A hotel that rehabilitates sinners?! This idea sounds like garbage. How the fuck does Vivzie think she'll succeed?

A hotel that rehabilitates sinners?! This idea sounds like garbage. How the fuck does Vivzie think she'll succeed?

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So what constitutes as a sin in this universe

Where are all the hot capitalistic billionaire demon women who got sent to hell for tearing down too many rainforests in their pursuit for maximizing profits

Pretty sure all of this website, you included, have to go to that hotel right now

>capitalistic billionaire demon women
>tearing down too many rainforests
>maximize profits
user please, my dick can only get so hard

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t. Murrlogic

>everyone can de redeemed and is never too late to change your ways

Is a nice message

Being the object of Bread Fetish Guy’s lust is a hell onto itself.

But its hell.
The concept of hell is that it’s the place where evil people suffer for all eternity.
In here it’s just a place where bad people get turned into monsters and do what they did in life but with less consequences

There is countless versions of hell both in religion and fiction

Not even christians can agree what hell looks like due to the very vague descriptions from the Bible.

She's too autistic to accept failure.

Silence, Murrlogic.
You still scared of my Asami comic script, dear?

Go away.

So some people are born in hell from demon parents like the Protagonist while others like the Spider are deceased people from earth?

HH Hell is essentially a behavioural sink that never quite collapses. Which, if you know what a behavioural sink is, is actually pretty horrifying.

And it makes sense front Satan’s perspective; just having God’s precious humans wallow in their own filth for eternity would be sufficiently spiteful

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Charlie’s the only person born in Hell iirc

Her parents?!

Lucifer and Lillith

She’s a special case

Whoever made this thread, please kindly fuck off!
So what makes you think that you should says such things? So, you don't like my show? Then, don't fucking watch it! There is no need to be so rude about it.
Let's see, have you gone to an animation school yet? How about making your own animated pilot? Let's see how well it goes for you.
I can accept criticism... If it's constructive well-meaning criticism. Not just bashing someone for no reason whatsoever.
So calm your tits and explain WHAT EXACTLY you don't like about Hazbin Hotel. Give actual suggestions on what could be improved or changed. This is how you criticize someone.
Either way, I don't give a shit about this Yea Forums bs anymore so bye!


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Grammar’s too good to be Viv

Good impersonification

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Congrats Yea Forums you've got a new meme to rival "rape the joker"

That sperg has been around here for years.