
All the wakfu stuff I see from japan is season 1 designs, so maybe they stopped the dub at that.
Some pale people get tan marks that don't go away, they're usually more freckly-uneven but it's fantasy so w/e.
Also the gary stu motherfucker turned out to be a god so likely his self image is what counts, and he likes the tan.
Yeah. But you'd have to die before you got your dick wet.
He also got marked by Rubilix during their fight. Mayble it somehow locked the skintone in.
the episode where he went through the desert and got his tan was the best in the entire show. change my mind
I want to protect Evangelyne's smile!
It's funny how people go on about the bath scene when we had this a season before.
What? You expect people to just go on the internet and lie?
That smile belong to Flopin now.