>Here's your JJJ Yea Forums
Here's your JJJ Yea Forums
That would be awesome. 10\10 cast.
Could be good.
I mean other than his skin color he's pretty much spot on, hell depending on how he's acted I can easily ignore that too
Sign me up
yeah okay
>imposing aura
>capable of yelling
Sounds good to me
Honestly, he'd be a better Robbie
>Cool, collected
>Physically imposing as fuck, but more in a "I would never want to get on this guy's bad side" than a bully
>Stands up to Jameson
>One scene where he impersonates Jameson that is the funniest scene in the movie
There ya go.
I'm 100 percent ok with this
>prone to hanger
>variable honesty depending on agenda
it just feels more right now.
People to like to say their favorite Jonah twist was when he actually felt remorse after his interview with Spider-Man with Peter revealing who he was
But I feel the best one is actually when some villain told Jonah about Parker only for him to say that he fucking knew already and that it doesn’t change anything
This thread is cringe.
Didn't this nigga join the #MeToo movement saying a man harassed him? He's a pussy and obviously so is everybody in Yea Forums. I'm leaving.
I'd be okay with this
LMAO leave and never come back, faggot.
See you tomorrow.
Friends and villains of supers saying they already know the hero's identity but just don't care is one of my favourite things.
I fuxks with it
You see unlike Rodriguez Goblino as MJ acting absolutely nothing like her, Terry crews as Jameson would actually fucking work
The casting is never the actual problem, it’s the writing
No fuck you. I want him for Steel.
Buddy faggot is homophobic, your faggot nigger hero up top would be ashamed you used that term to defend him when he's a faggot himself. Pretending he got raped because he's a self loathinng faggot xD
I, for one, am still pulling for this guy.
He's clearly got the comedy chops, just give him some salt-and-pepper hair and you're golden
>I'm leaving.
Please do.
No, no, no. Clearly, Bryan Cranston just has to take over for Stan Lee. Just, continue the Stan Lee cameos, but with a new actor.
Bryan Cranston is a good actor but I'm not sure if a JJ role would be for him. JJ has to be loud, boisterous, arrogant like how you'd imagine an editor in chief. Bryan could do that but he has a whole different profile I think; leans more towards low-profile, controlled anger type of character. And JJ needs to be... a little overwhelming.
I can't see it. Terry, even when yelling, always has an upbeat attitude full of energy. Nothing like the angry, insecure JJJ.
Why does he look like a combination of multiple squares
>Physically imposing as fuck
That's not Robbie then.
>gets traumatized by Tombstone's attack
>decides to get swol so it never happens again
So, basically 99 Terry.
That would be great casting so that's why it isn't happening.
But I feel the best one is actually when some villain told Jonah about Parker only for him to say that he fucking knew already and that it doesn’t change anything
That's a meme from this very board.
>Terry yelling at people to get him pictures of Spider-Man
>they actually get him pictures of Spider-Man
>upbeat attitude full of energy
That's Jameson, you ninny. That's how Simmons portrayed him. Idiot.
If he acts mad he is jjj
I want Bruce Campbell if they don't want J.K. Simmons, if they go with the racebait could he be Latino or Asian instead? tired of African Americans
Great cosplay, I just want to know if he's got the JJ chops. The Netflix Daredevil show cast a black dude as Ben Urich and I think they nailed it. This could be great in the same vein but there's more to it than appearance (which I guess the whole racelifting thing should illustrate...).
I don't know how to articulate it properly, but with JK Simmons portrayed him, even his upbeat energy had a somewhat mean spirit to it. He got joy out of his own success or other people's suffering (your pic is a perfect example.) Terry Crews doesn't have that mean spirit.
Yes he does, dumbass. Unless all you've seen him in is Brooklyn 99.
>tired of African Americans
Just dropping that mask, huh?
kid you need to calm down and stop throwing around nasty words you don't really mean. I'll kiss your booboo if you just show it to me :)
>I want the mediocre fat white man not the black guy that works hard to stay in shape.
