Hulk is back and a majority of Marvel readers are eating it up like hot cakes. Issues selling out...

Hulk is back and a majority of Marvel readers are eating it up like hot cakes. Issues selling out, being resold on aftermarket, etc etc. I, too am curious about this run since I didn’t finish Avengers: No Surrender, but maybe I should have? What does /co think about Ewing’s run?

Attached: F15A60F3-134A-484E-AE52-947EB56BF08D.jpg (800x1200, 284K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I, too am curious about this run
Then read it. You're literally on the internet.

best comic out there right now by a wide margin, go to the hydra thread and read it.

>tfw Thor: Ragnarok ruined the possibility of a proper Planet Hulk movie
>tfw Disney's MCU will never do a Hulk horror movie like Immortal Hulk

>a wide margin

w h e w. alright. I’m sold. Thanks.

>best comic
Second place after Green Lantern but is pretty close.

which GL?


Attached: Immortal_Cuck.jpg (1987x3056, 1.98M)

yes the one shitty character says a stupid shitty thing, I hope you're not one of those people that get offended at the villain doing villain things and saying mean villain things.

Didn't Al Ewing already said he wanted to have shown the woman side better in the story but didn't had enough time to introduce her properly?

That's unironically what Ewing believes, though. He's a huge SJW.

I always felt like he tried the old "show the character with my beliefs in a bad light" like Family Guy do to Brian but ended up awfully bad.

and a Nazi put a man on the moon, that doesn't mean the Space Program is driven by Nazi beliefs, you gotta separate the art from the artist, the science form the scientist, he put himself in and people hate it doesn't make the overall work any worse that it has a hateable character.

Still triggered by this huh?

Except if a Nazi wrote a comic, where one of the main characters went on a rant about how the Final Solution to the Jewish question was entirely justified, and none of the other characters were able to refute them, you can't pull the "haha you're not supposed to agree with this character" card, which is exactly what's happening here.

sure I can, I can say any stupid thing I want, just like the faggy self insert.

Maybe in superhero comics but I think the Green Lantern is better. As for comics in general, I’ve been enjoying Criminal and Black Hammer: Age of Doom. Immortal Hulk is pretty good but it’s definitely overhyped

Morrison and Shape’s current run

well it was so stupid it can trigger people, especially taking into consideration the obvious context

Fuck off Grant

>best comic out there right now by a wide margin
Marvel Zombie whose entire library is Big Two superhero comics.
Immortal Hulk probably is the best Big Two comic right now. It's still only a three-star comic and doesn't say anything new about anything. It has zero innovation. People like it because there are basic-bitch literary quotes in it, so you guys think it must be super profound.

>a majority of Marvel readers are eating it up like hot cakes
That's just sad. 1960s "hotcakes" cliche, while also still acting as if Marvel has many readers and the industry is healthy.

Just read it, though. It's a decent comic, seriously. The praise it gets is just nauseating to me. You guys should read better comics if only so you wouldn't be so embarrassingly overimpressed with the slightest decent thing Marvel does. FFS.

For me, the weeks where both Green Lantern and Immortal Hulk coincide are the best. I really enjoy both books in different ways, they're big favorites and I'm glad they get the recognition they deserve.
Remember when sore losers were using this page to claim the series was "doomed" now then it was promptly forgotten the next month? And then the next issue came and left people floored with its emotional weight? Damn.

It's the biggest meme of the moment. It's been a long time since such a mediocre comic has been hailed as a , get this, a fucking masterpiece.

>It's the biggest meme of the moment
That would actually be Cates' body of work, but specifically Venom and GOTG. Though it seems people are getting tired of his gimmicks in Vernon already.

I'm pretty sure with Cates it's a lot of ironic shitposting. This Hulk comic has people unironically call it a fucking masterpiece.

>This Hulk comic has people unironically call it a fucking masterpiece
But it's great, and it has some of the best panel composition and storytelling second only to, get this, Green Lantern (and that's because Sharp is a beast). I think you're too hung up on the quotes and references to see how it actually gets presented on the page.

>But it's great
It's not. It's a mediocre as all fuck.

This will be my final post on Yea Forums.

How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book.

I was waiting for someone to post this.

Now post the inverted version.

Were never gonna get another zombo are we?
Ewing is too deep in the yank comics now.

Fucking yanks killing british comics.

