What happened

What happened

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Some dude from the OG team, who did most of the directing and shit, left.
Bryke are ideas guys and Korra had some neat ideas thrown in it, but they just couldn't express them right.
Also last ditch desperate attempt to being relevant by shoehorning the mc to be a dyke out of the blue

I just finished watching Last Air Bender and I've considered watching this but I've heard nothing but bad things.

I think it was a combination of him, Byke and Mike.
After all, The Dragon Prince isn't much better than Korra.

>Also last ditch desperate attempt to being relevant by shoehorning the mc to be a dyke out of the blue
I'm kinda tired of this being just throw into to these criticisms as if it was important as all of the other failures of LoK

The biggest failure was not really having a single unified story. After pushing for a full series, they should have just gone with a new main villain and not three different ones. It makes Korras journey that much more disjointed.

Just because it's not the largest issue doesn't make it any less valid of a criticism. It was another bad decision after a series of severe ones

It was supposed to last a single season but nick saw there was money to be made and continued it but just barely. They wouldnt know if they'll get renewed for each season and the equalist storyline was already written to be a single season so they stuck with this.
Also, the dumblr pandering is not a bad point to make for the show as much as it is a sign of how little respect and faith they had on it so they had to rely on lesbians for PR

Don't bother

>The biggest failure was not really having a single unified story. After pushing for a full series, they should have just gone with a new main villain and not three different ones. It makes Korras journey that much more disjointed.

i can kind of see that. although honestly i get the impression people apply a harder standard to korra just because they were older when they watched it. it's not like avatar was some flawless masterpiece

A sequel was made only to be doomed to "failure" because it wasn't the first series to the eyes of fans.

nah it was trash, at times it seemed like it even hated ATLA like when it killed off all the past lives

Nah, it's fine, a 6 or 7/10. There is just some really dumb stuff on it, mostly on seasons 1 and 2.

go to bed bryke

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>seemed like it even hated ATLA
I have no doubts about that.

Aaron Ehasz wasn’t there to reign in Bryke’s bad tendencies/lack of experience.

They raised a ton of ideas about social issues in the world they built that they failed to deliver on, or even handle in a way that made sense. (The undercurrent of nonbender dissatisfaction being solved by some more people becoming benders was ridiculous)

The way they fleshed out the lore and backstory of the universe was underwhelming and fairly inconsistent with what had already been presented

rein* sorry i’m not a brainlet

they forgot to make any of the main cast likeable.
Korra's a thickheaded jerk
Asami's personality is what, "nice girl with money?" too dull to be interesting
Mako's just forgettably serious, but not in a straight man funny kinda way
and Bolin's a total moron


They pandered to dumblr, retconned a fuckton of lore, killed off one of the OG fan favorites and left him forever alone, and turned toph in to a pump n' dump for multiple unnamed men under the guise of "STRONK WOMYN".

Let's not forget that AtLA is getting (yet another) live action film and it's being put on netflix, and Bryke recently came out in a press interview claiming that they're so happy that it's going to be on netflix because the original cast of the cartoon was "whitewashed" and not "diverse" enough and that they plan to change ethnicity across the board and also change the casts sexual preferences to boot.

>Sexual preference
Wew into the trash it goes. I'm glad ATLA came out at a time this fucking sjw meme wasn't as prevalent

This screencap helps a lot.

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You got admit though that Asami is extremely hot.Korra is too(her second look sexy).

I been curious about something, Asami adventure outfit (black red jacket with the gold straps,and red pants) what are those boots she wearing?

No doubt.
I don't know about those boots, but take this Asami without lipstick as a gift

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>The biggest failure was not really having a single unified story.
I fully agree with you. Books 3 and 4, for all their problems, were by far the best because they flowed into each other. Also for all the people bitching about Korra being bi coming out of nowhere it was foreshadowed a bit. I do think it's a bit of a problem because they weren't sure if they would be able to do it or not and didn't go far enough. If you're not even sure you can do something properly you're going to fail to do it well.

