Questionable Yea Forumsntent Thread

oh look, we're back on "white man bad"

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i can't believe this trash is still going, i stopped reading it over ten years ago

We ever got off that?

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based other questionable content poster

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brun confirmed for autism

Tomorrow: Manu-mangled ends the comic unexpectedly with a They Live! reference.

you mother get up
come on get down with the 'tism
you fucker get up
come on get down with the 'tism
open up your bra and wontcha show me 3 G's

Fuck you ATM bot. Do your fucking job!

She hates doctors because she was diagnosed properly and able to get the care she needs because of it?

she has autism

...what, was there any doubt?

Is a robot working as a teller an ATM?
if Bubbles worked at the coffee shop would she be a vending machine?

I want to be Brun's husband.

So she stopped going to doctors because they gave her an accurate diagnosis of autism, which upset her because other kids were calling her autistic pejoratively?

Jeph somehow managed to show more backbone than Dave Willis with this.

Since AI robots can chose not to work they wouldn't be automatic, would they?

'tism finally named.

though frankly it's quirky, borderline aspie tier, not actually crippling autism where the kids like scream when somebody touches their hand or makes eye contact or whatever.

Panels 3 & 4 are why it's hard for me to take hardcore liberals seriously; just because something is hurtful or hard to deal with doesn't make it any less true

that said, it doesn't make them any less of a person

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with americans.

>Where still talking about the exotic guy that appeared for like 5 panels tops.
>That smooth as course sandpaper transition to Autism
>"People called be Autistic as a insult. Then I went to the Doctor and he told me I was, but that it was perfectly fine and just meant I had my own way of operating. I hate doctors."

God I know people have free will to do as they please but sometimes it still astounds me this man makes 10k off of this.

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>Jeph somehow managed to show more backbone than Dave Willis with this.

yeah i give him a lot of credit for coming out and saying it. and not treating it as just a cute quirk or something

> I didn't understand it was meant to be an insult until I asked my dad and saw how upset it made him
> comprehended other people's emotions

she's not autistic, she's just retarded
just like JJ

who's 'tistic in DoA?

Where in america is it rude to ask what ethnicity someone is? It's a standard, accepted bit of small talk. Jeph needs to stop inventing things for his characters to get upset about. It's just silly, and way too inconsequential to justify his characters reacting like something awful happened.

Ding ding ding!

dina. at minimum

Dina. Though it's not presented very realistically and far closer to Asperger's - highly focused and narrow interest and sensory issues - to other spectrum disorders.

in jeff's liberal hugboxes, aka the northeast and the west coast

it's more how he said it

Maybe I'm retarded. I just assumed she was some kind of socially retarded super-geek.

Autistic people have difficulty, not inability, with emotional recognition. Using this as an example, a group of children laughing at Brun while calling her autistic would either trigger no reaction, since she can't connect "autistic" with humor or would attempt to laugh with them, since she can't perceive it as an insult, since they're laughing. When she tells her father, she's able to recognize overt displays of anger and connect it to the children calling her autistic. Which would in turn explain why she doesn't like doctors, because she can associate autistic with something bad but cannot contextualize it based on scenario.

Also I'm imagining adult Brun getting picked on by a bunch of little kids.

>some kind of socially retarded super-geek
Aka, pop culture depiction of the autism spectrum. Granted, I find Dina's depiction to be very close to how a guy with Asperger's I know in real life behaved once he got a lot of social experience.

>an adult autistic woman getting sexually bullied by edgy horny teenagers
hmmm yes

Super casual and in a 'that's hot' way? You'd think he was a one night stand chap looking for a good time.


Teenagers, user?

This comic is terrible.

But at least a Fatfuck in Canada can make thousands of dollars per month exploiting autism for punchlines in his comic!

Where would Jeph Jacques be without quirky ABNROMAL women put into bad situations to be quirky and cutesy?

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>what are you trying to say, jeph?
>are you saying that brown women cant be normal?

It has been terrible for actually like a decade. It's crazy. And morons on Yea Forums have been posting it for that long too.

for a while there used to be consistently funny edits in every thread
I think at this point there isn't even any joy in making those at least not for me any more and now that everyone's aware JJ is deathly against interesting storylines we're all jaded

Yeah, but Liquid might drop a lewd.