>dropping that mask
m latino
I've seen him in other stuff too and I still feel my argument holds. 99 Terry is obviously the most extreme version, but all of his roles give off a happy, action hero. Give specific examples.
Oh shit, you brought out the big guns. What a beast! Now alt tab back into your league of legends game.
>being this mad
I do kinda wish this meme became a real thing...
the only way cranston should ever be cast for one of these shit movies is as stormin' norman
The irony of your post...
>screaming boss
>make him black because lol action movie cliché
>and get that guy who screams in those commercials
I hate how popular this fancasting is for being so lazy, and I say that as someone who likes Terry Crews.
It's a film role not the Olympics.
Also Bruce isn't mediocre.
Oh my bad, that means you're no longer racist, my mistake.
I hate how people view Crews as screaming guy when he was great as Chris' dad in Everybody hates Chris and showed a great grasp of playing a nuanced character
And Crews is Bedlam in Deadpool and will be Bedlam again in X Force, anyhow he will be better as Blade
Simmons will forever be the best JJJ
>you're no longer racist
I just want a more diverse cast, you black supremacist nigger
>you black supremacist nigger
Good to see we're beyond keeping the appearances here.
that's because you are racist
You think that helps your case?
Honestly I was hoping that the new girl wasn't MJ and her dad was JJ(terry), but since disney is dead set on making her MJ that hope is out the window.
you people are a blight upon this site
literally every retarded offtopic thread whining about stupid shit is made by a spic with broken english and i genuinely hope your entire continent becomes devoid of all human life one day
there's your racism
In what case?
>Let's change the race of a character
>But make sure to pander African Americans
Can we have another races instead? I don't care if they make him native American or Asian
You're a fucking racist.
You are racist, I'm not even white
Imagine being such a sensitive pussy that you would let an actors political leanings effect your view of their acting skills.
Nobody loves you and you will die alone and unhappy
you faggot
>Racebending is good only if they do it with MY ethnicity of choice
You chose the wrong hill to die on.
Protip: caring about the race in first place is fucking dumb no matter what Yea Forums says, but you just went ahead and made it worse.
So what, only white people can be racist? Another racist statement.
So, tell me why he has to be African American?
Why do you care if he is?
And not Asian? or Arab or a woman
Why no? is part of the movie
What part? Who cares? If he's good for the role, he's good. This is blatantly racist.
We do get other races, it's just no one cares enough to get angry no matter who it happens to because they aren't black
Who said an arab or asian actor couldn't play JJJ?
He did, faggots like him think we only like Terry Crews because he's black and nothing else
I just said that if they want to change the race, that it would be nice to try other thing instead of African American this time
Who's "they"? Do you think OP is an exec for MCU testing how people on Yea Forums feel about it or something?
This user raped me, send him to prison.
Are you not familiar with fancasting? Do you also think John Krasinski and Emily Blunt will play Reed and Sue Richards?
He would honestly make a great doc ock or green goblin, but he's not cartoonist enough to be JJJ.
It's just my opinion, can I have one? and Krasinski is a shitty pick
>something else
>a white guy
Please tell me you were baiting all this time.
I don't think saying Ithat you're "tired of African Americans" really conveyed that well. We also do get representation of those races but anons ignore it because then they have to admit hollywood doesn't have some bbc agenda.
>and Krasinski is a shitty pick
Yeah well you have no taste, and you keep confirming it with every post.
Why does he have huge hips?
Cranston as semi-reformed Roderick Kingsley
If you're entitled to your opinion so is the one you called a supremacist nigger.
For bearing children dummy
>MJ is black
>Spider-Man is black
>JJJ is black
Real fucking subtle.
but that would make him a tr-.......... Awww c'mon!
You haven’t seen him in Malcolm in the Middle if you think that
I can see it
damn, if he was white, it'd be spot on
i'd be into this
This is dumb ass hell. Why the fuck would JJJ create all those supervillains to take down Spidey if he knew Peter was the man behind the mask? It just makes him seem like a psycho
Spider-Man is Japanese
How deluded so you have to be to think that this only happens with racebait shit?
