ITT: Character interpretations that fell by the wayside.
Wally was the conservative kid, who grows up to be a manslut and later married a black woman and fathers twins with her.
ITT: Character interpretations that fell by the wayside.
Wally was the conservative kid, who grows up to be a manslut and later married a black woman and fathers twins with her.
>Conservatives are just race traitors in denial
What exactly is a mid-western conservative? What makes it different from your average conservative?
More racism, less intelligence.
It's more of an openly ignorant/self-centered bigotry than the in-your-face, hypocritical bigotry of deep south conservativism.
It's called character development.
A conservative from the midwest.
He married an Asian in the comics.
Op here, you’re totally fucking right. I’m retarded.
But my point still stands.
Man this makes me want to read a comic book about team with conservative that voted for Trump and liberal who voted for Hilary who vehemently each other and constantly argue. I’m not even American but I can’t help but thinking that all the shit flinging between the liberals and conservatives in the US is entertaining.
Conservative due to being sheltered, isolated, unintelligent and uninformed rather than any chosen beliefs.
That is some serious butt hurt.
Based Wally, shame they probably won't get back together in the N52 continuity because Linda thinks he's just some random weirdo
Well, at least he still has Magenta
are we still in american hours?
No, it’s more Evangelicalism and and cuckservativism. The south is still far more racist because they live with the most blacks.
You actually have an extremely ignorant view and I’m from the northeast, but do a little traveling and pay a little bit of attention to the politics of those areas and you will see how wrong you have it. Midwesterners see themselves as “compassionate conservatives”. Not saying they are, but that’s how they see it so you are totally wrong.
I’m sure you are so very enlightened. People like you deserve to be in a ditch, your head is never going to be removed from your ass so it’s best to be done with you.
This, but unironically
These too. I’m from the Midwest, and I can tell you that there are plenty of idiots here.
I thought they had set up some plot where she was going to go looking for Wally because her investigative side couldn't ignore the mystery of who he was? Or did Didio bitch and moan too hard about that
From you, you mean? That you can't handle people shittalking on Yea Forums?
Find some old JLA Bronze Age books. Green Arrow and Hawkman had the left/right political bickering you're looking for.
He doesn’t seem nearly as seething as the people he responded to
>I thought they had set up some plot where she was going to go looking for Wally because her investigative side couldn't ignore the mystery of who he was?
I don't remember this, but I do know the Wally/Linda thing hasn't been brought up ever since the Abra Kadabra arc in Titans ended
Maybe everyone just forgot about it, just like with the three Jokers business
>it's a "/pol/ projects its own SEETHING onto others" episode
I love Wally. Fuck you Didio and King.
Nap time honey, you are getting obsessed
Get off Yea Forums, Barry
That's Wally though. Colorist fucked up the eye color.
I want Wally to wear the same Flash cosume as Barry again.
Oh right, he is dead.....again.
Wally said they ended their mutual exchange off screen in the second arc.
>being conservative means you're against racemixing
Wally was doing his civic duty of fucking some white into that asian gene pool.
>Man this makes me want to read a comic book about team with conservative that voted for Trump and liberal who voted for Hilary who vehemently each other and constantly argue.
Basically, the Old Green Arrow/Green Lantern or Green Arrow/Hawkman comics.
Though honestly, I get the feeling Ollie wouldn't vote Hillary and Carter wouldn't vote Trump.
if you grew up watching john stewart it does
As long as they choose jesus conservatives are actually cool with it.
Martin Luthor King Jr. was a Republican, never forget!
DCAU Shayeera with Carter Hall would also be racemixing because he is a human and she is not.
This is exactly why people on the actual right call conservatives cuckservatives.
So I was right about the Didio thing?
Ollie would be a Berniebro. Carter would be a neocon.
Fucking a black chic and having children with her as a white guy is not being a cuck. As longs as she grew up with christian values it's okay.
Shhh we dont talk about Timmverse Carter
I’m not trying to argue I’m just saying that’s what they believe. And no one thinks fucking a black chick and having a kid makes you a literal cuckold, they mean you are cucking your genetics and ancestory. Also I believe the argument also pertains to the fact that your child will never look like you and people will assume it isn’t your genetic kid (this is encouraged by society too, how often is Barack Obama called a Blackman? Probably more often than he’s called biracial. But he’s never called white).
My step mom is black and I have a half brother who looks more like me (with darker skin and curly hair) than like our dad or his mom.
