Would any of you actually hang out with Steven when you were his age?
Would any of you actually hang out with Steven when you were his age?
Probably, he seems nice.
I never hung out with anyone at his age. :'(
I would have hung out with anyone when I was 14
I would hang out with anyone now
Probably but only until I grow out of hum
No he's annoying
Eww.., hang out?, eww, hell no.
Nope , i prefer to hang out with Spongebob
Only if I was invited to his house so I could pester his harem of moms.
he'd be my one friend that I clung too
Confirmed homosexuals
But it's never too late, user!
Well I mean, three of his four moms are lesbians so yeah, I would be pretty homosex to try and get their attention.
Oh yeah, That’d be the sole reason I’d hang around, just to check out Garnet’s ass
yeah. especially if he introduced me to his friends
Probably, he seems to have good taste in video games.
>he seems to have good taste in video games
Good joke, fucking autist Yea Forumstard
He seems like a nice enough kid, if a bit moralfaggy. So maybe.
Yeah, his name was Dominic. Guy was an effeminate chick magnet who was all of 5 feet for the majority of school.
Saw him like 6 years later and the guy was engaged to some gorgeous young lady
How old are you?
i think i'd have fun with him
he only got preachy because of all the heavy drama
Wouldn't he be some kind of celebrity, living with the 3 ayyliems who saved the entire world and protected civilization since it's inception? I'd be lucky enough to be living as close to Rehoboth as I already do.
He's probably absolutely trash at MVC2 and KOF'01, so I don't think so.
Yeah he seems cool. Also would be cool to get to see the crystal gems. Though maybe I'd rather not to avoid being in any form of danger.
I'd never noticed that fat asshole wasted three bags of popcorn to put very little popcorn on his eggos.
And considering he put all three in the microwave at one, that culinary abomination is likely coated in as many unpopped kernels as popped ones.
>Dude you need to accept Steven is retarde XD so you need to eat that shit
One of my least favorite episodes ever
he just wanted to cook his moms breakfast, and spend time with them. they didn't eat it anyways.
>Powers you could exploit for pranks or money making ventures
>Chance of seeing space or other exotic locales
>Introduced to a variety of multicolored alien lesbians
Sure. Probably a lot better influence than the friends I had at the time too.
I still forget from time to time that this kid is 14 when he looks and acts closer to 9
So fuck no I wouldn't hang out with him, you're practically giving a written invitation for people to bully the shit out of you
Steven has a completely different personality than mine but not annoying enough for me to stay away entirely. Maybe.
hell yeah he has a Gamecube
Nah, he'dbe too kewl to approach
No i don't need friends
>Steven goes to the real world
>commits suicide the next day
I'm actually pretty sure I would have joined everyone to bully him to fit in
I probably would, but only because I'm a chubby chaser, and he seems easy.
At 14? He probably would have fit in alright in my friend group. Though he'd undoubtedly endure some amount of ribbing over his chubbiness, or his habit of crying. Overall though, it would be cool to have a friend with superpowers.
I’d probably be a bad influence on him. I’m that asshole friend who convinces him to use his magic powers for selfish reasons.
The only real answer, let's be honest with ourselves.
No, I don't think so. There's a certain level of autist I can tolerate, and he goes just beyond that level.
He'd probably orbit me anyway though. That seemed to happen with a lot of autists and I in school.
after a deep bout of insomnia i finally got round to watching the first three seasons, thinking my altered state of consciousness would make me suitably impressionable for watching a kid's cartoon show, and i was right
and the main impression i came away with was 'oh, this kid never learns anything from his experiences, not even when he dangerously messes up, in large part to the adults around him reinforcing his self-confidence at the expense of recognising consequences: i definitely wouldn't let children watch this'
i suppose i should probably note that my initial impression was 'really, this is what all these dumb threads are about?'
also; before anyone tells me to watch the next 4 seasons so as to really understand it, i would kindly ask you to go tread in every dog doo you see today, so as to make sure they all smell bad
He’s someone the kids at my school would definitely bully for being just alittle bit weird. As someone who was being bullied then, I would avoid being near him to limit the amount of harassment. But since Steven is a genuinely nice guy, I’d probably miss out on a great friendship.
Probably not. I was a sheltered kid that only hung out with kids from my church when I was young.
Honestly it’s a good thing Steven doesn’t go to school, he’d be picked on mercilessly. Hell, he’s lucky he lives in such a nice place like Beach City where people are understanding of his strange and odd behaviour and even the cool kids are nice people.
Absolutely not. I was a really artsy and relatively reserved little dude when I was his age, probably too much time around my mom and not with my dad, but by the same token i couldn't for the life of me tolerate the overly-friendly fat kids. I'd of been sad whenever he got bullied, but would also completely understand that he had it coming. In hindsight I think I just had zero tolerance for obliviousness as a youngster.
Fuck no.
FUCK NO. Everyone one of my friends were giant assholes and you were expected to dick around and be an ass to each other. Hanging out with that faggot would be social suicide.
I'd hang out with him, but he and/or his hot moms would have to realize at some point I'm probably not the best person for him to be associating with. Though I feel like having a friend like Steven would change a lot of people for the better.
he would be bullied mercilessly and probably be too stupid to realize it
That is disgusting.
14 year old me was a cunt and an unironic repressing homo bully who was getting abused by my addict mother at home so a happy, well-adjusted kid who had multiple healthy, normal moms who love them and was completely comfortable in their fagginess would've driven me up the fucking walls and would've been a massive walking target to me.
Yes but only because I was the fucking weird ass creepy kid in high school.
