Dutch Comics

Hey lads, I was looking into learning Dutch. I'd probably read anything DC, Marvel, etc. Is there a decent place to check out translated works in different languages? Seems like the only real options are English or French, unless you buy 'em physically.

Attached: Holland_flag_100909.jpg (660x441, 17K)

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Tom Puss or bust.

Honestly, I keep getting recommended Jomeke & Tom Puss.

Tom Puss is the magnum opus of dutch comics, with phrases having made it into common speech.
If you're looking for learning useful Dutch, this is it.

Well shit, thanks for the heads up. Any sites you recommend for pirating shit like this? ReadComics, getComics & torrentSites aren't really cutting it for anything that's not English.

If you want dutch Marvel comics, Dark Dragon books has translated some of there comics into dutch.

Ah right, yeah. I just came back from the store after seeing them thinking it'd be a neat way to learn some extra dutch on the side. I plan on taking a course,

I don't know about DC or Marvel but there are insane amounts of Dutch Donald Duck/Scrooge McDuck comics out there, they're massively popular in this country.

Well I'm from Scotland, so maybe some Scrooge McDuck comics would be good. They're the ones by Eisner, right?

Suske en wiske. Its flemish but it's basically ths same language

Haagse Harry is perfect for learning Dutch. :^)

Attached: haagse-harry-908x1024.jpg (908x1024, 126K)

I like Franka

Suske en Wiske/Spike and Suzy. I recommend the VanderSteen issues, though it is quite Belgian in the beginning. Later issues started to incorporate 'het ABN'. Maybe Paul Geerts.
Cowboy Henk
Peter Pontiac
Joost Swarte
Barbara Stok

Although these are children books, they can help you formulate simple sentences:
Keepvogel by Wouter van Reek
Kikker by Max Velthuijs
Jip en Jannekke by Annie M.G. Schmidt
Dolfje Weerwolvje by Paul van Loon

But are you living in the Netherlands right now?

Attached: Lullo_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)


>Dutch is just a watered down German
>Has zero importance in international business
>Country itself is tiny and insignificant
>Faggots only want to move to the Netherlands because it’s ‘cozy’ and accepting towards faggots AND religious sociopaths

Tintin/Kuifje, Willy and Wanda/Suske en Wiske, Franka, Yoko Tsuno, are all dutch comics that has been translated into english.

As for DC and Marvel, any post office has dutch omnibus translations of them. Otherwise, Amazon, bol.com. Eppo is THE dutch comic magazine, so look into that. And Het Nederlands Stripmuseum in Groningen will have its final day before closing on March 2nd, so you may want to visit there, if you're able.

>But are you living in the Netherlands right now?
I am. Belgium actually.
My girlfriend is from there. I'm trying to learn because her Grandma probably won't last more than a few more years & I'd like to know her better.

>As for DC and Marvel, any post office has dutch omnibus translations of them.
What's a post office? Is that name of a store around here?

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Wasn't there a dutch comic shop in Brussels, near Brüsel?

No you dumb fuck the post office is where you handle your non-electric mail and packages. Fucking Gen Z.

I would like to add Astérix to the list, although really, pretty much any Franco-Belgian comic is going to have a Dutch edition innit. The trick is finding an English one.

>No you dumb fuck the post office is where you handle your non-electric mail and packages. Fucking Gen Z.
But how am I supposed to buy a DC/Marvel Omnibus that's been translated into dutch there?

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Because the dutch are overrepresented in ternational business and management. If you If you do international bsiness, you are certain to face dutchmen.

But they all speak English and they think they speak it quite well so they are happy to use it.

Better idea, find a good comic store in the Netherlands. Yendor in Rotterdam has various current issues translated into Dutch, for example.

Because our post offices are also bookstores. And more. It's where you buy your magazines, office supplies, but also chocolates, cigarettes, gift cards and credit cards, etc. And your comics.

>and they think they speak it quite well
Dutch are better to understand in English compared to the other nationalities, except every generation born before late 1980s, retards didn’t have internet back then. We do sound fucking weird in English though, it’s the accent.

Or Zinnebeeld, in Groningen, which is the kind of "carton boxes full stacked to the ceiling, with pathways of less than a foot wide" store you only see in movies. With the owner being a dead ringer to Alan Moore, with twice the temperament.

Gast je hebt het nu over de boekenwinkel, ‘post office’ lijkt mij meer het oude PostNL kantoor.

You're absolutely right. But if you're able to speak the same language, it gives you an advantage. Not only can't they talk behind your back, but people generally like you more if you;re able to speak their language.