The worst individual element of the whole thing is the flashbacks with Wan. They retconned the cool explanations of bending being something learned by observing nature and replaced it with "lol turtle magic." The good/evil kite thing was pretty fucking weak too.

The hate is overblown. There are some stupid things (mostly in the s1 and 2 finales) but when it gets good, it's really good.

>turned toph in to a pump n' dump for multiple unnamed men under the guise of "STRONK WOMYN".
Keep crying waifufag.


It's not a retcon. We see Wan learning how to firebend from a dragon in a good example of show, don't tell. The lion-turtle only explains why non-benders exist at all, if anything Korra patches up some plotholes in ATLA.

If you enjoy a good, well choreographed fight scene, it's worth watching just for that. I'm guessing they had a larger budget to work with, and to this day, some of the fights through the series rank among my favorite. This one might just be at the top of my list too. A real fucking awesome, long-ass, imaginative battle that keeps you excited and afraid to blink for the duration.

Well for me, anyway.

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In the graphic novels are they allow to do this(nude Korra and Asami cuddle in bed they clothes on the floor implying they had sex)?

>I'm kinda tired of this being just throw into to these criticisms as if it was important as all of the other failures of LoK
It was blatant pandering that served no purpose other than trying to shield their shit-tier ending from criticism.

The comics get away with a bit more graphic violence than the show was allowed to a man disfigured by a spirit gets his mutated arm chopped off, no blood though, but I don't think they'll do that.

>(nude Korra and Asami cuddle in bed they clothes on the floor implying they had sex)
If I were the writer, I would detail each sexual act between them because I have already written that kind of scenes before.

Fans wanted Kung-fu magics.
Bryke gave them Steampunk Buff girl.
I think the show was ok, but the fandom was expecting and demanding something else. Also lets not forget the west is on suicide watch so anything glorifing western culture will be met negatavily.

I can't see Asami as hot after seeing that guy's wonderbread and deforestation fetish art.

To be honest, that helped me to make a Tekken-like fanfic with Asami as the protagonist.
Murrlogic has a lot of hatred of me for that.
And that is one of the reasons why he don't upload images.

>To be honest, that helped me to make a Tekken-like fanfic with Asami as the protagonist.
How is it even humanly possible to write such a bland character like Asami as the protagonist of anything?

The basis of having an industry is enough to make a fanfic with a new division called Sato Zaibatsu (basically Mishima Zaibatsu) & she make an international martial arts tournament.
Perhaps most of the ATLA & TLOK fanfics focus on cheap shipping, but I always focused on the base.

Pretty accurate desu.

It shows how little respect they had for their audience and for Avatar as a setting.

Did they specifiy the sexual preferences thing or is that your assumption? Not that i would be surprised if they did.

Book 4 was shit though, easily worse than book 1.

>Not mentioning book 2

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user wasn't saying book 2 was good, he only said Book 3 and 4 were the best seasons, which is wrong.

Book 2 is easily the worst season though, but that doesn't mean book 4 is good.

It wasn't. Both book 1 and 4 suffer from pacing issues, but book 1 is also bogged down with a shitty romance that messes with characterization and a terrible backstory for the main villain, all leading into a terrible finale.
Book 4 handles its characters a lot better, doesn't give the main villain a backstory that spits all over her movement, and ends with a pretty cool if underwhelming finale that is not solved via deus ex.

I have to disagree. Kuvira was a failure as a villain (she wasn't a credible threat), the endings conflict was asspulled as hard as book 1s and was resovled with talk no jutsu on the level only naruto himself could compete. And to add to that it resolves sub plots even worse than book 1 did, leaving more questions than answers to what is going to happen next.

oh and in the followup material it doesn't answer any of those question either.

