New Stonetoss Comic

"Hoax Crime"
February 21, 2019

Attached: fake-hate-crime-comic.png (939x297, 293K)

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It's an okay comic but fuck Stonetoss as a person

wow what brilliant and insightful comedy

I don't understand
could it, perchance, be a reference to something?

the man is about to commit suicide and giving one last cry for help, but no one does, very sad depiction of depression

tranny ragefarming thread incoming

Stonetoss is all about bringing attention to suicide.

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Huh, that's actually a really emotionally open comic coming from this guy. I can absolutely understand why someone with his political views would be terrified of questions during a job interview.

Is it because of his shameful AB/DL fetish?

Have you never interviewed for a job before? A lot of places "questions" are just a series of "GOTCHA" bullshit, where there is practically no right answer.


Explains most famous comic

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"Where do you see yourself in five years" is one of the worst ones, too. You get it at the time at these shit ass minimum wage jobs. Like...I'm planning to move the fuck on with my life and go to college and quit this dead end job that I'm just doing right now to pay rent, but no one wants to hear that.

That one's pretty bad.
Another bad one is "What is one policy you personally helped change with your former employer?"
It's like, yes, me, the guy who worked for 6 months bagging groceries completely revolutionized the art of grocery bagging, for a company that has been in business longer than I've even been alive.

Black actor claimed he was a victim of a hate crime, when evidence that he staged the whole thing became undeniable the media was forced to stop pretending he was a victim.

Where's the joke?

Imagine being too retarded to understand a Stonetoss comic.

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And of course, let's not forget the grand daddy of all fuck you interview questions:

"Describe your negative qualities."

Okay, I don't actually give a shit about answering phones and washing dishing, I'm generally anti-social, and I just generally am going to be 100% more motivated about my college work than this dead end job. That what you wanted to hear, fucko?

That's not what he said, though, is it?

The fucked up part is that he did it negotiate for a higher salary. (At least that's what he claims)


on cue

LMAO! Any funny comics about that coast guard officer with the hit-list of politicians Trump has bitched about?

It's a reference to the Smollett case, he was officially prosecuted yesterday iirc for having faked a hate crime attack towards himself for, uh, attention, I guess. Apparently his show had been getting threatening letters, and there's a possibility he wrote those too, maybe in order to leverage for a higher pay.

A lot of leftists were fiercely supporting him while he was still in the hospital, because omg a black gay actor was attacked on the street, but now obviously people are very pissed off with him because this stunt is going to really make all other victims of hate crimes suspect; maybe they're faking it too? Also good luck finding work after this, sending terrorist threat letters to your workplace because you want a raise is real nice

on cue

Nah. OP is just very "meh."
Thread'll die of its own accord.

Yeah I can't think of a single side he hasn't successfully pissed off with this bullshit. He was hit with a felony for filing a false police report, by the way. Three years in jail from what I'm hearing.

another unfunny one stone toss! Good job!

>it's a bubble

Sure! I'll post one as soon as you one from a liberal cartoonist about James Thomas Hodgkinson.

Based Stonetoss telling it how it is, 10/10

Also OP, you can be honest with me, did you just post this to make a Jussie Smollett thread

Yeah, I just can't fathom what the fuck was he thinking. He had a career going, and now it's all gonna vanish. Jail time and a destroyed career because who the fuck is going to hire him after this? And all the people who would have loved whatever he did on principle because a black gay out actor wow now will shun him too for shitting the bed for any other hate crime victims for personal gain.

Did he really think he'd get away with it? For real.

Well I wouldn't exist in Stonetoss's ideal world so fuck him

Should we just hold hands we clearly don't like eachother?

>Where's the joke?
You're looking right at it. Majority of hate crimes are faked. There's a big rush to media attention and "outrage", then it's quietly buried when it turns out to be another hoax. The whole process is a joke.

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I wouldn't say majority, but yeah this sort of stuff definitely does not help the LISTEN AND BELIEVE narrative at all

Oh, I see. You're one of those special leftists who think everyone on the other side of the aisle is a raging homo/trans/insert-your-sympathy-card-here-phobe that wishes all ____ would not exist. My condolences for you and your suffering.

