Man, hype for Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame is killing me...

Man, hype for Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame is killing me. When they finally come out I prolly gonna see them three times lol.
Anyone Else?

Attached: Cnm.jpg (1920x1080, 718K)

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Kill your self swiftly

Wow, you're so edgy!

Is it just me or does her hair look like it was photoshooped

It looks like its out of place?

Go kill yourself, Carolshill

Attached: 1534203184032.gif (220x186, 63K)

>captain fungus

I'll probably see both twice. I regret not seeing Aquaman a second time. I remember seeing Infinity War three times, so there's that.
Shazam I'll likely only see once though, out of curiosity.

>foot fetishists

Attached: dobson.jpg (792x2000, 230K)

Kill yourself, faggot

Hmm is it possible this shill thread could be anymore obvious if you stuck a 'paid for by disney' image in it?

It's cheaper to go to Reddit and do this, there's also a much wider audience and people try to contain their autism over there. Why would Disney care about a backwater forum like this?

Never understood going to theatres to watch a movie more than once but good to hear, I’ll probably just watch Endgame and leave the MCU afterwards

>Why would Disney care about a backwater forum like this?
Maximum exposure. Neither is Yea Forums so much a backwater as you make it seem.

You do realize Marvel's subreddit alone is at least four times bigger than Yea Forums, right?

According to activity or members?

Most definitely both, there's 480K subscribers and ~1200 lurkers and posters right now, just checked. Meanwhile, unless it's a fake outrage thread, most threads here have 20-30 posters at best.

Captain Marvel definitely, but I'll probably only watch Endgame once unless Carol has a big part in it.

Attached: carol-think.png (334x360, 190K)

As a counter point to Carol propaganda, may I present the 53 percent.

Attached: 1.png (762x273, 166K)

thank incels for that

>"Guys what if we flood Rotten Tomatoes with negative opinions about a movie we haven't seen? That'll show them!"

Incel, snowflake, nazi, cuck and volcel. Muhahahaha! Your words have no power over me.

go back to your containment board

I still haven't watched one MCU movie, not even Iron Man. Hard to get hyped for these movies for me

I want to see the movie, but I'm also tired of all the viral marketing with all the rottentomatoes incident and it could kill the hype to me

...And misogynist and racist and sexist and bigot!
(...Incel, snowflake, nazi, cuck and volcel)
Somebody change the broken record.

okay fuck off from my thread

Sure thing Captain Tran.

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Man, the lack of a check for shilling for Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame is killing me. When they finally come out I prolly gonna make about 40 more threads so I can get a few for pennies added to my check.
Anyone Else?

Ill see Endgame once and pirate Captain Mehvel.

This is a sad troll attempt. Try again please.

>47% of moviegoers are incels

Speaking to a potential customer like that, tut, tut, what would the advertisers think?

Attached: nyan.jpg (749x725, 56K)

>47% of moviegoers
Only 15k people in total go to the movies ever?

An hour's video of watching a cat, how desperate is this? The cat gets bored instantly and walks off lol.

Yep. Gonna see it on the day of release and see how it goes from there. Rather not listen to any of these fags for criticizing on a movie that they haven't seen yet and just bullshit on whatever they heard from

Jujst check the movie out and you can based your opinion after that and not be a complete ass about it


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>listen to these fags
You really shouldn't
Just look at the fake news that they repeat like in an echo chamber
>she hates white men!
Literally SJW level arguments. It's pathetic to see how far they've fallen