Barelli in The Hague sounds the same with the carton boxes.
There is also Lambiek in Amsterdam.

Als je iemand vraagt naar het postkantoor, dit is waar ze je naar toe sturen. Is dat niet het hele punt?

Pretty much any sizeable city is bound to have a comic book store or two, you don't have to travel the breadth of the country unless perhaps you want a collector's item.

In welk deel van het land? Hier is er niet eens echt een postkantoor meer, pakketten/enz. moet je tegenwoordig bij een PostNL punt in de supermarkt afhandelen.

Now that I'm here with other dutchies in this thread, I might as well ask: do you have any videos of old cartoon dubs lying around? They're hard as fuck to find.

Hier heet het de Primera, maar het heeft dezelfde functie as het oude PostNL kantoor. Hetstaat ook geregistreerd als een PostNL kantoor, waar de supermarkt locaties PostNL punten heten.

I have a dutch Transformers: The Movie VHS lying around?

I think there was one or two Dutch YT channels with old Dutch cartoons.

Beeldverhaal is also pretty great in Amsterdam.

Where in Belgium?

>Because our post offices are also bookstores.

Don't listen to this dumbass.

Thank you everyone for all your advice! I've wrote down almost all the recommendations. Next time I'm near the Spellfanat is that right? I'll pop my head in and see what I can pick up. Thanks!

I figured it was a Netherlands thing and not Belgium. The only Belgian post office I've used is BPost and it was pretty much just your average post office, except in a crazily nice building.

>Tfw I've been reading English so much that I consider my own language cringy.

Even though I'm a dutchfag, I only by translated to English books. Not even in an actual store. I buy online

Dude, I pretty much grew up with English shows/cartoons (subtitled) and the PC. It’s so much easier to write, speak and THINK in English for me. The Dutch language sounds like a mentally handicapped German invented it.

Funny as fuck to taunt foreigners who can’t pronounce our G’s though. Geweldig.

>I consider my own language cringy.
Why? How?

I didn't know toothpaste could make comics

Dutch is a simpler German, and it sounds aggressive as fuck.

At least you didn’t confuse it for the French flag.


Constantly being at loss for words because you can't come up with a decent translation from english to dutch is annoying as fuck.

And then people look at you weird for using the English words, like they never bothered to learn it themselves.

Two reasons.

First, Eglish is a second language. So where we're raised with an inherent feel for what is 'bad' dutch, we don't have quite as developed a feel for english.
Second, we're only 17 millions, and our writing industry is simple not as large as the English, with 250 millions Americans. So you simply have the numerical advantage is number of good writers.

Beyond that, though, English and Dutch s very similar, in that they have relatively simple grammar, and both have stolen a lot from other languages when it comes to vocabulary. The main difference is that our 'ch' phoneme is almost unique, and therefore practically unutterable for most other langage users. Like how the 'r' and 'l' are indistinct in japanese

Same. I'm terrible at my own language, because I think in English. then an english speaker comes by and I can't talk English anymore.


This, or foreigners who try to pronounce "stroopwafel".

>At least you didn’t confuse it for the French flag
It'd help if more European flags didn't all look the same. I mean the Dutch flag is just the French flag on it's side.

Hit me up with that "ch" sound because now I am curious. It's not just the german one is it?

Well, yeah, Flemish is a dialect of Dutch.


I think pretty much every eurocomic must have had a dutch translation, go with the classics for now and you maybe able to find an english or french translation to help you.
>My girlfriend is from there. I'm trying to learn because her Grandma probably won't last more than a few more years & I'd like to know her better.
This is a noble cause.
>we're only 17 millions, and our writing industry is simple not as large as the English, with 250 millions Americans
Another factor is because dutch has change a fucking lot in a very short time and novels from eras so recent as before WWI are unreadable to modern readers so dutch doesn't have a heretic writers that can still be read and every writers falls into obscurity shortly after making dutch seem like a language without literature.

*grumbles in Flemish*
Daedalus has some good fantasy comics translated from French (Elfen/Dwergen).

>read 115 year old Swedish comic
>fully intelligible, some fragments have funny spellings but are pronounced the same
You have my preemptive condolences.

Attached: 0026.4.png.jpg (747x1061, 174K)

Well, dutch is mostly the same. Here's a tekst from 1895

Attached: 1895_algemeen_beschaafd_nederlands.jpg (750x400, 41K)

I bet you do, you dirty dog.

I know, right? The future is Chinese.

>But they all speak English and they think they speak it quite well

Chillingly correct.

>Hier heet het de Primera

Da's dus een veredelde snoepwinkel met een balietje voor post. Noem dat geen postkantoor, heiden.