>because this stunt is going to really make all other victims of hate crimes suspect
This is not exactly the first time this has happened.

>I wouldn't say majority
I would.

Attached: hh4.jpg (618x800, 182K)

>Actual literal Nazis who think Jews are plotting to destroy Western civilisation and non-whites are inferior subhumans
>vs. a guy who has a problem with that because he happens to fit one of those categories
>"Oh, I see, so everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi! Typical leftist!"

You think no one can see what you're doing you disingenuous cunt?

>Did he really think he'd get away with it?
I mean, look at the reaction of every single media outlet, to actual politicians all unquestioningly supporting him, because "this is what America looks like under Trump" or whatever.
He 100% thought he would get away with it.

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No, but it's a pretty high-profile case because even I managed to hear about it

And still, even though it's not the first time it still doesn't mean the "majority" of all hate crimes are hoaxes. +50% is a lot.

But the truth is he plainly didn't so maybe you're the one with the actual victim complex here?

Cause you're a faggot, /pol/

Do you have any stats about that? Genuinely curious.

what's his shtick?

I really wish asian people would stop being white people's bitches, it just looks so sad

>But the truth is he plainly didn't so maybe you're the one with the actual victim complex here?
The question was "did he think he could get away with it", not "did he get away with it", you retarded SJW.

/pol/ as illustrated by Shmorky

>actual Nazis
I see no evidence that Stonetoss fits into that category, but naturally you would assume because he is a Trump supporter.

alt-right schmorky

>The question was "did he think he could get away with it"
Yes, and then you tried to answer that question by referring to the current political climate or whatever, which is totally in favour of him and against you. Except of course that the facts of the case reveal that that's not true and you're as mistaken as he was. Are you following it now, retarded anti-SJW?

I think he genuinely did believe he'd get away with it, partly for the big rush to media attention and outrage mentioned in but partly because Smollett is and always will be a little trust fund baby bitch. He's been immersed in Hollywood since childhood so he absolutely believes that these cartoonish caricatures are reality because he's likely never experienced actual racism. So what to a normal person looks fucking ridiculous on its face looks absolutely believable to someone like him.

They're just reporting a story. Just like the one during that hate rally where the guy claimed he was attacked by peaceful protesters, so he had to drive 3 blocks away and ram his car into a crowd of completely unrelated people in self defense from the "attack". Then he took his time to turn around and leave from the scene entirely which was the way he came from

>I see no evidence that Stonetoss fits into that category
Because you're wilfully ignoring the many, many explicitly anti-Semitic and white nationalist cartoons?

I don't know what the actual percentage is, but it seems like pretty much all the "high profile" hate crimes against token minorities all turn out to be fake.
When actual racists commit hate crimes, they go on shooting sprees, not spraypainting a swastica with the words "hiel turmp".

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Imagine evading the question and manufacturing a scenario in your head which allows you to push your own agenda instead of simply answering.

Yeah, I mean looking at it objectively obviously he did think he'd get away with it because otherwise he'd have committed social and career suicide, but I'm just still so baffled. Sending threatening letters to his workplace and staging a hate crime "lynching attempt", he really should have recognized that it'll blow open, he'll be found out, and it'll destroy his career. And also is a crime so he's risking jail time.

But it does make all the people writing impassioned tweets about him look a bit silly. As well as the people who went all "HDU question anything or suggest things don't add up, are you a racist, he was ATTACKED, listen and believe".

Hubris, I guess?

I love Stonetoss threads.

>It's a piece of shit pointing at the wrongdoings of another piece of shit
Pic related,Stonetoss is right for that one but he can still suck on lead like his German idol did on his bunker.As the Empire guy,he should go to the backwoods if he wanted to be fucked Deliverance style so bad

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What the fuck are you going on about, I wanted to speculate on what the fuck was Smollett thinking when I asked that question

Is this like those fake hate crimes that white people staged during the release of black panther where they claimed darkies attacked them while at the theatre so other white people should avoid seeing the movie?

So, which one did you pick?
Spamming, instigating flamewar, off-topic or low quality?

