He gets on the plane

>he gets on the plane

How does television or animation history change? They would have just wrapped up Family Guy season 3 at the time.

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Isn't he not even really involved with Family Guy's production outside of voice acting these days? They'd possibly keep going without him.

>They'd possibly keep going without him.

After he'd been reduced to ash in the North Tower? No way.

Currently that's the case, but the earlier seasons had more input from Seth.

This. He hasn't actually written an episode for Family Guy since season 4.

Well, for one we'd never get The Orville. As someone who has enjoyed Star Trek since the 1980s, it's nice to see one show still upholding Gene's legacy. It's every bit as much a love letter to TNG as Galaxy Quest was to the original.

Like Gene, even when I disagree with the social message of the show, it's almost always interesting and well told. Without Seth a show like this would be typical SJW cringe.

If Disney decides to end that show now that they own it, Sherri Redstone needs to hire Seth and Brandon to fix the damage that Kurtzman has done to CBS and Trek.

Television wouldn't change at all, because he would rise from the wreckage of the towers, immortal.

Television now has the hero that stopped the 9/11 hijackers with fart jokes and funny voices.

Family Guy ends with their creator literally dying, as the Simpsons and King of the Hill are the two mainstays on Fox

Hes revered for the first three seasons of the show which were actually good, with the series never getting revived and devolving into unwatchable edgelord shit, we never get series trying to replicate that, so we never get Allen Gregory, Brickleberry, or whatever the new Brickleberry is.

>he gets on the plane
>pulls out a bat
>becomes a national hero
>becomes a CEO of Disney
>no capeshit

A Million Ways To Die In The West would never have been made. Two hours of my life I would like to get back.

why doesnt seth do a twilight zone comedy about him ending up in an alternate reality where he did board the plane

it exists

>>he gets on the plane
Can't get on a plane that doesn't exist.

There'd be no American Dad

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Family Guy is seen as a cult hit. It's unknown if Fox would've had it continued.

Without Seth there's no American Dad, Cleveland Show, Cosmos revival, Ted films, or Orville. It also might mean some other cartoon gets to be the scapegoat for complaints.

Series 3 was the one before it was cancelled for awhile. They'd probably still cancel it since they were going to already, and it we would get "What If the Family Guy creator hadn't died?" think pieces every year. I don't think they'd try to resurrect it with the creator dead.

No American Dad or The Orville. Seth would be remembered fondly and that he had died in his prime. There's a possibility that Family Guy would continue but who knows. It was constantly cancelled they might of just left the show dead. Alll his crappy films wouldn't have been made.

>no Orville
Worst timeline

Attached: Dr Finn.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

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>family guy
>johnny bravo
>dexters lab

that’s a good resume. I’m sure he’d be fondly remembered and a his loss deeply mourned, he would’ve been killed at only 28 years old. Also FG ending at 3 seasons and becoming a cult classic is probably the best way it could’ve ended (regardless of Seth’s fate).



they fucking hire Mike and Rich to fucking fix it
fuck seth

I'd rather take Seth over RLM

Why the fuck would you even watch that in the first place?

nice try
you know that fucking sinatra wannabe is shit

mikes ideas need to be put out in the public eye. or jays, either or, they always have ideas people want.

You don't have an argument there, RLM shill

We wouldn't have had the "Cartoon Wars" episodes of "South Park". Odds are that the overall atmosphere expressed in those episodes regarding the humor of South Park and Family Guy would also not have been perpetrated as widely as it was.

Also, without Seth we wouldn't have had him hosting the Oscars a few years ago. Probably not a big loss, but it's still a notable difference.


>they fucking hire Mike and Rich to fucking fix it
>"I think JJ Abrams should take over Star Wars and Star Trek"
Fuck you

He only said directed Star Wars, and he was kinda right

No they fucking weren't. After viewing TFA again, I'd rather take the prequels.