>Funny as fuck to taunt foreigners who can’t pronounce our G’s though. Geweldig.

Holland op z'n smalst: mensen uitlachen omdat ze een bepaalde klank niet kunnen uitspreken.

You mean the French flag (1789) looks like the Dutch flag (1572) on its side.

>250 millions Americans

Het zijn er inmiddels ruim 300 miljoen. Van kruitdamp krijg je blijkbaar zin in fokken.

However, around 1500:

"Wildi u liefde te mi werts vesten,
Ick sal u consten leeren sonder ghelijcke,
Die seven vrie consten: rethorijcke, musijcke,
Logica, gramatica ende geometrie,
Aristmatica ende alkenie,
Dwelc al consten sijn seer curable.
Noyt vrouwe en leefde op eerde so able
Als ic u maken sal."

Still quite intelligible compared to middle-Dutch:

. end allum dioboles uuercum?
respondeat. end ec forsacho allum dioboles uuercum and uuordum, Thunaer ende Uoden ende Saxnote ende allum them unholdum, the hira genotas sint.

More like the flag of the Dutch Republic became the symbol of the Republic, liberty, and the Revulation, and was thus adopted by revolutionaries all over the world, most famously the French.

Have you never heard of Old English?

Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð
feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah,
oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra
ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan. þæt wæs god cyning.
ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned,
geong in geardum, þone god sende
folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat
þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf;
Beowulf wæs breme blæd wide sprang,
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.
Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean,
fromum feohgiftum on fæder bearme,
þæt hine on ylde eft gewunigen
wilgesiþas, þonne wig cume,
leode gelæsten; lofdædum sceal
in mægþa gehwære man geþeon.
Him ða Scyld gewat to gescæphwile
felahror feran on frean wære.
Hi hyne þa ætbæron to brimes faroðe,
swæse gesiþas, swa he selfa bæd,
þenden wordum weold wine Scyldinga;
leof landfruma lange ahte.
þær æt hyðe stod hringedstefna,
isig ond utfus, æþelinges fær.
Aledon þa leofne þeoden,
beaga bryttan, on bearm scipes,
mærne be mæste. þær wæs madma fela
of feorwegum, frætwa, gelæded;
ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan
hildewæpnum ond heaðowædum,
billum ond byrnum; him on bearme læg
madma mænigo, þa him mid scoldon
on flodes æht feor gewitan.

I'm dutch, but I studied English and Old English, which is uncomfortably close to Frisian, so I'm well aware of how both English and Dutch have changed over the centuries, and there are parallels on both sides of the North Sea.

When anybody tries writing contemporary dutch while intentionally avoiding english loanwords and anglicisms it ends up sounding unnatural. Literally translating english words and phrases were actual people use the creole english/dutch mix messes with the natural flow and rythm of everyday speech.
If you write dutch you have to choose between modernism and purism. If you go for modernisme you have to mix it with english, if you go for purism you need to copy the style of old books, which sounds antiquated but definitely not cringy.

>Holland op z'n smalst: mensen uitlachen omdat ze een bepaalde klank niet kunnen uitspreken.
Dat is gewoon hilarisch, maat. Even zozeer we allemaal kunnen lachen om het steenkolenengels.

Den Bosch has Silvester with a mix of Dutch and English comics. Unsure if it will help you, but at least it's close to Belgium.

Btw, there a couple of *cough* manga translated in Dutch. For instance One Piece, Battle Angel Alita and Berserk. You could buy those if you want to compare languages.

Shouldn't there be a subtitled Alfred Jodocus Kwak somewhere? Because that shit was awesome as a kid.

There's also the matter of very bad voice actors and most of our songs just suck compared with English songs.

Or Scheveningse schaapscheerder. I enjoy torturing foreigners with that.

>You mean the French flag (1789) looks like the Dutch flag (1572) on its side.
Damn the Dutch flag existed way before and still no one cares to remember what country it belongs to.... That's patheti-sad

Well shit, this looks cool. Any dutch translations?

Attached: cool.jpg (720x949, 96K)

You mean, translation into dutch? Extremely likely, since that cover is in dutch.

I once saw a text in ancient 'dutch' (well it was spoken here, so let's call it that) which was more like English than ancient 'english'.

>no one cares

Ignorant hicks don't, no.

'De Metabaronnen' in its entirety. 'De Incal' from which it is a spinoff, same. This seems to be a spin-off of the spin-off.

Plenty of Dutch comics on bittorrent, too.

what site

pretty cool site



Just do 'Dutch cbr'