His thunder was stolen by JJ making Fubbles canon and he's ostensibly working on his own stuff now.
I occasionally wonder where the strip would be today if he had never introduced AnthroPCs into the story and stuck to his knowledge of indie bands.

The same thing thats wrong with you user. Autism

>So she stopped going to doctors because they gave her an accurate diagnosis of autism

could be. or maybe she just feels more anxiety about going to the doctor now. because she got bad news before.

>An autistic person managed to hold a job at bar with little to no known issues.

I dont want to say it's impossible, but is this possible?

Well, this was certainly a Very Special Episode. What's next, Sonic popping out of the window and telling people that "bad touches are no good" like we can't figure that out for ourselves? I remember when this comic had a plot. Now it's just a series of Tumblr-grade SJW rants.

I want bubbles to sit in my face, I don't give a shit about this load of crap!

>saying someone looks exotic is universally accepted as negative behavior
This is fucking retarded.

If I remember right, she wasn't working there very long. She probably wouldn't have lasted very long otherwise, given how she treated the customers in her first couple of strips.

I'm a legitimate sperg, and I've always enjoyed the insult, because to me at least, it feels endearing in a way.

Bad childhood asociations aren't always logical.

It's interesting how many times they introduce a new character as a complete and utter asshole, and soon enough everyone's friends with them despite absolutely no character development or even a background sob story. Black Faye is one of the most recent examples.


isn't this about indie bands
I've been in a coma, what happened

Jeph decided that social commentary was more important than actual story. Then he found Tumblr.

questionable content is not set in the real world and jeph doesn't seem to have any idea of what jobs are like, so she'd probably be fine

I actually completely relate to this and it describes my own feelings of my autism perfectly

>rude to ask people what ethnicity they are
what the fuck people still ask me this

I like that Haques, in his effort to he all inclusive, boils his characters down to single defining character concepts. Tai is a lesbian. Clair is trans. Clinton is. """""""nerd"""""". Now brown girl is autistic.

No one can call him on his bullshit because it's technically inclusive, but other the times when characters explicitly say "I am being opressed," they all live phenomenal life's free of worry or conflict.

Asperger's isn't a thing any more apparently. It's been rolled up into general high functioning autism.

It's still listed as an ASD subtype.

How do you know the doctor is white? Or a man?


in the head of the people who never left their own town
I've been living in another continent and asking where I'm from has been a normal and polite conversation opener.
It's like people saying that learning a foreign language is "cultural apropiation" where everybody thinks is nice that people try to learn their language, it's a sign of respect for your culture

remember hpw hannelore's first appearance was in a men's toilet while smoking?
jeff just doesn't care about character development, his characters are whatever they need to be

can someone explain the appeal of this fucking webcomic now? i used to read it but got bored after jj started add in new characters every month to fill obvious diversity quotas and it became incredibly obvious how much of a hack he was. every time i see a comic now there's some new one dimensional character complaining about how hard their life is. the autist in the OP has a fucking thousand yard stare like she's talking about watching her parents and dog get killed by the secret police, but she's talking about being called an autist on the internet.

i know shitting on QC is popular, i'm not looking for validation, but there are people in this thread that appear to honestly and genuinely enjoy it for more than just the memes and i DESPERATELY need you to explain yourselves.

Where does it say it was on the internet and not in real life? Though I don't think autistic as a direct insult would really work or make sense in real life.

Why do you bother us with this trash?

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>can someone explain the appeal of this fucking webcomic now?
It updates every day.

>"white man bad"
No, we aren't. Learn to read, that's not what is being said.

>>Jeph somehow managed to show more backbone than Dave Willis with this.
Dina is not autisitic, she is just super shy.
That's exactly that.
Except David Willis know the difference between that and an actual autist. So no.

its a slow motion tranwreck, where you can see how it gets worse and worse every day
I just want to be there when he stabs his hand again, then I'll leave and never look back

>explain yourselves
it updates every weekday and has cute girls. We all know it's terrible shit bit we're hooked to see who he decides to make fuck in about 1,500 more strips

>has cute girls
every cute girl is now fat with dyke hair or has dissapeared from the comic

Why does the ATM require hands and a face?

Imagine being such a White Knight that you decide to just believe and agree with this [Now outright stated] autist. Despite how much i hate the character already, i can already see him turning out to be a rapist or a "rapist" in a future comic.