Genetics are pretty strange sometimes. We both look more like our grandfather in his youth.
But yeah most people assume he is just a lighter skinnes black dude.
Yeah I’m sure there are tons of exceptions but to most people
>But yeah most people assume he is just a lighter skinnes black dude.
Exactly. And I don’t think there is any changing that.
>More racism, less intelligence.
Redundant but true.
No it doesn't? Asian women are a conservative's best wife. Obedient, reproductive and co-dependent.
Depends from which country.
As much as I now is that indo-chinese women like Thai chics for example are not really that loyal etc.
>This is exactly why people on the actual right call
>I’m not trying to argue I’m just saying that’s what they believe.
>the actual right
No user, you tipped your hand here.
Asian immigrants maybe, Asian American women, especially those from California, are the most rabid feminists I’ve ever encountered. Most of them do not want marriage or kids on principle.
If we are being honest, most of Wolfman's interpretations suffered this on a bigger or lesser extent.
>Wally West
>Changeling (not even the name stuck, kinda got simplified as just comic relief)
>Starfire to a lesser extent
>Terra has gotten more sympathetic
>Somewhat Cyborg.
This type of thinking is what creates the Elliot Rogers and Maylis of the world.
A friend of mine had a boy with his Asian gf and I urged him to have his kid connect with the males of her family.
He's saying the user is Barry, not the image.
Hal never really argued with Ollie, he was just always comically oblivious to what was going on until Ollie lectured him.
I’ve always been curious if turning Carter into a stalker was more Timm or McDuffie.
wally was a good boy from the start. Mid-western conservative just plays up the fact that he is like the only person there with a healthy and close knit family.
But Northern liberals are far more racist and far less intelligent
Wally ever do anything with his Bachelor's in physics?
Based on what I know about both of them, it's Timm
I’m pretty sure Wally never finished college.
Every character that’s been saddled with the MCU characterization. Tony’s been hit with it the worst and he’ll never recover from it.
>and later married a black woman and fathers twins with her.
Wally married Linda Park.
Linda was Koren American when they were married and had the twins.
All her live action adaptations in the 90s and recent are Asian.
Her animated adaptation is Asian.
NONE of them have been black. Not even biracial with black skin tones or heritage.
Really? I find them incredibly sheltered and naive. Mentally they're children.
You could say that about everything that's happened to wally since like 2004, so yeah
Wally does not have a healthy or close knit family. He spent every waking moment he could getting away from them and into the arms of his aunt and her boyfriend.
Wally dropped out of college at year 2 after Crisis to become The Flash.
OP already admitted he messed up. He was obviously confusing Linda for Iris, since Iris was actually blackwashed.
A conservative who thinks farmers should be subsidized for not growing things
No? He left the household because he grew up, not because they died, were evil, or stopped loving him.
As a third party, there's some serious irony here that you're just not seeing, friend.
His father was a jackass to him. That is the reason why he take Barry as his surrogate father.
>it's an 'everyone who even slightly disagrees with me is /pol/' episode
I saw it as though love but you do have a point.
Heroes in Crisis mentions her
Wasn't his dad a Manhunter and an all around piece of shit? I remember his mom being a bitchy basket case
>fell by the wayside
Wally just grew up
The manhunter thing was treated like a fever dream that never happened. When Waid brought his dad back briefly all that shit was treated like it never happened.
Please go read Born to Run.
HiC didn't really mention her. Just Wally being sad and obsessed with his family that doesn't exist anymore. The Linda who is alive and doesn't give a shit about Wally is nowhere to be found since the first Titans story.
>Its a /pol/ tries to pretend it's not projecting itself thread
Re read it.
Considering his dad literally climbed a tree in a middle of a thunderstorm to try and get him to safety, i wouldn´t say the love was completely lost between them... And do consider wally had a bit of that teenager rebellion/angst coloring his perspective.
Sure, but the entire premise is his parents were neglectful, hateful people who couldn't express themselves to him or each other. His home life was that off two people who ignored him.
It's not the worst, most tragic home life imaginable. No dead mom or anything. It's just a shitty situation for a kid who had a lot more to give the world. Something he'd never get to do living with the Wests. Which is why he went to Central City and the rest is history.
>married a black woman and fathers twins with her.
That’s Barry who marry’s a black girl and have kids with.
Warrior-Poet Hawkman. He was big angry, and savage - yet a cultured gentleman who was conflicted by his barbaric tendencies and love for history. His various deaths caused for some insightful reasoning behind his right-wing beliefs and his temper.