Has this faggot never watched a car or perfume commercial?
>entire thread swarmed by /pol/ idiots enraged that a fan casting is black
Not even a little shocked
I mean... Yeah.
I doubt stonetoss is ever trying to actually make a point and is just getting those ez twitter (you)s
Okay, (((You))). What a hilarious coincidence.
But they keep picking black.....
Of course it's dumb and contradicts his character, but it makes anons feel good so they like it. Shit like this is why writers say fans don't know what they want.
Oh, now all those little ginger kids wont be able to look up to Jimmy Olsen
Oh wow all these fictional gingers getting genocided... Could somebody please think of these drawings?
This has nothing to do with what I said in my post faggotron, my point is "lifestyle advertising" is absolutely not unique to racebait, it just rustled him and (You) because you disapprove of the lifestyle.
Rcebending if fine. If it doesn;t change the character, it shows tht their story is universal, and that their identity has nothing to do with their ethnicity. if it enhances the character, or has a meaningful impact, all the better.
Take Micheal Clarke Duncan. Black man as the Kingpin, who is traditionally white. Race has no impact on the story, and his portrayal was universally loved.
Take Michael B. Jordan. The FF movie sucked. But the concept actually adds and strengthens the dynamic between Johnny and Sue (even if they completely wasted it). The Sue siblings are defined by their respective relationship to their father, who gravitated more towards Sue leaving Johnny on the wayside. That made him an underachiever, and her feeling guilty. That relationship is only heightened when Sue is construed as the adopted child, an outsider coming between a father and his son. And with movies being a visual medium, show, not tell, everytime you see Johnny and Sue interact on screen, you're reminded of that, pure by the color of their skin. It adds to their dynamic, although, again, the movie totally wasted that.
>haha wow what a complete and utter coincidence!
>duhhh i see image on anime website i save it on epic image folder and i repost it and i win argument!!!!
>Rcebending if fine.
No, it isn't.
It doesn't matter what race(s) are involved.
It's always cringey trash, you tumblr retard.
Coincidence of what? Gingers aren't a race, it's in fact a recessive trait that manifests in other ethnicities. There's even black people with red hair.
Plus they're fucking drawings, what point are you trying to make here?
East Indian JJJ would be fucking hilarious. We need to petition this for when Disney reboots it.
>Take Micheal Clarke Duncan. Black man as the Kingpin
Yes, he is great
>Take Michael B. Jordan. The concept actually adds and strengthens the dynamic between Johnny and Sue
>No Micheal Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin
Well, you've already lost the argument there.
In Batgirl Rebirth Babs is about to fess up to her dad but he stops her and more or less says, "I'm a detective, you think I wouldn't have figured it oh by now if I wanted to? Just shut up and don't tell me so things font get more complicated, neither of us needs that."
It was a pretty dope moment.
Nah, Paki Flash is best Flash
Makes sense. Whenever I have Paki food I get the runs.
Spiderman is Blonde with blue eyes, he's also half latino,chinese,Japanese,Aunt May"Uncle Ben,Flash Thompson,Britsh,Ghost Rider,Doc Oc,A full on Spider-human hybrid and many other things as well. Why can't he be black? Spider Punk and Spiderbyte are also black
Not the first retcon that'd seem out of character.
Not any worse then selling your marriage to Satan to save an old lady who's going to die soon.
What? I said he was hood. It's 4vhan get used to random insertion on racial slurs (and my penes)
If you assume this conversation takes place in the Raimi movies, it makes much more sense.
Well that's why there's Miles.
Also isn't he half latino, too?
He would be better if he wasn't a midget
>But that's Height discrimination
Hey Peter Dinklege as the guy that created the Sentinels was great.
Is it still canon JJJ made supervillains for Peter? Shit gets changed so much these days that would be a small detail to overlook.