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>People call me name me no understand
>Me father take me to medicine man
>Medicine man tell me name me no understand is condition
>Me no like doctor now for telling me da truth of me condition

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the humans taught the computers to be sentient, and then to be wage slaves, as a cruel joke

>why autistic person brain not think normal

Well, one point to Jeph. I never thought we were gonna get confirmation on Brun having an autism diagnosis. I thought it was gonna be like Claire’s genitals, something we’d always have to assume but Jeph would never commit to revealing definitely.

This whole page is weird though. Brun sounds like she was a little mad at Renee’s booty call and thought he was a jerk even before Renee explained that Brun should be mad, but on the actual page, she’s clearly oblivious.

Also, didn’t Claire straight up have a conversation with Brun where she asked her if she had a learning disability diagnosis or something, and Brun was like “lol too poor for doctors?”

Her boss at the bar was supposedly a little crazy, and this is a town where Coffee of Doom flourishes because apparently all of the customers love terrible service and getting treated like shit when they go to buy beverages. Brun being a successful bartender unfortunately fits the story’s universe perfectly, because the universe already makes no sense.

Did you post anything like this on his forums by chance?

Some of the panels feel to me like they were copypasted from one of his readers’ comments.

>expecting consistency from Jeph
It also just dawned on me that autistic girls usually have it way worse than boys. I know that there's a spectrum of autism and wide gulf where you can call anywhere between "basically functional person who can't tell people don't want to talk about trains" and "housebound violent nugget addict who only wants to watch one of four DVDs" but girls who have it are usually the latter, like completely nonfunctional. But again, it's not like Jeph wants to accurately portray the condition, he just wants to use one trait like "autism" or "OCD" or "girl with a dick" for representation instead of coming up with a personality

Its obvious that Jeph doesn't understand how autistic people work. Which is understandble, I guess, because if he thought like an autistic person he would be autistic. But it still grates me to see neurotypicals pretend they 'get it'.

I'm autistic. When I was diagnosed, it was a fucking godsend because it finally gave me a problem I could solve. Autistic people run on a different operating system, but we are not oblivious idiots. Brun is unrealistic because she apparently never realized she was different or had to deal to any of the social ostracization and self esteem issues that come from genuinely trying to make friends but driving people away instead because what you want and what they want have nothing in common. The golden rule of 'treat others like you want to be treated' doesn't work when you are an autistic robot in a classroom of screaming emotional children. You are always on the outside of the community and you can see it happening but you dont know what you are doing wrong.

Getting diagnosed as autistic finally explained to me the rules of the game, what I was doing wrong and why. Once I knew that, I was given what I needed to spend the next few years trial-and-erroring my way into pretending to be a normal person enough to function in society. Blaming the diagnoses isn't logical, and as an autistic person Brun should lean heavily towards logical processing of information rather than emotional processing of information.

Jeph is focusing on the bullet points of the wikipedia description of autism, but he is completely missing the entire emotional underpinning of growing up autistic and how an autistic person really functions.

>David Willis know the difference between that and an actual autist
no, he doesn’t because that implies he knows shit about how people actually act IRL

Girls are naturally better at the sort of things that autism usually makes you worse at, so they are better equipped to cover up the faults of autism when its minor. So you only really notice it in girls when its really bad, creating the illusion that autism is rarer in girls but way worse when they get it.

Anecdote passed on from a college professor of mine. There was a girl with aspergers syndrome in his class (back was AS was still a thing) and she spent most of the classes very quiet and rarely speaking up.

One day after finishing up an explanation, he asked the class if they had any questions. She raised her hand, and her question was "Do you have a screwdriver?"

As you can imagine, this wasn't a relevant question. It turns out that she needed to sharpen her pencil, but the pencil sharpener on the wall of the classroom had a loose scew so it wobbled back and forth when you used it, making a lot of noise. She didn't want to interupt the lecture by making a loud distracting noise, so she wanted to tighten the screws on the pencil sharpener so she could sharpen her pencil in peace and quiet.

But she didn't have a screwdriver, and wasn't sure where she could get one on short notice. So that was her question, since he asked if there were any questions.

>my personal experience should be the only possible personal experience
Spoken like a true autistic.