Nowadays, he's drawn more lean, he's less angry, and a little more insightful. It seems like a natural progression, but I kind of liked that he wasn't so perfect as a man, and a hero
The point still stands that he was aged up as the conservative because of the fact he still had two parents who were together.
Not OP by the way.
Always thought that Johns wrote an underrated Ollie.
Silicon Valleyfag here, what the fuck are you talking about, they're literally all trying to get married and knocked up by white programers.
Wally ended up homeless because he trusted his mom to manage his money for him. And she still tried to deflect every argument into him feeling guilty
that's not why Wolfman did it
Wolfman didn't like speedsters or Wally, at least writing him, so he just made him the shitty contrarian to all the characters he did like
The time for you to get help was years ago.
>If I repeat it, maybe people will buy it.
Other way around. Wolfman´s strenght and weakness as a writer is that he wants to be contrarian, different from the accepted way things are done. So just he wanted to portray a speedster as something other than the positive, can do character.
The problem is that just doing things for the sake of being different means the story tends to become a mess, but that´s not because he deslikes the character (the other titans had the same problem). He´s basically a good ideas man, but building the story is best left to others.
>No, it’s more Evangelicalism and and cuckservativism. The south is still far more racist because they live with the most blacks.
the midwest isn't just states like kansas. don't forget that the midwest has places like missouri, wisconsin, etc. that have had race riots in the news the last few years.
i think part of it is that wolfman noticed all the young people voting for republicans in the early 80s. so he wanted to be "socially relevant." even if he obviously leans liberal and it came across as kind of awkward and ham-fisted.
I'm really holding out hope that manchild Peter Parker isn't here to stay. How is post-Slott Spidey? I haven't checked in in a while.
In their early days the Fantastic Four weren’t really like they were today
>They often spent half of a chapter arguing among themselves, and not in the banter/tricks that we now know Ben and Johnny play to each other, as in actually considering each other idiots or assholes and saying that they were going to leave the team
>Ben was infatuated with Sue too, to the point that one of the reasons he complained about his appearance is that he didn’t think she could love the Thing
>Sue was ridiculously more clueless than she is now, I’d argue mostly to have her display her useless power in the pre-force field period. Stuff like having to run because she saw the FF signal, so she turned invisible and started shoving people around to get through, or her forgetting she’s invisible while a car is running toward her
>Reed lost all the FF money by making stupid decisions on the stock market
Also, not really characterization related, but I think Namor had different powers back than. I’m not really an expert about him now, but back in the days he had the “powers” of all the sealife, like shooting thunders like an electric heel
remember when the x-men were treated like celebrities and worked with the fbi?
Yeah, Carter would be a never-Trump conservative who feels that he's destroying the Republicans.
Ollie would be an idealist who does strategically useless things like vote third party and cast a ballot for Jill Stein.
Barry would be that centrist who considers himself "rational" and "open-minded" because he's voted both Republican and Democrat in the past, and votes on how much he thinks the current candidate is a "good man."
Superman would be a Democrat.
Batman doesn't have political thoughts beyond fighting crime in his city because his he is so devoted to his mission. Probably doesn't even vote in federal elections.
The Question would vote for Gary Johnson.
Both flashes being conservative is a long-lasting part of the characters, never forget injustice Barry got mad at superman for trying to ban guns
Let's just quote the man himself on how he sees wally:
Marv Wolfman: “[If] you think logically, all he has to do is see the villain and the fight’s over. He moves too quickly. I like his personality very much because I like playing his middle class, Midwest personality against the others. But as far as his power goes, I don’t like it. Much too inconvenient. If used correctly, he’s really too powerful. […] He’s a good character. I like his personality. It’s just that his powers are a very big problem. He just moves too fast.”
DECKER: I was noticing too that you characterized Kid Flash as a Midwestern conservative in the Russian super-hero story. He was making all kinds of anti-Soviet cracks.
WOLFMAN: I think some of it was overexaggeration. What you try to do sometimes to establish a character the first time is maybe go a touch overboard and then bring them back. Very often the younger readers will not understand the subtleties. So first you hit em over the head and then you do it quietly. I won’t do it to that extent again, but I want Kid Flash as someone who – not necessarily Midwestern conservative, though that’s the phrase I used, but a conservative background. He’s family, church, home, mother, apple pie, and believes in all of that. And there’s nothing wrong with that. We’ve never seen a character who’s like that in a sense. Even Captain America of late would not talk in those terms, and probably that’s the way a lot of people really do talk, and there’s nothing wrong with being a conservative, any more than there is being a liberal, or anything in-between.
meant to reply to
>All the episodes featuring GL/Hawkgirl were by McDuffie
John was his self-insert and he’s known to hate conservatives. It’s was just petty dickwaving he managed to get into a kids cartoon.