>and was resovled with talk no jutsu on the level only naruto himself could compete.
The conflict wasn't resolved with the talk, it ended when Korra energybent the cannon right in front of Kuvira. Up until that point, Kuvira was absolutely confident in her power and that she has every means of subduing her enemies no matter who they are or what they have. Korra negating her most powerful weapon and last resort was the point where Kuvira realized that nothing in her arsenal can overpower her enemies and that she would only be beaten harder into the ground if she continued fighting.
On top of that, she suffered more casualty to her military and herself than Korra and her allies did. Continuing to fight would have only made things worse for her.
The talk only served to shed some light on Kuvira's initial motivation and to complete Korra's arc.
I do agree that the finale didn't answer all of the questions the story had, but there's only so much you can cram into one finale. Book 4 needed more episodes or another season and Korra wasn't getting either. The upcoming comics are going to be touching on it.

They could have done the bare minimum like Atla did or book 1 did for wrapping up the bigger questions.

Assuming we agree to the talk not being the ending but the laser block, it would just be a deus ex ending instead. But the talk was bad either way and was just a forced way to have korra appear different from before, without her actually being different here (she did give the other villains a chance to stand down).

So which book was the worst? 1,2 or 4? No one has said anything about 3 so far.

2 by a pretty wide margin. book 3 was pretty great, only real issue is that it is slow at times and one of the plotlines start off without a proper explanation.

Book 2 is the worst and book 3 the best, hence why no one said anything about it.
>it would just be a deus ex ending instead.
It isn't. Korra's energybending was established several episodes prior. She uses her ability in a way that was not expected but still makes sense within what was established, which is a good thing.
> just a forced way to have korra appear different from before, without her actually being different here (she did give the other villains a chance to stand down).
Korra wasn't different during her final talk with Kuvira in that she gave her a chance, but in that she listened to her story and empathized with her.

2 was terrible. Taking the interesting ambiguous entities that spirits were in Avatar (Like Koh and Wansheetong of however you spell his name) and simplifying them into WHITE SPIRIT GOOD, BLACK SPIRIT BAD just shit over everything cool about the spirit world.

> but in that she listened to her story and empathized with her.
Not really, Kuvira was different from the other villains because she spilled her heart out to Korra. Due to Korra saying "i can relate"...

Korra being able to deflect spirit laser beams wasn't established outside her kaiju form which she could only use either due to Harmonic convergance or the Tree of time.

Does it bother anyone else, that the people who got airbending, are used to rebuild the air nomads. They are from all over the world which means air nomads are not a homogeneous group anymore, like before the genocide. Only Tenzins kids look like real air nomads. They will create a mutt nation.

he can shoot a fireball bigger than he is the instant he gains firebending while zuko, who's been training basically his entire life can barely manage anything like that until much later in the series. it's literally the same thing as neo learning kung fu by just having it downloaded into his head. it's not like they just gain the capability and still have to train to be any good with it or know what the fuck they're doing at all, they just have the capability and the skill. wan is never shown struggling with any kind of bending after his first fireball and he pulls off some pretty complex shit raiding the rich dude's place for food all with perfect control, meanwhile aang's first time firebending he has absolutely no sense of control and burns the shit out of katara. all training with a dragon did was take his firebending from advanced to expert which wouldn't be a problem if he advanced wasn't the baseline.

It bothers me more that they came back like that. It kinda takes away the impact of Aangs struggle with being the last one. And Tenzins responsibility of getting them back on track.

Also they did they had to put Iroh in there. It feels out of character for Iroh, to abandon his body and spend an eternity in the spirit world, without even telling Zuko about it.

>my beloved lu ten, i will see you again
>fucks off to the spirit world forever by himself to have tea parties with glowing pastel pokemon

It's a 6/10, farting is a form of airbending.

That's stipulated by the skinny dwarf brat and brother of Jinora, right?

>I'm kinda tired of this being just throw into to these criticisms as if it was important as all of the other failures of LoK

It's literally the last scene of the entire show. Doesn't mean jack shit how many flips you do if you can't stick the landing.