Sorry, man, I agree with you principly and see where you’re coming from, but I still think there are lots of ways other people might see it even if they’re in the same situation. Jeph’s writing is bad and I do think he failed to do good research, so Brun is a shitty character that doesn’t represent autism well, I agree with you there. But I also principly think the core idea of what Brun is supposed to have experienced seems believable enough. Apparently this guy relates to it.

Nope, I mostly hate this comic and only read it because it's posted here

It's not a logical feeling, I know nothing about me changed, but before the diagnosis I just felt like I had a different personality, now I feel like I have a disability and am intrinsically different from everyone else.
Unlike her I don't take my frustration out on doctors, but I still wish I never was even evaluated.


>murricans be giant crybabies who will sue you for everything they don't like

Alright but why is the teller a robot

He’s an ATM.

I have autism and manage to work as chief engineer in a small plant. Have to deal with customers and pressure. Have 2 technicians under my charge.

My ex worked in a job with a manager who had asperger and he was doing pretty well. He even gave her advice about life and stuff (he was older by the way. married and with a family)

Having autism may make life difficult but not impossible

Nowhere I've ever been, genetic heritage generally comes up almost immediately in casual conversation if there's even the slightest hint of exotic name or feature in one of the participants.

>that said, it doesn't make them any less of a person
Well it kinda does in that they're weak-willed and spineless.
That said all of this is just some dramabait for Jacques retarded autistic fans so who cares.

What the fuck is the point of those robots lore wise?

steal yo job

In fact, they usually aren't.

And how they have these chain groups of friends numbering in the dozens but everyone gets along perfectly with each other. None of the "I"m not going if he's going" dynamic that happens whenever you get beyond six people or so.

As far as I can tell, Marten's early arc is autobiographical and that Jeph worked for six-ish months or so out of college in a job resembling temp work. For all intents and purposes he has no real work experience.

pic related

At this point you're probably holding out for the side effects of all the Ativan he takes to manifest.

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>None of the "I"m not going if he's going" dynamic that happens whenever you get beyond six people or so.

I think I dimly recall a time way back where Jeph used to recognize stuff like this happens. Way back in the time when Jeph used to take four or five pages to resolve a conflict instead of one or two. Like Dora used to be jealous of Faye and Marten’s relationship, Marten used to at least recognize that he should feel a little awkward around his ex’s new romantic interests, Fay’s sister was temporarily in a fight with her mom for being gay but it wasn’t a huge family breaking thing, that sort of stuff. Now no one in the comic even recognizes that there might be some strife between one another because of their relationship history. Every disagreement is solved immediately with a civil apology from both sides and then everyone is perfect friends. A little of it seems to be that Jeph can’t keep his own continuity straight and he just genuinely doesn’t remember how these characters came to know one another, but mostly it’s his complete fear of portraying any form of negativity. It’s especially weird when you sit down and think about how only a year or so has passed on-universe, but everyone acts like they’ve known eachother for a decade, because Jeph has been writing them interracting with one another for that long.

>Where in america is it rude to ask what ethnicity someone is?

The parts where whites have been ethnically cleansed down to 10% or less of the population

OK, whatever, so when are they going to fuck, Jeph?

As an autistic person I find this depiction of autism problematic.

I expect your other hand for this.

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He didn't ask that, he asked where she was from, suggesting that she was less American because of the color of her skin.

He only has two and he’s stabbed them both. You can have one of the feet next, I guess.

She unironically replied “Lebanon,” though.

That "suggestion" is in your head, just like everything else that offends these people.

A doctor told her, in so many words, that the people bullying her were right.

Don't be stupid.

Back at ya, bud.

The ethnicity part wasn't even relevant. It was just a way to add another layer of dick to the asshole onion that was that parfait of a "character." His entire existence was purely for the purpose of being a hate sink so people could - for once - think that Black Faye was not the biggest jerk in the room. Considering she's outright committed on-screen sexual harassment before, Jeph needed to go nuclear. Pretty sure the only thing the hookup could have done to be worse is actually get physical in his dickery.

>only a year or so has passed on-universe, but everyone acts like they’ve known eachother for a decade
To be fair to Jeph, that's a pretty common issue with serialized media when the internal chronology doesn't align with the publishing schedule. Dumbing of Age is a more noticeable offender, in that despite being published for about nine years only seven weeks have passed, which means that all of the character interactions and relationship drama comes off as very weird.

