And he's only been at this since 1997

And he's only been at this since 1997.

Attached: Siblings Before and After by simpspin.jpg (1024x410, 115K)


Attached: 38404834_2165890813439839_7389272610342699008_n.jpg (210x240, 6K)

i don't even understand what this is supposed to be

Are you talking about the retard on DA?

who is the 4th one.

>Favorite TV shows: The Simpsons (first 8 seasons)
Based Simpspin

This is some dangerous autism folks, tread lightly or better yet not at all.

Mentally ill 40-something autist from Wisconsin who's been active in the Simpsons fan community since the 90s.

Eric, the fourth Simpson child. Conceived after the plant shut down long enough for Homer to begin producing sperm again and his genes are 99% Marge anyway and he thinks that actually makes sense.


And yet, he won't stop watching the new episodes despite weekly rants on NoHomers about how terrible they are.

Well, he needs to know right away if the writers have been fiendish enough to steal his brilliant ideas again.

And he still cannot into anatomy for shit.

Like when he said they stole the idea of roid rage Milhouse in Future-Drama.

Even though he's openly admitted he got that from Milhouse's test results in Separate Vocations.

He's transgender and goes by the name Rose now.

B-But user! What if they used one of his brilliant ideas!

Oh fuck, this guy was my favorite artist when I was 11. Why was I so retard?

Attached: ryukoblush.jpg (750x750, 48K)

>posts shit anime with personal filename
>"Was" retarded

>Thinks only some anime is shit
>Thinks he can call other people retarded


I can't say if you're being serious or just trolling

He mentioned at one point that he wanted Macy Gray to be Eric's VA.

he's still better than the Asian baby man

What the fuck is this

Chris Chan, but with talent.

I'd beg to differ on the talent part when you've been doing this for 22 years and still cannot into basic anatomy.

More like Ken Penders with Liefeld's artistic skill.

I always knew he was "weird" like that because of his muscle girl fetish and his rants on NoHomers that he never wanted a family and generally hates kids.

What the hell is this.

Attached: mother_maggie_by_simpspin-d6st7b4.jpg (1010x790, 144K)

where can i read about this guy

Wait, this artist is from WI? That’s where I’m from (and still live)...

I need some context.

Attached: 16B11439-D8A8-427A-8D81-C07F6AD18106.png (720x544, 512K)

Did something happen with this faggot? He's been brought up in nearly every Simpsons thread lately and now we're making a thread about him.

Kill la kys

You can piece it together from his DA page, old Usenet posts on, and more recent ones on NoHomers. Basically, like I said, and The dude has been working on his autistic Simpsons spinoff series fanfiction set in the future for 20 or so years centered around a bodybuilder Maggie and an OC donut steal Simpsons fourth child he made. He's written something like 40 seasons worth of fanscripts.

No but I wish.

Asian baby what?!

No he's right. You took the time to name your fucking filename of your gay little anime wife you probably use as a goddamn reaction image. All while trying to take part in a discussion and detract from how shitty you are now by throwing in a little tidbit of how cringe you "were" by comparison. People like you actually make me revolted.

I asked in another thread but ill ask here as well. Any suggestions for a comic series to replace the Simpsons comics with?

I wouldn't say that this guy was my favorite when I was a kid, but I did pay attention to his stuff because I was shipping Bart/Jessica for a while and his stuff was all I could find.

Maybe I should steal all those story ideas and make a sitcom about on-again-off-again radio hosts.

Are you from the nice part of Wisconsin or the shit part?

Me too.

I think I recognize some of the places he has photographed on his DA.
I think some of those are from the national railroad museum.