Favorite plot twist in cape comics?

And why are they so uncommon?

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I liked that one time where that X-man died, and then they made him not died.
I clapped.

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Lobo being the original psychopath in Lobo vs Mask.

Seems so obvious in hindsight.

The first time I saw this I thought the hero had a glowing white cock, now I realize it’s just a design on his crotch. Disappointing desu.

They aren't uncommon, they're just usually really bad.

Take Snyder's Batman for example. Every story arc has some terrible twist in it that everybody just forgets about after the fact.

>Owl-Man is actually Lincoln March, who is actually...BRUCE'S LONG LOST BROTHER!!! (or maybe not teehee)
>Bruce revealed his identity to the Joker years ago!!! (or maybe not teehee)
>The Joker is actually an IMMORTAL!!!! (or maybe not teehee)

Almost every new writer tries to make some EPIC twist that CHANGES EVERYTHING, but its always garbage. Only Moore and Morrison ever really pulled it off.

>>Bruce revealed his identity to the Joker years ago!!! (or maybe not teehee)
Oh man I forgot about that trash. God Snyder, what were you thinking? I hate everything he does with Joker
That’s pretty cool

>That pose
Were there other hints of what this guy really was or did it come out of nowhere?

So, whats the plot twist here? Unfamiliar with this comic.

Normie standards must be pretty low given how well-received Snyder's Batman was at the time...casuals still try to hold it up as an exemplary Batman run.

The Golden Age (now known as JSA: The Golden Age)
I recommend reading it but if you really want to know the heroes discover Dynaman was subjected to a brain transplant and isn't himself, so they think he's the Ultra-Humanite but in reality he's Adolf Hitler

The first time you see him he is giving a speech at a rally that is supposed to be reminiscent of his famous speeches

Meaning to say it’s not just the pose

That sounds absolutely hilarious.

Nb4 "try the red one"
Or has Yea Forums finally gotten over that Daredevil comic.

It’s actually really well done you should read it sometime. It is hilarious in a way but it isn’t stupid the way it’s handled. Just the right amount of ridiculous.

Thunderbolts #1
The first X-Force issue by Milligan and Allred with everyone dying.
Shit, there were a few more that I remember liking but can't think of right now.

Honestly, it's really chilling in context because just as they discover the truth he gets tired of the charade and goes absolutely berserk.

>Thunderbolts #1
Wow I have read this since it was new and I was like a preteen, I forgot the reveal in the first issue. Could have sworn it came later.

There was actually a solicitation for an issue of the Hulk coming out the same month that spoiled the twist, and someone caught it right before it went to print.

"Try the red one" was legitimately an amazing moment. Waid's run went right down the shitter as soon as he finished his Bullseye/Ikari arc, but I would strongly defend it's quality up until that point. Especially the stuff with Jackal and Ikari.

This was also a great twist.

I'unno though, I think my favorite might be Moore's Anatomy Lesson. It's just done so well.

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Oh wow that’s hilarious

There was a time when James Robinson could write pages like this.

It doesn't seem that good by itself, but in the context of the complete narrative is the most badass page in the entire story.

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man, what happened to Robinson

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It’s honestly one of my favorite comics ever. I have an original trade of it but I really need to get the issues for my collection, I love it that much.

>issue leading into sinestro corps war
>we all knew it was going to be sinestro vs the glc
>what we didn't know was this busted lineup thrown in on the very last page
The twist wasn't that it was completely different from what we were led to believe but the extent of how things were going be fucked.

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What am I missing here?

the buildup to the twist

I remember when this issue came out, everyone went insane.

>bruce is gone
>dick takes over as batman
>new mystery detective comes in to help
>dropped clues throughout the run as to who he might be
>dickbats confronts him and leading up to this page is going over the clues he's put together that leads him to figuring out who the new guy is
>ta da
>it's the joker

The multiple issue arc. This is the first time Dick Grayson as Batman meets the Joker.

I loved this Batman & Robin run by Grant Morrison. Dick and Damian had great chemistry. Too bad it had to end so soon.

There was also the leak of kylehallax and we thought THAT was the twist so AM showing up was a hell of raised stakes

Damn I forgot about that. I remember seeing that on the awful CBR boards, thank god I found Yea Forums not too long afterwords.