This is fairly easy to address, though. Periodically have catch up periods. You just need to have an actual plan for your storytelling. In the end you'd need to skip a month or two at a time here or there, which won't feel alienating because it's a short enough time to feel like not much was missed while being long enough to help reconcile the timeline. There isn't even a reason to have all these events strictly serialized, e.g. what does shopping for rental apartments have to do with an unrelated AI getting a new body? Six months could have passed in between and nothing would change, narrative-wise. And even in the compressed timeframe there are all these "tomorrow" events that get skipped over, like Claire's exam or the family-shattering fight between Sven and Dora that was handled off-screen.

Willis keeps a strict timetable, one collection of strips covers roughly one year of publication which covers roughly one week in-universe. It's more an issue of keeping internal chronology in mind than things like catchup periods.

It all boils down to an inferiority complex. When you ask someone where they're actually from, it shatters all of the civnat "red white and blue blood" stuff and reminds them that even though they've got a piece of the pie, they aren't actually part of the ethnic group that founded and built the united states.

Here in America even blacks have a richer heritage they can claim than anywhere else since they've been here since the very beginning and contributed bodies to every single one of our wars, including the revolution. You can ask the average black dude where he's from and he might tell you his great great great gandpappy first got his freedom in Georgia and moved over to Texas because adventure and and riches and all the other cool stuff that comes with history on this continent.

But ask some random 1st or 2nd generation brown exchange student with a headfull of marxist brainwashing? they'll project their inferiority complex and be offended

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It was really more toward Jeph than Willis.

it just confuses me that anyone even pays attention to or has anything to say about this. it's not like it's so bad it's funny or anything like that, it's just effortless and boring and nothing happens and nobody is interesting.

There are several characters we want to see fucking.

Hah, what angry /pol/fag drew this?

>she's not autistic, she's just retarded

those are same thing


delete this

>what angry /pol/fag drew this?
That isn't /pol/ at all. Claire has been universally accepted and raised on a pedestal by every single person for the sole fact that she's transexual.

Nobody is able to make fun of her, she has no problems, her life is great, and at the time she was bitching about how horrible it is to be a woman in a male's body.

Hell, May literally identifies as a fighter jet and is in a shitty body that falls apart randomly and she needs to ask for favors from the robot mafia.

Why is it rude to ask people about where their family is from?

>and at the time she was bitching about how horrible it is to be a woman in a male's body.

I can't think of a single time she was angsting about being trans. Not a single god damn time.

I think you're full of shit.

>now I feel like I have a disability and am intrinsically different from everyone else
So what if you do/are? Of course having a disability isn't great, but it's not the end of the world. It's not like you can control it or cure it, so why let it concern you?

>It turns out that she needed to sharpen her pencil, but the pencil sharpener on the wall of the classroom had a loose scew so it wobbled back and forth when you used it, making a lot of noise. She didn't want to interupt the lecture by making a loud distracting noise, so she wanted to tighten the screws on the pencil sharpener so she could sharpen her pencil in peace and quiet.
>But she didn't have a screwdriver, and wasn't sure where she could get one on short notice. So that was her question, since he asked if there were any questions.

This sounds adorable.

>I can't think of a single time she was angsting about being trans. Not a single god damn time.
That comic was a reference to an actual page in QC where she was doing just that.
They were sitting on the couch and Pintsize was saying something about robots being able to swap bodies and Claire went on a tirade about how lucky they were.

Hope you packed a lunch, because I'm about to take you to school.

A person's ethnicity is completely out of their control. By making it the first thing you ask them about, you're making it clear that you don't really care to know them beyond a purely superficial level, and only see them as "other". There are so many things you could ask a person when you're trying to get to know them that will tell you about them as a person more than there ethnicity ever will.

I mean if she'd been white he wouldn't have asked about her ethnicity. I work with a guy who was born in South Africa and raised in England, but you wouldn't know it because he doesn't have an accent and looks like any other white dude.

Brun was pretty clearly born in America, and there's no gaurantee she's ever even been to Lebanon. Asking where she's from is tantamount to saying "hey, noticed you're not white, lets talk about that."

And Lebanon isn't exotic, it's a shithole.