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>Asami's personality is what, "nice girl with money?" too dull to be interesting
>Mako's just forgettably serious, but not in a straight man funny kinda way
>and Bolin's a total moron

You wanna know how I know you didn't watch the show?

He was kinda right about Asami atleast.

>Korra being able to deflect spirit laser beams wasn't established outside her kaiju form
The laser is sourced from the vines, the same that she energybent to free Jinora and the others after she reconnected with Raava. She is bending the same thing in both scenes, like I said, it is a good way to have the character do something unexpected while remaining within what was established.

I don't recall that happening. When she freed jinora she was in the spirit world throught meditation with Zaheer, aka she can't use bending. Which also means it can't establish her energy bending later on.

Asami was a great design, which is probably what the creators felt too because that's all she has going for her and is probably the only reason she stayed on the show past season 1

Not so much, basically she is based on the Yamato Nadeshiko's archetype AKA "Woman wealthy but helpful".
The problem is that she isn't as helpful as sounds.

Energybending isn't the same as traditional bending, this is obvious even in ATLA.

That doesn't mean it was energy bending in the spirit world. As you can tell the laserbending being established wasn't clear to me in the least.

>Aang is now a shit father who neglects his first two children and gives the third a massive complex
>Katara can't be a bad ass anymore because that's Korras job now, regulated to healer who sits back and does nothing as the Southern Water Tribe is invaded again
>Toph is a corrupt pig, mother to two children by two absent fathers, raised one of the most corrupt, insidious dictators I have ever seen in a work of children's fiction
>Zuko is senile and useless, makes an excuse to leave during the final confrontation
>Iroh's corpse is dragged out to dishonor to Mako's legacy
>Sokka and Suki are basically not present at all, which is actually a blessing
They really did hate ATLA though. There is literally no one who could watch it and say "Yeah, Aang seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't bring all his kids on field-trips".

Does anyone have a complete & written summary of ATLA or TLOK? I don't want to see the series again with all the filling that both have.

>What happened
it sure did.

>I don't want to see the series again with all the filling that both have.
You mean filler? There's very little filler in both series, it's not like Naruto or something.
The Avatar wiki has episode summaries.

Ok, that's good enough.

It seems Aaron Ehasz was the thing I liked most about AtlA and I didn't even know about his existence. When Korra came out, even more than the overall plot and arc resolutions being bad I felt like something was missing. After watching the Dragon Prince, I figured out what I liked most in OG Avatar where the character personalities and dynamics, which are just as good as I remember them. Korra's characters are way less interesting than AtlA's or Dragon Prince's

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T. ATLA widow
You see that? This kind of people are end up ridiculing something already ridiculous.
Thank you to this fag.

I'm sorry my opinion makes you angry.

No, I just mention facts.
And you're the best example.
One believes that everything must have feelings when you only tell the truth and they swear to be right.

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they decided with every season to make an interesting, deep, dynamic bad guy character

then instead of building those characters up throughout the series into an awesome final season, they just killed each one off at the end of the season in a neat little way (except super Zaheer, the villain we deserve)

If bryke are progressive as they claim they promote this shit.

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Nothing. It was very well received outside of Yea Forums

We all found out just how much of the spirit of George Lucas lived on in Bryke.

i just want them to show when aang finds the herd of bisons in the comics lads

It had really big shoes to fill

LoK was a good show, but AtLA was a great show and a solid contender for greatest action show of all time. Korra wasn't disappointing because of what it was, it was disappointing because of what it wasn't

it stopped being an adventure series with patrician lore

>it stopped being an adventure
ATLA is 61 episodes and they literally travel to a new location like EVERY episode. comfy as fuck
Korra is 52 episodes and theres like what 10-15 places they go to? am i remembering right? seems like 50%+ of the show was just Republic City?

also just realized that "ATLA" is 1 letter removed from "atlas", i wonder if that was intentional. if not, still neat. sorry for tripleposting

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disentangle your cranium from your rectum he's for manipulative sexual exploitation by Varrick