And he was horrible as Dwarf in Infinity War
Underutilized, I would say.
I think the only by Marcel ever regions is what year things happen in, so the longer a hero lives, the more fucked up thier lives are.
Peter has been married like twice, worked at multiple super science labs, been almost homeless, and been a billionaire with his own super science corporation at this point. I'm sure I'm missing things, too.
No one is "picking black." That's what your racist ass can't understand. They're picking an actor who happens to be black.
the acting is bad, maybe it is the script idk
>I think the only by Marcel ever regions
phoneposters get out
Its a tablet actually.
He looks like a paki but he is actually a latino dude
>JJ has to be loud, boisterous, arrogant
Then we already have the perfect casting
It would also come full circle, since Warner stole JK Simmons to play Gordon
I like my typical chad bully more.
It's making it better when Peter and Flash become friends after highschool.
And since I forgot the pic, here it is
He did? Meh I don't follow the whole #metoo bsns either way, but see ya
The irony of a guy who's a midget because of a mutation playing that role and the movie basically treating the character like he doesn't have an extremely noticeable deformity were distracting, but his performance was solid.
Is that a Terry Crews photoshop? I am 100% okay with that concept.
The problem with Cranston just like JK Simmons or Bruce Campbell is the age, 60 yo is maybe too much. what about Steve Carell? he is also old af but could be fun
I know what you mean, but I think it was because Trosk was just so high up nobody wanted to point out that was a midget and get fired from everything forever.
I'd go with the script and to some extent editing, the guy has to go from bawling over his entire people getting genocided, losing his hands and purpose, to suddenly quipping around on a dime. I don't usually complain about stuff like that but this was extremely jarring, even though he was okay at each part of the performance imo.
>tries to trigger Yea Forums with black guy
>Yea Forums likes black guy
Nice try, I guess?
Why can't he be 60? That's not even old these days.
There are a bunch of triggered anons in this thread
Lets see Spider-Man pull the "I'm Black" card now...
Terry could pull off the role pretty well.
Black Ben Urich was a suprisingly good casting as well, too bad they fucking killed him off so early in DD.
That might make it even funnier.
The guy's girlfriend creams herself over Peter and ditches Flash whenever possible, and he's extremely ineffective at bullying.
I'm down. His Spider-Man rants would be worth ticket price alone.
Someone grabbed him by the dick. If someone did that to you, what would you do?
I'm gonna guess, and say you would punch him in the dick. Which he would deserve, so I'm completely OK with that. But now, you're the bad guy, because you attacked someone, who was just "making a joke". And remember, you're at a party, with all the people that you depend on for a living. And they won't hire a someone who punches people in the dick. So, would you still punch them, knowing it would cost you your career? Or just accept that grabbing your dick is acceptable behavior? Do you believe them when they say "it's just a joke".? What would you do in that situation?
t. assblasted yuro or very stupid american
Wouldn't mind a bit, needs the hitler stache thouh.
Nah, because Robbie is supposed to be someone meeker, who gets intimated by his former childhood friend, Tombstone. Can you imagine Terry Crews beind terrified of some alibno-ass mobster nigga?
to me is too much for this kind of movies other than for some villains, anyhow JJJ will be J. B. Smoove, he is in the cast in Far From Home, and Crews will be in X Force
Bruh, there was a superhero franchise built around Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, a 60 year old playing a supporting character is fine.
Yes he is but that doesn't fit into the shitposter worldview.
>those watercolors
I'm not saying other characters, I'm saying the movie itself treats him like he's 6 feet. There's no scene framing his mutant hate as a deformed self-hatred which seems like a missed opportunity.
Then again I'm sure it was nice for Dinklage to just play some guy rather than some midget.
Are you acting like they don't do some crazy shit to sell burgers?
I really hope Spider-Punk and Supaidaman show up in Spiderverse 2.
>cast a midget to play a dwarf
>then use special effects to make him huge
The MCU reasoning will forever be beyond me, and I'm glad for it.