Attached: 1749-zombo.jpg (911x441, 139K)

>left people floored with its emotional weight
I'm not sure how you could unironically type that out, and expect anyone else to read that without immediately realizing that you're a gigantic oozing vagina with indefensible taste.

It's true though. People are suckers for cathartic and emotional beats like these.


Just in case there is still one person who honestly doesn't know.

Attached: 1548137820119.jpg (1041x1600, 565K)

>completely cucks out
No, that makes it even worse.
Here, this is actually all it would take to fix it, you retarded SJW.

Attached: Wow, that was hard.jpg (1987x3056, 2.23M)

You seemed triggered that most of the people have cool heads now.

She literally admits to being exactly as bad as the things she criticizes, and yet you can't let go of your fake outrage over naming the white males? Sad!

>Haha, wow, are you so insecure that you won't let a black bull fuck your wife? How pathetic!
This is what you sound like.

Attached: el chupacabra.jpg (720x478, 107K)

Yep, the above poster was right, you really need to go where you belong:

This reminds me of those people who post this image and outrage at Spider-Man like he isn't being sarcastic.

Attached: dcacf484441712523f8ea7af687af4a7.jpg (663x1000, 167K)

Except Ewing is an unironic SJW, so that's literally what he believes.

A lot of mediocre comics have been get ting hailed as masterpieces in the past couple of years. Immortal Cuck is another one of them. Lobdell's Red Hood was hailed as a masterpiece too.

But why are you crying? Dude mentions the white males and you suddenly go on a seething rage over words? Who's the real snowflake?

Overhyped. Overhype these nuts, cocksucker.

Don't have that one, sorry.

I'm perfectly calm, I just find it pathetic that you're trying to turn your cuckold fetish around on everyone else who doesn't purchase ethnomasochistic picture books.
But hey, good luck shaming people who don't want to be lectured about "white male privilege" or whatever in their angry green man comic book.

Attached: 651342.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Pretty sure I've seen this same reaction image along with an unhealthy obsession with cuckold porn before.
Also, "ethnomasochistic", that's a funny word. Did you make that up yourself or is it doing the rounds on /pol/ lately?

Sorry about Brexit, Ewing, maybe you'll get over it in another couple of decades. :^)

Attached: nu-Marvel.gif (800x800, 230K)


I've heard nothing but good from those reading it.
I hope it's a stand alone thing I can just pick up and read because I am interested in getting trades.


>"people" call this trash a good comic
The fucking state of Yea Forums

Yep, the first half of the run so far has been standalone, then it gets in two arcs. You don't need to read anything prior.

Marvirgins =/= Yea Forums

I doubt that. Sure you can screencap some asshole on Twitter with 3 followers saying it but red hoodfags usually stop at "best current comic". Not that that isn't also a retarded thing to say...
This comic though, the praise it gets reads like parody.

Yea Forums is Marveland.

It’s the exact same poster

Attached: download (1).png (201x250, 5K)

This is still ongoing right? I hope they do a deluxe hardback of the whole run. If it's as good as many have said it is it'll be worth in a whole run hardback omnibus.

There's always the animated movies. Marvel must still have someone still making those, right?

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Planet Hulk was trash

>The comic that left /pol/ asshurt for all eternity over a character that wasn't even portrayed in a positive light
And they say the Hulk isn't a hero

>defending a shitty comic while making up bullshit
Fucking Marvirgins

Hard disagree. Those gladiator fights were fantastic, especially the Beta Ray Bill.

>Proving me right

Attached: phelpsface2.png (635x356, 213K)

Yeah and i only consume art from people whose views I 100% line up with


Yeah, that's why I stay away from museums, or "cuck galleries" as I like to call them. Do you have any idea how many bluepilled libs have stuffed up cuck galleries with their forced agenda "art"?

He's humouring a literal retard in this scene.

Don't tell people to read better books without giving examples

Not even yourself proved you right, you blatantly lie without giving any source .

It's amazing how little it takes to triggers sjws from /pol/ these days

Youre delusional or just stupid.

It's barely distinguishable from your average Cates, Snyder, Aaron, Johns comic. Another monotonously high stakes comic with no tension building whatsoever, trying to redefine the character.


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This, but unironically.

If you weren't insecure, you wouldn't fear the competition.

>it has some of the best panel composition

Is this bait? The panelling is so mundane that it doesn't even venture into the realm of art, it's simply there to depict the story and nothing else

it's not a Hulk thread without final post copypasta

Why can't we have a Hulk thread where it's just Hulk and Hulk appreciation?