Paranatural Duckpond

>trying to get included in the marvel universe to improve my SEO

>I'm all healed up, so expect normal updates! Thanks for reading!

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>I'm all healed up, so expect normal updates! Thanks for reading!

Blech and blah, fuck this comic.

The "coding skills" line was the final straw for me about this guy.
Hope his wrist snaps off in his ass.

So now we get backgrounds, after losing everything to pastels and a story which has crashed in a ditch?

This is what? Two weeks late? Thanks for posting it here anyway. Can't stand to give him the traffic by checking at this point.

The first three panels are literally the same drawing angled three different ways. All details are pretty much exactly identical, even the darkness scribble at the top I think.

Now, this makes sense since they're the same graffiti.

My problem is that despite half this page being super simple, here we are after two weeks.

At least the last panel is detailed to make up for it... in classic goofy fuckin Zachary style.

Welcome back to graffiti Namek

Reminder that people donate over 1.3k to Zack monthly on Patreon so that he can draw less than 2 pages a week on average.

This isn't funny, this doesn't make you think, there is not an especially interesting deisgn to see and the art is not even worth the shadow of what it once was.

The only reason he's doing backgrounds is because it includes the talking graffiti, which needs the context of a background to make sense. If he'd drawn them as actual characters, we'd still be getting pastel gradients.


I miss when this comic was at least funny every other page, or vaguely interesting. This shit is just bland and insipid and a total waste of time.

No no guys, it's totally gonna go somewhere epic and cool! Just like Chapter 5 did, remember?

Genuinely who the fuck cares about any of this? Why aren't we looking at the Activity Club? Is Stephen going to end up becoming sooper special too because normals aren't allowed in this comic anymore? Why introduce all the shit in the previous chapter if you're not going to follow up on it in this one? Why would you create this much filler in a webcomic? It takes years, possibly decades to tell a big story in this medium. If this chapter takes as long to finish as the previous one, the comic will turn 10 years old in this chapter eventually.

Plus those "backgrounds" are laughable. There is basically nothing.


Attached: wrist-hyperextension-injury-pain.jpg (800x744, 77K)

I mean, Stepehn was a fun side-characters, but that's what he is. I wonder why he isn't using this space to give us more Johnny discovering weird stuff happening to him. Imagine the time that it will take.

holy shit, we've barely started into this chapter and it already feels like it's dragging on. How long do you guys think it will take before even Zack gets sick of this pacing and just gives up altogether on Paranatural because he just can't get the story out?

why would that happen, he thinks he's doing great

>story has barely gone anywhere in 4 years
>comic running for 6/7 years

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Oh shit nevermind. I started reading in early 2013 but it's been going on since April 2011.

That's a long time for only 6 chapters

Of course he does, he shut down his comment section, he doesn't come here anymore. The only things he see are the people on Twitter blowing his dick (seriously, he could take a shit in a trumpet and it'd be great) and his hack of a girlfriend.

They're actually completely redrawn every time, look at the guy's left headphone and the gorilla's checkered suit

>Stephen in that 4th panel
Jesus christ. How long did he have to work on this page again? A full week?

more like a day or two because he's been recoiling in pain for half of february

Zack, the last 3 weeks WERE normal updates.

These were my favourite posts before i fucked my own at the gym.

now you too can be a successful webcomic artist

So is Stephen about to hit a "girl"?


Zack is using his time even more inefficiently than I thought, then. Instead of putting effort into trying to think of some original looking compositions that don't drag shit out and actually move the plot forward, he's wasting his time drawing the same shit over and over again when there are shortcuts he could've taken to make that go by way faster.

if anything he should put effort into fixing his fucking wrist before he becomes crippled for life