I'd take it any day over digital shit.
Oh look another gender/sexuality/race swap of a straight white male character. How creative, how brave, how interesting. What a breakthrough for our culture.
I can't really see him being hateful to Spider-Man. Yelling sure but I can't see him having hate behind his words
You don't have culture, Paco.
Yeah, but it was over another user's post, not OP's. They don't count.
Dinklage doesn't want to play fantasy dwarves so I'm guessing that was a way to make him a less generic fantasy dwarf.
I wish you would leave. Shitty little reddit/pol posts like yours just make me sad about how much time I've wasted here.
No I refuse. You know what role he would fit perfectly in, break down and all? Sherman.
Yeah, but you know spies. Bunch of bitchy little girls.
>My captcha was click all the palm trees
If you like Terry crews why would you refer to him only from his commercial gig? That's unironically a very young person thing to say.
Thank you for posting truth. South America single handedly lowers the posting quality of this site almost as much as the Australians do.
Who would you cast for a live action Kraven?
I love it. He's got the looks and I'm sure Terry Crews could pull it off perfectly. It's basically like when Raimi picked J.K.Simmons, but in black.
What this tells me is that there aren't any talented gingers in Hollywood. I guess maybe you need a soul to have talent.
>Tombstone doesn’t need to breathe
>Shows him smoking cigarettes
What do nicotine-addiction and having to breath do with each other?
>there aren't any talented gingers in Hollywood
That's still incredibly stupid, they should've gotten another midget or, if he was gonna not be a dwarf anyway, get anyone else who could remotely look like Eitri.
...what's the excuse for cartoons?
>Tombstone doesn’t need to breathe
Wait he doesn't?
I just thought it was clever with him inhaling the nicotine
Exactly. Shocker would be a good spiderman villain with a level of depth and comedy from his initial ineptitude.
I go by the 90’s Spider-Man TAS for most metahuman abilities, and first hearing Tombstone established with that power made me think he was terrifying to face, like a relentless powerhouse with vast stamina and could handle most situations that require breathing. That show was so good.
Post someone you like so I can make fun of them and you.
Don't be daft. He's saying it's a nice touch that even if he doesn't need to breath, he still likes to smoke cigarettes. They could have had him take nicotine several different ways but they chose to do it in a way that worked into a small part of the characters background. He is used to breathing them in, so he still does it that way even though he doesn't have to. Sometimes I wonder if I'm autistic or the people on this board are just getting more stupid.
Because that's where the screaming guy image lots of people have of him comes from.
And? He has depth as an actor. Why are you bothered about memes a few normies will recognize. Seems to me more like that's all you knew him from.
>I'm a fan of Terry Crews
Yeah well name 5 of his albums!
There's lots of lists, lad, just pick one
Ron Howard.
Because that's where the idea that he'd be a good JJJ comes from, not from his actual acting chops. Otherwise people would fancast him in other roles. You completely missed my point and now you're running away with trying to make me sound like the guy pigeonholing Crews when that's exactly what I'm denouncing. This was my second post itt ffs.
Bye, cock-stain.
Jonah was warned about this happening.
I think Brooklyn 99 did a lot to break him out of that pigeonhole
My only choice for JJ.
Too fat and old.
>JJJ created all the villians for spider-man
What the fuck? When was this, i've been reading spider-man since the 80's and haven't seen this at all.
Dude, have you seen him lately?
So, less fat, more old.
Jameson is not a young man
user how the fuck did you come to that interpretation
Aunt May married JJJ's father, making them effectively stepbrothers.
The 60s. Scorpion is the most notable.
WTF when did he get so much thinner
Dealing with Roseanne.
Am I supposed to dislike this or something
Okay but here's the thing. They're not suggesting Crews to be JJJ because he's black. They're suggesting Crews to be JJJ because they think he'd be good in the role. A couple people have suggested other actors. You want to be taken serious? Suggest a Latino or Asian actor that you think would fit the role. Otherwise, get the fuck out.