Is he right, Yea Forums?

Is he right, Yea Forums?

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Why is he not slapping that jap?

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>this triggers the /pol/

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Super would be mad at all the current antiwhite talk, damn.

Same as literally anything else. If only we had a board where they weren't allowed to flood this thread with 150+ crimes """statistics""" MS Pain comics and Breitbart screencaps.

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You want to insult someone over superficial features lie race or religion? Do it anonymously over the internet like a normal person, not in real life like a sperg who'll ruin his social standing.


Go vote for hillary again you fucking loser.


Because nobody buys war bonds anymore.

Lol there he is.

This is clearly edited.
Superman hates nips.

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>b-but h-hilry
you people are still so obsessed with that bitch jesus christ

did she personally come into your basement and steal your tendies or something?

That's Kal-L, the Golden Age Superman, you absolute casual. Silver Age Superman showed up in 1947, three years prior to that advertisement.

Will you still say but Hillary when Trump is in jail?

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wait could superman really do that?

I know this is bait, but I'm trying to figure out how many levels of bait this is.
I'm kind of impressed.
We don't usually get such high quality bait like this any more.

Unironically this

Thanks user. We really need to bring back shitposting to form rather than eat up LOL threads and company wars bait.

I agree. It's kind of pathetic than even Yea Forums manages to have better LOL threads than the literal comic board.

>only one non-white dude in the group

Back in the days Superman could do everything, you just needed to add super- to the act
He could do stuff like hypnotizing people, supersewing and he even had supermath (which is different from our math, apparently, since 20x16x10 isn't equal 32'000)


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>Wonder Woman murdering surrendering soldiers trapped in a lifeboat

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>unironically "BUT HILLARY "


>racial equality triggers user this much.

>haha dad is mad I take big blak cock lol he will be SEETHING when I rise my kid alone LOL

But races aren't equal, and it's completely absurd to assume such.

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The guy getting slapped is not American and has no desire to be American. In fact, his Emperor asked him to go to war with Americans and he did exactly that. He is not American, he is Japanese.

The kid in actually went to America to try and be an American. Note that he dresses and looks just like all the white people. He's trying to fit in.

>black people don't face consequences
Man, imagine being this much of a sheltered white kid.

>When you're so deep down the incel rabbit-hole hole that you start squealing about black cock at the drop of a hat

Imagine being a racist just because you feel insecure about your penis size.

Keep politics out of my comics REEEEEEEE, stop hurting my feelings

Is superman even white?

I ain't gonna be lectured to by some goddamn illegal alien kryptonigger.

We all know just by glancing at the thread who the handful of anons are who have no interest in discussing comics and are only here to spread /pol/ cancer far and wide. If only they were banned instead posting 50 more times we might actually have a usable board.

Nah, Yea Forums just hates the Japanese.

Because he's an eskimo. 1st appearance of Pieface.

If you wanted to discuss comics, then why aren't you actually doing that?

This is the kind of talk you expect from someone who is the ultimate illegal alien. Go back to Kryton!

Jesus Christ Wonderwoman, there was zero reason to add "yellow" to the sentence except to purposefully make it a slur, it doesn't even fit properly.

huh? wat u mean? ya seethe lil guy?

How is this hard to understand.

During wartime, when THE JAPANESE ATTACKED THE UNITED STATES, It should be understandable that we would hate and ridicule our enemies. As we did the Italians and the Germans. It is okay to hate your enemies; when it was decided that Americans needed to be politically correct to their attackers was a ridiculous one.

Now that it's not wartime, we can return to our normal, progressive ways. You're not fucking clever reaching back to a piece of war propaganda from almost 70 years ago and going "hurr durr Superman so racist!" Ignoring the context of the world during WW2.

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>random fucking American citizens were the enemies

>superman could be akira toriyama
so this is the true end of the vs threads

Literally one of the the only times America has officially acknowledged that they've done something wrong is in 1988 when Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act which gave every Japanese-American put into an internment camp during WWII an official apology and $20,000 in compensation.

Nobody was talking about the Japanese-Americans that were put in interment camps. Shitty thing to happen, but take that up with FDR.

I didn't say "anything goes in war", but that maybe it's not the biggest brain form of comedy to ridicule the United States on its propaganda against the regimes we were at war with. It should be okay to say "Fuck Tojo" and also say "Hey Sorry about that George Takai we fucked up on that one"

>Nobody was talking about the Japanese-Americans that were put in interment camps
Really? Because your country is the only one to do that shit.
My country didn't round up everyone related to a german or a jap and throw them in a camp when the war was on

Lots of Yea Forumsmblrites here

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Why didn't Superman just slap the japs himself if he's so great?

>a serious alternative history look on Roy Thomas' Justice society of America and WW2

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Your country probably has done some fucked up shit in the recent past.

It really hasn't. Unless you count electing a shitty government intent on privatising everything

We know you're begging for us to ask what country. No one cares, fuck off.

Of course, but incels now will always be butthurt by it like the incels of old did.

What> It's the opposite. I ain't about to tell you were I'm from, because you'll dig through some bullshit and somehow decided that the US is clearly in the right because of some retarded crap no one cares about.
It's amazing how quickly you americans are to dismiss the horseshit your own country propagated only a generation ago.

what if he's a scientologist

Then he'll save the thetans of every little boy and girl. Or whatever the fuck they believe.

Yeah, because they're liberals.

>My country didn't round up everyone related to a german or a jap and throw them in a camp when the war was on
Your country is an irrelevant shit hole, it doesn't matter how hard you wag your finger at us you still won't matter. It's lauhgable to think any country could condemn America when every nation in the world have done horrible things in the pursuit of dominance and dominion, even the native Americans, the only societies that didn't practice subjugation were quickly subjugated themselves and wiped out.

>I ain't about to tell you were I'm from, because you'll dig through some bullshit and somehow decided that the US is clearly in the right because of some retarded crap no one cares about.
That's because you're stupid and you know you're wrong and couldn't possibly stand to be shown as the hypocrite you are, you enjoy the liberties you have today in whatever capacity because better men than you gave their blood for it.

He is.

Since this is just a politics baiting thread, is it extra sad that "that movement" put out two of its much delayed books, and no one even cared enough to storytime them? The last one is nothing but beating up Mexicans, and no one even bothered talking about it.

>The Superman comic that went viral was the handiwork of one tolerance organization: the Institute for American Democracy.. Among its officers were.. a rabbi presiding over the Synagogue Council of America, and labor movement honchos.

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Not surprising, given both of his creators were Jewish.

What's wrong with black dick, user?

They surendered already. Now we slap bitches.

What's wrong with labor movements?

I have surprising news for you about the origins of the American comic book industry

>racism isn't bad
>but also the liberals are the REAL racists
make up your mind incel