>Yes, and then you tried to answer that question by referring to the current political climate or whatever, which is totally in favour of him and against you.
>Except of course that the facts of the case reveal that that's not true
The facts of the case reveal that he faked the entire thing, not that every media outlet somehow wasn't 100% behind him, because "fuck white people" or whatever. Now that the truth has come out, the story will quickly be buried and forgotten, and replaced with the next hate crime that turns out to be a hoax.

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I mean is it really off topic if its the topic of the comic

Never heard of those, are they made up too?


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>can't form a coherent counter argument
>better insult him

>Do you have any stats about that?
How many legitimate "hate crimes" can you recall recently?

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Yeah, I can see that - the reason for manufacturing a fake hate crime would obviously be getting attention and sympathy, so I can believe that with the cases that seem to gain huge publicity the percentage of fake shit is higher than in hate crimes overall, because obviously the fake hate crimes would aim to get as much publicity as they can becasue that was the whole point of the stunt.
Still, imo the percentage that gets massive publicity out of all hate crimes isn't necessarily that huge?

Is there a statistic about how many hate crimes occur in the states yearly?

I just don't like the artstyle non of it appeals to me
Fuck off stonetoss

>How many legitimate "hate crimes" can you recall recently?
I'm actually not from the US and follow your media rather sporadically, so none. There was that islamic heritage gunman attacking a gay club because fuck gays? Something something black people getting shot by the police?

I suspect tho that not every hate crime breaks the national news treshold? Not every crime gets days-long coverage? If you have actual data tho, I'd be very interested. This whole mess is kinda fascinating

Probably. According to the media, "hate crimes" and "antisemitism" is perpetually on the rise, despite the fact that anything that isn't a literal shooting spree turns out to be fake, but I don't know what the actual police statistics are.
Even though the number is likely extremely low to begin with, it's likely the actual number is slightly higher, since everyone knows that only white people can be found guilty of "hate crimes". If a hispanic stabs a black person to death while screaming "death to all pavement apes, esse", for example, he probably would only be charged with murder, not having a hate crime slapped on top of that.

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There's no counter argument to someone pulling an opinion out of their ass

FBI sez there are thousands each year. Do you think most of those are fake, theres thousands more that are fake, or are you just gonna move the goal posts?

>anything that isn't a literal shooting spree turns out to be fake,
>since everyone knows that only white people can be found guilty of "hate crimes"

Jesus christ if you're not a troll, you're insane

>An other stonetoss comic that fail to make a point
Why has this new "jock" atitude of making stuf of people who enjuoy stuff so overblown ? And why is it so popular on Yea Forums. Don't people here realise they are only shooting themselves in their own foot, are hs Yea Forums been invaded by stereotypical school bullies to make fun of Nerd ?

those are fake but I will also cite FBI crime statistics in my arguments when it's convenient to me :^)

You're supposed to lie. It's preparing you for a future life where being genuine and truthful is harmful to your future success as a person.


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yes, there's a large number of Trumpies here

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If Rockthrow isn't a Nazi, then what exactly are his solutions for the Jews, blacks, and gays that he loves to complaining about? How does he plan on solving those issues without genocide, stripping of rights, authoritarianism, war, ect.

>implying being skeptical of people's enthusiasm for popular things isnt antisocial nerd 101

What did he actually do? I know he faked hate crime attacks or whatever but what were they? Did he punch himself in the face and claim the KKK did it? How did he get caught?

Damn you dumb

Dude, it's way too early to admit you're a troll. Gotta lead'em on longer

Yes, what Smollett did was bad but let's not forget how much more Trump lies about immigrants. He's literally no different from Jessie. They both lie to demonize a certain group to their benefit.

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He said two trump supporters jumped him poured bleach on him and put a et ope around his neck. He hired two guys to follow him into the alley, and I guess tough him up a bit.

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Smollet? He said some white guys strangled him with a noose and poured bleach on him and yelled "this is Trump country" at him.

It was two black guys he paid that he was on tape hanging around with and he even wrote them a fucking check for it.

Basic investigation took him down

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omfg fuck Donald J. Orange Badman Blumpf

This. Heck, one ALMOST happened, but the feds caught him before he could even try.