>Superman would be a Democrat
This, it's two adjectives not an adverb to the adjective
Superman would unironically vote Trump because he's an honest man who probably got stung by Obama's promises.
It's not the other way around. Wolfman said many times he hated Wally West.
What the fuck? Trump is the sleaziest, nastiest piece of shit alive. Dude literally brags about cheating on his wife. Why would Superman ever vote for someone with such little moral character?
>Superman will vote for the cheap, fat, dumber version of his arch-nemesis.
>Superman voting for a conman and condoning all the shit Trump has spewed.
Need I remind you that Superman is technically an illegal immigrant? Byrne’s autism in making Superman born in Kansas has been retconned.
lol what he's a journalist man, he probably rolled his eyes at hilary but voted for her anyway.
Trump is the only Politician in modern American politics who has stuck to his campaign ideas. He's unironically the most honest president America could have gotten.
Superman revoked his American citizenship, he ain't voting dude
You mean ''didnt literally use acid on the email servers so it's ok'' Killary?
>Superman is technically an illegal immigrant
8 USC 1401 (f)
If the only person you can imagine comparing Trump to is a woman you treat as the most evil politician in history, that should worry you.
This. He's already fulfilled more manifesto pledges than Bush, Obama and Clinton combined and he's actively trying to get one of his biggest done.
So by how much did Trump lower the debt and the deficit?
Now he's stealing money for a wall we don't need.
It's incredible how quiet conservatives are about how much money he's taking from the taxpayer by forcing the Secret Service to stay at his own hotels and clubs whenever he goes on his golf trips. Doesn't that go against the very core of their financial philosophy?
>immediate fanatical deflection on the "we just KNOW" territory.
Who need Islam when you got that sort of strategy going on on your soil.
There are a few conservatives who're going CRAZY over it, and over the GOP's going along with it. They can't make much noise though.
>later married a black woman
Asian woman
Also, his conservativeness was mostly calling out russkies for being russkie fucking shits.
>rorshach is now a black guy
That would require someone other than the writer of Titans at that time to care about the plot points that the book set up.
His own costumes were always more dope though. Both the Rebirth one and the shiny-armored-eyelenses one from the 90s.
It was basically the "Avengers Who?" era.
>why attack me for having morals and core values that are directly opposed to your own?
I have never understood this mentality. Because you're the fucking enemy, that's why.
That is the strangest thing, really, I thought American conservatives were all about never wasting taxpayer's money for anything but military and spy stuff?
Batman would vote Republican if not for his irrational hatred of guns.
>But he lets Alfred and Gordon have guns!
But not Barbara, Jason or even Simon Baz. Batman just gets pissed at guns so much he acts irrationally.
If you read the interviews I just posted, it's clear he doesn't hate the character. He simply didn't want him at full power because then he could solve most problems by himself and before the others could get there.
WOLFMAN: Oh, yeah, I always intended to. The problem was that I didn’t want to center on the original characters up front. I wanted readers to understand who all the new characters were before we got to Robin, Wonder Girl, and Kid Rash. Kid Flash we probably did more with because he’s the character I like the least.
MacDONALD: To get the worst out of the way first?
GROTH: Why is Kid Flash your least favorite?
WOLFMAN: Because if you think logically, all he has to do is see the villain and the fight’s over. He moves too quickly. I like his personality very much because I like playing his middle class, Midwest personality against the others. But as far as his power goes, I don’t like it.
GROTH: Too inconvenient?
WOLFMAN: Much too inconvenient. If used correctly, he’s really too powerful.
WOLFMAN:[...] And we’re going to take Kid Flash our for awhile until we come up with the best way of handling him.
MacDONALD: Break his legs or something.
WOLFMAN: When I was on Dracula, I removed Blade from the book. He was a character I’d created. I really liked him, he was my favorite character, but I took him our of the book for a year and half because I didn’t have a way of handling him correctly and letting him grow. I have yet to figure our how to let Kid Flash grow as a character and yet keep the essential strong points of him. So we’ll rake him our and when we come up with something we’ll do it. He may come back for a guest appearance here and there just so people don’t forget.