No, he seems more like the type of kid that, if put in a normal school, would be completely torn apart by bullies and is thus, not someone i'd associate with.
1: Borderline Lesbian parents
2: Fat
3: Overly emotional, crys over stupid and menial shit
4: His last name is literally fucking Universe, making the already easy fat jokes even easier
I was always disgusted by fat people, so no.
Yeah, who wouldn't want to have a friend with magical healing powers?
yeah if i remember correctly he's got kung fu movies
Nah me and my friends we're huge dicks to one another, if anything Steven probably would have killed himself if he hung out with us because he'd take one of our jokes about his Jew fro too seriously.
>All the dumbasses who think they'd have a chance with one of the gems if they were Stevens friend
The gems didn't even want Jamie, much less your 14 year old ass
So I could look at Amythyst's tiddies
that would be my only reason
Only insecure people get that bothered by bullying.
Do you think you could've worn this at 14? Do you think someone who'd wear this in public would be bothered by a "universe" joke?
I was a quiet kid, I liked anime, video games and played a lot of GURPS at 14.
I would've bullied the absolute shit out of that sperg.
>Actually hanged out with someone who looked like him and had a similar attitude
>Pissed-off his dad so hard he took the car and killed himself (driving with rage, hit a pole)
>tought he could beat me at DBZ, never won once
Later i found out he was eying me and was gay. We'r not friend anymore but he was alright.
Nah, i wouldn't have, cause i'm not a faggot.
You wouldn't because you don't have the balls to do it
>me at 14
>hanging out with Steven
I had some legit autistic friends in school, but still no.
God no I was such a piece of shit. I was like Ronaldo's chuunibyo autism combined with Lars's teenage butthurt. I would like to hang with season one Steven now, and maybe get his hot ayylmao space mom's to help with his inexplicable shapeshifting regression disease. They probably don't even notice there's a problem because they're not familiar with human physiology. Anyway, enough of that. Start posting 4channel-safe lewds of best girl.
I was the smart kid who didn’t have any friends, so probably not. I don’t think I would have wanted to be friends with the fat crybaby kid anyway.
He has a game console so hell yeah I would've.
Probably not, not because he doesn't seem like a nice kid. I usually preferred to be alone and not bothered by anyone.
Didn't help the "friends" I did have just turned out to be backstabbing faggots.
No, I'd call him a fat faggot then throw him in a locker.
>always offers snacks
>has a !Gamecube
>can watch cheesy anime with
>has somewhere between three to four hot moms
>has a cool dad
>can go on magical adventures with
>is a fantastic listener and is super supportive
Steven is best friend material.
Nah, I heard he's a big fat meanie zucchini.
Yeah, he's got video games and a hot purple sister and isn't an arrogant shithead.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was caramel or kettle corn as opposed to just butter
No. I'd imagine he smell funny.
Probably. Odds are he wouldn’t want to be friends with me though.
Sometimes kids are stupid assholes, user. Sometimes adults are too, but there are decent people out there.
Yeah, this.
>Likes the dumb shit I liked
>Cool parents
>Space adventures
Only problem is I'd end up a rotund motherfucker from all the snacking.
I would. He seems like a fun kid. And if it could get me closer to his hot aunt, then that'd be an added bonus!
no joke hes like a hyperactive gay kid that was in the same class as me once.
works in a cartoon. real life is just like 'dude. sit the fuck down.'
>"Hey, Steven! Wanna play soccer with us? Its us vs the girls!"
>"Sorry, guys. but i gotta go somewhere else. Besides, playing agaisnt girls is just wrong! anyways see ya"
>"Why do you keep talking to that pussy, user? All the girls laugh at him too. He never wants to hang out with other kids only with adults and toddlers...thats even more weird. Come on, lets play!"
the biggest crime on this show is never letting Steven be a child instead always a "manchild".
This. Steven has met TWO kids his age in the whole show, and ONE other family member.
I would have hated his annoying guts and made it known to him that I hated him.
>Playing against girls is wrong
In what possible world do you think Steven would ever say that?
the world of Steven Universe. Where only girls should challenge other girls
I would have to get used to a 2d dimension but for sure
...Would a fourteen-year-old hang out with a boy who looks like he's eight?
But Steven has literally only fought women
What? The whole show is about a male protagonist fighting with space chicks
rocks arent female, steven is not a human
so much this, no wonder kids are watching other shows while SU is for basedmanchilds
Steven would never say that, you fucking retard.
At his age I followed my big brother around and just did whatever he did.
Probably could've run into Steven at the park or the library and wouldn't have minded him.
10/10 would eat fries and play vidya with
>Adding carbs on carbs
No wonder the dude's fat, probably eats Mayonnaise sandwiches.
He seems like the kid that everyone would make fun of
Probably reluctantly he seems like the type who'd force himself onto you to try and be your friend. But like i'd never want to go over to his house or anything or let him come over to mine due to all the intergalactic bullshit that seems to follow him around. Probably just someone you're friendly with at school but not real friends with.
all of these
Steven is a bitch's bitch
it seems he makes his own meals, and kids don't give a shit about watching their carbs
Yeah very much, I was a quiet kid back then and I’m sure I would’ve liked having him around
>"I suck more cocks than you, you dont have the balls to suck more cock than i do"
You probably deserved it user
Nah. He is a faggot
I feel that a lot if adults are like this too. I was full of angst and cyncism in high school but I grew out of it and into an adult who enjoyed life. He hated that change in me and I had to learn to act less happy and only show excitement towards a narrow list of pre-approved things or he would get noticably triggered and bitter.
Probably play Rock-Paper-Scissors and whoever loses after 3 rounds has to literally eat shit