>that pic
I think the dynamic between Pintsize and Claire would be better Jeph allowed him to openly make off-color jokes about Claire being trans. The whole cast already considers Pintsize an asshole. What would they do, call him a super-asshole?
Of course Jeph's audience would never allow this, and he's too scared to ever defy them.

Isn't it actually more discriminatory to act as though trans people are emotionally fragile porcelain dolls that can't handle any sort of criticism or rudeness, lest they immediately explode and attempt suicide?

God damn it, meant for

>in that despite being published for about nine years only seven weeks have passed
I've never read that comic, but I can't imagine how that would even work.
How the fuck can you have relationship storylines in a comic with such a short timeline? Are the relationships lasting literal days? Or hours?

Link it or shut up

now fuck off you tool

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Can somebody help me out here?
There are literally thousands of pages of the comic and I don't feel like going through all of them to find the link, I feel like it was maybe a year or two ago.

>2 fucking panels


Wouldn't this form of "Switching" bodies basically be suicide even if only from a subjective standpoint?
Unless it was something like GitS where they could physically transplant the entire nervous system into a new body.

Yeah, great schooling there, genius.

>Moving the goalposts
You asked what the comic was referring to, you got your answer, quit your bitching.

Why is it wrong to notice that someone is a minority? It has nothing to do with white specifically, the comic simply takes place in a country where whites are the majority. If I was in China or India or some other such country, I wouldn't be surprised if people there asked me where I'm from.
You're right in that it's surface-level, but so is most new-introduction small talk. If I notice a person has a unique piece of jewelry, or is wearing the hat of some sports team, or has an unusual hair style, I'll comment on that before asking them what their parents do for a living or how many pets they have. Things that are noticeable are the easiest to talk about with new acquaintances, and like it or not, looking different from most of the people in a place is noticeable.
And aside all that, in this specific instance in the story, I'm sure the guy didn't care to know Brun beyond a purely superficial level. He was just her roommate's Internet hookup, after all. But a superficial connection to another person is less rude than just silently ignoring them.

Quiet, you've been schooled.

Look how small the eyes were back then.

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It was predicted that with Yelling Bird gone, the mob would move onto the next "problematic" character, which is why Pintsize is in some limbo between effectively being written out and being shown in "recovering trolling addict" counseling when shown. Jeph can't even show Pintsize doing traditional antics outside of Claire now. May is probably next, despite being an oppressed robo-female.

lol, it's even the same angry facial expression.

Has anyone been bigoted to Claire for being trans in the comic?

No, but it's complained about.

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If trans people live in fear for their lives every day, why don't they exercise their right to carry a gun for self-defense?

>If I notice a person has a unique piece of jewelry, or is wearing the hat of some sports team, or has an unusual hair style, I'll comment on that before asking them what their parents do for a living or how many pets they have.

Sure, but that's stuff they chose for themselves. Unless you're in one of the shit countries, how you dress and cut your hair is entirely up to you. You WANT people to notice, or at the very least you don't mind if they do. You can have a conversation about jewlery, or a sports team.

Asking someone about their ethnicity is basically just saying "I noticed you're a different race, lets talk about that." It's not like Brun is a tourist or immigrant, there's no great story behind her being brown.

2 panels where she calmly explains her feelings and experiences isn't a tirade you colossal faggot. Claire being trans is a fucking footnote in the trashy novel that is QC, and I don't understand why people are so mad about it.

I'm not mad about anything, you made a big deal over the comic And I explained what it was a referring to, and now you're pissy because someone posted the comic it was referring to.
Quit being a little bitch and move on.

>is basically just saying "I noticed you're a different race, lets talk about that."
You say this as though I'm to assume that it's bad, but I don't see why it would be.
I think it's interesting to know that someone's ancestry is Lebanese as opposed to thinking of them as "just brown."

It's just not the first thing you should ask a person. You're telling them "You are your race, everything else is secondary".

Like I said it's not really a logical feeling, like when someone's depressed and thinks nobody loves them, or someone with anxiety thinks everyone is looking at or judging them.

It's just a thought I constantly have. And the few people who know are always reassuring me nothing has changed, and I know that's true, before I was diagnosed I would have told people the same thing.

It doesn't help that I went to a support group for "high functioning" people and they were so unlikable and inept that it made me think "am I really like these people and I just can't tell?". It's all psychological and it's going to take me a long time to properly internalize it.